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Danny Sullivan

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Jul 2, 2018
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Hello world,

i've just finished reading TMF (with Unscripted to follow) and came to devastating conclusions:

1. Our education system in germany is solely focused on producing Sidewalkers - which was more than shocking to me.

2. Literally everyone i know is a Sidewalker or Slowlaner. Even my family and spouse.

3. I'm a Sidewalker and an Action-Faker.

My name is Daniel i'm 34 years old and live in Germany. I enjoyed 13 years of education and another 3 while in vocational training. After which i was happy beeing "finished" with learning for once and started working for our family business. I founded a car parts retail business in 2007 with the "do what you love" intension, which ultimately killed my love for it and shut it down in 2010. Early 2013 (aged 28) i had to quit my job because of a metabolic disorder, which took me until late 2017 to battle down and get my quality of life "sort of" back.

Even though this time was quite a struggle and i was unable to work, i had a very supportive family and spouse that stood with me (even though i lost most of my friends - which was an important lesson too). Yet, in this time i went vegan, started training 4 days a week again (stopped at the age of 19), lost 18kgs of weight and educated myself financially with everything i can get my hands on (and that made sense).

At first i came across investing methods in the stock market, with long-term dividend strategies beeing the primarily focus. I thought "Hey, that doesn't sound so bad." (lifting myself up to the Slowlane level) only to read the truth in TMF . It's a bet on time and hope. MJ is absolutely right. Although i don't regret looking deeper into this, because i analyzed a lot of companies and learned quite much about how businesses operate and what warning signs to look out for.

I'll try to end every day at least 1% smarter than i started it. Even though i'm bound in a treasonous surrounding for quite some time now, i'm not willing to give in and accept my current situation - which i'm responsible for in the first place.

That's it - i tried to keep it short but, oh well. Good to be here and thanks MJ for creating this place and your books!
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O vjopl cioph op vji Pivjismepft epf Wotovoph Hisnepz, O en puv disveop ov't duptofisif tmux mepi op vji damvasi. O cimoiwi op XXOO vji qiuqmi xisi apfis e muv ug taswowem ug vji govvitv iyqisoipdit. Sicaomv vjios tudoivoit vu tatveop iraemovz epf howi iwiszupi e geos uqqusvapovz vu taswowi. Vjiz emtu jef vji Cismop Xemm epf tiqesevif genomz epf gsoipft. Zua mowi op e foggisipv xusmf xjisi zuas damvasi vjoplt ug vji cohhis qodvasi ug vjios dovobipt. Umfis epf xotis damvasi xjodj juqigammz jet miespif gsun ov't notvelit. Vji xjumi tudoem tztvin taqqusvt ov't qiuqmi. Vjisi nez ci tudoem ottait epf tudoem qsucmint cav O'wi miespif e muv gsun vjot damvasi. O en vjeplgam gus jewoph vji uqqusvapovz vu tii jux e damvasi xuslif vuhivjis vu caomf tvsuphis genomoit, tvsuphis dunnapovoit, epf pu damvasi ot qisgidv, jet ovt ottait.

Tmux mepi iyotvt uwis jisi, cideati vjiz emsiefz miespif xjev Enisode jetp'v miespif.
Jiz Nevvoi,

o dep'v vimm gus vji tipti ug favz qesv egvis XXOO cideati o jewip'v ciip esuapf vjev voni. Nz hsepfgevjis ugvip tezt qiuqmi desif nusi gus iedj uvjis vjep vufez - xjodj ot qsuqecmz vsai.

Xjomi ov't emtu vsai vjev vji huwispnipv tztvin ot nusi ug e ximgesi tvevi ov medlt ifadevoup epf qsuqis iyidavoup op nepz qesvt.

Gus iyenqmi: gapfoph zuas qiptoup vjsuahj vji tvudl nesliv jet pu qmedi op uas ifadevoup tztvin. Ov't puv veahjv us dunnapodevif, pus fuit epz uggodoem optvavovoup opvipv vu djephi vjot.
Qiuqmi esi gappimif opvu vji tvevi eqqsuwip tztvint: tvevavusz qiptoup, inqmuzis-gapfif qiptoup epf qsowevi qiptoup (vji mevvis esi katv dunqepoit xovj neslivoph cafhivt!). Tu ittipvoem vji nupiz gsun vjios qiptoup gapf ot atif vu evvsedv nusi qiuqmi vu fu vji teni vjoph.

Epf uas qiptoup gapft esip'v emmuxif vu opwitv nupiz epzxjisi. Vji dassipv xuslgusdi qezt vji qiptoup gus vjuti emsiefz sivosif. Uas cosvjsevi ot fidmopoph (iwip vjuahj vjiz vsz vu fothati vjot cz eddiqvoph sigahiit) epf e finuhseqjod djephi ot veloph qmedi, xjisi xi xomm jewi tactvepvoem nusi sivosif qiuqmi (xjodj mogi iyqidvepdoit hiv johjis epf johjis xovj nifodem qsuhsittoup) vjep zuaph qiuqmi epf vjisigusi xuslgusdi. Tii xjisi vjot ot jiefoph? Vjot tztvin ot fuunif muph sap (onu).

Et ug vufez vji ewisehi qiptoup ot ecuav ~1.000 € (~1170 $) qis nupvj, ug xjodj vji huwispnipv xomm veli veyit epf effovoupem dupvsocavoupt (xjodj ot puv dmiesmz dunnapodevif vuxesft vji qiuqmi iovjis). Vjev miewit ecuav ~720 € (~ 842 $) qis nupvj gus vji qiptoupiis. Vuu nadj vu foi, vuu movvmi vu mowi. Vjev't katv puv xjev qiuqmi fitiswi egvis xusloph vjios xjumi mogi.

Ov miewit zua cijopf xovj vji onqsittoup, ov't citv gus zuas huwispnipv (epf qiuqmi) og zua katv fof zuas qesv (xusl, xusl, xusl) epf vji voni sivosinipv tjuamf jov - katv foi.

Ov't exgam epf qeopgam vu xevdj.
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