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Are You Ready to Finally Achieve Your Goals? This Video is for You

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Dec 27, 2021

I just came across this video which I found it to be super valuable , so I thought to share it with you guys. This video also acts as a reference for Mj's Goal Sumo System, Backward chaining process . Make sure to take notes and Let's move forward in life. It helps us to stop Being only a Dreamer, Overthinker and Start being a Doer .

Psychic Entropy and Goal Achievement: Structuring Your Path

Psychic entropy often plagues the human mind, leading to aimlessness, rumination, doubt, and fear. To combat this, establishing external goals is crucial for achieving peak performance and reducing chaos. Each goal should align with your north star—the overarching objective that guides your journey.

Setting Concrete Goals:

To effectively combat psychic entropy, it's essential to break down your ambitions into manageable chunks on a daily, weekly, and hourly basis. Without this granularity, your aspirations remain mere dreams, partially realized.

The Power of Purpose and High-Hard Goals:

Crafting high-hard goals—both annual and quarterly—provides clarity and direction. This approach ensures that your daily actions contribute meaningfully to your long-term vision. Remember, purpose isn't merely a noun—it's a verb, defining what you do.

Expanding Your Possibility Space:

To think bigger, like visionaries such as Elon Musk, expand your possibility space by challenging yourself with goals that seem impossible to your current self.

Steps to Enhance Your Possibility Space:

  1. Social Interactions and Contagion: Engage with diverse perspectives and ideas to broaden your thinking. Move to places where you find ambitious people
  2. Brute Force Big Thinking: Imagine goals that are 100X larger than your current aspirations to stretch your limits.
  3. Goal Attainment and Building Self-Efficacy (self-efficacy = belief in ability to achieve your goals) Set goals that build confidence in your ability to achieve them. therefore set small goals , small wins then let it snowball into larger ones
Differentiating Dreamers from Doers:

Dreamers remain stuck in their dreams because they fail to reverse-engineer the steps needed to realize their ambitions.

Planning vs. Doing:

Distinguish between planning and action. Planning involves divergent thinking, such as mind mapping and generating ideas. Doing requires convergent thinking—focused execution towards a single objective.

Daily Rituals for Goal Alignment:

At the end of each day, engage in a Power-Down ritual to prevent goal drift:

1. Review daily activities against high-hard goals to ensure alignment.
2. Identify three critical tasks for the next day based on weekly goals.
3. Define clear, specific goals to avoid wasting mental energy on unnecessary details.
4. Resolve any unfinished tasks, reverse-engineering your progress.
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