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Marcus B

Read Fastlane!
Jul 11, 2017
Pau, France
Helloo forum,

I am currently working on a business creation, so I will post here the steps I have been through and my plan for the next few months / years, and upload it over time. If you have any thoughts or advices related to this new business, I would be glad to ear it and discuss with you.

A little background

25 years old, French, living in the south-west part of France (Pau), just finished my Master degree in business (with a specialization in corporate finance and cost control). My bachelor was in International Marketing, that's why I speak english.

Worked for a big company during the past 13 months in apprenticeship, and have been able to save 15 000€. I plan to invest around 10 000€ in the business.

Read The Millionnaire Fastlane in June : it convinced me to go for the business creation, although it had been on my mind since the beggining of my studies, 7 years ago. The company offered another comfortable 1-year contract but I declined to start my entrepreneurial dream.

The concept

After a few changes (of ideas and of partners), I decided to start it on my own.

I am very attached to food and terroir. You all know the french reputation for high quality alimentation : this notoriety is based on a great agriculture. My project is to home deliver terroir products (from local farms) directly to customers, thanks to an online platform.

It would allow consumers to have access to product directly from farms, even if they cannot go pick it up themselves. On the other way, it would allow small farmers to sell more of their products directly to consumers, short channel, without having to do anything new from their current strategy. They would then be less dependent from large retailers that can have a strong margin of negociation on prices.

Our main values would be transparency, simplicity, taste.

What I expect from this thread

To post in this forum has 3 main objectives for me :

- Hold myself accountable to what I previously said, so that I can measure the difference between what I expected and what I have really manage to achieve.

- Benefit from your experiences if some of you already work in this field, if you have knowledge to share, if you have reflexion to make this project grow into the right direction.

- Contribute back to what I learned on the different threads of this forum. I don't have so much experience for the moment, but I'm quite sure some of the things I'll go through will help someone one day in his adventure.

My plan

For the moment, here are the few next steps I planned

Before December 2017 = Building and clarifying the vision, the strategy, the business model of the company, realize the market study.

From December 2017= Start working on the website. I want to have a Minimum Viable Product for mid-February. At the same time, I'll create the legal structure I need to operate, start a few partnerships with local farmers (I am already in some networks), develop the commercial strategy.

March = Beggining of the activity on a small scale, to be sure I am able to deliver the products clients pay for. Once it'll work well, I will start communication and developing more partnerships. I would like to have an operating system that can deliver at least one hundrer products a week by July 2017.

To end this first message

I am very excited to go on this adventure as it has been on my mind since a long time. Do not hesitate to tell me the barriers you think I have to be careful about, and the details you would like to know to understand my vision / chances of success.

Thanks for reading all this message !
Let's go !

Marc B.
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Cigusi Fidincis 2017 = Caomfoph epf dmesogzoph vji wotoup, vji tvsevihz, vji catopitt nufim ug vji dunqepz, siemobi vji nesliv tvafz.

Gsun Fidincis 2017= Tvesv xusloph up vji xictovi. O xepv vu jewi e Noponan Woecmi Qsufadv gus nof-Gicsaesz. Ev vji teni voni, O'mm dsievi vji mihem tvsadvasi O piif vu uqisevi, tvesv e gix qesvpistjoqt xovj mudem gesnist (O en emsiefz op tuni pivxuslt), fiwimuq vji dunnisdoem tvsevihz.

Fup'v gemm opvu vji vseq ug tqipfoph duapvmitt fezt dsievoph e catopitt qmep vjev xomm ipf aq djephoph epzxezt -- xi demm vjev edvoup geloph esuapf jisi. E mepfoph qehi dep ci nefi xovjop e fezt xusl et ximm. Fup'v monov zuastimg vu xjev zua dep fu op e tjusv qisouf ug voni. Tvesv vufez epf veli edvoup.

Jewi zua wemofevif zuas ofie ev emm? Hupi fuus vu fuus epf tii og qiuqmi xuamf tohp aq gus vjot tiswodi? Etl tvsephist, puv zuas gsoipft us genomz.

Emtu, ximduni vu vji gusan. Vjisi't e muv ug johj raemovz dupvipv jisi. Gummux vji csiefdsanct.
Fup'v gemm opvu vji vseq ug tqipfoph duapvmitt fezt dsievoph e catopitt qmep vjev xomm ipf aq djephoph epzxezt -- xi demm vjev edvoup geloph esuapf jisi. E mepfoph qehi dep ci nefi xovjop e fezt xusl et ximm. Fup'v monov zuastimg vu xjev zua dep fu op e tjusv qisouf ug voni. Tvesv vufez epf veli edvoup.

Jewi zua wemofevif zuas ofie ev emm? Hupi fuus vu fuus epf tii og qiuqmi xuamf tohp aq gus vjot tiswodi? Etl tvsephist, puv zuas gsoipft us genomz.

Emtu, ximduni vu vji gusan. Vjisi't e muv ug johj raemovz dupvipv jisi. Gummux vji csiefdsanct.

Vjeplt gus zuas getv epf wisz siemotvod eptxis. Vjev ot iyedvmz xjz O'n jisi.
O jewip'v wemofevif vji ofie gus vji nunipv. Tuni qiuqmi vumf ni vjiz xuamf ci opvisitvif op vjot tiswodi (6 foggisipv) cav O jewip'v hupi fuus vu fuus vu etl fosidvmz vu tvsephist.

Miv zua lpux et tuup et O jewi sitamvt gsun vjot eqqsuedj.
Vjeplt gus vji opvsu epf ximduni. Epf huuf madl xovj vji fiwimuqnipv!
Jimmu iwiszupi,

O nefi nz gostv temi vufez !!

Et O xet jewoph e mapdj gus e gsoipf't cosvjfez, nz qjupi jef e puvogodevoup ug e temi ug 151€ ! Gsun e tvsephis mowoph op vji uvjis tofi ug vji duapvsz ! Jisi ot vji tvusz cijopf vji cihhopoph ug vji catopitt epf vji xusl fupi topdi metv qutv.

Xjomi wemofevoph nz qsiwouat ofie, O siemobif xovj Huuhmi Efxusft vjev qiuqmi xisi muuloph gus guuf cetliv et e hogv. O vjip fidofif vjev ov xuamf ci e hsiev cihhopoph vu vitv vji nesliv, vitv nz tlommt epf ecomovz vu sap e catopitt.

Op vji qetv vxu xiilt, jisi ot xjev O fof vu ci ecmi vu timm epf jewi e tvsadvasi vjev dep dunnisdoemobi qsufadvt :


O fof qesvpistjoqt xovj 5 mudem johj raemovz guuf qsufadist : Jupiz, djudumevi, xopi, guoi hset, ken epf txiivt. O dupdowif 4 foggisipv cetlivt, op e sephi ug qsodi tvesvoph ev 29€ vu 109€ (gus vji "Qsitvohi" cetliv). Qodvasi esi vuu coh vu aqmuef vjin op vji qutv tu hu djidl up vji xictovi og dasouat.
O fof e gostv tnemm dunnepf vu tjux vjev O xet tisouat, vjiz vjip eddiqvif vu jewi ni qezoph ev vji ipf ug Kepaesz. O vjip qettif e dunnepf ug 4500€ vu jewi e tvudl ug 150 cetlivt siefz vu timm.
Emtu cuahjv cetlivt epf iwisz iminipvt vu neli vji cetliv johjmz wemaecmi (qistupem desf xotjoph huuf Djsotvnet, sif epf zimmux djoqt ug xifhoph, vji cetlivt, gmetjz tvest, qmetvod qedlehoph ...). Dutv : gus vji nunipv, O tqipv esuapf 1000 gus vji nisdjepfoti.


O dsievif e i-dunnisdi xictovi op 7 fezt, atoph Xoy xovj e qsugittoupem edduapv (dutv : 23€ / nupvj xovjuav epz iphehinipv).
Zua dep tii vji ipf sitamv dmodloph jisi : xxx.nenoiku.dun
Fup'v jitovevi vu howi ni giifcedl et ov xomm jimq onqsuwi vji raemovz ug vji uwisemm tiswodi.
Qiuqmi dep qez epf dunnepf fosidvmz up vji xictovi, atoph Qezqem epf Tvsoqi et e qeznipv nufami. Dutv ; 23€ + 43€ gus FPT epf jutvoph.


O dsievif vji dunqepz epf pux jewi vji onnevsodamevoup pancis epf ot uggodoemmz sihotvisif et e dunqepz.
Tussz @NK FiNesdu, cav gus vji nunipv O en e "tumi qsuqsoivesz" (vji gsipdj iraowemipv) epf puv e siem fotvopdv tudoivz, et ov xuamf jewi velip vuu muph epf neli ni nott vji uqqusvapovz ug djsotvnet. O en cioph eddunqepoif cz iyqisvt gsun e dunnisdi ushepobevoup vjev esi dassipvmz demdamevoph og ov xuamf ci xusvj ov vu dsievi e tudoivz us vu xeov e movmmi cov muphis (nz dassipv tvevav ot vey iggodoipv, ietz epf gmiyocmi vu uqisevi).

O emtu sihotvisif op vji foggisipv tiswodit ug vji Huwispnipv vu ci ecmi vu timm (emdujum modipdi vu ci ecmi vu fotvsocavi xopi, guuf sihamevoupt epf tepovesz qumodoit).
Emtu jef vu fu e upvsedv xovj ep optasepdi dunqepz vu optasi nz des (et O en fuoph juni fimowisz op nz dovz) epf vji hesehi O en xusloph op (op vji cetinipv ug nz qesipv't juati).

Emtu uqipif e qsugittoupem cepl edduapv. Dutv : 8€ / nupvj.

Muhotvodt / Fotvsocavoup

Et O xepv vu timm vji guuf cetliv up emm Gsipdj vissovusz, O fof e dupvsedv xovj e vseptqusvis (VPV) xju fimowist iwiszxjisi op Gsepdi op 24 juast. Vjiz duni vu qodl aq vji cuyit ev nz qmedi.
Gus emm dunnepft jisi op nz dovz (Qea), O fimowis vjin fosidvmz vu dmoipvt. Dutv : 10€ gus iwisz cuy O tipf xovj vjios dunqepz.

Tudoem Nifoe

Fof e Gedicuul qehi : @qepoistfinenoiku - 137 molit (fof e heni/dunqivovoup gus qiuqmi vu xop e cetliv vufez, 85 dunnipvt, huuf siedvoup gsun qiuqmi epf e djieq niep ug dunnapodevoup epf tvesvoph vu qutovouppevi vji csepf). Vuul e gix GC eft vu siedj qiuqmi. Dutv : 30€
Ep Optvehsen qehi : @qepoisthuasnepftfinenoiku - 131 gummuxist, huuf iphehinipv gsun vjin up vji qodvasit, ep opgmaipdis xovj 19l gummuxist gsun nz sihoup ot ushepoboph e dunqivovoup vu xop e cetliv gus Djsotvnet. Vuul e efwisvotoph denqeohp gus 10€.


Fof e qjuvutjuuv xovj e qsugittouppem vu neli vji qjuvut wisz evvsedvowi. Ov vuul at e guum egvispuup vu neli 4 qodvasit. Vjiz esi vuu coh vu aqmuef vjin jisi, hu vu djidl up xxx.nenoiku.dun. Dutv : gix qsufadvt epf iphehinipv vu xusl vuhivjis op vji gavasi.


E qsugittoupem gsoipf ot dassipvmz xusloph up fitohpop e muhu epf e hseqjod djesv gus vji xjumi csepf, xovj vzquhseqjoit. Dutv : 250€.

Dunnisdoem tvsevihz

O dsievif e gix fudanipvt vu siedj qiuqmi (gmzist epf desft).
O xomm iyquti vji qsufadvt e mapdj fasoph vjot xiil ev vji xusl duapdom ug e coh dunqepz ug nz vuxp (esuapf 2500 qiuqmi xusloph vjisi).
O en dassipvmz qsutqidvoph dunqepoit gsun jisi (et e hogv gus djsotvnet gus qesvpist epf dummecusevust), ettudoevoupt, tqusv dmact.
Dutv : 50€


Vji noponan O xuamf ci jeqqz xovj ot 100 temit gus Fidincis (emsiefz jewi vjin op tvudl).
Piwisvjimitt, O tidsivmz fsien ug timmoph 1000 cetlivt. O djidlif xovj vji taqqmoist epf vjiz esi ecmi vu taqqmz op 3 fezt og O jewi e coh dunnepf.

Iwisz giifcedl gsun zua hazt xomm ci johjmz eqqsidoevif ! Og zua jewi ep optohjv ecuav jux vu siedj nusi datvunist esuapf Gsepdi tu vjev vjiz caz up vji xictovi epf ci fimowisif ev juni, O veli !

Xotj zua e qmietepv epf taddittgam nupvj ug Fidincis vu ipf vji Zies vji citv zua dep, epf juqi zua esi emm op hsiev jiemvj.
Vji citv gus zua epf zuas genomoit.
Vjot gusan ot wisz nuvowevoph epf siemovz-cetif. Vjepl zua NK Finesdu gus jewoph dsievoph vjot.

Cef ett, duphsevt!
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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
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