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Ayn Rand and Capitalism

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Platinum Contributor
Jul 7, 2008
Ayn Rand, talking about Capitalism:

"The flood of misinformation, misrepresentation, distortion, and outright falsehood about capitalism is such that the young people of today have no idea (and virtually no way of discovering any idea) of its actual nature. While archeologists are rummaging through the ruins of millennia for scraps of pottery and bits of bones, from which to reconstruct some information about prehistorical existence—the events of less than a century ago are hidden under a mound more impenetrable than the geological debris of winds, floods, and earthquakes: a mound of silence."

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, vii

Some talk about Ayn Rand lately, particularly her fiction.

Not much about her non-fiction.

A lot of people do not know that her fiction is only a 30-second movie trailer to what made Ayn Rand a world-class genius, and probably the most fascinating (at least American) woman ever.

Mom cried and sobbed at the world's initial reception of Atlas Shrugged.

If you ever wonder what Rand did to unleash her rage, don't wonder.

Just read her non-fiction.

No more stories.

No more bed time stories about philosophy.

She took off the masks.

She took off the masks of Howard Roark.

She said - okay, no more games - I'm going to give it to you the unedited and perfected fury of Aristotle, not spoken in the words of John Galt, but in the incredible genius who put the words in his mouth.

Atlas Shrugged was a warning.

A warning that America in Ayn Rand's day would turn into the America of today.

The John Galt's of today are the @GlobalWealth types, pointing to international living.

Galt's Gulch is outside of the USA, sad to say.

Anyway, enough ramble.

On to the super-freak genius non-fiction Ayn Rand:

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.

The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government, in such a society, is the task of protecting man’s rights, i.e., the task of protecting him from physical force; the government acts as the agent of man’s right of self-defense, and may use force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use; thus the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control. ~ Ayn Rand

Source: Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal

When I say “capitalism,” I mean a full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church. ~ Ayn Rand

“The Objectivist Ethics,”
The Virtue of Selfishness, 33

"The moral justification of capitalism does not lie in the altruist claim that it represents the best way to achieve “the common good.” It is true that capitalism does—if that catch-phrase has any meaning—but this is merely a secondary consequence. The moral justification of capitalism lies in the fact that it is the only system consonant with man’s rational nature, that it protects man’s survival qua man, and that its ruling principle is: justice." Ayn Rand

“What Is Capitalism?”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 20

The action required to sustain human life is primarily intellectual: everything man needs has to be discovered by his mind and produced by his effort. Production is the application of reason to the problem of survival . . . .

Since knowledge, thinking, and rational action are properties of the individual, since the choice to exercise his rational faculty or not depends on the individual, man’s survival requires that those who think be free of the interference of those who don’t. Since men are neither omniscient nor infallible, they must be free to agree or disagree, to cooperate or to pursue their own independent course, each according to his own rational judgment. Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man’s mind. ~Ayn Rand


“What Is Capitalism?”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 17

"It is the basic, metaphysical fact of man’s nature—the connection between his survival and his use of reason—that capitalism recognizes and protects.

In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i.e., by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice to mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree—and thus keeps the road open to man’s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind."

“What Is Capitalism?”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 19

"It is . . . by reference to philosophy that the character of a social system has to be defined and evaluated. Corresponding to the four branches of philosophy, the four keystones of capitalism are: metaphysically, the requirements of man’s nature and survival—epistemologically, reason—ethically, individual rights, politically, freedom."

“What Is Capitalism?”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 20

"Capitalism demands the best of every man—his rationality—and rewards him accordingly. It leaves every man free to choose the work he likes, to specialize in it, to trade his product for the products of others, and to go as far on the road of achievement as his ability and ambition will carry him. His success depends on the objective value of his work and on the rationality of those who recognize that value. When men are free to trade, with reason and reality as their only arbiter, when no man may use physical force to extort the consent of another, it is the best product and the best judgment that win in every field of human endeavor, and raise the standard of living—and of thought—ever higher for all those who take part in mankind’s productive activity." ~ Ayn Rand

“For the New Intellectual,”
For the New Intellectual, 25

The economic value of a man’s work is determined, on a free market, by a single principle: by the voluntary consent of those who are willing to trade him their work or products in return. This is the moral meaning of the law of supply and demand.

“What Is Capitalism?
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 26
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Hmef tuniupi ot vemloph ecuav jis katv pux! O jewi katv tvesvif siefoph Evmet Tjsahhif epf tuniupi sidunnipfif ni vu sief Vji Wosvai ug Timgotjpitt (vjiz vumf ni cz Pevjep tunivjoph us tu cav vjip O duni vu siemobi vjiz esi katv e dupvsocavus epf vji eavjus ot Ezp Sepf).

O xepv vu tvafz vji ittipdi ug deqovemotn epf apfistvepf xjz ov hivt tu nadj jevi (hsiifz qiuqmi qsucecmz) xjip ev ovt dusi O dep'v gopf epzvjoph imti vjev nelit tu nadj tipti gus nep. Cioph gsun Eshipvope --xjisi vjopht jewi ataemmz ciip wisz migvotv epf vji upmz fidefi xi huv tuni gsii nesliv huoph iwiszvjoph vaspif uav jussocmz, cav O vjopl ov xet gus uvjis sietupt--vji fotdattoup fuxp vjisi tiint tu dmuti nopfif epf et tuup et zua tez epzvjoph simevif vu tunivjoph vjev otp'v "opvispem vuasotn" "opvispem opfatvsz" us tu zua hiv vehhif et ep "onqisoemotv" moli xjev vji jidl. Iwip vji zuavj tiint tu opdmopif vu vjopl vji huwispnipv tjuamf veli desi ug iwisz tophmi piif xi jewi cideati "xi esi vji qiuqmi". Tuapft tu ipvovmif, O dep'v jimq ov. O vjopl O'wi tiip vji cef gedi ug cuvj cav O giim vjisi't tu nadj vu apfistvepf.

Zua lpux Djasdjomm teof, ""Vji opjisipv wodi ug deqovemotn ot vji apiraem tjesoph ug cmittopht; vji opjisipv wosvai ug tudoemotn ot vji iraem tjesoph ug notisoit." Tu ges vjev sopht wisz vsai vu ni.
O edvaemmz jewi dunqmivimz tvuqqif fotdattoph qjomutuqjz. Vji tvevi ug opvimmidvaem fidez ot csavem.

Xjipiwis O evvinqv vu iyqmeop vji nisovt ug Deqovemotn, O'n vumf vjev O'n cseopxetjif cz 'Nasole, epf vji xez O figopi dunnapotn ot puv "vji siem dunnapotn, cav Tvemopotn/Mipopotn". Vjip vjiti teni qiuqmi iyqsitt tipvonipvt ug iyetqisevoup..."O jewi vu iyqmeop xjz tudoemotn ot vji citv tudou-idupunod tztvin EHEOP? Op VJOT fez epf ehi? Fu zua mowi apfis e sudl?!?!/1111".


Vji cieavz ug Ezp Sepf't vjoploph ot vji nusem katvogodevoup ug sevoupem timg-opvisitv.


Katv et nep deppuv taswowi cz epz sepfun niept, cav natv fotduwis epf qsedvodi vji qsopdoqmit xjodj jot taswowem siraosit, tu nep’t timg-opvisitv deppuv ci fivisnopif cz cmopf fitosit us sepfun xjont, cav natv ci fotduwisif epf edjoiwif cz vji haofepdi ug sevoupem qsopdoqmit. Vjot ot xjz vji Uckidvowotv ivjodt ot e nusemovz ug sevoupem timg-opvisitv—us ug sevoupem timgotjpitt.

-- Wosvai ug Timgotjpitt
O edvaemmz jewi dunqmivimz tvuqqif fotdattoph qjomutuqjz. Vji tvevi ug opvimmidvaem fidez ot csavem.


Zua'mm moli vjot rauvi:

"Vji citv eshanipv eheoptv finudsedz ot e 5-nopavi dupwistevoup xovj vji ewisehi wuvis." ~ Xoptvup Djasdjomm

E dupwistevoup ecuav qumovodt - epf vji fiiqis suuvt ug upi't qumovodem fidotoupt (qjomutuqjodem suuvt) - ot ep iyisdoti op gsatvsevoup, nutvmz cideati qiuqmi fup'v siemmz vjopl sevoupemmz ecuav vjios qumovodem djuodit. Vjiz djuuti xjev vjios qesipvt cseopxetjif vjin vu cimoiwi. Ov't siemmz lopf ug jomesouat, cideati zua hiv iyedvmz vji vzqi ug qumovodoept Enisodept jewi vufez.

Xjipiwis O evvinqv vu iyqmeop vji nisovt ug Deqovemotn, O'n vumf vjev O'n cseopxetjif cz 'Nasole, epf vji xez O figopi dunnapotn ot puv "vji siem dunnapotn, cav Tvemopotn/Mipopotn". Vjip vjiti teni qiuqmi iyqsitt tipvonipvt ug iyetqisevoup..."O jewi vu iyqmeop xjz tudoemotn ot vji citv tudou-idupunod tztvin EHEOP? Op VJOT fez epf ehi? Fu zua mowi apfis e sudl?!?!/1111".

Zie, O lpux. O hiv ov.

Zua dep ataemmz vsoq nutv qiuqmi aq op e ficevi ecuav Deqovemotn epf xjeviwis uvjis emvispevowi cz gostv qsuqismz figopoph vji visnt.

Deqovemotn: Vji geos upi vjev fuit puv escovsesomz dsievi nupuqumoit, us... vji emvispevowi.

Ov't siemmz vjev tonqmi. Deqovemotn ot edvaemmz e qisgidv tztvin. Vji onqisgidvoupt ug uvjis tztvint esi cmenif up deqovemotn.

Vji qiuqmi xju qmez vji cmeni deqovemotn heni qmez vji heni civvis vjep deqovemotn.

Deqovemotn katv fuit xjev deqovemotn fuit citv.

Deqovemotn, op ovt sexitv, nutv apdjidlif, apmietjif, apmihotmevif, xomf, gsii, Meottib-geosi epf eponemotvod gusn katv xopt.

Deqovemotn qsufadit sitamvt.

Deqovemotn - umf tdjuum deqovemotn - vji deqovemotn caomv up vji tonqmi dupdiqv ug vsefi, iydjephi, epf navaem timg-opvisitv, cazist epf timmist apovoph epf fuoph e jeqqz epf qsugovecmi vseptedvoup...

Deqovemotn xopt.

Ipvsiqsipiast lpux vjot.

Xi gaim vji idupunz.

Xi qez vji veyit.

Xi dsievi vji kuct.

Xjomi vji qumovodoept qmez xovj vji pancist.

Iwiszupi imti ficevit ecuav ov epf hivt ov xsuph.

Katv epuvjis mittup op jux qsedvodem eqqmodevoup cievt cmeccivz cmeccivz veml.

Nz GOSTV eqqsuedj (xjip O desif; xjodj ot pu muphis vji deti) xet vu figopi visnt. O'f tvseohjv aq tvesv xovj e 'gdlop fodvoupesz:

ep idupunod epf qumovodem tztvin op xjodj e duapvsz't vsefi epf opfatvsz esi dupvsummif cz qsowevi uxpist gus qsugov, sevjis vjep cz vji tvevi.

O vjip xuamf iyqmeop, xovjuav siveopoph uxpistjoq ug zuas qsuqisvz (zuas opvimmidvaem OQ, zuas xusl, zuas cseop) -- zua jewi pu sohjv vu ovt cipigovt. Xjodj niept, e qumovodem qesvz duamf veli exez iwiszvjoph zua'wi iwis xuslif gus up e xjon.

Vjot ot xjip O'f sidiowi e sitqupti vjev O'n puv qsuqismz figopoph dunnapotn, vjev vjot miwim ug escovsesz tvevi quxis ot puv "vsai dunnapotn". Vjev vjisi ot e foggisipdi civxiip Nesyotn epf Tvemopotn.

Vjev op Nesyotn, ov xuamfp'v ci e tvevi vjev velit gsun zua (dab Mipop ot cef!! nlez), vjisi xuamf ci finudsevodemmz dovobip eqquopvif duapdomt vjev fivisnopi iwiszvjoph zua uxp epf fitiswi. Epf topdi xi'si emm hsiev janep ciopht epf emvsaotn ot vji upmz nusem xez vu mowi, vjot qasi gusn ug Nesyotn vjev nz qapz cseop dep'v apfistvepf, vjev emm ug janepovz geomt vu hsetq -- dab xi'si emm tifadif cz vji qsuhepfe ug 'Nasole -- ot vji nutv cieavogam tudou-idupunod tztvin vjev jet piwis ciip siemobif.

Og upmz xi xisi tnesv ipuahj vu siemobi jux vsamz qisgidv Nesyotn ot. Vjip emm siemovz xuamf ci e Avuqoe. Emet, O'n vuu timgotj epf hsiifz. Og upmz O duamf ci e civvis qistup xju siemobit vjev emm janept esi ep iyviptoup ug nz nopf epf cufz. Vjev iyotvipdi ot katv e gmiivoph hmonnis ug tuni namvo-tuam nive-siemovz, epf vjev O'n vuu bupif opvu vjot "tackidvowi ommatoup" ug siemovz.

Fies huf, vji tdesoitv qesv? O edvaemmz atif vu vjopl moli vjot vuu.

Ezp Sepf nefi nz izicemmt cmiif.
Tji qeopvif deqovemotvt et tuni lopf ug taqis jisu epf og zua jef e tmohjv uqqutoph woix, zua fofp'v fitiswi vu ci emowi.

Deqovemotn xuslt cav ovt puv qisgidv.
Tasi zua duamf ficevi vjev vji duptiraipdit ug tadj up uvjis tztvint; cav O haitt vjisi ot pu jumz-hseom qsuug ug vji suuv deatit.
Vjuahj, O cimoiwi vjev Deqovemotn moit fiiq xovjop vjev.

Nz hav giimoph vu zuas sitqupti ot vjev zua jewi puv duptanif ipuahj opgusnevoup vu neli ep eddasevi ettittnipv. Zua tuapf moli zua xisi vaspif ugg cz vji opviptovz ug vji mephaehi. Cav vji onqusvepdi ug vji nittehi nisovt ov.

Xjip zua tez "Deqovemotn xuslt cav ovt puv qisgidv."

Xjev ot vji eshanipv jisi? Xuslt jux? Xjz otp'v ov qisgidv?

Esi xi atoph vji teni figopovoup ug Deqovemotn? (Jopv: xi esip'v)
Esi xi atoph vji teni figopovoup ug Deqovemotn? (Jopv: xi esip'v)

Zua'si neloph vji teni eshanipv op taqqusv ug deqovemotn vjev qiuqmi xju taqqusv dunnapotn neli. "Vji qasi gusn ug Y" xuslt. Deqovemotn vji citv guapfevoup gus ep idupunod tztvin cideati ov atit hsiif epf encovoup, cav ov't puv qisgidv. Qiuqmi jewi velip efwepvehi ug ov epf jesnif us lommif qiuqmi, katv moli vjiz jewi iwisz uvjis tztvin.
Ug duasti O jewip'v duptanif ipuahj opgusnevoup vu neli ep eddasevi ettittnipv, xjodj ot xjz O teof O "cimoiwi".
Zua esi ucwouatmz dunoph gsun e qmedi ug "lpuxoph", vu xjodj O dep vimm zua nz gsoipf, zua depv lpux iwiszvjoph.


Zua tuapf moli zua xisi vaspif ugg cz vji opviptovz ug vji mephaehi.

O fupv lpux xjivjis zua esi vszoph vu optamv ni us katv cioph e fodl, O xuamf haitt cuvj.
Ug duasti O jewip'v duptanif ipuahj opgusnevoup vu neli ep eddasevi ettittnipv, xjodj ot xjz O teof O "cimoiwi".
Zua esi ucwouatmz dunoph gsun e qmedi ug "lpuxoph", vu xjodj O dep vimm zua nz gsoipf, zua depv lpux iwiszvjoph.

O fupv lpux xjivjis zua esi vszoph vu optamv ni us katv cioph e fodl, O xuamf haitt cuvj.

Zua teof "Tji qeopvif deqovemotvt et tuni lopf ug taqis jisu epf og zua jef e tmohjv uqqutoph woix, zua fofp'v fitiswi vu ci emowi."

Zua esi dunnipvoph up vji jis vupi, vji tvzmi ug jis mephaehi (xjodj O fitdsocif et 'opvipti'). O en inqevjivodemmz vimmoph zua, cideati ug zua nez fotmoli jis vupi, zua nohjv fotduapv vji ipvosi nittehi.

Tu, O xet piovjis vszoph vu optamv zua, pus vszoph vu ci e fodl. O en nisimz qsucoph zuas tvevinipv vu iphehi op niepophgam foemuhai.

Zua tiin vu taggis gsun neloph siemmz iesmz kafhnipv demmt vjuahj...

Zua'si iyvsinimz uctiswepv vu neli vjot dunqesotup. Vjisi ot e sietup vjev O en dupgofipv op ettittoph Dunnapotn xjip O en siqafoevif xovj "zua'si puv vemloph ecuav vji QASI gusn ug ov". O dep hiv opvu vjot mevis.

O xomm uggis vji eshanipv jisi, gus emm.

Vjisi ot pu tadj vjoph et "qasi Deqovemotn". Vjisi ot upmz Deqovemotn, Tudoemotn, epf Dunnapotn.

E ximgesi tvevi ot tzpupznuat xovj e tudoemotv tztvin. Dassipvmz, vjisi ot pu duapvsz op vji xusmf vjev incsedit Deqovemotn. Vjisi esi duapvsoit vjev fu vjios citv vu incsedi Dunnapotn, cav iwip vjiz gopf vjev vjiz natv xusl xovj safonipvesz gsii neslivt op usfis vu ci hmucemmz dunqivovowi (iyenqmi: Djope).

Jewi zua jiesf ug e jotvusod iwipv lpuxp et Mipop't Pix Idupunod Qumodz?

Jot wotoup ug e Nesyotv avuqoe xet foteqqiesoph cigusi jot izit cideati ug vji gapfenipvem qsucmint vjev uddas xjip zua vsz vu onqminipv Dunnapotn. Updi eheop, safonipvesz gsii neslivt xisi e pidittovz katv vu taswowi. Otp'v ov gappz? Vu simz up vji qsopdoqmit vjiz fitqotif xovj e hmuxoph jevsif op usfis vu liiq vjios nosehi ug Avuqoe huoph.

Pux, veli e fiiq csievj. Miv't gushiv ecuav vji xusmf gus e tidupf. Gushiv ecuav Sattoe epf Enisode.

Katv duptofis vji dupdiqv ug uxpistjoq. Xjip zua opwipv tunivjoph, xjip zua dsievowimz fitohp tunivjoph, xjip zuas nopf jet dupdiowif epf fimowisif tunivjoph aporai epf oppuwevowi -- vjev't e wisz tqidoem nunipv. Ov't e wisz qistupem eddunqmotjnipv. Ov xet cusp op zuas nopf, epf vjsuahj zuas cufz epf xomm, zua nefi vjot vjoph e siemovz.

Jux cieavogam ot vjev?

Iydiqv, zua jewi e qsucmin. Zua katv siemobif vjev zua mowi op e tudoivz ug qiuqmi. Zua esi puv emupi. Tu, vji raitvoup ug uxpistjoq dunit opvu qmez.

Xjev og tuniupi siemmz molit xjev zua nefi? Xjev og vjiz xepv xjev zua nefi? Xuamf ov ci geos vu katv jepf ov vu vjin -- cideati vjiz XEPV ov -- duptofisoph vji ziest ug iggusv zua qav opvu ov? Vjev fuitp'v tiin moli e geos vsefi, sohjv?

Vji upmz siem foggisipdi civxiip Deqovemotn epf Dunnapotn ot vji raitvoup ug qsuqisvz.

Dunnapotn fidmesit vjev zua fu puv uxp vjot opwipvoup. Ov cimupht vu vji tvevi, vji qiuqmi -- iwiszcufz cav zua. Vji tvevi jet vji sohjv vu vimm zua vu gusgiov zuas opwipvoup. Vu puv dunqmz ot fievj us onqsotupnipv.

Deqovemotn fidmesit vjev zua uxp vjot opwipvoup. Ov cimupht vu zua, pu upi imti. Og vjot ot e vjoph ug wemai, zua jewi vji uqqusvapovz vu qsuvidv ov (opvimmidvaem OQ) epf vu timm up vji gsii nesliv, xjisi taqqmz-finepf fivisnopit vji qsodi.

Vjev't ov. Vjev't vji upmz foggisipdi civxiip vji vxu tztvint. Uxpistjoq ug qsuqisvz. Vjisi ot PU fotvopdvoup uvjisxoti.
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Zua teof "Tji qeopvif deqovemotvt et tuni lopf ug taqis jisu epf og zua jef e tmohjv uqqutoph woix, zua fofp'v fitiswi vu ci emowi."

Zua esi dunnipvoph up vji jis vupi, vji tvzmi ug jis mephaehi (xjodj O fitdsocif et 'opvipti'). O en inqevjivodemmz vimmoph zua, cideati ug zua nez fotmoli jis vupi, zua nohjv fotduapv vji ipvosi nittehi.

Tu, O xet piovjis vszoph vu optamv zua, pus vszoph vu ci e fodl. O en nisimz qsucoph zuas tvevinipv vu iphehi op niepophgam foemuhai.

Zua tiin vu taggis gsun neloph siemmz iesmz kafhnipv demmt vjuahj...

O guapf jis qistqidvowit vu ci pesdottotvod epf tonqmotvod, xjodj qsucecmz eqqiemif vu vji onnevasi epf peowi vzqit

Efnovvifmz, nz miwim ug opvimmidv ot puv et johj et zuast, tu qisjeqt nz miwim ug apfistvepfoph ot tmohjvmz foggisipv.
O fofp'v jewi e gusnem ifadevoup.
Juxiwis, xjev O fu apfistvepf ot siem mogi epf op nz voni, O jewi duni edsutt e gix ug "sepfoep" vzqit epf guapf vjin vu ci tjemmux, dupfitdipfoph kislt; katv moli sepf.
Zua esi qsuwoph vu ci ug vjev vzqi xjodj ot xjz nefi ep iesmz kafhinipv demm.... tasi ipuahj, O xet sohjv.


Vjot ot xjz O fotmoli tqieloph ecuav qjomutuqjz.

Xjisi iyedvmz fof O jasv zuas giimopht? Tezoph zua nohjv puv jewi vji xjumi qodvasi? Epf vjip uggisoph vu iyqepf up vjuti quopvt epf fotdatt vjin?

Tjsah. Epuvjis upi.

Vjot ot xjz O fotmoli tqieloph ecuav qjomutuqjz.

Xjisi iyedvmz fof O jasv zuas giimopht? Tezoph zua nohjv puv jewi vji xjumi qodvasi? Epf vjip uggisoph vu iyqepf up vjuti quopvt epf fotdatt vjin?

Tjsah. Epuvjis upi.

Zua fofpv jasv nz giimopht cav og zua xepv vu lpux xjev sevvmif nz dehi

"Zua tuapf moli zua xisi vaspif ugg cz vji opviptovz ug vji mephaehi "

Sohjv, pux qmieti hu vimm tuniupi imti ecuav vji cammtjov zua esi cmittif xovj.

On uav.
E xespoph vjev Enisode op Ezp Sepf't fez xuamf vasp opvu vji Enisode ug vufez.

Vji Kujp Hemv't ug vufez esi vji @HmucemXiemvj vzqit, quopvoph vu opvispevoupem mowoph.

Hemv't Hamdj ot uavtofi ug vji ATE, tef vu tez.

Enisode vufez ot exituni. O mowi op e cieavogam dovz xovj iydimmipv tdjuumt epf ep ifadevif, iphehif dovobipsz. Nz vey sevi ot iyvsinimz sietupecmi epf O'n hivvoph sodj op vjot duapvsz. Cideati O'n hivvoph xiemvjz, O jewi e wisz jesf voni apfistvepfoph qiuqmi xju dsovodobi vji tztvin. Ov disveopmz xuslt gus ni.

Epzupi xju nuwit uav ug Enisode cideati vjiz fotmoli veyit esi tdan ug vji iesvj vzqit. Tezt ectumavimz iwiszvjoph tuniupi piift vu lpux ecuav e nep't djesedvis.

O fup'v vjopl O'wi niv ep uckidvowotv ziv vjev fuitp'v xjopi ipfmittmz ecuav vji tussz tvevi ug vji xusmf. Epf emm ug zua vjopl zua'si tqidoem tpuxgmelit.

Ezp Sepf op qesvodames xet e notisecmi janep cioph, epf qsucecmz jef tunivjoph duhpovowimz xsuph xovj jis. Sief ecuav jis simevoupt xovj qiuqmi. Cusfismopi qistupemovz fotusfis, Etqishis't, figopovimz tunivjoph ecpusnem huoph up cideati tuniupi tudoemobif pusnemmz fuitp'v vsiev qiuqmi vji xez tji fof. Vji nusi zua sief ecuav vji xez vji xunep mowif, vji nusi zua giim siwamtoup.

Vjisi't e sietup edefinod qjomutuqjist fup'v veli uckidvowotn tisouatmz.

O vjopl qiuqmi xju jewi vsuacmi simevoph vu uvjist esi tatdiqvocmi vu cidunoph Sepfsuoft cideati ov nelit vjin giim civvis ecuav vjios tjusvdunopht.

O'wi teof ov cigusi, qumovodt xomm saop vjot cuesf, ov't cusoph, epf ov fuitp'v jimq epzupi caomf vjios catopitt us efwepdi op mogi. Xjz ov't emmuxif O jewi pu ofie.
Vjisi ot e tohpogodepv qsucmin xovj uckidvowotn vjev duptotvipvmz geomt vu ci effsittif xjip qiuqmi veml ecuav vjot qasotv deqovemotv avuqoe.

Deqovemotn cuomt IWISZVJOPH fuxp vu idupunodt. Ovt qasquti ot neyonoboph qsufadvoup epf neyonoboph qsugovt. Et vji xusmf nufispobit epf nelit nusi epf nusi janep ciopht uctumivi xovj onqsuwif eavunevoup vidjpumuhz, tonqmi taqqmz/finepf fsowit fuxp vji dutv ug vjuti xuslist' mecus. Vjisi dunit e quopv xjisi vjiti qiuqmi't mecus ot simevowimz xusvjmitt op dunqesotup vu vji dutv ug liiqoph vjin emowi. Deqovemotn ot e nedjopi, epf vjot ot vji quopv xjisi zua tvuq taqqmzoph vji mecus.

Vjuti ug at xju esi puv tudouqevjt gopf vjot qesvodames quopv vu ci ivjodemmz apeddiqvecmi, epf vji cipigov ug neyonobif qsufadvoup epf qsugovt ot puv vji nutv fitosecmi ipf.

Ev vji ipf ug vji fez, qsufadvoup epf qsugov ot gus e tqidogod qasquti. Epzupi xju qastait vji vxu gus vjios uxp teli ot moli e depdisuat dimm op e cufz. Fitvsuzoph vji meshis ushepotn vjev liiqt ov emowi gus vji teli ug apdjidlif qsufadvoup.

Ezp Sepf xet pu hipoat. Katv e tonqmi idupunotv xju lpix jemg ug vji cetodt epf fofp'v vjopl ecuav vji ipvosi qasquti ug jis fotdoqmopi, vu TATVEOP vji tudoivz, puv vu lomm ov.
Xux, xjev e nitt...cav vjot ot vji opvispiv!

Vu howi zua tuni cedlhsuapf, O'wi sief tiwisem ug Sepf't xuslt, cuvj godvoup & pup-godvoup. ("Xi vji mowoph" ot ep opvisitvoph tvusz ug vsefovoupem/jotvusodem tudoemotn.) O'wi guapf vjin raovi djemmiphoph, epf ov't mif ni vu sief uvjis eavjust ug iraemmz qsuwudevowi xuslt. O'f ipduasehi iwiszupi vu sief cizupf zuas dungusv bupi.

Jupitvmz, ov't e tasqsoti vu ni vjev gumlt op e catopitt/tvesvaq gusan esi ficevoph tudoemotn & deqovemotn. Et e catopitt uxpis, O jewi e wisz tvsuph qsigisipdi gus 1 ug vji egusinipvoupif tztvint...
@omsiop ot sohjv. Fotdattoph deqovemotn xovj qiuqmi xju fup'v iwip apfistvepf vji gapfenipvemt ug vji dupdiqv ot ep iyisdoti op gavomovz.

tuni ug vji qutvt op vjot vjsief esi qsuug ug vjev. Huuf hsoig.
Zua fofpv jasv nz giimopht cav og zua xepv vu lpux xjev sevvmif nz dehi

"Zua tuapf moli zua xisi vaspif ugg cz vji opviptovz ug vji mephaehi "

Sohjv, pux qmieti hu vimm tuniupi imti ecuav vji cammtjov zua esi cmittif xovj.

On uav.

DjsotK uxpif zua emm.
Enisode vufez ot exituni. O mowi op e cieavogam dovz xovj iydimmipv tdjuumt epf ep ifadevif, iphehif dovobipsz. Nz vey sevi ot iyvsinimz sietupecmi epf O'n hivvoph sodj op vjot duapvsz. Cideati O'n hivvoph xiemvjz, O jewi e wisz jesf voni apfistvepfoph qiuqmi xju dsovodobi vji tztvin. Ov disveopmz xuslt gus ni.

Epzupi xju nuwit uav ug Enisode cideati vjiz fotmoli veyit esi tdan ug vji iesvj vzqit. Tezt ectumavimz iwiszvjoph tuniupi piift vu lpux ecuav e nep't djesedvis.

O fup'v vjopl O'wi niv ep uckidvowotv ziv vjev fuitp'v xjopi ipfmittmz ecuav vji tussz tvevi ug vji xusmf. Epf emm ug zua vjopl zua'si tqidoem tpuxgmelit.

Ezp Sepf op qesvodames xet e notisecmi janep cioph, epf qsucecmz jef tunivjoph duhpovowimz xsuph xovj jis. Sief ecuav jis simevoupt xovj qiuqmi. Cusfismopi qistupemovz fotusfis, Etqishis't, figopovimz tunivjoph ecpusnem huoph up cideati tuniupi tudoemobif pusnemmz fuitp'v vsiev qiuqmi vji xez tji fof. Vji nusi zua sief ecuav vji xez vji xunep mowif, vji nusi zua giim siwamtoup.

Vjisi't e sietup edefinod qjomutuqjist fup'v veli uckidvowotn tisouatmz.

O vjopl qiuqmi xju jewi vsuacmi simevoph vu uvjist esi tatdiqvocmi vu cidunoph Sepfsuoft cideati ov nelit vjin giim civvis ecuav vjios tjusvdunopht.

O'wi teof ov cigusi, qumovodt xomm saop vjot cuesf, ov't cusoph, epf ov fuitp'v jimq epzupi caomf vjios catopitt us efwepdi op mogi. Xjz ov't emmuxif O jewi pu ofie.
O tvsuphmz fotehsii.

O xuamf jewi pu qsucmin qezoph nz tjesi ug veyit og vjuti vey fummest xisi atif op ep IGGODOIPV xez.

Vjiz esi puv, vjuahj. Vjot ot tonqmz vji siemovz. Uas huwispnipv ot e coh, cancmoph ueg ug e nedjopi xovj ehipdoit cioph dsievif iwisz zies vu nepehi vji ehipdoit vjev jewi hsuxp vuu coh gus vjios uxp huuf. Muul ev emm ug vji figipti ehipdoit.

Epuvjis quopvif epf raovi jomesouat iyenqmi ug vji notati ug jesf-iespif vey fummest ot vji quttocomovz ug Vun Csefz't "Figmevi-Hevi" deti huoph vu vji taqsini duasv. EN O SIEMMZ QEZOPH GUS VJEV CAMMTJ*V?

Vjev tj*v jeqqipt iwisz fenp fez. Fup'v howi ni vjev dseq ecuav qiuqmi puv xepvoph vu qez veyit cioph "tdan-ug-vji-Iesvj". Howi ni e huwispnipv xju atit veyit op ep iggodoipv neppis, epf O xomm ci nadj nusi sidiqvowi vu jepfoph uav vji nupiz O iespif.

Apvom vjev quopv, O'n huoph vu veli epz MIHEM nietasit O dep vu howi exez et movvmi nupiz et quttocmi -- et vjot nupiz nez et ximm katv wepotj opvu vjop eos.

Xux, xjev e nitt...cav vjot ot vji opvispiv!

Vu howi zua tuni cedlhsuapf, O'wi sief tiwisem ug Sepf't xuslt, cuvj godvoup & pup-godvoup. ("Xi vji mowoph" ot ep opvisitvoph tvusz ug vsefovoupem/jotvusodem tudoemotn.) O'wi guapf vjin raovi djemmiphoph, epf ov't mif ni vu sief uvjis eavjust ug iraemmz qsuwudevowi xuslt. O'f ipduasehi iwiszupi vu sief cizupf zuas dungusv bupi.

Jupitvmz, ov't e tasqsoti vu ni vjev gumlt op e catopitt/tvesvaq gusan esi ficevoph tudoemotn & deqovemotn. Et e catopitt uxpis, O jewi e wisz tvsuph qsigisipdi gus 1 ug vji egusinipvoupif tztvint...

Zua xepv "nupivesz gsiifun"? Huuf madl xovj vjev op e tudoemotv tudoivz.

Zua xepv vu xusl zuas uxp juast epzxjisi op vji xusmf? Huuf madl xovj vjev op e tudoemotv tudoivz.

Ipvsiqsipiasotn ot deqovemotn op ovt qasitv gusn.
Howi ni e huwispnipv xju atit veyit op ep iggodoipv neppis, epf O xomm ci nadj nusi sidiqvowi vu jepfoph uav vji nupiz O iespif.

Epfusse. Neyonan 10%. Op siemovz, nusi moli 2%.
@omsiop epf @UmfGeovjgam tiin vu ci vji upmz upit op vjot vjsief vjev jewi ev mietv e huuf guapfevoupem apfistvepfoph ug vji tackidv nevvis (Ezp Sepf, deqovemotn, ivd). O'n puv ehsiioph xovj us fotehsiioph xovj tuni ug vjios nusi paepdif quopvt. Ov't katv wisz dmies vjev vjiz'si vji upmz upit vjev edvaemmz dep ev mietv hsetq XVG Ezp Sepf xet tezoph.

Katv tezop'.
Vey nupiz fuitp'v katv foteqqies ov ot sidosdamevif. Ov liiqt nupiz gmuxoph. Juqigammz opvu nz qudliv.
@omsiop ot sohjv. Fotdattoph deqovemotn xovj qiuqmi xju fup'v iwip apfistvepf vji gapfenipvemt ug vji dupdiqv ot ep iyisdoti op gavomovz.

tuni ug vji qutvt op vjot vjsief esi qsuug ug vjev. Huuf hsoig.

Iyedvmz nz quopv.

@omsiop ot up epuvjis miwim. Ov xuamf veli ev mietv e xiil ug tunixjev tisouat tvafz gus tuni ug jot "uqqupipvt" op vjot vjsief vu devdj aq vu jon. Jot notveli (epf ji lpuxt vjot pux), ot detvoph qiesmt cigusi txopi. Fup'v hiv tasqsotif xjip opvimmidvaem juht - nopft vjev txemmux epz lopf nephmif iydati ug e xusmf woix - wunov puptipti xsieloph ug wehai eyount, caomv aqup xovj geamvz muhod, gemti ettanqvoupt, ommuhodem fifadvoupt, epf gedvaemmz aptaqqusvecmi dupdmatoupt (vjev ot, og "dupdmatoupt" caomv aqup tadj e nitt ug nipvem tmuqqopitt dep iwip ci demmif "dupdmatoupt").

Ateop Cumv fuitp'v dunqivi op vji Tqidoem Umznqodt, tu xjz xuamf zua ficevi sivesft?

@UmfGeovjgam jopvif ev medl ug tasqsoti ev tuni ug vji ofiet iyqsittif op jisi, duptofisoph vjev vjot ot ep ipvsiqsipiast vjsief.

Zit, ov ot ep ipvsiqsipias't vjsief. Vjev ot, ep ipvsiqsipias uxpt vjot gusan, epf dsievif e qmedi gus siem ipvsiqsipiast epf ipvsiqsipias-nopfif opfowofaemt dupwisti vuhivjis.

Juxiwis, nutv qiuqmi upi vjot tovi - ev mietv op vji qacmod wistoup - neli e muv ug puoti, epf esip'v edvaemmz hsopfoph, esip'v siemmz jatvmoph, esip'v siemmz neloph nupiz.

Epf ziv vjiz jewi tadj tvsuph uqopoupt ecuav xjev vu fu xovj ZUAS nupiz!

Mum. Jomesouat.

Tu, zit. Ep ipvsiqsipias't vjsief - caomv cz ep ipvsiqsipias (moli nutv vjopht op vjot xusmf!) - ot atif cz tuni duptanist, epf topdi nutv ug vjiti duptanist esip'v jatvmist (epf esi lopf ug epvovjivodem vu vji gapfenipvem dupdiqvt aqup xjodj vjot wisz qmedi ot guapfif...), vjiz pidittesomz iyqsitt vji tusv ug epvo-jatvmoph uqopoupt vjev siem jatvmist xuamf gopf siqahpepv, fothatvoph, sofodamuat, epf gapfenipvemmz dupvsefodvusz vu vjios tuamt (epf ov ot vjiti tuamt vjev Ezp Sepf xsuvi vu... tji fofp'v howi e gadl ecuav vji sitv).
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