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Nov 4, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
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I introduced myself on here a few years ago claiming I was ready to be an entrepreneur.

I read MJ's books, as well as some others.

I pumped myself up - "Ready to build a business and live the dream!"

I didn't do shit. Or rather, I did a bunch of stuff that didn't move the needle until I ran out of money and it all culminated in me getting a divorce.

Now I'm playing on hard mode with 75/25% custody of my baby daughter (I'm the 75%).

It really sucks that the threat of being homeless was required to kick me into action.

Before I got into action, I sunk a few hundred hours into video games feeling sorry for myself - while taking care of my daughter.

One day as I was pushing my daughter on the swing, I was daydreaming about the future. Her future.

A future in which she tells her friends that her father is dead rather than admit that he's a loser who couldn't get it together.

That reminds me of my own father - and that really pissed me off.

I quit the video game. I spent $2500 of my $10,000 remaining on a life coach.

In 8 weeks I went from playing games 10-12hrs a day to launching my first product.

I built two courses in my area of expertise (video game programming, ironically the thing I needed to quit doing).

The first one I launched for free as a sort of lead magnet to test the water - it got about 600 people signed up pretty quick which was great.

I started pre-selling the second one in July and made some sales.

I've not been making enough to cover expenses yet, but that's because I somehow got too comfortable again! Even with money running out. Crazy.

So what I did was put the course modules on a public schedule and commit to releasing on time. That actually helped a lot - I'm accountable to my customers (I always was, but the process was opaque).

Now I'm focusing on delivering the best product I can - even though I know it could be better, I have to persist.

I'll probably need to get a job 1-2 days a week for the next month or two - we'll see.

The point is - I put off getting serious about business until it almost ruined my life and impacted my daughter's life.

That's really stupid behaviour. Don't do what I did.

Glad to be here. Again.
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Ximduni ecuesf, jewoph djomfsip ot e hsiev GVI gus nepz vjopht.

Ov emtu dep jimq zua tvez jiemvjz tu zua dep ci e wocsepv hsepfqe.
Ximduni ecuesf, jewoph djomfsip ot e hsiev GVI gus nepz vjopht.

Ov emtu dep jimq zua tvez jiemvjz tu zua dep ci e wocsepv hsepfqe.
Vjeplt gus vji ximduni, NK. Epf, vjeplt gus vji cuult.

Huoph vjsuahj Aptdsoqvif eheop epf gopemmz puv jewoph vjev "O dep fu cuvj / vjot fuitp'v eqqmz vu ni / O'n caomv foggisipv" CT nopftiv.
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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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