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How a simple blog became an ecommerce company

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Read Unscripted!
Oct 13, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ
I came across this interview today and thought it may benefit those of you involved in ecommerce and/or blogging.

"Sheila Viers, proprietor of LiveWell360.com, stops by Entreproducer today to talk blogging, content creation, and how to finally figure out what to sell once you’ve built a minimum viable audience."

This is an audio interview in which you’ll learn:
  • How Sheila and Ryan developed their initial content strategy
  • The crucial importance of passion in content publishing
  • How they solved the “but I’m not a professional” content problem
  • How they finally figured out what to sell
  • How they balance content creation and physical product distribution
  • What Sheila would do if she could do it all over again
Link to the interview:
How a Simple Blog Became an Ecommerce Company | Entreproducer

I enjoyed the interview and here are my take-aways from it:

1. "Some people work on topics that itself is NOT something they are passionate about BUT they are passionate about creating a business that provides value. That is the key factor that can keep you going.

2. They built an audience the first year and a half by providing great content BEFORE creating their own product.

3. Prior to creating their own product to sell they monetized the site using google ads and affiliate offers. Since they had many posts on healthy recipes they eventually switched from google ads to foodbuzz ads. Now monetization is thru their gym bag sales and a few affiliate offers. No longer using ads.

4. Wrote blog post about their search for the perfect gym bag and then solicited feedback from their readers/audience as to what they really wanted in a gym bag - all before developing their product.

5. A trial by fire was outsourcing fulfillment. They decided to drop the outsourcing of fulfillment and doing it themselves and they enjoy doing so. It allows them to put in hand-written cards to say "Thank You".

6. Big challenge - they admit to overlooking and in fact ignoring income opportunities that would have help fund more inventory. Being mentioned in a major health magazine and on livestrong.com equalled being sold out and not able to fulfill orders.

7. Costs were twice as much as they projected/expected.

8. Cash is King - you have to be able to fund your mistakes - that's how you learn so expect to make mistakes.
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