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How is most advice successful entrepreneurs (online) give so a$$?

A post of a ranting nature...

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May 30, 2023
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I understand that this is basically the topic of MJ's Unscripted , but...
How do most entrepeneurs (even highly successful ones) who give advice give it so poorly?

Complication here, for example:
View: https://youtu.be/IUIG4YG0T-Q

2:13 "you gotta be profitable. Not just something that looks good. You have to be EBITDA", no shit? In my 10 months of entrepeneurship I've started 3 businesses, and earned exactly 0 in chase of making something successful pursuing the likes of this advice. Of course you have to have EBITDA but what brings the EBITDA in?

10:55 along the lines of "you can't pick a busienss idea that is 'too early'." which is something parroted in startup community. I've no clue why.
Why did somebody decide that something can be started "too early"?
I bet my a$$ that if we invented quantum supercomputers with 1000x of processing power of modern data centers in 60s the inventor would still succeed.

I remember when I was starting my first "startups" the advice was given in the lines of this:
View: https://youtu.be/vDXkpJw16os

>"treat your product in the way that will change", i.e." it's OK to create a failing product for as long as you can pivot..."
Or this one:
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LioyyxLgfXQ&pp=ygUbTWlsbGlvbiBkb2xsYXIgc3RhcnR1cCBpZGVh

"create a business because behaviours change". Or "create a business because technology changes". Not because somebody needs something or has a trouble with something, no...
Or that startups are not following the rules of traditional businesses.

I couldn't find it, but two years ago I've gotten an advice, which I have seen on YCombinator (the biggest VC in the world) and Sam Altman (founder of OpenAI) was one who talked, basically: (and I'm not shitting)
(after proceeding that some ideas failed because they were "too crazy", and some just weren't good, he said:
>"your idea must not just be too stale, and not too crazy... Just somewhere in the middle. "

Well, i followed just that. I've started a software "startup" and progressed to create a hot pile of garbage over four months (it was, because nobody has taught me principles of business operation) that exactly 0 people used. I've blown ~400$ and four months for the operation. Pretty shit for a 17yo greenhorn.

I'm not mad because I blown it - I won't anymore. I'm mad because there are so many could-bes who will listen to this crap and march straight to nothing but zero orders and lukewarm comments from the clients they interview.

Ah, the interview. "interview as much people as possible". If you are unable to gauge whether your business will be successful before you start it, you are already wrong because that's a flashing red indicator that you are money-chasing. But nobody will tell you that. They will tell you about agile and Kanban. About how to raise funds from their VC. Oh yes, about split-testing headlines... And

It's incredibly surprising how many people come up with all kinds of strategies when you literally need to maximise the value skew and that's it.

And again, how could-be bright minds will suffer because they are misguided? This is incomprehensible.

*spits to the floor vulgarly*
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Csuvjis xjz esi zua xevdjoph vjiti hazt xjip zua lpux xjev vu fu, ov xet zuas djuodi vu xevdj vjiti hazt
O upmz tiesdj gus xjev O piif up ZuaVaci puvjoph imti tewit e muv ug voni epf tepovz. (fup'v xetvi voni)
Ov ot iwiszupi imti't geamv zua geomif. Sepv sepv sepv.

Og upmz tuniupi jef howip zua e tviq-cz-tviq suef neq up jux vu ci taddittgam.

Hutj, xjz dep'v taddittgam ipvsiqsipiast tan aq fidefit ug iyqisoipdi opvu vxu tipvipdit us ep juas qsitipvevoup tu vjev @NSoecuw fuitp'v iwis xetvi jot voni eheop!

Sepv sepv sepv.


Jisi't vji vsavj. Zua jewi sidiowif epf xetvif nusi huuf efwodi up vjot gusan vjep nutv.

Iwip xjip zua'wi jiesf huuf efwodi, zua eshaif eheoptv ov.

Xjev esi zua tu aqtiv ecuav? Emm vjot qutv tjuxt ot vjev zua motvip vu vji xsuph qiuqmi.

O'n puv nef cideati O cmuxp ov - O xup'v epznusi.

Zit zua xomm. Jeqqipt vu iwiszcufz. Zua esip'v civvis vjep iwiszcufz.

jux duamf-ci csohjv nopft

Csohjv nopft esi csohjv nopft.

"Duamf ci csohjv nopft" ot e iaqjinotn gus puv e csohjv nopf.

Vjeplgammz, e csohjv nopf ot puv e qsisiraotovi gus wemai tlix, tadditt, us iwip xusmf djephoph ofiet.

xjip zua movisemmz piif vu neyonoti vji wemai tlix epf vjev't ov.

Dep zua tvesv xovj zuas gusan qutvt?

Wemai tlix ot movisemmz iwiszxjisi, cav emm zua qutv ot eshanipvt epf sepvt epf csehhoph ecuav xjev duamf ci.
O fup'v lpux xjz zua xevdj vjev vsetj et hutqim.

Emtu, xjev gadloph catopitt fof Ten Emvnep iwis caomf?

Og zua esi siemmz 17, zua esi fuoph hsiev, liiq xusloph, tvuq dunqmeopoph, liiq geomoph. Zua tvomm jewi 13 (!!!!!) ziest ug voni vu ipf aq up Guscit 30 apfis 30 us xjeviwis ot zuas huem.
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