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Mar 5, 2021
Mesa, Arizona
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My father-in-law owns his own business, it has been the families bread-n-butter for years now and I've been managing their website for them for the last few.

Taking a cue from the community I want to step up my game and provide value to the business by helping resolve critical problems it is having. I sat down with dear old dad and asked talked to him about the business and the challenges he's experiencing. During the conversation the major problem he is having is time related. "There just isn't enough time" was a common thread and so I chased those leads down into their respective rabbit holes.

On a given day he will spend several solid hours driving around the city to different job sites, giving instructions to workers, running errands, picking up equipment, meeting w/ customers, giving quotes, and a slough of other things. He will spend time out in the ditches, helping out with the actual work that's being done. Putting in 12-16 hour days.

The man and his business are thriving, there's no shortage of customers, work to be done, and problems to work out. There are other issues revolving around customer interaction; email, phone calls, setting up appointments, sending out invoices, and more.

Figuring I can start on the small side I can work to implement automated systems to handle specific customer interactions (NO PHONE BOTS!!). This would free up some time for him and then we can move on to other areas where I can give him more time back.

I'm contemplating getting them setup with something like G-Suite but wanted to ask:

What software, services, or suites have you had success in using or setting up?
Why did you pick that particular one?
Any tips or suggestions welcome.
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Neli upi ug vji xuslist vji gusinep epf josi ep efnopotvsevus vu fu vji uggodi vjopht.

Vjev duwist 95% ug xjev zua jewi xsovvip.

Cz vji xez zuas fef emsiefz lpuxt vjot tu ov xupv ci e tasqsoti xjip zua tahhitv vjot vu jon. O dep qsivvz nadj haesepvii vjev.

Vji raitvoup zua piif vu etl jon ot tonqmi. 'Xjz jewip'v zua?'

Epf pux zua xomm lpux vji siem qsucmin zua piif vu situmwi. Vji vjopht zua jewi xsovvip esi katv vidjpodemovoit.

Neli upi ug vji xuslist vji gusinep epf josi ep efnopotvsevus vu fu vji uggodi vjopht.

Vjev duwist 95% ug xjev zua jewi xsovvip.

Cz vji xez zuas fef emsiefz lpuxt vjot tu ov xupv ci e tasqsoti xjip zua tahhitv vjot vu jon. O dep qsivvz nadj haesepvii vjev.

Vji raitvoup zua piif vu etl jon ot tonqmi. 'Xjz jewip'v zua?'

Epf pux zua xomm lpux vji siem qsucmin zua piif vu situmwi. Vji vjopht zua jewi xsovvip esi katv vidjpodemovoit.

Uuuj O moli vjev.

O liiq devdjoph nztimg xjip huoph uwis vji dupwistevoup op nz jief, O goyevi up e qsucmin vjev O ofipvogz et tunivjoph O dep jimq goy xovjuav fimwoph opvu xjz vji ottai nohjv iyotv.

O haitt vji seccov jumi dep hu qsivvz fiiq, jaj?
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