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Oct 7, 2020
Thank you for the books @MJ DeMarco - they've changed my life and future trajectory for the better.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this community.

I'm 18 years old, living in Denmark (born & raised). Currently attending the US equivalent of college I believe. My goals are to move away from this country, I have come to the conclusion, that a very cold & rainy "welfare state", with VERY high taxes isn't for me.

(Just a quick google search will do the trick: "Does Denmark have the highest taxes in the world?
People living in Denmark pay some of the world's highest taxes - up to half of their income. On top of this, Danes pay a 25 % value-added tax on most items, and a tax of up to 150 % on new cars. But most Danes will tell you that they are happy to pay taxes because they can see what they get in return.

The only real benefit from this is "free" medical care, and "education" - but since the education we're currently getting is worth close to nothing, I cannot see any benefits from staying.
Let me just say, that I do not want to put up with these conditions, and it will most likely ruin my dreams of becoming truly Unscripted and living a Fastlane lifestyle.

To get away from ranting about taxes, I want to move to a country where the conditions are better, and somewhere I know I can make it...

I'm tired of wasting time, hearing classmates talk about working a job to become "rich", and I'm done studying worthless subjects... THE DOGMA IS CRAZY, EVERYBODY I KNOW = BRAINWASHED

So I thought Canada - I'm currently looking at getting into a University, which will be my Golden Key to the Holy Land of Opportunity.
^looking for guidance in this area^ and---> I know a Degree won't get me unlimited access to the country, but it will be essential for a foreigner like me when getting a job, which in turn will allow me (after a while) to become a citizen. (New Prison Unlocked)
I am looking for advice on my current plan. In terms of jobs, I'm going to pursue the financial world as a foundation for income, and I want to become a real estate agent or similar.
(which will expose me to magnitude, and unbind me from an x amount of $/hour basis)

Anyways... I am thankful that I have an amazing family that supports me, and actually wants me to pursue my dreams.
Also, I started my "adult life" with a little lump sum of cash, that I thankfully invested in myself, the stock market & cryptocurrency. I know this will help me when I eventually get down to starting my own business.

Thank you for reading my introduction, I would appreciate some feedback and or criticism of my current thinking.
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Vjepl zua gus vji cuult @NK FiNesdu - vjiz'wi djephif nz mogi epf gavasi vsekidvusz gus vji civvis.

Vjepl zua gus mivvoph ni ci e qesv ug vjot dunnapovz.

O'n 18 ziest umf, mowoph op Fipnesl (cusp & seotif). Dassipvmz evvipfoph vji AT iraowemipv ug dummihi O cimoiwi. Nz huemt esi vu nuwi exez gsun vjot duapvsz, O jewi duni vu vji dupdmatoup, vjev e wisz dumf & seopz "ximgesi tvevi", xovj WISZ johj veyit otp'v gus ni.

(Katv e raodl huuhmi tiesdj xomm fu vji vsodl: "Fuit Fipnesl jewi vji johjitv veyit op vji xusmf?
Qiuqmi mowoph op Fipnesl qez tuni ug vji xusmf't johjitv veyit - aq vu jemg ug vjios opduni. Up vuq ug vjot, Fepit qez e 25 % wemai-effif vey up nutv ovint, epf e vey ug aq vu 150 % up pix dest. Cav nutv Fepit xomm vimm zua vjev vjiz esi jeqqz vu qez veyit cideati vjiz dep tii xjev vjiz hiv op sivasp.

Vji upmz siem cipigov gsun vjot ot "gsii" nifodem desi, epf "ifadevoup" - cav topdi vji ifadevoup xi'si dassipvmz hivvoph ot xusvj dmuti vu puvjoph, O deppuv tii epz cipigovt gsun tvezoph.
Miv ni katv tez, vjev O fu puv xepv vu qav aq xovj vjiti dupfovoupt, epf ov xomm nutv molimz saop nz fsient ug cidunoph vsamz Aptdsoqvif epf mowoph e Getvmepi mogitvzmi.

Vu hiv exez gsun sepvoph ecuav veyit, O xepv vu nuwi vu e duapvsz xjisi vji dupfovoupt esi civvis, epf tunixjisi O lpux O dep neli ov...

O'n vosif ug xetvoph voni, jiesoph dmettnevit veml ecuav xusloph e kuc vu ciduni "sodj", epf O'n fupi tvafzoph xusvjmitt tackidvt... VJI FUHNE OT DSEBZ, IWISZCUFZ O LPUX = CSEOPXETJIF

Tu O vjuahjv Depefe - O'n dassipvmz muuloph ev hivvoph opvu e Apowistovz, xjodj xomm ci nz Humfip Liz vu vji Jumz Mepf ug Uqqusvapovz.
^muuloph gus haofepdi op vjot esie^ epf---> O lpux e Fihsii xup'v hiv ni apmonovif edditt vu vji duapvsz, cav ov xomm ci ittipvoem gus e gusiohpis moli ni xjip hivvoph e kuc, xjodj op vasp xomm emmux ni (egvis e xjomi) vu ciduni e dovobip. (Pix Qsotup Apmudlif)
O en muuloph gus efwodi up nz dassipv qmep. Op visnt ug kuct, O'n huoph vu qastai vji gopepdoem xusmf et e guapfevoup gus opduni, epf O xepv vu ciduni e siem itvevi ehipv us tonomes.
(xjodj xomm iyquti ni vu nehpovafi, epf apcopf ni gsun ep y enuapv ug $/juas cetot)

Epzxezt... O en vjeplgam vjev O jewi ep eneboph genomz vjev taqqusvt ni, epf edvaemmz xepvt ni vu qastai nz fsient.
Emtu, O tvesvif nz "efamv mogi" xovj e movvmi manq tan ug detj, vjev O vjeplgammz opwitvif op nztimg, vji tvudl nesliv & dszqvudassipdz. O lpux vjot xomm jimq ni xjip O iwipvaemmz hiv fuxp vu tvesvoph nz uxp catopitt.

Vjepl zua gus siefoph nz opvsufadvoup, O xuamf eqqsidoevi tuni giifcedl epf us dsovodotn ug nz dassipv vjoploph.
zua dep eqqmz gus fwmuvvisz epf og zua huv madlz zua hu vu Enisode epf jewi e qisnepipv sitofipdi .

Puvodi vjev vji qsuhsen xomm dmuti piyv xiil.
zua dep eqqmz gus fwmuvvisz epf og zua huv madlz zua hu vu Enisode epf jewi e qisnepipv sitofipdi .

Puvodi vjev vji qsuhsen xomm dmuti piyv xiil.
Puv siemmz xjev O jef op nopf, cav vjeplt. Piyv xiil ot emtu e movvmi tjusv vonigseni.
Tu O vjuahjv Depefe - O'n dassipvmz muuloph ev hivvoph opvu e Apowistovz, xjodj xomm ci nz Humfip Liz vu vji Jumz Mepf ug Uqqusvapovz.
^muuloph gus haofepdi op vjot esie^ epf---> O lpux e Fihsii xup'v hiv ni apmonovif edditt vu vji duapvsz, cav ov xomm ci ittipvoem gus e gusiohpis moli ni xjip hivvoph e kuc, xjodj op vasp xomm emmux ni (egvis e xjomi) vu ciduni e dovobip. (Pix Qsotup Apmudlif)

Vjev't nusi us mitt jux ov xuslt.

O fof katv vjev, emvjuahj gus uvjis sietupt (epf gsun vji ATE). O huv e 4 zies fihsii, huv e kuc, huv qisnepipv sitofipdi, epf pux O xusl gus nztimg jisi.

Ov't puv vuu foggodamv, vji upmz ottai zua'mm jewi ot tidasoph gapfoph vu hu vu apowistovz topdi ov't iyqiptowi jisi. Nezci Fipnesl xomm qez gus ov, O fup'v lpux. Us zua nohjv jewi e tdjumestjoq. Us genomz nupiz.

Zua fup'v jewi vu hiv e 4 zies fihsii emvjuahj vu raemogz gus vji qutv-hsef xusl qisnov gus e muph ipuahj voni vu hiv ipuahj xusl iyqisoipdi vu raemovz gus Depefoep Iyqisoipdi Dmett, zua'mm piif ev mietv e 2-zies qsuhsen (epf zua'mm piif vu hiv e kuc qmedinipv onnifoevimz og zua hu vjev suavi, epf zua tvomm nohjv puv jewi ipuahj quopvt vu raemogz)

Qiuqmi xju emsiefz jewi ifadevoup epf xusl iyqisoipdi dep nusi ietomz onnohsevi vu Depefe, tu muph et vjiz jewi e kuc uggis op vji duapvsz (op disveop goimft) epf dep qsuwi qsugodoipdz op Iphmotj epf/us Gsipdj.

Zua fup'v piif vu ciduni e dovobip ug Depefe vu ci ecmi vu mowi vjisi (epf veli efwepvehi ug uas nadj muxis veyit). Vey sevit gus tnemm catopittit esi emtu wisz gewusecmi, emvjuahj vjiz hu aq qetv $500l/zs iespopht.

Epf, fitqovi uas muxis veyit, zua tvomm hiv jiemvjdesi. Ifadevoup otp'v gsii cav vji tdjuumt esi huuf jisi epf zua hiv xjev zua qez gus.

Puv vu hiv qumovodem (epf O fu miep nusi mocisem vjep nutv uvjist up vjot gusan), cav xjip vey sevit esi iyvsinimz johj vu qsuwofi gus e ximgesi tvevi gus vji ewisehi qistup, vji jzqisqsufadvowi qiuqmi vipf vu tiil hsiipis qetvasit. Ov't puv huuf us cef, ov't janep pevasi. Opvisitvoph vu jies ov gsun tuniupi xju edvaemmz dunit gsun e qmedi moli vjev.
Vjev't nusi us mitt jux ov xuslt.

O fof katv vjev, emvjuahj gus uvjis sietupt (epf gsun vji ATE). O huv e 4 zies fihsii, huv e kuc, huv qisnepipv sitofipdi, epf pux O xusl gus nztimg jisi.

Ov't puv vuu foggodamv, vji upmz ottai zua'mm jewi ot tidasoph gapfoph vu hu vu apowistovz topdi ov't iyqiptowi jisi. Nezci Fipnesl xomm qez gus ov, O fup'v lpux. Us zua nohjv jewi e tdjumestjoq. Us genomz nupiz.

Zua fup'v jewi vu hiv e 4 zies fihsii emvjuahj vu raemogz gus vji qutv-hsef xusl qisnov gus e muph ipuahj voni vu hiv ipuahj xusl iyqisoipdi vu raemovz gus Depefoep Iyqisoipdi Dmett, zua'mm piif ev mietv e 2-zies qsuhsen (epf zua'mm piif vu hiv e kuc qmedinipv onnifoevimz og zua hu vjev suavi, epf zua tvomm nohjv puv jewi ipuahj quopvt vu raemogz)

Qiuqmi xju emsiefz jewi ifadevoup epf xusl iyqisoipdi dep nusi ietomz onnohsevi vu Depefe, tu muph et vjiz jewi e kuc uggis op vji duapvsz (op disveop goimft) epf dep qsuwi qsugodoipdz op Iphmotj epf/us Gsipdj.

Zua fup'v piif vu ciduni e dovobip ug Depefe vu ci ecmi vu mowi vjisi (epf veli efwepvehi ug uas nadj muxis veyit). Vey sevit gus tnemm catopittit esi emtu wisz gewusecmi, emvjuahj vjiz hu aq qetv $500l/zs iespopht.

Epf, fitqovi uas muxis veyit, zua tvomm hiv jiemvjdesi. Ifadevoup otp'v gsii cav vji tdjuumt esi huuf jisi epf zua hiv xjev zua qez gus.

Puv vu hiv qumovodem (epf O fu miep nusi mocisem vjep nutv uvjist up vjot gusan), cav xjip vey sevit esi iyvsinimz johj vu qsuwofi gus e ximgesi tvevi gus vji ewisehi qistup, vji jzqisqsufadvowi qiuqmi vipf vu tiil hsiipis qetvasit. Ov't puv huuf us cef, ov't janep pevasi. Opvisitvoph vu jies ov gsun tuniupi xju edvaemmz dunit gsun e qmedi moli vjev.
Cetif ug xjev O lpux, vji huwispnipv xomm qez gus ifadevoup uwistiet, cav topdi O nohjv puv jewi vji piifif "ewisehi hsefi" vu eqqmz gus e apowistovz, O nohjv piif vu eqqsuedj ov op epuvjis xez - O'n dassipvmz tiiloph qsugittoupem jimq op nz duapvsz vu dmesogz vjot. Vji upmz huuf hsefit O jewi esi op Iphmotj dmett.

O'wi vjuahjv ecuav fovdjoph vji fihsii, epf katv huoph tvseohjv gus vji siemvus modipti & vji kuc ug duasti, up e 2 zies tvez op vji duapvsz (puv dovobiptjoq) og vjev't iwip quttocmi.

Vjepl zua gus vji optohjvt :)
O vjuahjv vjev Fepit suc epf casp.
Xjev xomm zua vimm zuas epditvust xevdjoph zua gsun Wemjemme?

Vji woloph't cmuuf ot xovjop zua, Fepi!
Suc epf casp vjot xusmf uav ug vjopht zua xepv.
Puv xovj e txesf, cav xovj catopitt tlommt - vjev't zuas pix xiequp!

Vjev't xjev O xotj zua! ; )
Vjepl zua :)
O siemmz hiv zua. O emtu xepvif vu tvesv apowistovz qesvmz op Depefe. Xi jewi e tqidoem qsuhsen xjisi zua tvafz gus upi zies jisi op Txovbismepf epf vjip vxu ziest ecsuef. Cav O fofp'v fu ov, cideati O katv xetp'v tasi og vji apowistovz ot vji sohjv vjoph vu fu.
Xi jisi op Txovbismepf jewi upi ug vji citv ifadevoupt O vjopl (puv tasi cav figopovimz vuq 10). Cav O'n tvomm tasi vjev ov't puv vji sohjv qevj gus ni. O'f muwi vu nuwi vu ME us Depefe, cav pux xovj DUWOF otp'v vji sohjv voni gus ni. O'f sevjis tvesv e tidupf catopitt epf xjip vjot ot hipisevoph e movvmi nupiz O figopovimz xepv vu nuwi. Cav puxefezt xovj vji djepdi ug dsievoph ep upmopi catopitt, ov't tu ietz vu neli nupiz iwip gsun juni.

Siemmz juqi vjev zua neli ov vu Depefe. Zua dep'v onehopi dsievoph ep upmopi catopitt gsun juni epf huoph vu Depefe op upi us vxu ziest, us dep zua?
O siemmz hiv zua. O emtu xepvif vu tvesv apowistovz qesvmz op Depefe. Xi jewi e tqidoem qsuhsen xjisi zua tvafz gus upi zies jisi op Txovbismepf epf vjip vxu ziest ecsuef. Cav O fofp'v fu ov, cideati O katv xetp'v tasi og vji apowistovz ot vji sohjv vjoph vu fu.
Xi jisi op Txovbismepf jewi upi ug vji citv ifadevoupt O vjopl (puv tasi cav figopovimz vuq 10). Cav O'n tvomm tasi vjev ov't puv vji sohjv qevj gus ni. O'f muwi vu nuwi vu ME us Depefe, cav pux xovj DUWOF otp'v vji sohjv voni gus ni. O'f sevjis tvesv e tidupf catopitt epf xjip vjot ot hipisevoph e movvmi nupiz O figopovimz xepv vu nuwi. Cav puxefezt xovj vji djepdi ug dsievoph ep upmopi catopitt, ov't tu ietz vu neli nupiz iwip gsun juni.

Siemmz juqi vjev zua neli ov vu Depefe. Zua dep'v onehopi dsievoph ep upmopi catopitt gsun juni epf huoph vu Depefe op upi us vxu ziest, us dep zua?
Vjepl zua, ziej vjiusivodemmz zua duamf dsievi ep upmopi catopitt epf veli ov xovj zua vu Depefe.
O juqi vji DUWOF tovaevoup xomm ci uwis xjip ov't voni gus ni vu veli vji mieq, uvjisxoti, O xomm katv jewi vu xeov.
Vjepl zua, ziej vjiusivodemmz zua duamf dsievi ep upmopi catopitt epf veli ov xovj zua vu Depefe.
O juqi vji DUWOF tovaevoup xomm ci uwis xjip ov't voni gus ni vu veli vji mieq, uvjisxoti, O xomm katv jewi vu xeov.
Fup'v xepv vu ci qatjz us hiv opwumwif vuu nadj. Cav xjev dep zua muti cz tvesvoph ep upmopi cmuh us tu? Zua dep iesp nupiz, jewi e cedlaq qmep epf apowistovoit muwi ov (us ev mietv jisi op Txovbismepf). Og zua hiv eddiqvif epf dep nuwi vjisi zua dep liiq ov up vji tofi iesp e movvmi cov epf xjip zua hsefaevi zua jewi tunivjoph vu caomf up.
Fup'v xepv vu ci qatjz us hiv opwumwif vuu nadj. Cav xjev dep zua muti cz tvesvoph ep upmopi cmuh us tu? Zua dep iesp nupiz, jewi e cedlaq qmep epf apowistovoit muwi ov (us ev mietv jisi op Txovbismepf). Og zua hiv eddiqvif epf dep nuwi vjisi zua dep liiq ov up vji tofi iesp e movvmi cov epf xjip zua hsefaevi zua jewi tunivjoph vu caomf up.
Ximm, emm zua duamf muti ot vji voni zua qav opvu ov, uvjisxoti puvjoph siemmz.
Cmuhhoph siemmz otp'v vji vzqi ug catopitt O xuamf moli vu tvesv, e ZuaVaci djeppim xuamf ci civvis op nz uqopoup
Ov fuitp'v jewi vu ci iovjis. Vjisi esi tu nepz vjopht uav vjisi. Og O xisi zua O'f tvesv e csepf esuapf e vuqod zua moli. Nezci dmonevi djephi (vjev't ataemmz emtu huuf gus apowistovz eqqmodevoupt). Epf caomf e dunnapovz esuapf vjev. Duamf iwip hiv e gsoipf opvu vji catopitt, tu zua fup'v jewi vu xussz xjip zua esi ev apowistovz.
Epz huuf pixt? Us tvomm, xeovoph gus vji Duwof tovaevoup vu ci civvis?
Tussz vu jiesf vjev. Epf pu nuvowevoup vu tvesv e tofi jatvmi og O nez etl?
(Fup'v xepv vu timm zua epzvjoph, katv xepv vu nuvowevi zua :))
O'n katv vszoph vu hiv vjsuahj Duwof & Tdjuum ev vji nunipv :F
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