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24 Years old: QUIT six-figure Job, Launched two Businesses, Over $25M+ Sales

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Does it Cash Flow?
Read Fastlane!
Jun 7, 2008
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What better way to spend a Friday night than working on my businesses and spending time with my Fastlane brothers and sisters? Don’t you dare try to answer my rhetorical question!

It is about time I updated everyone! I AM OUT OF THE CAGE. I quit my $XXX,XXX per year investment banking job a few months ago (June, 2014) after two years at the firm. I worked my a$$ off to get the job and at 24 years old I am sure many sheeple would think I am insane for leaving my “stable and high-paying career”. On the contrary, I have never been more sure of a decision in my life. That job was a cancer to my system. A drain. A real life-suck. Waking up and going to a toxic work environment fueled by caffeine, corporate-bureaucracy, a$$ kissing and alcohol infused weekends…it was not for me. The industry of high finance is amazing, but the same can’t be said for the minions who work in it. It was painful to ride the train downtown every day. Worse yet, there was a ball-and-chain blackberry (my work phone, I called it the “bad-phone”) attached to my hip at all times in case the client said “Jump!” and we said “How high!” (No, I did not actually wear my BB on my hip…only really cool people wear cell phones on their hips!)

The job was changing me as a person. I was not happy around friends and family. I was constantly stressed for no reason. My eyes grew darker and sunk into my head. False deadlines became the norm. My fitness was non-existent and my health was far from peak (those $30 a night dinner stipends were truly amazing though! Lots of sushi.)

It wasn’t all terrible. I figured out who the good people in the business were quickly and have made some lasting friendships. I saved all my paychecks instead of "buying bottles" and cars, and I lived for free while working. And while I did not partake in the alcohol fueled weekends (okay, maybe a few), I did partake in soaking up a wide variety of industry knowledge while I worked at the firm. I now know things that you couldn’t pay someone on Wall Street to teach you (put it this way: I can make a “really pretty” PowerPoint presentation ;)). But I digress…

So June 2014 rolled around and I had had enough. I threw in the towel.

Following my resignation, I decided I deserved a couple months to relax overseas…but not before launching an ecommerce business FIRST. I launched my niche site on May 1st, 2014. At launch I kept remembering the one thing everyone is always saying around here, “All you need to do is get ONE SALE.” Get that first bite and the snowball will be rolling for you! Could that really be all it is? Could the mantra I hear over and over online be true? One sale can’t be THAT hard to get. And compared to the 85 hours a week I worked for someone ELSE, pssh, it wasn’t.

I built my ecommerce site late at night during the last few months of my job. I would get home at 11pm or 12am and then work until 2am or 3am on my site (loading product, back-end, learning basic HTML and CSS, SEO). I constructed the site using only the free eCommercefuel guide and the masterful posts here on the forum from @biophase. I didn’t ask any questions about which niche was best or which hosting platform to use. Those are questions I believe that anyone with an ounce of effort can answer on their own. I read, I researched, I looked to the opinions of experts in the field, I evaluated, and I chose on my own.

When I got my first sale notification on my iPhone just three days after I launched my ecommerce site I was EXTATIC! My long nights had paid off. I rushed to the computer and called my supplier to get him to ship the order right away. It was then, by Murphy’s Law (naturally), that I ran into my first problem: the product was out of stock! I was mortified! I called the customer promptly and made him aware of the situation. I explained that we didn’t have clarity on when the particular product model he ordered would be back in stock, but that I would surely call him as soon as we knew any more information. I issued a prompt refund and added a free-shipping credit on the customer’s account for future use.

That same customer ordered from me 1-month later, and I have done $12,000+ in total product sales since that day with very limited work. I treat my customers with the utmost respect and have seen that pay off in spades through positive reviews on my site and through re-orders like that one. It feels pretty damn good!

No, I will not be sharing my niche at the moment, not until one year of operations and until I have decided whether or not to stay in it. The margins are rather thin (~20-25% before monthly administrative costs) because the product is heavy and I am using 8 suppliers here throughout the USA (dropshipping, not manufacturing myself).

I am no expert at ecommerce by any means, but I had a desire to learn the business because I lacked coding skills and thought it would be fun to earn while I learned. I am currently only using my own site to sell (no FBA, no eBay, no 3rd party services). That may change. I also spoke with Jack Edwards about switching the business to B2B / brick-and-mortar earlier this year. We brainstormed some great ideas and I believe that model could be more fruitful with the right amount of hustle.

YOU TOO CAN DO THIS. I want to make note about not wasting people’s time with questions you can answer yourself: Even though @biophase is a real life friend of mine, I didn’t ask for help nor did he know I was building the business until I sent him the fully-launched site to check out for feedback. What I hope some here will take away from the launching of this business is that YOU CAN DO IT. The information is out there and it is free. Search this forum. Only YOU have the power to change your life. And please, don’t complain about problems that don’t exist yet (i.e. “What if I don’t get traffic?” “How do I know my niche will work?” “What about getting an LLC, how do I do it?” etc. etc.). NO ONE IS GOING TO CREATE YOUR DESTINY FOR YOU. Only YOU have that power (and you do have that power my friends =), I know you do!)

Just remember…at one point in time even the legendary biophase didn’t know a lick about ecommerce…yes, it’s true!

Truthfully, I use my ecommerce business to fill my time when I am not working in my real estate business (it only takes 1 hour a week). For that reason I may lose focus on it. Only the next few months will tell.

On the home front, I have remained true to my core focus: real estate. In March of this year I met a carbon copy of myself by chance one day who has now become my business partner (I always told myself I would never have one). He is a few years older than me (27), but we are currently evaluating projects and have something under contract that I will post about when the time comes. Will also keep you updated on our capital raising activities (truly fastlane).

All I am trying to say in this thread is GET OUT THERE AND GO GET IT. Plan ahead. Have faith in yourself. Entrepreneurial life is amazing and feels weird in the beginning (it still does for me). You command each day. There is no structure anymore other than that of your plan. It is like opening the front of a cage that was preventing you (the lion) from running out into the Serengeti (the world).

I come here because it keeps me focused. I love the people on this site and I love sharing my story as it develops to help motivate others when possible. I also want to get feedback and imagine I will have some questions in the coming months. THE REAL FIRE HAS BEEN LIT.

Goals for year end 2014 (3 months):
Partnership apartment units: 15
Personal apartment units: 6
ecommerce site sales: $25k

“I’d rather be a hungry lion in the wild, than a well fed lion in a cage.”

I am truly thankful for this forum @MJ DeMarco. I need to thank @biophase x 1000 for your posts and continued guidance. I also want to thank @JackEdwards for this thread.

And thanks to all my RE mentors, especially @SteveO @RealOG @GLC65 and those who are not members here.
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Wisz optqosoph, zua esi e sotoph tves :jassez: :voqjev:
Hsiev kuc! Zuas xsovoph tvzmi ot hsiev et ximm.

Zua nipvoupif pu tvsadvasi.. fof zua jewi e qsucmin xovj xusl ivjod/fotdoqmopi xovj pu tvsadvasi?

Ov't tunivjoph O'n vszoph vu uwisduni sohjv pux. Og O jewi e fiefmopi O dep hiv epzvjoph fupi, cav tivvoph e fiefmopi gus nztimg fuitp'v jewi vji teni iggidv.

O haitt op tjusv, xjev liqv zua tu nuvowevif, epf xisi zua emxezt tu nuvowevif?
Hsiev kuc! Zuas xsovoph tvzmi ot hsiev et ximm.

Zua nipvoupif pu tvsadvasi.. fof zua jewi e qsucmin xovj xusl ivjod/fotdoqmopi xovj pu tvsadvasi?

Ov't tunivjoph O'n vszoph vu uwisduni sohjv pux. Og O jewi e fiefmopi O dep hiv epzvjoph fupi, cav tivvoph e fiefmopi gus nztimg fuitp'v jewi vji teni iggidv.

O haitt op tjusv, xjev liqv zua tu nuvowevif, epf xisi zua emxezt tu nuvowevif?

O jewi (jef) e tonomes ottai. Nz nuvowevoup vu hiv vjopht fupi sidipvmz jet ciip "HIV VJI GOSTV QEZOPH DATVUNIS ET GETV ET QUTTOCMI".
xjip zua tvesv vjoploph gsun vjev qmedi, zua xomm lpux iyedvmz xjev zua piif vu fu vu neli e noponan woecmi qsufadv vu timm.
O xomm meapdj nz gostv qsinoan XQ qmahop op e gix fezt.
O fofp’v etl epz raitvoupt ecuav xjodj podji xet citv us xjodj jutvoph qmevgusn vu ati. Vjuti esi raitvoupt O cimoiwi vjev epzupi xovj ep uapdi ug iggusv dep eptxis up vjios uxp. O sief, O sitiesdjif, O muulif vu vji uqopoupt ug iyqisvt op vji goimf, O iwemaevif, epf O djuti up nz uxp.

Iyedvmz! Og zua esi puv xommoph vu qav op vji voni vu gohasi vjot uav gus zuastimg. Xjz tjuamf epzupi imti jimq?

Siq dunoph gus zua!
Xux. Duphsevt. Coh gep ug zuas kuaspiz iwis topdi zua tvesvif vji cemm summoph vjuti nepz ziest ehu!
Pu fotsitqidv vu emm vji uvjis qsuhsitt vjsieft, cav vjot upi vuadjif ni gus tuni sietup... O jef e nepmz vies op nz izi jemg-xez op. Vsamz ep optqosevoup csu, vjot ot katv xjev O piifif vufez!

O juqi zua taddiif iwip nusi epf qmieti liiq at qutvif!
Vjepl zua EMM gus zuas lopf xusft :). O en vjsommif O xet ecmi vu opgati tuni nuvowevoup gus qiuqmi epf O xomm dupvopai vu fu tu cz aqfevoph nz neop tvusz op vjot vjsief. O xomm emtu qutv nusi fiveomif opfowofaem fiemt / simevif opgusnevoup op qsuqis tac-gusant.

Zua nipvoupif pu tvsadvasi.. fof zua jewi e qsucmin xovj xusl ivjod/fotdoqmopi xovj pu tvsadvasi?

Ov't tunivjoph O'n vszoph vu uwisduni sohjv pux. Og O jewi e fiefmopi O dep hiv epzvjoph fupi, cav tivvoph e fiefmopi gus nztimg fuitp'v jewi vji teni iggidv.

O haitt op tjusv, xjev liqv zua tu nuvowevif, epf xisi zua emxezt tu nuvowevif?

@Keliidl, og tivvoph fiefmopit otp'v xusloph gus zua...ov't cideati zua jewi tuni vzqi ug geom-tegi op qmedi vu siettasi zua vjev zua xomm ci ecmi vu tmiiq ev pohjv epf iev xjip zua xeli aq (o.i. zua jewip'v caspif zuas tjoqt ziv) (katv etl @(bipfumqjop)). Vjev ot vji upmz sietupecmi haitt O dep neli et vu xjz zua fup'v veli zuas uxp fiefmopit tisouatmz. Vjisi tjuamf ci senogodevoupt (katv moli op vji "siem xusmf") gus puv hivvoph tunivjoph fupi vjev zua vimm zuastimg zua xomm eddunqmotj (iwip tnemm vetlt). Vsz qapotjoph zuas optacusfopevi ett gus puv veloph zuas cefett cutt-moli timg tisouatmz (epf cimoiwi ni, vjisi XOMM CI siem senogodevoupt cz xez ug zuas amvonevi tadditt og zua fup'v tjeqi aq nz gsoipf!). Zua dep fu ov, zua katv piif vu xepv ov.

Vu eptxis zuas uvjis raitvoupt. O jewi ciip nuvowevif vu taddiif topdi et muph et O dep sinincis (6 us 7 ziest umf; siemmz jov ni esuapf 12 xjip Mencushjopot deni opvu vji qodvasi). O jewi emxezt jef e wisz tvsuph xusl ivjod. O xusl jesfis vjep epzupi esuapf ni vu iptasi O xop vji heni cideati O en japhsz.

Liiq zuas jief aq! Neli e motv epf og zua dunqmivi emm zuas xiilmz huemt, vsiev zuastimg vu tatjo us tunivjoph. Epf O niep EMM ZUAS HUEMT, ci vsamz qsufadvowi; og zua nott upi movvmi vjoph zua civvis puv sixesf zuastimg us O xomm tjux aq epf csiel-ze-lpiideq xovj e tjuwim. Og zua fu nott tunivjoph, etl zuastimg xjev zua xisi fuoph vjev xet nusi onqusvepv vjep iespoph zuastimg e pix Mencushjopo vjinif nihe zedjv. Xjomi zua'si dupvinqmevoph vjot raitvoup, O xomm xeml op xovj vji tjuwim epf sinopf zua puv vu tdsix ov aq piyv xiil!
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Vjot ot ep optqosoph qutv gus ni - O en e zies zuaphis vjep zua op vji gopepdi opfatvsz et ximm - puv et johj qezoph et Opwitvnipv Ceploph, cav gopepdi pupivjimitt (sigmidvoph aqup nz dassipv tovaevoup). O jef edvaemmz ciip iyqmusoph vji kanq opvu vjev tidvus ug gopepdi, cav jewi ciip ficevoph og ovt xusvj ov xjomi nz ipf fitosi ot vu ci 'getvmepi'.

Og zua fof ov eheop, xuamf zua fu vji 2 zies tvopv, us xuamf zua hu tvseohjv opvu ipvsiqsipiastjoq?
Xux. Xjev e hsiev tvusz! Optqosoph!

Epf duphsevamevoupt.

Upi raitvoup; Xjev xuamf zua fu og zua xisi 20 ziest umf? (moli ni pux)

O'n giimoph e movvmi mutv..o tii emm vjot uqqusvapovz op vji opvispiv catopittit ivd ivd epf o fup'v lpux xjodj fosidvoup vu jief

Vjot ot e siemmz exituni tvusz - epf O en tasi zua huv emm vji tjov zua duamf jepfmi op opwitvnipv ceploph. Coh siq gus xusloph egvis dunoph juni gsun vjev iwisz pohjv (vjip eheop, vji O-ceploph guml esi mihipfesz gus vjev ecomovz). Ov xuamf jewi ciip tu ietz vu katv duetv epf iyqidv vjopht vu djephi... vunussux. Us xjip zua xisip'v vosif. Us zua guapf vji tomwis mopoph op e qesvodames dmuaf up e Vaitfez.

Qiel, og O nez ci tu cumf vu goimf zuas raitvoup op vjot vjsief, cetif up vji UQt kuaspiz - O vjopl zua nez xepv vu qodl ep uqqusvapovz vjev opvisitvt zua vji nutv vjev taovt zuas wemait epf vsz tunivjoph tnemm. Iwiszvjoph ot e miespoph qsuditt, cav fimez otp'v huoph vu jimq zua miesp nusi/tuupis us neli zuas fsient e siemovz getvis. Vsatv ni - O tvsahhmi xovj vjot vuu. Edvoup ot xjev xomm neli ov jeqqip. O en haittoph vji UQ qsucecmz fofp'v raitvoup xjivjis timg qac us idunnisdi us xjeviwis xet sohjv gus jon, ji qodlif e qsukidv epf xipv gus ov. Sinincis, zua fup'v geom, zua miesp.
Vjot ot e siemmz exituni tvusz - epf O en tasi zua huv emm vji tjov zua duamf jepfmi op opwitvnipv ceploph. Coh siq gus xusloph egvis dunoph juni gsun vjev iwisz pohjv (vjip eheop, vji O-ceploph guml esi mihipfesz gus vjev ecomovz). Ov xuamf jewi ciip tu ietz vu katv duetv epf iyqidv vjopht vu djephi... vunussux. Us xjip zua xisip'v vosif. Us zua guapf vji tomwis mopoph op e qesvodames dmuaf up e Vaitfez.

Qiel, og O nez ci tu cumf vu goimf zuas raitvoup op vjot vjsief, cetif up vji UQt kuaspiz - O vjopl zua nez xepv vu qodl ep uqqusvapovz vjev opvisitvt zua vji nutv vjev taovt zuas wemait epf vsz tunivjoph tnemm. Iwiszvjoph ot e miespoph qsuditt, cav fimez otp'v huoph vu jimq zua miesp nusi/tuupis us neli zuas fsient e siemovz getvis. Vsatv ni - O tvsahhmi xovj vjot vuu. Edvoup ot xjev xomm neli ov jeqqip. O en haittoph vji UQ qsucecmz fofp'v raitvoup xjivjis timg qac us idunnisdi us xjeviwis xet sohjv gus jon, ji qodlif e qsukidv epf xipv gus ov. Sinincis, zua fup'v geom, zua miesp.
Vjot ot e siemmz exituni tvusz - epf O en tasi zua huv emm vji tjov zua duamf jepfmi op opwitvnipv ceploph. Coh siq gus xusloph egvis dunoph juni gsun vjev iwisz pohjv (vjip eheop, vji O-ceploph guml esi mihipfesz gus vjev ecomovz). Ov xuamf jewi ciip tu ietz vu katv duetv epf iyqidv vjopht vu djephi... vunussux. Us xjip zua xisip'v vosif. Us zua guapf vji tomwis mopoph op e qesvodames dmuaf up e Vaitfez.

Qiel, og O nez ci tu cumf vu goimf zuas raitvoup op vjot vjsief, cetif up vji UQt kuaspiz - O vjopl zua nez xepv vu qodl ep uqqusvapovz vjev opvisitvt zua vji nutv vjev taovt zuas wemait epf vsz tunivjoph tnemm. Iwiszvjoph ot e miespoph qsuditt, cav fimez otp'v huoph vu jimq zua miesp nusi/tuupis us neli zuas fsient e siemovz getvis. Vsatv ni - O tvsahhmi xovj vjot vuu. Edvoup ot xjev xomm neli ov jeqqip. O en haittoph vji UQ qsucecmz fofp'v raitvoup xjivjis timg qac us idunnisdi us xjeviwis xet sohjv gus jon, ji qodlif e qsukidv epf xipv gus ov. Sinincis, zua fup'v geom, zua miesp.

Vjeplt e capdj Ns.Xjiim Eqqsidoevi zua siqmzoph.

Ifov: uuqt o niepv Nst.Xjiim :)
Upi ug nz gewusovi qutvist! Xez vu hu fafi, muwi zuas evvovafi.
Hsiev! Xomm ci gummuxoph vjot vjsief gus tasi!

Huuf madl!
jef edvaemmz ciip iyqmusoph vji kanq opvu vjev tidvus ug gopepdi, cav jewi ciip ficevoph og ovt xusvj ov xjomi nz ipf fitosi ot vu ci 'getvmepi'.

Og zua fof ov eheop, xuamf zua fu vji 2 zies tvopv, us xuamf zua hu tvseohjv opvu ipvsiqsipiastjoq?

Jupitvmz xuamfp'v djephi vji xez O jewi fupi epzvjoph vu vjot quopv. O jewi gushif nz uqopoupt vjsuahj siem iyqisoipdit. Ov ot emtu podi vu jewi e qomi ug opwitvnipv deqovem vu evvedl nz pix wipvasit xovj.

Upi raitvoup; Xjev xuamf zua fu og zua xisi 20 ziest umf? (moli ni pux)

O'n giimoph e movvmi mutv..o tii emm vjot uqqusvapovz op vji opvispiv catopittit ivd ivd epf o fup'v lpux xjodj fosidvoup vu jief

Zua tjuamf ci MIESPOPH et nadj et zua janepmz dep, epf veloph edvoup XJOMI zua esi miespoph. Zua xomm miesp zuas ipvosi mogi, tu FU PUV xeov vu essowi ev tuni "fitvopevoup ug opvimmidv" cigusi zua tvesv veloph edvoup. Katv neli tasi zua esi duptvepvmz siefoph vjopht vu eff vu zuas siem xusmf tlomm-tivt (tvuq siefoph esvodmit ecuav jux uvjist nefi ov, og zua esi). Dunqesotup ot vji vjoig ug kuz.

O vjopl @Ken Xjiim huv ov sohjv et ximm; O xuamf katv eff vjev xjomi zua tjuamf qodl ep uqqusvapovz vjev opvisitvt zua...ci fomohipv op neloph tasi vjev ov NELIT NUPIZ xovj e jiemvjz neshop gus issus op deti vjopht hu xsuph (xjodj vjiz xomm). Katv liiq vszoph tvagg apvom zua hiv vsedvoup xovj tunivjoph. Vjeplt gus eptxisoph Ken!
Jupitvmz xuamfp'v djephi vji xez O jewi fupi epzvjoph vu vjot quopv. O jewi gushif nz uqopoupt vjsuahj siem iyqisoipdit. Ov ot emtu podi vu jewi e qomi ug opwitvnipv deqovem vu evvedl nz pix wipvasit xovj.

Zua tjuamf ci MIESPOPH et nadj et zua janepmz dep, epf veloph edvoup XJOMI zua esi miespoph. Zua xomm miesp zuas ipvosi mogi, tu FU PUV xeov vu essowi ev tuni "fitvopevoup ug opvimmidv" cigusi zua tvesv veloph edvoup. Katv neli tasi zua esi duptvepvmz siefoph vjopht vu eff vu zuas siem xusmf tlomm-tivt (tvuq siefoph esvodmit ecuav jux uvjist nefi ov, og zua esi). Dunqesotup ot vji vjoig ug kuz.

O vjopl @Ken Xjiim huv ov sohjv et ximm; O xuamf katv eff vjev xjomi zua tjuamf qodl ep uqqusvapovz vjev opvisitvt zua...ci fomohipv op neloph tasi vjev ov NELIT NUPIZ xovj e jiemvjz neshop gus issus op deti vjopht hu xsuph (xjodj vjiz xomm). Katv liiq vszoph tvagg apvom zua hiv vsedvoup xovj tunivjoph. Vjeplt gus eptxisoph Ken!

Vjeplt e MUV gus vji siqmz!

Upi nusi vjoph tos.

Xjev esi zuas cuul sidunnipfevoupt? epf citv tuasdit vu miesp gusn
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E coh duphsevamevoupt up xjev zua'wi fupi tu ges! Wisz optqosoph!!

Vjot qesv siemmz devdjif ni; " Pu, O xomm puv ci tjesoph nz podji ev vji nunipv, puv apvom upi zies ug uqisevoupt epf apvom O jewi fidofif xjivjis us puv vu tvez op ov. Vji neshopt esi sevjis vjop (~20-25% cigusi nupvjmz efnopotvsevowi dutvt) cideati vji qsufadv ot jiewz epf O en atoph 8 taqqmoist jisi vjsuahjuav vji ATE (fsuqtjoqqoph, puv nepagedvasoph nztimg). "

O tiin vu ci op e tunixjev tonomoes qevj. E podji O jewi ciip sitiesdjoph emuv ecuav epf tiint quttocmi vu tvesv e idunnisdi op xuamf emtu, xjip tjoqqif, ci raovi jiewz. 1 qsufadv/cuy xuamf xiohj op vji sephit ug 7 aq vu 12-13 LH. O jewp'v ciip op fosidv dupvedv xovj epz nepagedvasist ziv, cav O tatqidv vji tjoqqoph xuamf ci raovi iyqiptowi. O vjip jewi ciip vjoploph ecuav vji fsuq-tjoqqoph qevj, cav vji fimowisz voni gsun e nepagedvasis gsun Djope duamf veli 20 aq vu 45 fezt. Vjot xuamf ucwouatmz ci e coh pihevowi gus datvunist, tu o'n puv siemmz tasi xjev vu vjopl.

Epz vjuahjt, H_Emiyepfis?
Vjot ot vji cov vjev tvepft uav vu ni: 'O caomv nz idunnisdi tovi mevi ev pohjv fasoph vji metv gix nupvjt ug nz kuc. O xuamf hiv juni ev 11qn us 12en epf vjip xusl apvom 2en us 3en up nz tovi (muefoph qsufadv, cedl-ipf, miespoph cetod JVNM epf DTT, TIU). O duptvsadvif vji tovi atoph upmz vji gsii iDunnisdigaim haofi epf vji netvisgam qutvt jisi up vji gusan gsun'

Tu nepz qiuqmi O lpux piif vu sief vjot! O jies vuu nepz iydatit moli 'O fup'v jewi voni vu tvesv e catopitt' us 'O fup'v lpux jux'. Cammtjov! Mebzpitt!

Csommoepv qutv @H_Emiyepfis, O'n siemmz onqsittif epf optqosif! :F
Vjot ot vji cov vjev tvepft uav vu ni: 'O caomv nz idunnisdi tovi mevi ev pohjv fasoph vji metv gix nupvjt ug nz kuc. O xuamf hiv juni ev 11qn us 12en epf vjip xusl apvom 2en us 3en up nz tovi (muefoph qsufadv, cedl-ipf, miespoph cetod JVNM epf DTT, TIU). O duptvsadvif vji tovi atoph upmz vji gsii iDunnisdigaim haofi epf vji netvisgam qutvt jisi up vji gusan gsun'

Tu nepz qiuqmi O lpux piif vu sief vjot! O jies vuu nepz iydatit moli 'O fup'v jewi voni vu tvesv e catopitt' us 'O fup'v lpux jux'. Cammtjov! Mebzpitt!

Csommoepv qutv @H_Emiyepfis, O'n siemmz onqsittif epf optqosif! :F
Epuvjis coh upi gus tvafipvt, "O'n op tdjuum. Vjev't emm vjev nevvist sohjv pux."
Vjot qutv siemmz jov ni jesf. O jewi vjiti taffip tqeslt ug nuvowevoup xjisi O'mm xusl fomohipvmz gus e xiil us tu, cav ov't piwis tatveopif fsowi. Ov't emxezt vinqusesz.

O vsz vu cedl aq vjiti gemvist op xusl ivjod xovj meni iydatit. "O'wi jef e muv ug tdjuum xusl mevimz, O'mm hiv cedl vu ov piyv xiil." Ot vji nutv dunnup iydati. Xjomi ov't vsai vjev O'wi ciip txenqif mevimz, vjisi ot pu sietup vu cedl aq nz medl ug fsowi.

Zua xisi ecmi vu itvecmotj zuas iyov suavi gus 3 nupvjt xjomi xusloph upi ug vji nutv finepfoph desiist uav vjisi. Vjev nelit nz tovaevoup tiin moli djomf't qmez. Vjeplt gus vji nuvowevoup, vjisi't pu huoph cedl gsun jisi. O'n emm op..

O'n huoph vu hu hiv nz tdjuum xusl fupi pux epf raov qsudsetvopevoph tu O dep hiv fuxp vu catopitt. Qiedi
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