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How I Got "LUCKY" And Received $3903+Free Mentoring+Life Skills

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Feb 13, 2012
I have been a bit MIA on here lately and here is why:

- How One Moment In My Life Decided The Month Of October -

Just a short while ago, I had a huge fight with my family and for obvious reasons was hesitant to post any info from the event on the forum. BUT, I knew that action would lead me to desired results and therefore I put myself in a vulnerable position.

In doing so, I received endless amounts of invaluable insight. This led to me realizing that my frustrations were only inside myself and also that I needed a change (in this case physical) in my life.

(Great, I took some action, but it only got me to step #1 of what I needed to do. So then, I decided I will take some more action... let's see what proceeded)

- More Action Leads To Great Opportunity And The Beginning Of "Being Lucky" -

Having found some new peace inside me, I did not wish to disappoint the people that contributed to helping me improve my life.

So I ventured out and vigorously scouted the fastlane forum, google, news sites, yahoo groups etc. etc. to find ideal places of where I would like to live. I made a highly targeted list.

Then I decided to lay out my whole plan to the forum again (more action)

The response? I got multiple resources and offers to come visit people in the exact locations I wished to move to. Heck I even had people telling me in the thread that I was lucky, (Sure I was very fortunate to get such offers, but the fact-of-the-matter is that nobody saw the 6+ hours it took me to write/edit the 2 posts and do all the research before hand)

- How I Received 45 Minutes Of Free Mentoring With A Multi-Millionaire -

Since I was actively taking peoples advice, after one of my "life lesson" posts that I wrote after I got back from vacation, I received an interesting e-mail.

Somebody very successful (sorry, but I can not disclose their name for privacy purposes), asked me when I was going to move and to call them (they provided a number).

The next day, I opened the e-mail and decided that I would not squander this opportunity if my life depended on it. I called immediately.

Here is the kicker

I had a 45 minute conversation with this person. HOW? When I called, they had just stepped out to walk their dog (Perfect timing for me to call right? --> this is where people would say "wow, you really got lucky")

The conversation went extremely well, hell we even shot the sh*t, I was writing down notes and I asked some specific questions.

These were some of their words of Wisdom:

- "The only thing you can impact in this world is people"
- "Making money is easy, it's putting the right team together that is the hard part"
- "When I wanted to learn something, I asked someone who had done it and they told me"
- "Don't ever chase money, always look to improve peoples lives"

I then asked "If you are my age (23), what ONE skill are you constantly working on?"

They gave me 3:

1. People Skills
2. People Skills
3. People Skills

Considering they all look similar ;), as soon as I hung up the phone I decided to... you got it, take immediate action.

- I Got $3903 AND Improved My People Skills Via A 4-Day NLP Workshop -

I googled Toronto NLP and clicked on the first link.

Who would have guessed, there was a workshop scheduled just 3 days away. Now, it get's better, the workshop which was 48 hours long cost me ONLY $97.

I wasn't even thinking about money, I just booked due to the date being so near.

Later I realized, that this same course usually costs $4000. The company that was hosting it, had only recently changed their business model (this was only their second seminar at this price point).

- (BONUS) Meeting 3 More Multi-Millionaires, Positioning Yourself As The Business Expert And Getting Customers Chasing You -

- At the seminar, I met over 100 people. Yet, not once did I ask anyone about their field of work or what they do, why?

I only focused on the person and adding value to them (via improving their state). What started to happen was that they would open up themselves and then started asking me for my business card (which is a funny story that I will explain in a second)

I did not try to pose or look successful. I was being myself. I wore trackpants, a sweater, a headband (because I am growing my hair) and that's it. None of this mattered.

- I became a sort of business "go-to guy", how?

Naturally there was 2 sales pitches (although most of the 48 hours was content--> only about 2 were sales pitches). Now, I was absolutely ruthless when we were allowed to ask questions.

I wrote down every number, every statistic, every promise etc. etc. I asked all the tough questions and I made notes. I think I asked about 90% of the questions lol.

After the Q&A's instead of going to lunch, I went to the computer. I checked all their sites, their previous customers, the traffic numbers, printedout charts etc. etc. (and whenever I got home, I did looked at all the information in peace and quit without anyone trying to influence me)

As I was working, people started approaching me and asking me about my opinion on the business opportunities that were pitched. I had a group of people all asking me tons of questions. (I will be perfectly honest, I was basically going through CENTS one by one and seeing if the business opportunities could fill those requirements) --> Thank you MJ!

Then what started to happen was people asking me if I had a business card lol ( I kept saying that business cards are only for wanttrepreneurs ahaha). So then people starting giving me theirs. (I came home with like 25 cards).

I also had people asking me if I could do some designs for them etc. etc.
Again, you could be a bum, but if you add massive value to people, they do not care even %1.

- Met 3 more Multi-Millionaires and had a one-on-one talk with them

The 2 guys presenting were both multi-millionaires, but they also had a guest speaker who is also a multi-millionaire.

Now instead of crowding these people when they were alone, I played it smart.

I made good rapport with the two presenters because of all the questions I asked. Also, I went through some of the charts I printed out over with them. This led to me being picked for some of the on-stage exercises etc. etc.

Once I established such rapport, only then did I ask them questions, but I still made them very specific. That way they took me more seriously over some people who would ask "in how many day's will my life turn around".

Now, the guest presenter wasn't as accessible,so I had a completely different strategy for getting him alone.

He had setup a desk outside of the presentation room. Naturally the desk was overcrowded with people and he was being bombarded all the time.

I assumed that a) he is very stressed and probably being asked a lot of stupid questions
b) even if he wasn't I wouldn't get the answers I want if I approached, because other people will be breathing down his neck

So I decided to wait until the end of the day. After the 11 hours of work, most people would be going home and he would have to pack up sometime as well.

I mingled with others keeping an eye out for that table. After the last few people left, I quickly swooped in However, here was the key into getting him to talk to me for 20 minutes: I started helping him pack up his stuff and therefore the conversation felt like 2 friends talking. This way, I was not trying to suck value out of him, rather I was providing value and therefore he was very relaxed and open to talking.

Here is some insight I got from the 3 Multi-Millionaires:

- Don't think too much
- You have to be very persistent in actualizing your vision sometimes
- Don't ever listen to anyone but yourself (family and friends can be the worst places for help)
- What do you want?
- Stick to one thing, get really good at it, then move on
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Esi zua e nincis ug Vuetvnetvist, cz epz djepdi? Vjisi esi tuni niivoph qmedit op Vusupvu.
O'n puv iovjis, nutvmz cideati O'n puv raovi tasi jux vu hiv op dupvedv xovj vji hsuaq. O fup'v iwip lpux og vji hsuaq ot tvomm gapdvoupoph.

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Demm vjin? ;) Muuloph vu kuop e hsuaq op Basodj op vji piyv xiilt..
O'n puv iovjis, nutvmz cideati O'n puv raovi tasi jux vu hiv op dupvedv xovj vji hsuaq. O fup'v iwip lpux og vji hsuaq ot tvomm gapdvoupoph.

Vjisi't e pancis O dep demm epf ep effsitt vjev vjiz siqusvifmz niiv ev iwisz Vaitfez

ziej, miv ni lpux og zua fu, O'mm hu, xjz puv.

Demm vjin? ;) Muuloph vu kuop e hsuaq op Basodj op vji piyv xiilt..

exituni, fu miv at lpux jux ov huit!

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Vjev ot upi esie O jewi 0 qsucmint xovj, cav ov tuapft siemmz huuf. Jux fof zua ipf aq kuopoph?
O muwi vjot qesv. Exituni.

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