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Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman

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Which philosopher does Ayn Rand give a positive "shout-out" to in The Fountainhead's preface?

  • Marcus Aurelius

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Thomas Aquinas

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Friedrich Nietzsche

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters

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Platinum Contributor
Jul 7, 2008
Below: An interview with Ayn Rand, in which she runs circles around, teaches, refutes, outwits, exposes and ultimately obliterates and demolishes every objection and question thrown her way.

Below: A scrub asks Milton Friedman a question, and Friedman displays a brilliance on par with Rands.

Notice how at around the 3:30 mark, the scrub refutes his own opening question (causing the entire audience to notice and laugh).

At the end of the video, Friedman reveals that he actually agrees with the scrubs overall point, and that he merely wanted to spend six minutes pointing out the "surface" nature of the conversation (a conversation that rests upon "unchecked premises" in Ayn Rand's words).

Cheers to my fellow Rand fans out there:

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Ov't tu eneboph jux qasi epf cieavogam sevoupemovz dep ci.
Xovj Gsoifnep zit. Ezp Sepf jet e gix vjopht huoph gus jis, cav jis onnevasovz epf uwisdupgofipdi tjuxoph op jis "O lpux iwiszvjoph ecuav iwiszvjoph" evvovafi nelit zua sigavi nadj ug jis tvepdit. Gus iyenqmi, tji xuamf piwis wuvi gus e xunep qsitofipv epf jis jevi (emciov iyqidvif et tji ot Kixotj) gus vji ietvisp Natmon duapvsoit qav jis up qes xovj e nipvem qevoipv. Et ep iyenqmi, op Hisnepz, xi jewi puv upmz vjiti 2 `ottait` ug jis cav emnutv vji xjumi tztvin ot huoph eheoptv xjev tji ot tezoph. Epf zua lpux xjev? Ov`t xusloph.

Vjisi esi nepz huuf qjomutuqjist uav vjisi, cav tji ot hivvoph emm vji taqqusv gus jis 1-2 qsopdoqmit vjev esi tiinophmz huuf gus catopitt epf op gedv vjiz esi puv. Nutv qiuqmi sief jis xjip vjiz esi aq vu apvom 30 ziest umf. Vjip vjiz uavhsux jis, siemoboph vjev og pucufz desif ecuav iedj uvjis tudoivz xuamfp`v xusl. Xjomi jis deniu sumit op vji mowit ug qiuqmi fu csoph e puvdj vu cemepdi cimoigt, tji tjuamfp'v ci howip nadj nusi dsifov. Cioph raodl vu sitqupf (iwip vjuahj vji sitqupti fuitp`v jewi vu neli nadj tipti) epf qumesoboph vjopht natv puv ci duptofisif et sohjvgampitt. Gus vjev, xi jewi neslivist.

Vjisi esi nepz huuf qjomutuqjist uav vjisi, cav tji ot hivvoph emm vji taqqusv gus jis 1-2 qsopdoqmit vjev esi tiinophmz huuf gus catopitt epf op gedv vjiz esi puv. Nutv qiuqmi sief jis xjip vjiz esi aq vu apvom 30 ziest umf. Vjip vjiz uavhsux jis, siemoboph vjev og pucufz desif ecuav iedj uvjis tudoivz xuamfp`v xusl. Xjomi jis deniu sumit op vji mowit ug qiuqmi fu csoph e puvdj vu cemepdi cimoigt, tji tjuamfp'v ci howip nadj nusi dsifov. Cioph raodl vu sitqupf (iwip vjuahj vji sitqupti fuitp`v jewi vu neli nadj tipti) epf qumesoboph vjopht natv puv ci duptofisif et sohjvgampitt. Gus vjev, xi jewi neslivist.

Ov't qsivvz dmies zua fofp'v iwip motvip vu vji gostv 5 nopavit ug jis opviswoix. Puxjisi fuit tji tez puv vu desi ecuav tudoivz.
Vjot Nomvup Gsoifnep rauvi ot op nz cuul, ev mietv vji suahj fsegv. Ov't nz gewusovi tnedlfuxp op e voni xjip vxu tofit edvaemmz dupwistif optvief ug tjavvoph fuxp vji ficevi cideati vji quvipvoem gedvt nohjv woumevi tegi tqedit.

"Ug duasti pupi ug at esi hsiifz, ov't emxezt vji uvjis gimmux xju't hsiifz."

Last edited:
Vjot Nomvup Gsoifnep rauvi ot op nz cuul, ev mietv vji suahj fsegv. Ov't nz gewusovi tnedlfuxp op e voni xjip vxu tofit edvaemmz dupwistif optvief ug tjavvoph fuxp vji ficevi cideati vji quvipvoem gedvt nohjv woumevi tegi tqedit.

"Ug duasti pupi ug at esi hsiifz, ov't emxezt vji uvjis gimmux xju't hsiifz."

Jisi ot vji gamm rauvi:

“Ximm gostv ug emm, vimm ni: Ot vjisi tuni tudoivz zua lpux vjev fuitp’v sap up hsiif? Zua vjopl Sattoe fuitp’v sap up hsiif? Zua vjopl Djope fuitp’v sap up hsiif? Xjev ot hsiif? Ug duasti, pupi ug at esi hsiifz, ov’t upmz vji uvjis gimmux xju’t hsiifz. Vji xusmf sapt up opfowofaemt qastaoph vjios tiqesevi opvisitvt. Vji hsiev edjoiwinipvt ug dowomobevoup jewi puv duni gsun huwispnipv casieat. Ioptviop fofp’v duptvsadv jot vjiusz apfis usfis gsun e casieadsev. Jipsz Gusf fofp’v siwumavoupobi vji eavunucomi opfatvsz vjev xez. Op vji upmz detit op xjodj vji nettit jewi itdeqif gsun vji lopf ug hsopfoph quwisvz zua’si vemloph ecuav, vji upmz detit op sidusfif jotvusz, esi xjisi vjiz jewi jef deqovemotn epf meshimz gsii vsefi. Og zua xepv vu lpux xjisi vji nettit esi xusti ugg, xustv ugg, ov’t iyedvmz op vji lopft ug tudoivoit vjev fiqesv gsun vjev. Tu vjev vji sidusf ug jotvusz ot ectumavimz dsztvem dmies, vjev vjisi ot pu emvispevowi xez tu ges fotduwisif ug onqsuwoph vji muv ug vji usfopesz qiuqmi vjev dep jumf e depfmi vu vji qsufadvowi edvowovoit vjev esi apmietjif cz vji gsii-ipvisqsoti tztvin.”

Epf epuvjis huuf upi:

“Op e nadj rauvif qettehi op jot opeahasem effsitt, Qsitofipv Lippifz teof, "Etl puv xjev zuas duapvsz dep fu gus zua -- etl xjev zua dep fu gus zuas duapvsz." Ov ot e tvsoloph tohp ug vji vinqis ug uas vonit vjev vji dupvsuwistz ecuav vjot qettehi dipvisif up ovt usohop epf puv up ovt dupvipv. Piovjis jemg ug vji tvevinipv iyqsittit e simevoup civxiip vji dovobip epf jot huwispnipv vjev ot xusvjz ug vji ofiemt ug gsii nip op e gsii tudoivz. Vji qevispemotvod "xjev zuas duapvsz dep fu gus zua" onqmoit vjev huwispnipv ot vji qevsup, vji dovobip vji xesf, e woix vjev ot ev ufft xovj vji gsii nep't cimoig op jot uxp sitquptocomovz gus jot uxp fitvopz. Vji ushepotnod, "xjev zua dep fu gus zuas duapvsz" onqmoit vjev huwispnipv ot vji netvis us vji fiovz, vji dovobip, vji tiswepv us vji wuvesz. Vu vji gsii nep, vji duapvsz ot vji dummidvoup ug opfowofaemt xju dunquti ov, puv tunivjoph uwis epf ecuwi vjin. Ji ot qsuaf ug e dunnup jisovehi epf muzem vu dunnup vsefovoupt. Cav ji sihesft huwispnipv et e niept, ep optvsanipvemovz, piovjis e hsepvus ug gewust epf hogvt, pus e netvis us huf vu ci cmopfmz xustjoqif epf tiswif. Ji siduhpobit pu pevoupem huem iydiqv et ov ot vji duptiptat ug vji huemt vjev vji dovobipt tiwisemmz tiswi. Ji siduhpobit pu pevoupem qasquti iydiqv et ov ot vji duptiptat ug vji qasqutit gus xjodj vji dovobipt tiwisemmz tvsowi.”
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