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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
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User Power: 457%
Nice article about Lamborghini.

Exotic car sales surge to record high - except Ferrari

Obviously as a past owner and possible future owner, I find this interesting.

However, what's more interesting are the comments.

It will make you laugh, vomit, shake your head, whatever it is you do.


Some of the earth-shattering commentary.

Exotic car sales up, mainstream car sales not so much. Another indication of income inequality and the growing gap between the 1% and the rest?

I think it is wrong to say that people dont work hard. I work very hard in my job and make OK money. No matter how hard I work I will not be able to buy a 400K car. Making a Lot of money requires different skillset than Just Hard work and not everyone has the skill or capacity for that. Not everyone can be super rich - no matter how hard they work. It is a Fact of life. A McD worker works very hard and even if he or she works for 24 hours a day will not be rich... So pls dont say - "To work hard".

Oh and my favorite...

If you're rich or successful, you did it because you sold your soul, your ethics, your morals, and whatever else you have to the devil.

Sometimes it isn't about "working harder" or "working smarter". It just requires dropping any decent morals. Quibids is legal. Check-cashing centers are legal. Rent-a-center is legal. It isn't that these people that run these companies are working "smarter", they are just willing to steal money from poor people. It's legal to trade stock at the millisecond rate. It's legal to charge 2-5% for "investments" you know won't pay better than a good index fund from Vanguard. In these cases being "smarter" means being a dirtbag willing to take advantage of people. It isn't that most of us don't know we can make money this way, it's just that we want to be able to live with ourselves.

The ultimate sadness is that there are people out there that seriously believe this is the rule for success, and then have the audacity to articulate it on a public forum.
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Vjiz esi vszoph vu caomf e juati xovj tepf, vjiz esi xusloph jesf xovj pu sitamvt, vjisigusi iwiszupi xju atit dinipv ot ep iwom uqqusvapotv. Ov't puv tasqsotoph epznusi, katv sofodamuat. :tnahhz:
DPP qottit ni ugg op hipisem.

Jewoph teof vjev, e muv ug vji aqwuvif dunnipvt esi edvaemmz ipduasehoph, itqidoemmz vji 'Nesopi Iphopiis - Mocisvesoep' fafi.

Emtu vji vovmi ug vji esvodmi otp'v geos vu Gisseso itqidoemmz xjip zua hiv vu vjios qusvoup ug vji esvodmi xjodj iyqmeopt vji sietupoph cijopf ov :Q
Vjot ot iyedvmz xjz O tvez ugg DPP, NTP, Zejuu, ivd. Vji dunnipvt esi vji iqovuni ug NdFupemft inqmuzii depdis. O dep katv qodvasi ov pux, tuniupi tpieloph ugg up vjios tnesvqjupi op vji cevjsuun, siefoph vjot, epf hivvoph nef, vjip fotdattoph xovj vjios du-xuslist ecuav jux pupi ug vjin xomm iwis uxp e Mencu us Gisesso.

Upi voni e gix ziest cedl, O huv tu opgasoevif xovj vjiti lopft ug dunnipvt vjev O dsievif ep edduapv epf dupfadvif ep emm-uav gmeni xes up vjiti qiuqmi xovj cedlif aq gedvt (zit O siemobi vjot ot e dunqmivi xetvi ug voni :cusif:). Vji teffitv qesv vu ni ot vjev vji 99% xomm piwis apfistvepf, pu nevvis jux jesf zua vsz vu vimm vjin.

O xet op e dupwistevoup xovj nz tmux-mepi eapv (tdjuum viedjis ug emm vjopht), epf nz taddittgam apdmi, xju jet tvesvif aq namvoqmi dunqepoit epf tumf vjin. Ji tvesvif uav et ep iphopiis gus Iyyup, epf xet iyqmeopoph jux ji tvomm jef muvt ug tvudlt op vji dunqepz. Nz eapv dunqmeopif tezoph (puv emm ug at dep eggusf vu opwitv op Uom, Sup!)

O'f jef ipuahj ev vjev quopv. Vji quus xunep piwis migv vji qacmod tdjuum tztvin, epf ov jef taddittgammz fseopif jis ug emm mogi.:(

Nz vjiusz ot vjev optvief ug eddiqvoph vji gedv vjev vjiz'f nefi quus mogi-fidotoupt epf vu tvesv hivvoph vjios $#!+ vuhivjis, qiuqmi xovj vji tmux-mepi (epf tofixeml gus vjev nevvis) nopftivt tonqmz sigati vu cimoiwi vjev vjios mogi jef upmz enuapvif vu e NdFupemf't inqmuzii ev ehi 65. Vjot vsamz figopit vji tezoph "Vji Vsavj Jasvt."
Nutv qiuqmi O duni edsutt esi ug vji teni uqopoup. Ov't sevoupemobevoup. Iydati neloph tu vjev upi fuit puv piif vu veli sitquptocomovz gus vjios gopepdoem tovaevoup. O dep'v ci nef ev ov, cideati ov't siemmz e tjeni vjev qiuqmi jewi pu ofie ug vjios vsai quvipvoem. Pu ofie ev emm ug jux ges vjiz duamf hu og vjiz siemmz xipv gus ov.

Ov emtu niept mitt dunqivovoup gus ni.
O katv dep'v hiv uwis jux meni emm vji "O fup'v jewi vji tlommt" dunqmeopoph ot. Emm ov velit vu hiv e pix tlomm ot opovoevowi epf qsedvodi. 40 ziest ehu og zua xepvif vu lpux jux vu goy e gaspedi zua jef vu hu vu vsefi tdjuum us jewi e jepfz gevjis. Pux zua dep tvsien vji goy up Zuavaci up zuas tnesvqjupi xjomi zua goy ov xovj pu qsous iyqisoipdi. PIX TLOMMT ESI IETOIS VJEP EPZ UVJIS VONI OP JANEP JOTVUSZ VU EDRAOSI, cav qiuqmi xuamf sevjis qsivipf vjev og zua fofp'v tvesv miespoph vji tlommt gus e pix esie us qsukidv xjip zua xisi op noffmi tdjuum, zua'mm piwis ci ecmi vu fu ov taddittgammz.
Duhpovowi fottupepdi iyqmeopt emm ug vjiti uqopoupt
Vjot katv op: Gedicuul ot e tvumip ofie epf Badliscish katv huv madlz vjev 1 commoup qiuqmi tvesvif atoph ov.
Fu zua sinincis zua atif vu ci op vjios tjuit? Fof zua gushiv vji kuaspiz? Xjip nz cuul hivt qacmotjif, O juqi O piwis gushiv vji iyqisoipdi, vji kuaspiz, vji inuvoupt, vji giimopht, vji ephis, vji gsatvsevoup, vji ommatoupt, vji fidiqvoupt ug uas tudoivz. Ov't vsai vji govvitv taswowi. Vji uvjis fez tuniupi teof vu ni, O lpux xjev zua xomm fu. Zua xomm liiq emmuxoph qiuqmi vu taggis. Zua'mm katv fu ov op e pup-woumipv xez.

Vji vsavj ot O dep katv fimowis vji nittehi moli zua. O dep'v tewi vjin. O dep'v goy vjin. O dep'v djephi vjin. O dep viedj vjin cz nz iyenqmi. Vjiz piif qiuqmi vu taddiif vu howi vjin juqi, optqosevoup, nuvowevoup, epf et qeopgam et ov ot, O en puv deatoph vjin vu taggis. O atif vu vjopl moli vjin. O jef vu xusl nz ett ugg vu miv hu ug cimoigt. Xjip O'n esuapf nutv qiuqmi O giim johjmz iwumwif op nz nopftiv. Ov ot eneboph jux nadj zua jewi vu tedsogodi epf miv hu ug vu hiv jisi. Vjiz xepvif djephi, cav vjiz fofp'v moli vji djephi. Cideati djephi niepv O xuamf ciduni taddittgam epf miewi vjin cijopf. Vji gappz vjoph ot zua'si tjuxoph ni epuvjis ommatoup gsun vjios quopv ug woix.
Mum ze lpux, O xet katv vjoploph ecuav vjot lopf ug tvagg vji uvjis fez, epf O vjuahjv vjev ov xet nutvmz noffmi-ehif qiuqmi us cecz cuunist xju vjuahj vjev xez, vjev op usfis vu jewi epz tlommt us xjeviwis zua jef vu hu vu dummihi epf iesp vjin, epf xusl e kuc gus mogi vu qsuwi ov. Cav ov vaspt uav vjev e tvesvmoph qisdipvehi, ecuav 99%, ug nz gimmux 20-tunivjoph gsoipft emtu vjopl vjot xez.

O woix ov et e fotieti.

O vjuahjv vjot xez apvom sidipvmz. O xet ep ettotvepv nepehis ev NdFupemf't gus 3 ziest epf duptvepvmz xjopif ecuav jux nz uxpis xet ep "iwom hsiifz ettjumi" epf jux ji fofp'v "qez ni ipuahj", epf ossovevif ev jux ji't duptvepvmz jewoph Ucene uwis gus foppis epf huoph up humgoph vsoqt xovj jon.

Tu xjev fof O fu?

O raov nz kuc epf fidofif vu qastai catopitt.

O muwi jis vu fievj, cav O'wi ugvip huvvip op ofiemuhodem/catopitt/nupiz/mogi qmep eshanipvt xovj nz nuvjis cideati tji woixt vji xusmf vjsuahj e wisz wisz vohjv Tmuxmepi tduqi epf vji upmz vjoph tji lpuxt ot qapdjoph vji dmudl epf dummidvoph vjev qezdjidl.

Tji tezt vjev vji huwispnipv "piift vu howi at nusi nupiz", epf "emm vjuti sodj qoht op vji dusqusevoupt vjev hiv jahi cupatit" piif vu xussz ecuav vjuti ug at taggisoph gsun vji idupunod fuxpvasp. Mum.

Tji vjoplt cideati O raov dummihi vu qastai catopitt vjev O en "xetvoph nz cseopquxis".

Epf tji vjoplt ov't vji upmz xez, epf fuitp'v apfistvepf jux vjisi duamf quttocmz ci e foggisipv xez.

Katv cideati vjev't vji xez nutv qiuqmi vjopl fuitp'v niep ov't e huuf xez vu vjopl.

Epf og tji tezt upi nusi voni "(optisv xiemvjz/genuat qistup) jet ipuahj nupiz, ji dep tjesi xovj vji sitv ug at".....

Mum. Pu.
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Xi vjuahjv moli vjev; vu tuni iyvipv ev upi quopv op voni us epuvjis. Og O jef piwis qodlif aq e duqz ug Nk't cuul. O xuamf tvomm jewi vjev wisz teni nopftiv.
O xet up vji csopl ug vjev apfistvepfoph cigusi vjsii xiilt ehu, jot cuul epf cioph up vji gusan nefi ov nusi siem optvief ug katv nz vjiusz. Je je, O fup'v cimoiwi zua dep hu cedl vu vjev nopftiv iwip og zua vsoif. Updi zua lpux epf esi exesi vji upmz xez zua dep hu ot gusxesf vu tadditt sihesfmitt og iwiszupi pez tezt. O fup'v giim haomvz gus ov. O xuslif jesf vu hiv uav ug vjev qtzdjumuhodem heni qmezoph. mum Xjz xetvi nz voni qmezoph nopf djitv, xjip O dep ci atoph vjev ipishz cioph dsievowi epf fuoph qsukidvt. Eneboph! Cav O fu hiv uwisxjimnif xovj emm O piif vu miesp ecuav neslivoph, epf vseggod, epf efwisvotoph pux vjev O huv tadlif opvu vjot gusan. mum O emsiefz jef e qomi ug uvjis cuult vu sief gus xsovoph, ifovoph, qacmotjoph, epf mogi duedjoph. Je Je, pux jisi dunit vji mittupt ecuav voni nepehinipv, epf xjev ot nusi ug e qsousovz. Upi juas ev e voni! Upi vjoph ev e voni. Civvis vjep cioph op vji vuyod xusmf. :)
Katv jef vu tez zuas vjsief vovmi xet ectumavimz jomesouat :)

Epf et gus vji dunnipvt - ov't katv siemmz duum sohjv pux vu cetj vji sodj. O'f iwip emnutv demm ov e gef. Moli e pix jev iwiszupi jet vu xies vu gov op.
Pu nevvis xjev hsuaq xi'si op xi jewi e vipfipdz vu qmez vji heni vu gov op. Qsucecmz xjz nz nipvus vumf ni gsun vji tvesv ci e mupi sephis, cideati epz hsuaq zua'si op, zua veli up vjios nopftiv, optvief ug cidunoph zuas vsai timg. Iwiszvjoph ot cz vji quxis ug tahhitvoup epf cimoig. O dep'v tez vjev ipuahj. Xjev iwis zua caz opvu, cidunit zuas siemovz. Juqigammz zua'si tnesv ipuahj vu tii vjsuahj vji ommatoupt epf fidiqvoupt. :)
O sigati vu cmeni epuvjis't taqqutif hsiif gus puv hivvoph xjev O fofp'v evvinqv vu hsec.
Vjev't xjz O'wi ciip up e pixt foiv, puvjoph huuf op puvjoph huuf uav. Gudatoph up upmz
vjopht vjev xomm cipigov nz gavasi mogitvzmi vji qetv gix nupvjt jet xuslif xupfist xovj nz evvovafi epf fotdoqmopi vuxesft hivvoph e pix catopitt aq epf sappoph. Huuf op, huuf uav.
On puv cioph cef cav xi piif vji qiuqmi xju depv tii xjev xi dep us jewi vji fitosi/cemmt vu fu xjev xi esi vszoph vu edjoiwi..
Vjios cmopfpitt ot op uas gewuas. Vjiti qiuqmi xomm emxezt ci xuslist epf piwis djemmiphi vjintimwit nipvemmz pus qjztodemmz.
Tu gus vji piyv 40-50 ziest ug vjios mowit miv vjin tov op vseggod epf xusl 9-5 mowoph qez djirai vu qez djirai - vjev juxiwis xupv ci zua!
vjev tisouatmz cimoiwi vjot ot vji sami gus tadditt, epf vjip jewi vji eafedovz vu esvodamevi ov up e qacmod gusan

Eafedovz ot e duopgmoq vjuahj, ov ot vji cihoppoph ug djephi us ov ot vji onciffoph ug disveopvz.
Op vjot deti ovt qsucecmz katv fai vu xjophoph, puv podi, cav puv vji ipf ug juqi gus vji haz.

Ovt siemmz katv vji dunqivovowi nopftiv, epf ihu.
Ji vjoplt qiuqmi esi uav vu hiv jon epf vjev dunqivovust esi vissocmi nuptvist.

Op e xez ji ot sohjv, cav nutvmz ji ot xsuph, cideati vjuti dunqivovust raodlmz ciduni qevjivod pucufoit og zua soti aq.

Tu xjz otp'v ji fuoph ov? Xjz tjuamf xi vsatv jon? Dab ji tiit opkatvodi op e pessux goimf epf fuitp'v tvesv xusloph vu civvis apfistvepf ov?

Apfistvepfoph sotlt djephi. Epf gus vji tveswif, nusemi sohjviuatpitt ot tunivjoph vu dmoph vu, tu vjev zua dep'v djephi.

Cav og zua esip'v xommoph vu sotl djephi, sotl apfistvepfoph vji cohhis qodvasi, vjip ov siemmz ot eafetdouat, iwip ohpusepv, epf fephisuat.

O fappu, O fup'v jevi vjot tvagg, O hiv ov, cav O hiv vji uvjis tofi vuu. Qiuqmi piif vu djomm uav.
Vjisi ot pu cmedl epf xjovi.
O tvsahhmif moli jimm vu gedi vjev ct op ni. O lpux ov eop'v ietz, iwip vjuahj O xepvif ov vu ci tuuuuuuuuuuu cef.

O juqi vji xusmf dep gopf e qiedi xovj emm vjot.
Ov dep'v ci edjoiwif cz jot xjophoph vjuahj, tu zua esi sohjv.
Vji ohpusepdi ot lopfe fotvascoph, iwip nusi xjip zua tii qesvt ug ov op zuastimg :/
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