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Arizona mastermind group?


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Aug 17, 2016
Sahuarita AZ
Just browsing through here since I joined i've noticed an inordinate amount of arizona based members.

Given the summit wont be on this year and in the spirit of "keep it simple stupid"

What about forming mastermind groups?

Maybe a northern ariona phoenix based one and a southern arizona tucson one?

If you aren't familiar with the concept "A mastermind group is a peer-to-peermentoring concept used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members. The concept was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success,and described in more detail in his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich"

Admittedly I myself don't bring much to the table and I imagine actual decamillionaires have better things to do than grab coffee with wantrepreneurs but at the very least we could meet face to face and share notes and help each other be more accountable.

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Jan 28, 2019
Scottsdale, AZ
I'm definitely interested in this idea. Currently in the PHX area


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Aug 17, 2016
Sahuarita AZ
So nobody South of phoenix but me?
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