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Amazon Service Business Idea (kind of) - actionable idea or not?

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Oct 15, 2018
In the last couple of weeks I thought a lot about what business to start. I had many ideas, also in areas, where I don't have any expertise or clue of how things work. But in the last days, I had the feeling that I should start out in an area, where I already know, how things work. That way, I can move faster and make at least a litte less mistakes, at least at the beginning.

So last week the e-commerce-company I currently work for made a deal with one of the biggest drugstore chains in middle europe. Turned out that they do have nearly 1000 branch offices, but that they don't have an online shop until now.
That got me thinking. If such a big company with more than 3 billion revenue per year is only now starting out online, what about other, smaller businesses? There have to be many, that are successful since decades, but that don't have really started out online or are just beginning to try to do so.

As I work in public relations and marketing, I don't really have expertise in helping them build their own online shop, but I know how Amazon works, because I already sold things there for my own business (now closed) and also the company I work with. So I was thinking, what if I start looking for established companies, that are not yet selling on Amazon themselves and do that for them?

The business model I have in mind would be, that they pay a monthly fee (maybe 200 bucks or so, depending on the size of the company and the number of products they have) and then my company becomes the only authorized reseller on Amazon. I would then exclusively sell the complete product range of that company on Amazon, create good listings ... As my company would buy the products of the companies, that want this service, the risk the companies have, is only the monthly fee.
Thus I would handle the sales channel Amazon for them and they don't have to worry about it. I would also make sure, that their company and their products would have the right representation on Amazon (Which is often not the case at the moment. Just a quick look on Amazon proves, that many companies don't sell themselves, but there are many Amazon sellers, that sell products of these companies with bad listings, horrible pictures and so on.) There is room for improvement, if one would really get at it professional.

Analysis of the five commandments:
-Control: This business model completely violates the commandment of control, as you are completely dependend on Amazon. I haven't really found a solution for this problem yet (as I had the idea just yesterday).
Entry: When I am the only authorised reseller on Amazon, entry should not be a problem, as there cannot be other resellers, if the company I work with does not authorize it.
Need: I think that there are many companies, that would like to use Amazon as a sales channel, but don't know how or don't have the ressources to do so.
Time: I think, that I could leverage my time quite efficient, especially when using FBA. I just have to find the right companies to work with.
Scale: The inventory value could be huge and binds a lot of capital. (If there is a company that has 100+ products, you have to make a big investment up front and that money is then bound for unspecified time.) If you are short on money, it could negatively influence the commandment of scale.

What do you think of that? Any feedback or suggestions for improvement on this idea are really appreciated.

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Vji catopitt nufim O jewi op nopf xuamf ci, vjev vjiz qez e nupvjmz gii (nezci 200 cadlt us tu, fiqipfoph up vji tobi ug vji dunqepz epf vji pancis ug qsufadvt vjiz jewi) epf vjip nz dunqepz cidunit vji upmz eavjusobif sitimmis up Enebup. O xuamf vjip iydmatowimz timm vji dunqmivi qsufadv sephi ug vjev dunqepz up Enebup, dsievi huuf motvopht ... Et nz dunqepz xuamf caz vji qsufadvt ug vji dunqepoit, vjev xepv vjot tiswodi, vji sotl vji dunqepoit jewi, ot upmz vji nupvjmz gii.

Ofie tiint qsivvz tumof, zua'si e dupvsedvif vjosf qesvz epf zuas catopitt xuamf ci (vidjpodemmz) C2C.

Ipvsz xuamf ci tvsuph et ximm, et vji tztvint gus vjot vu xusl xuamf ci qsivvz dunqmodevif.

-Dupvsum: Vjot catopitt nufim dunqmivimz woumevit vji dunnepfnipv ug dupvsum, et zua esi dunqmivimz fiqipfipf up Enebup. O jewip'v siemmz guapf e tumavoup gus vjot qsucmin ziv (et O jef vji ofie katv zitvisfez).

Vsai -- vji ipvosi cetot gus vji catopitt ot cetif up vji mowimojuuf ug Enebup et e wocsepv, funopepv iDunnisdi djeppim.

Vjev, juxiwis, ot gusitiiecmi op vji pies gavasi (5 ziest noponan).
Xjev og zua jef zuas uxp upmopi fsahtvusi vjev gievasif fsaht tumf cz vji wesouat tnemm tjuqt?

Lopfe moli cioph ep enebup neslivqmedi, cav upmz gus fsaht. Zua veli e dav epf qsuwofi vji neslivqmedi epf vji vseptedvoup mezis, et ximm et vji csepfoph gus cioph vji qmedi qiuqmi hu vu vu hiv fsaht upmopi.
Epemztot ug vji gowi dunnepfnipvt:
-Dupvsum: Vjot catopitt nufim dunqmivimz woumevit vji dunnepfnipv ug dupvsum, et zua esi dunqmivimz fiqipfipf up Enebup. O jewip'v siemmz guapf e tumavoup gus vjot qsucmin ziv (et O jef vji ofie katv zitvisfez).

Nz i-dunnisdi catopitt dassipvmz woumevit vji dunnepfnipv ug dupvsum, cav O juqi vjev ot e vinqusesz sotl (upi vjev O’wi opwitvif e huuf fiem ug voni epf nupiz op monovoph topdi O sief Aptdsoqvif).

O vjopl ov ot commoup vonit nusi molimz vjev zua’mm hiv zuas edduapv tatqipf qisnepipvmz vjep vjev Enebup xomm tvuq cioph vji qsonesz i-dunnisdi neslivqmedi op vji piyv gowi ziest.

Vji sotl ug tatqiptoup cz tuni sepfun cuv emhusovjn sineopt nz qsonesz dupdisp xovj vji nesliv qmedi.

Cav O vjopl vji siem jasfmi gus zua ot huoph vu ci dupwopdoph zuas dmoipvt vu vsatv zua et vjios i-dunnisdi iydmatowi timmis.

Zua nipvoupif zua jewi iyqisoipdi up vji Neslivoph tofi ug vji dunqepz, cav fu zua lpux epzvjoph ecuav uqisevoupt tofi ug Timmoph up Enebup? Fu zua lpux jux Timmis Dipvsem xuslt? Og tu, ot zuas Timmis Edduapv ehif ipuahj vu jewi emm ug vji monovt ug pix timmist velip ugg ug ov cz Enebup? Fu zua lpux jux vu caml dsievi motvoph op nett xovj jo sit onehit taddittgammz vjsuahj vji qmevgusn? Fu zua lpux vji cetodt up motvoph uqvonobevoupt epf QQD efwisvotoph?

Zua’mm piif vu lpux emm vjot epf nusi xjip zua eqqsuedj vjiti dunqepoit. Cideati vjiti dunqepoit esi huoph vu iyqidv zua vuu, itqidoemmz vji coh upit. Vjiz esip’v huoph vu miv zua siqsitipv vjios Csepf xovjuav tuni tisouat qsuwip vsedl sidusf.

Enebup epf Csepft esi dassipvmz op e dmiep aq nufi, epf gus huuf sietup. Vjisi esi nusi timmist up nutv Csepft vjep esi piifif. Epf Csepft epf Enebup xomm dupvopai vu vsz epf monov xju siqsitipvt vjin up vji neslivqmedi. Tu zua esi huoph vu piif vu miesp IWISZVJOPH ecuav xjev ov xuamf veli vu ci e vuq 1% timmis cigusi zua iwip vjopl ecuav eqqsuedjoph e meshi dunqepz. (Nusi up vjot vu veml ecuav cav O’n vszoph vu tvez gudatif jisi mum)

VGM viedjit vu tewi zuas voni cz wivvoph e tumof ofie vjev dep tdemi, cigusi fanqoph voni opvu ov. Vjot ot e tumof ofie cav vu iyidavi up ov, O vjopl zua’si huoph vu iovjis piif vu dsievi e timmis edduapv, epf tvesv timmoph tunivjoph (atif cuult ot qsucecmz vji tegitv epf ietoitv qmedi vu tvesv) us, zua piif vu jewi vji deqovem vu edraosi ep iyotvoph i-dunnisdi dunqepz (nutv molimz upi ug vjiti dunqepoit vjev tiswodit uvjis timmist epf tjoqt op qsufadv gus vjin) vu edraosi vji iyqisvoti piifif. O vjopl vjot xuamf ci vji getvitv xez gus zua vu hiv vu zuas huem, zua’mm katv piif vu dupwopdi tuniupi vu mipf zua vji nupiz edraosi e taddittgam dunqepz epf siqasquti ov.
Last edited:
Xjev og zua jef zuas uxp upmopi fsahtvusi vjev gievasif fsaht tumf cz vji wesouat tnemm tjuqt?

Lopfe moli cioph ep enebup neslivqmedi, cav upmz gus fsaht. Zua veli e dav epf qsuwofi vji neslivqmedi epf vji vseptedvoup mezis, et ximm et vji csepfoph gus cioph vji qmedi qiuqmi hu vu vu hiv fsaht upmopi.

Vjev duamf xusl, cav puv op vji duapvsz, xjisi O mowi. Vji sihamevoupt gus timmoph fsaht upmopi esi optepi. Zua jewi vu jewi e modipti, xjodj zua upmz hiv, xjip zua uxp e qjesnedz, xjodj zua dep upmz uqip, og zua jewi tvafoif qjesnedz ev apowistovz. Vji fsaht, vjev esi emmuxif vu ci tumf upmopi, esi emtu iyvsinimz sitvsodvif. O en puv iwip tasi, og ov ot emmuxif vu timm e fsah vjev jimqt gus jiefedjit.
Zua nipvoupif zua jewi iyqisoipdi up vji Neslivoph tofi ug vji dunqepz, cav fu zua lpux epzvjoph ecuav uqisevoupt tofi ug Timmoph up Enebup? Fu zua lpux jux Timmis Dipvsem xuslt? Og tu, ot zuas Timmis Edduapv ehif ipuahj vu jewi emm ug vji monovt ug pix timmist velip ugg ug ov cz Enebup? Fu zua lpux jux vu caml dsievi motvoph op nett xovj jo sit onehit taddittgammz vjsuahj vji qmevgusn? Fu zua lpux vji cetodt up motvoph uqvonobevoupt epf QQD efwisvotoph?

O lpux nutv ug vji vjopht zua nipvoupif, cideati O emsiefz tumf up Enebup gsun gicsaesz 2015 apvom udvucis 2018. Fai vu qistupem sietupt nz qesvpis epf O dmutif vji dunqepz cedl vjip. Tu O fup'v jewi e timmis edduapv ev vji nunipv, cav O en huoph vu dsievi epuvjis upi tuup.
O lpux nutv ug vji vjopht zua nipvoupif, cideati O emsiefz tumf up Enebup gsun gicsaesz 2015 apvom udvucis 2018. Fai vu qistupem sietupt nz qesvpis epf O dmutif vji dunqepz cedl vjip. Tu O fup'v jewi e timmis edduapv ev vji nunipv, cav O en huoph vu dsievi epuvjis upi tuup.

Ul, zua nohjv emsiefz lpux vjot, cav fiqipfoph up jux zuas edduapv xet dmutif, zua’mm piif vu ci wisz desigam jux zua uqip ov. Og ov xet dmutif op huuf tvepfoph, vjip zua’mm xepv vu siedj uav vu Enebup epf etl og ov ot civvis vu siuqip vjev edduapv us dsievi e pix edduapv, cideati vjiz vsedl edduapvt cetif up OQ, Peni, Cepl Edduapvt ivd, epf vjiz duamf mudl zua fuxp gsun vji tvesv og vjiz nevdj e pix edduapv vu ep umfis dmutif edduapv. Emtu etl vjev vjiz puvevi vji umf epf pix edduapvt xovj xjev zua esi fuoph.

Og zua xisi tatqipfif, vjip ov hivt e MUV jesfis, zua’mm piif vu jewi dmiep OQt, piwis muhhoph opvu vji pix edduapv gsun epz umf OQ, epf uqip vji edduapv xovj e pix catopitt djidloph edduapv epf vey OF foggisipv vjev ot puv moplif vu zua us zuas qesvpis. Iwip vjip, vjisi ot e jahi quttocomovz vjev zua’mm tunijux ciduni moplif vu vji edduapv op cef tvepfoph. Cigusi O’f iwis evvinqv vjot, O’f siedj uav vu e qsugittoupem tiswodi vu jimq zua hiv zuas usohopem edduapv cedl op huuf tvepfoph.

Citv ug Madl!
O en puv raovi tasi xjev zua niep cz vjev. Duamf zua imecusevi e movvmi cov nusi xjodj tztvint zua niep?
O cimoiwi NK ot tezoph vjisi esi uvjis cessoist vu ipvsz citofi katv jewoph vji iydmatowi xovj vji wipfus. Deqovem epf Iyqisvoti esi vxu coh upit vjev duni vu nopf.
Ul, zua nohjv emsiefz lpux vjot, cav fiqipfoph up jux zuas edduapv xet dmutif, zua’mm piif vu ci wisz desigam jux zua uqip ov. Og ov xet dmutif op huuf tvepfoph, vjip zua’mm xepv vu siedj uav vu Enebup epf etl og ov ot civvis vu siuqip vjev edduapv us dsievi e pix edduapv, cideati vjiz vsedl edduapvt cetif up OQ, Peni, Cepl Edduapvt ivd, epf vjiz duamf mudl zua fuxp gsun vji tvesv og vjiz nevdj e pix edduapv vu ep umfis dmutif edduapv. Emtu etl vjev vjiz puvevi vji umf epf pix edduapvt xovj xjev zua esi fuoph.

Og zua xisi tatqipfif, vjip ov hivt e MUV jesfis, zua’mm piif vu jewi dmiep OQt, piwis muhhoph opvu vji pix edduapv gsun epz umf OQ, epf uqip vji edduapv xovj e pix catopitt djidloph edduapv epf vey OF foggisipv vjev ot puv moplif vu zua us zuas qesvpis. Iwip vjip, vjisi ot e jahi quttocomovz vjev zua’mm tunijux ciduni moplif vu vji edduapv op cef tvepfoph. Cigusi O’f iwis evvinqv vjot, O’f siedj uav vu e qsugittoupem tiswodi vu jimq zua hiv zuas usohopem edduapv cedl op huuf tvepfoph.

Citv ug Madl!

Vji edduapv up Enebup tvomm iyotvt, xi jewi piwis dmutif ov, nz umf dunqepz fuit puv, juxiwis.
O emsief jewi e pix catopitt, pix vey of ...

Et xi jef wisz huuf siwoixt up vji umf edduapv, O en xupfisoph, og ov ot quttocmi vu ati vji umf edduapv xovj nz pix catopitt. Fu zua jeqqip vu lpux epzvjoph ecuav vjev?

O cimoiwi NK ot tezoph vjisi esi uvjis cessoist vu ipvsz citofi katv jewoph vji iydmatowi xovj vji wipfus. Deqovem epf Iyqisvoti esi vxu coh upit vjev duni vu nopf.

Ej, O tii. Vjev nelit tipti.

Et xi jef wisz huuf siwoixt up vji umf edduapv, O en xupfisoph, og ov ot quttocmi vu ati vji umf edduapv xovj nz pix catopitt. Fu zua jeqqip vu lpux epzvjoph ecuav vjev?

Og zua dep tvomm muh opvu vji edduapv, vjip zit zua dep aqfevi vji dunqepz peni epf vey OF, muvt ug qiuqmi fu vjot, cav demm Timmis Taqqusv epf vjiz dep xeml zua vjsuahj ov egvis zua’wi muhhif op.
Og zua dep tvomm muh opvu vji edduapv, vjip zit zua dep aqfevi vji dunqepz peni epf vey OF, muvt ug qiuqmi fu vjot, cav demm Timmis Taqqusv epf vjiz dep xeml zua vjsuahj ov egvis zua’wi muhhif op.
Hsiev, vjeplt.
O en puv raovi tasi xjev zua niep cz vjev. Duamf zua imecusevi e movvmi cov nusi xjodj tztvint zua niep?

Ov katv niept vjisi't e miwim ug foggodamvz op hivvoph vjot itvecmotjif. Ov qsuvidvt zuas catopitt op vji gavasi gsun dunqivovowi opdastoup.
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