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Benefit of lead generating site over plain old Google?

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Feb 26, 2014
Thanks to some great feedback I got yesterday I was thinking long and hard about how to monetize my site, my goals, and my next step, and my thoughts came towards lead generation.

I have a question, and it may be naive, but I'm ready for the flak! Say I produce a site that SEO's well for catteries and kennels in UK. So someone searches for a kennel in Liverpool and they come to my site - I then send an email to the kennel and they get a lead and I get a small fee for the lead. Great stuff.

But why would this business pay me for a lead when they are on Yell directory, for free, and due to Yell's massive Google juice, this result will probably come up first or next to mine, and the kennel will get the customer free of charge? From the work I've already done with my petcarerated site, there are a hell of a lot of these businesses that have some sort of web presence on Yell.

Am I missing some subtle benefit of lead generation, or is this just the situation now and I need to move on, find a less saturated market?

My plan is to start hitting the phones in the next day or so, and I prob still will for the experience, but just wondering if I'm trying something that has been proven to be fruitless in present day internet environment. Of course, if I phone a hundred businesses and they think it's a great idea, this question is moot! :)

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