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  1. A

    Make Tariffs great again? At least for someone?

    What do you think are the best products to get now to sell on ebay/Amazon later, when tariffs hit? 20% on everything, 60% on China. Got to be able to make some money on such trade, before spending the profits.
  2. AgainstAllOdds

    Tariffs Delayed?

    https://politicalwire.com/2020/03/27/u-s-to-stop-collecting-import-tariffs-for-3-months/ Could be great for importers. This will delay about $30k+ in tariffs I have on products coming soon. Probably $100k over these three months. Will help a lot for us importers with unpredictable cashflow.
  3. AgainstAllOdds

    Want to make millions? Here's your list of products to import.

    Here's a list of products that the U.S. government is taxing at 25% rates from China: BN 061518 17377 If you want to make a lot of money, here's how: 1. Go through the list and identify the products where China is a top producer, and there's a large demand in the U.S. 2. Source those products...
  4. Evil_Jester

    New Chinese Tariffs -- It finally happened.

    Is this really the first thread about it? For all you "buy from china and resell" guys, I would think this would be big news! How do you think this will impact your businesses?

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