You need to re-read your first post, perhaps if you had done some research first, it might have been beneficial. Do I get the feeling your taking credit, no, youv'e already taken credit, for someones idea. That idea has also been improved upon, ten fold, however you have yet to catch up. To prove my point, a tender was awarded in Sydney for the amount of $500mil using that same Rpi system, that your now spruiking as your own.. Yours rakes in a $1mil, (so you claim) your way behind in the tech field. Taking on an ex-Ubuntu Software Developer, to head up our team, was worth it's weight in gold. Try working with one, you might learn something.
I never claimed that I was the original idea creator, all I stated was that I thought about the idea and executed. Please stop trying to dig further to cause unnecessary debates, especially over petty little things like that.
"Let me repeat, a USB is a storage device and a RPi is a computer". Yes, it is, that was never in dispute, but if you had done your research (again), you would find that data, can be stored on these. For what purpose, you may ask. I added a little pic for you. See attachment.
There is also a magazine you might want to buy, see the attachment.
I literally laughed at this, wow. I think all your years of living life have really got to you my old friend. I'm fully aware of what a USB can store and what a USB can do for a RPi, so you don't need to keep adding attachments as a reference thinking they might get you some brownie points.
The same system, that akeem claims to have thought up, was already being used by one of the worlds largest advertising agencies, plus they still use it today......end of story.
I never claimed to have been the original creator, in fact, I couldn't care less if the original creator was you, despite the obvious lack of knowledge you possess.
EDIT: Thank you for providing the entertainment for today. It's obvious your only goal is trying to prove irrelevant points using references and your old magazines. This reply will be the last reply you'll get from me. If you want my advice, I'd suggest you better spend your time doing something more valuable, perhaps spending more quality time with your ex-Ubuntu Software Developer

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