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Jan 17, 2018
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Hi, my name is Sloba. I’m 34 years old. I live in a small Eastern European country outside the EU. I work at a private faculty as a lecturer. I teach economic subjects (fiscal policy, financial auditing etc.). The market in my country is not very developed as we are a transitioning economy (from a socialist economy to capitalism).

I have read ‘The millionaire fastlane ’ multiple times and loved it. I have read ‘Unscripted ’ at least twice. There are many things inside those books that resonated deeply with me and not enough room here to list them all. I realized I was taught to be a native in the Slowlane all my life, always working for someone else (hoping for a bigger paycheck) and making them rich. I finally understood that true freedom starts when you can separate your time from earning money. That get rich quick (but not easy) is possible. That I should always honor CENTS when considering a business idea. That brilliant execution is more important than a brilliant idea. And last but not least, that I should put other people’s needs (produce first) before my own (consume).

I’ve read many of the posts here on the fastlane forum and there are truly many great pieces of information. @MJ DeMarco is, of course, dominating :)

As of yet, I don’t have an idea that I can execute on. I have had some unresearched or funny ones like an user-hostile app (making it difficult or impossible for anyone but the cellphone’s owner to navigate), or a back hair trimmer (for people with hairy backs that find it too painful to wax), or a device to cool down your bed during the summer months.

I want to provide value and solve a need/problem.

Hope this wasn’t too long of an introduction. I’m very happy to be among the forum members and look forward to exchanging ideas and opinions.
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