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May 24, 2024
Hello Fastlaners!

I'm in so important point in my life and I really need your advice. Here is my background - I was going slowlane for last 7 months until I read MJ books. I did a gap year in order to get to the best law school in my country. Today my work came to the end. I got very good grades except one exam, which will unfortunately won't allow me to get into law school. In my country public collages are free, but it is very hard to get into. I can still go on management (not top uni, but still pretty good), psychology or international relationships, but here is the thing.

I don't want to go to collage as a "b plan". Studying will be necessary, because it gives me many tax benefits, but I'm kind of scared of how it can effect my entrepreneurship.

Now I do digital marketing and website development for my friends start-up in order to gain some money, experience and important skills for my business. It can also give me an opportunity for passive income, because I can do my own philosophy course for high schoolers (They do courses school).

I could also go into private college with some business studies, but I don't really want - it takes money and I'm sceptical.

How would you enter fastlane if you were on my position?
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Dummihi ot puv navaemmz iydmatowi xovj vji getvmepi. Zua dep fu cuvj.

Qacmod dummihi ot gsii gus zua epf xomm emtu zoimf zua vey cipigovt. Vjev nelit vjot fidotoup ietz - hu vu (qacmod) dummihi.

Nepehinipv, qtzdjumuhz, us opvispevoupem simevoupt, ov siemmz fuitp'v nevvis - emm vjsii xuamf ci gopi epf voi opvu ipvsiqsipiastjoq, cav nepehinipv nohjv uggis vji citv uqqusvapovoit vu mepf e tmuxmepi kuc vu taqqusv zuastimg egvis hsefaevoup.

Fuust xomm uqip gus zua op vji gavasi, aplpuxophmz vu zua, cideati zua jewi e fihsii.

Zua dep dupvopai vu fu fohovem neslivoph epf xictovi fiwimuqnipv gus zuas gsoipf't tvesv-aq tonamvepiuatmz.
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