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Advice Needed - CRM for Small Art Organization?

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May 30, 2011
Hey everyone!

I'm currently working with a client (slowlane in order to pay for fastlane endeavor) who needs a CRM for their business. They are small art school in Miami Beach. They offer classes and studios where artists can paint and showcase their work.

I'm hoping I can get a recommendation from my fellow fastlaners on how I can set this CRM up for them. Which CRM's are currently available, and what are some options available...

What they need is:

1. The ability for people to enroll (subscribe) into classes for a fee. They should be able to pay for the classes online. The option for recurring payment should be there.

2. Each signup should be done for a user who has an account with the art studio. So they can only sign up for classes if they have a free account with them. This way the admins can see who's signed up for what, and how many times...etc

3. Admins should be able to look up their customers like a contact list.

4. Automatic emails should be sent to customers after they sign up, and email blasts or email news letters..etc should be able to be sent out.

5. I could use google calendars for this, but to make something more professional would be ideal - a monthly calendar showing customers which classes are available and their times. I can tinker with plugins for that, although the ideal thing would be to have this calendar populated from the CRM. I get that that's more of a CMS thing, although since classes, and enrollement are related these systems ideally would be integrated.

I've looked at CRM's like ZoHo, artful.ly, infusionsoft, salesforce, and a whole bunch of other ones and I've had a hard time finding an effective low cost option.

Their site is a wordpress site, and they currently run about 3-4 separate systems to accomplish their goals.

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