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Oct 25, 2012
I have been humming and hawing about making this post for a while. In the end I decided that it would be more of a benefit to me to go ahead with it. This is a way for me to compile what I am doing in a way that should keep my a$$ in gear, and moving forward. I promise that future updates will be small, this one will highlight some history for anyone who is interested.

I am currently in the Desert of Desertion and therefor it is really easy to take 1 day off, which very easily can become 2 days, which can turn into a week and then a month. If I do that I WILL BE KILLED with what I am doing. I need to be moving forward every single day. No days off.

This is not to say that I am spending 12+ hours 7 days a week on this. That would be madness. However, every single day I need to take at least one step closer towards my goal. I am crossing a continent here and it is going to take thousands of steps, so I had better keep moving!

The end goal – disrupt “business as usual” in massive industries that don’t look any further than “this is the way we have always done it”. Generate the ability for generational family change, for my own family as well as my new "extended family" (business partners...)

What will happen on a personal level once this has been done? My family is literally spread across all of Canada. My parents miss their grandbabies dearly, and don’t have the income to fly and see them more than a few times a year (The grand kids and their parents can fly to see grandpa and grandma 0 times a year). I want this to never be an issue, they can go visit one another whenever they want (my mom also wants a cottage on that side of the country near the grandkids, I want to be able to do this for her).

My wife is from Mexico and her family lives in a city with increasing violence, danger and corruption. Half of the family has already left for a different area of the country. I want to be able to help the rest of the family move somewhere safer, with those who have already gone. Mexicans have very close family ties, and it is heartbreaking to have families split up. I want to teach my nieces and nephews that there is a better way, and that it can be done from right at home.

My “selfish” motivations… Canada looks to be running towards communism (or at least serious socialism), with a bunch of people holding their hands out asking what the government can provide them. The government is proposing bills that are outright confiscation from business owners, because they think it is unfair for private corporations to make more money than salaried employees. I shit you not. I am sick of this and don’t really want to be around when the castle starts to crumble. I want the freedom to avoid cold a$$ winters, and forced confiscation at the threat of jail from our “glorious leaders”. I want to provide value and educate people, but I don’t want to be tied down somewhere that can take my value vouchers by passing insane laws that no one reads. I want to be able to spend time with my (future) children. I don’t want to always be at work, and never spending time with them. I don’t want to be too tired on evenings and weekends, and to spend my life vegged out on a couch in front of a TV.

The journey. Where did this all start? Over a year ago when I was in employee mode, dabbling here and dabbling there, but living far too comfortably to really try (at the time I thought I was trying, now looking back I was not), someone from this very forum contacted me about potential disruption in the market that I knew. We talked a bit. While I thought I was doing something this still fell off the radar and didn’t go anywhere when it clearly should have. I was not taking that step every single day, and months passed by.

Fast forward to summer 2017 and I got laid off from my well paying job. This was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I knew that, but I didn’t really understand why this was so at the time. Roughly 2 months after I was laid off, I was at a “job course” of some sort that the company was gracious enough to pay for. This was to be a 1 month course where the pros would teach us how to do our resumes properly, how to catch the eyes of employers, how to be a good employee. I attended a 2 hour tutorial at an office in downtown. This course was my FTE. I thought I was going to pass out due to extreme anxiety while I was there. The drive to succeed was now imprinted into my soul.

A few weeks later I got a text message or a skype message or something from this same person as from a year before. The project was still on. He asked me one question. My brain fired completely different this time. I took a hold of that idea and wrestled it to the damn ground and came back with some solid data and a path. If was still in employee-comfort-mode I am afraid I would have passed this by the same as before. Thank goodness for FTE.

A few weeks after, I flew to the States for some face to face time. While down there I also managed to get a short little informal meeting with a potential customer (Fortune 500 company…) The group of us drove to their local headquarters and met the guy in the lobby for a 10 minute chat. From there this has moved out to more contacts in the company, and some massive business will come out of this…
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Jan 23, 2011
For those of you who don’t know @GPM you should. The guy is an unstoppable machine and I have been massively impressed with the ridiculous levels of action he takes. When he says disrupt, he means when this cracks open enough money to change the rest of his life will pop out within 6 months.

I bet if we are honest, most of us with the freedom to will end up taking a few days off here and there. I can’t for the life of me understand what some of the “bootstrappers” are doing for 90 hours a week. They are either full of shit, action faking, or have seriously broken processes. Sometimes entrepreneurship is a waiting game. It’s putting balls in other peoples courts and finding new balls. Entrepreneurship on the scale GPM is talking about (as I am privy to what he’s working on) requires the support and willingness of many other people from large organizations. It’s bureaucracy, but such are multi-billion dollar customers.

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Oct 25, 2012
Part of what I need to do for this is to key in on the specific individuals that I need to talk to at these companies, I don't want to even see any gatekeepers. I have been doing this through a combination of the "leadership structure" on corporate websites, and then searching through LinkedIn. I have actually been able to message VP's and Presidents of companies this way, and have them give me direct email and contact information for those I need to talk to within the company. From there I can name drop Mr. President when I am talking to the prospect.

Has anyone done anything similar who can give some advice as to the best way to go about doing this? I really don't like LinkedIn or other social media, but I think that I will be able to gather a massive amount of business through this channel, so I am not ignoring it.

Right now I am trying to grow my LinkedIn presence, so that when people search or see me, they see someone who they want to do business with. I am starting to post my own things, and comment on others peoples. Has anyone done this and gotten good results? Is there a best way to go about doing this?

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