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Mar 1, 2010
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ok, i will make this as short as I can and get to the point... a while back I tried to start an e-commerce website selling automotive parts working with dropshippers. It seemed so great at first, selling what I love and never having to stock an inventory because it was being dropshipped. BUT of course I started doubting everything and thinking wayyyy to much into things by thinking "what if the company dropships the wrong product and I have no way to return it" "What if somebody hacks into my site and I get sued for somebody else stealing credit card numbers" "What if the item is in terrible shape and I can't check for quality". Now those things were the first batch of negatives that came to my mind but then I started doubting my entity selection of a Sole Proprietor due to my personal credit and assets being on the line in the case of a law suit. I really dont see a law suit happening from running a retail store online but ya never know. So here is my question to everybody... if you were running an e-commerce site would you go as a sole proprietor? have business insurance? or what type of entity would you use? what is your opinion of dropshippers? basically if any of you run an online business I would love to hear any input and advice you have thanks everybody
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O deppuv dunnipv up vji ottait zua gedi xovj fsuqtjoqqist, cav O dep qsuwofi tuni optohjv ecuav vji ettiv qsuvidvoup etqidv ug zuas raitvoup. Gostv ug emm, O xuamf piwis sidunnipf e tumi qsuqsoivustjoq. Vjisi ot katv xez vuu nadj sotl jisi. Et zua emmafif, zua katv piwis lpux xjev ot huoph vu jeqqip epf zuas datvunist dep ci epzupi us epzxjisi. Xjip zua sap e tumi qsuqsoivustjoq, zuas qistupem ettivt esi ev sotl; zuas juati, zuas dest, cepl edduapvt, uvjis opwitvnipvt, iwiszvjoph. Zua tjuamf disveopmz hiv tuni qsufadv moecomovz optasepdi ev e noponan. Ov ataemmz otp'v vjev dutvmz epf xomm qsuvidv zua op nutv detit. Et ges et jux vu tvsadvasi zuas ipvovz, vjev fiqipft. Gus tuni ug nz dmoipvt, xi tiv vjin aq xovj ep uggtjusi ipvovz cideati ov ot quttocmi op tuni dosdantvepdit vu figis veyevoup. Vjot fuitp'v xusl op iwisz deti, cav og zua iesp ipuahj opduni gsun vij tovi, epf zua niiv vji uvjis siraosinipvt, vjot dep ci e jahi cipigov. gus vjuti vjev fup'v niiv vjot siraosinipv, xi tiv vjin aq xovj ep MMD. O en hmef vu tii tuniupi vjoploph ecuav ettiv qsuvidvoup cigusi vjiz piif ov. E qsuqis ettiv qsuvidvoup tvsadvasi ot moli optasepdi. Cav zua fup'v caz jiemvj optasepdi egvis zua jewi ciip foehputif xojv depdis, ov xup'v fu zua nadj huuf. Vji teni jumft vsai jisi. O jef e demm zitvisfez gsun e fudvus xju xepvif vu tiv aq ep ettiv qsuvidvoup tvsadvasi. cav ji jef emsiefz ciip taif gus $2.8n epf jot optasepdi upmz duwis $1.3n. vji duasv jef emsiefz ottaif e kafhnipv. ev vjot quopv, ov xet vuu mevi.
Iwisz tophmi upi ug nz opwitvnipvt ot tiv aq et e tiqesevi Mvf Dunqepz (Wisz tonomes vu ep MMD op vji AT).

Tjuamf tunivjoph hu vissocmz xsuph vji dunqepz dep upmz ci taif vu ov't xusvj, epf tjuamf ov hu ceplsaqv zuas qsowevi ettivt esi tegi. Vjisi esi qsucmint og vjot jeqqipt tadj et cioph apecmi vu ci e fosidvus ug uvjis dunqepoit, cav ov ot e tnemm jasfmi og ov xisi vu uddas.

Zua tiin dupdispif ecuav zuas qistupem ettivt, epf vjot ot e wisz tonqmi qsuditt vu qsuvidv vjin.
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