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Jan 6, 2021
Monterey, CA
@adnanazmi You asked, along with ChatGPT:

What are some other tools you use?

The biggest one that is helping me I learned from Tony Robbins. It's a process for making big decisions. I believe he won't mind me sharing it since he often says "Take notes and teach it to others". This process has completely improved my day to day business (and personal life). Here it is:


Prerequisite: (absolute must) write it all down. Paper, whiteboard, crayons... whatever... Stop looping in your head and making yourself crazy.

1) Desired Outcomes - what would you like? Most of us rush to trying to pick a path or strategy. First dwell on the end result you want. Instead of jumping to #2 and asking (over and over) something like "Should I start a business or go back to my accounting job at MontyPython, Inc.???" , spend some time exploring what outcomes you really want. E.g. “To make a 6 figure income…” Then write WHY. What would this $100k+ get you? “To buy a small home, to invest, to feel like a winner, to feel like I finally have some choices, to make my spouse feel even more secure, to make myself feel great, knowing I could do it, to get off my butt and make something happen, etc.” WHY IS THE IMPORTANT? “Because it’s easier to be happy and healthy when I’m (at least a little bit) wealthy. Because I can afford an excellent assistant or housekeeper or cook or whatever”

2) Paths - now you get to list all the possible strategies you're considering. Shoot for 5 or more. Brainstorm more than just two. E.g. “get that job (ugh… no judgment at this time, write it down); start an online business teaching piano; start a business that delivers delicious vegan, gluten-free, and vegetarian-not-just-loads-of-crappy-bell-peppers pizza with tamper-proof boxes; serve fellow forum members with A-game consulting or teaching” etc etc etc

3) Consequences - list pros and cons of taking each path. What's are the upsides? What are the downsides? What would be great about going with Option A, B, C… E.g. “Option C: There’s a huge need for good pizza, ppl need to eat, a lot of ppl are sick of American-tasteless-clogging cheese on everything, a lot of ppl want to feel more secure about what they put in their mouth.” What would stink about it? “I don’t want to deliver pizza, too time-consuming, risky because so many people still stuff crap in and don’t demand more than robot-made, disgusting hamburgers with pink stuff as their source material”

4) Evaluate - score each pro and con on two things: Impact and Probability. How much will it change your life, and what is the probability that it will actually happen. Go through each and score 0-10, 0 making no impact. Then give each a second 0-10 score, 0 being it has NO probability of happening.

5) Diminish the downsides. After you evaluated, does one option so totally stink you can just cross it off? Does one option stand out… but there’s a downside that really hurts or causes you concern? Then see if you can diminish or mitigate the downside. Ask "What could I do to take some of the sting off of each option with downsides?" You may have already thought of mitigating ideas when you did steps 2-4. E.g. “Focus on West Coast locations… maybe start in Southern California or the Bay Area; do a test run - one location, maybe even just a food truck with one cook, one over, one delivering employee. See if both in-person truck and deliver flies.”

6) Resolve - you'll likely find it a lot easier to decide at this point, just looking over your all the details on paper. If not, just pick the one you like the best and try something… you’ll learn soon enough if you made the wrong decision. A lot sooner than if you don’t take action.

Have fun making the hard decisions that give you the easiest long-term life of success, happiness, health, and love.
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