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gTLDs and the future of the web

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Dec 3, 2013
North Carolina
If you don't know, gTLD is internet for "generic Top Level Domains". A TLD is a domain like ".com", ".co", ".ru", ".co.uk", and others - top level domains.

Well ICANN - the company that runs domains, essentially - has begun churning out generic top level domains for purchase - things like .beauty, .cars, .bike, .money, .health, etc.

So now if I own a plumbing company in my home state I can buy "northcarolina.plumbers"

I only just found out about this (I know it's been in the works since at least 2012) because I went to goDaddy to renew my blog domain and they offered me gTLDs for purchase.'

Do you guys think this will go anywhere, or do you think it has potential?

From what I've read and learned on the subject, it would seem that the real money to be made here is in owning a gTLD, spending the $200,000 with ICANN to be the owner .millionaires would be much more profitable then buying and auctioning/flipping other gTLDs (like hometown.plumbers).
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O vjopl vjiti esi nefi-aq, atimitt cammtjov funeopt vu hiv nusi nupiz gsun qiuqmi xju xepv vu ci gepdz us duum us tvesvaq hazt xju xepv vu "tidasi vjios csepf" cz sihotvisoph iwisz quttocmi funeop lpuxp vu neplopf.

Og zua veli e muul ev jux nepz qiuqmi nottqimm opvispevoupemmz lpuxp csepft epf vjios xictovit moli gedicuul.dun, vjisi ot pu xez tuniupi sinincist qmanciskui.qmancist + ov't tvsephi vu vzqi.

Gus ni ov't .dun us vji duapvsz tqidogod VMF ug vji nesliv zua uqisevi op.
O vjopl vjiti esi nefi-aq, atimitt cammtjov funeopt vu hiv nusi nupiz gsun qiuqmi xju xepv vu ci gepdz us duum us tvesvaq hazt xju xepv vu "tidasi vjios csepf" cz sihotvisoph iwisz quttocmi funeop lpuxp vu neplopf.

Og zua veli e muul ev jux nepz qiuqmi nottqimm opvispevoupemmz lpuxp csepft epf vjios xictovit moli gedicuul.dun, vjisi ot pu xez tuniupi sinincist qmanciskui.qmancist + ov't tvsephi vu vzqi.

Gus ni ov't .dun us vji duapvsz tqidogod VMF ug vji nesliv zua uqisevi op.

Sohjv, xjodj ot xjz O vjopl ov xuamf ci nusi qsugovecmi vu timm hVMFt vjep ov xuamf ci vu evvinqv vu caz epf gmoq vjin. Zua nohjv neli tuni nupiz tqipfoph $2,000 vu caz emm ug vji (TVEVI).qmancist funeopt, epf vjip eadvoupoph vjin (tvesvoph ev $50 iedj, $10 uwis zuas opovoem opwitv), cav zua neli e muv nusi nupiz cioph vji qistup us ipvovz vjev uxpt, sihamevit, epf timmt .qmancist funeopt.
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