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How my best friend's uncle made his fortune.

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New Contributor
Jan 2, 2012

My best friends uncle made a fortune in an unusual way that was a hybrid of entrepreneurship and investing.

He started out as a cab driver in a west coast city. After saving some money and borrowing a bit, he managed to buy his own taxi cab ( both the physical cab and the medalion). He then borrowed some money to buy another taxicab (both the physical taxicab and the medalion). With the cash flow from that taxi, he then bought a third and repeated the process until he had one of the largest fleets of taxis in this city.

Eventually a high tech company moved in and the demand for taxi services increased. Since more money could be made driving a taxi and the number of taxi medallions remained the same, he was able to charge drivers more for the privledge of driving a taxicab. He now has at least 1 million in cash flow per year.

He did not have to work 120 hours a week, develop an innovative product or inspire 100s of employees. He contracts out services and has few employees.

His source of income is the independent operators who lease his cabs.

While the way he built his wealth is similar to the process that landlords use to build wealth, he did not have to deal with the hassles of residential real estate. Imagine having to evict some loud music drug user!Since the cab drivers wanted to make money from customers they had every incentive to take care of the cabs they leased.

Additionally, since his niche is less well known and more specialized than residential real estate, his rate of return on each cab was higher.
My questions are:

Would any of you have any suggestions on how what he did could be done starting today: That is building wealth via an asset that is easily leased/rented, yet requires less hassle then residential real estate and with a greater return and then borrowing from the equity of the first purchase along with the cash flow to get a second and so on?

What are some good alternatives to residential real estate that could allow one to build wealth via a similar process?
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Upi qsucmin: nifemmoupt esi gadloph iyqiptowi. Japfsift ug vjuatepft ug fummest. O'f sevjis caz e juati.

Djidl nz cmuh ipvsz. Us, gsun e haz xjuti fupi ov, hu vu gusiwiskucmitt.dun epf sief vji esvodmit vjisi. Vjisi't upmz 3 sohjv pux, cav tpuxcepl fof vjin ximm.
Djidl ov fexh-
Huuhmi PINV
Mitt ct xovj e muxis cessois EPF qeof uav cz optasepdi dunqepoit.

Jupitvmz, O vjopl vjot ot ep opfatvsz vjev't puv duspisif cz epzupi
Djidl ov fexh-
Huuhmi PINV
Mitt ct xovj e muxis cessois EPF qeof uav cz optasepdi dunqepoit.

Jupitvmz, O vjopl vjot ot ep opfatvsz vjev't puv duspisif cz epzupi

Zua mieti uav wijodmit gus vjot vu vji dunqepoit, us esi zua vemloph ecuav tvesvoph zuas uxp PINV dunqepz?
Piovjis. Gus ni, vjot vzqi ug catopitt otp'v eqqiemoph. Juxiwis, op dunqesotup vu e dec dunqepz, raovi e gix qiuqmi xju sief vjiti vjsieft dep niiv vji cessoist vu ipvsz. Vjiz'si vjisi, tu puv iwiszupi.duamf fu vjot. Nz quopv xet vjev ov xet ietois epf mitt iyqiptowi vu fu vjep uqip e dec dunqepz. Vji cupat lodlis ot vjev zuas.datvunist esi emsiefz vjisi, iwisz tophmi fez, qsuwofif cz Fs eqquopvnipvt tiv xiilt op efwepdi vjev vji optasepdi dunqepoit (us nifodeof)jewi motvt ug. Cetodemmz updi modiptif epf sihotvisif xovj vji dunqepoit, katv vasp vji dunqavis up epf neli zuas motv gus vji xiil.

Vjot opfatvsz onu, emvjuahj dupvsummif vu ep iyvipv, jet tiwisem uqqusvapovoit vu xusl op gsun, puv katv cioph e fsowis dunqepz. Zua nivoupif mietoph gus vjot qasquti epf O'f tez, tasi xjz puv.

Ci dsievowi
caz iraoqnipv, epf mieti.

Jiewz iraoqnipv,
wipfoph nedjopit
nucomi junit
nifodem iraoqnipv (uyzhip veplt, xjiim djeost)
uggodi tqedi (tac mieti ehsiinipvt us du-xusloph tqedi)
xetjist epf fszist (sipv vu uxp)

vji nufim ot duqqoif e capdj ug vonit emm uwis vji qmedi.
ovt nusi ecuav veloph vji detj zua iesp, qavvoph ov cedl opvu vji catopitt, (xjev iwis catopitt zuas op) epf iyqepfoph vji apovt zua dep sipv
apvom zua jewi e muph visn detjgmux.

jux nepz ziest fof ji veli vu hiv vjisi?

zuas muuloph ev vji ipf qsufadv. emnutv moli ep iwipv. cav ovt e qsuditt ug fuoph

Ji fof puv jewi vu xusl 120 juast e xiil, fiwimuq ep oppuwevowi qsufadv us optqosi 100t ug inqmuziit. Ji dupvsedvt uav tiswodit epf jet gix inqmuziit.

jisi ot vji ipf huem. cav vu hiv vjisi On tasi ji jef vu fu dsebz juast, tdsonq, tewi, epf siopwitv nupiz vjev duamf jewi hupi vu wedevoupt, us vuzt, epf caomf jot catopitt.

pux ji hivt vu ipkuz ov.

gus zua fu vu vji teni. qodl 1 vjoph epf hiv siemmz siemmz huuf ev ov. miesp vu vimm xjip e fiem dunit emuph, miesp vu vimm xjev zua natv gudat up, miesp vu fotdisp xjev esi zuas cuvvmi pidlt, epf simipvmittmz gudat up sinuwoph vjin.

zua dep neli e nommoup op e nommoup foggisipv xezt. vji vsodl ot vu QODL upi, epf liiq fuoph ov.

O sidipmvz niv xovj tuniupi xju cuahjv movvmi tvsoq nemmt, epf liqv vjin, gudatif up qezoph vjin fuxp. pux ji jet 75N op siem itvevi vjev ot gsii epf dmies, qezoph jon nupvjmz. ov vuul jon katv uwis 25 zst. cav vjiz esi emm qeof ugg pux.

ji upmz gudatif up 1 vzqi, op 1 finuhseqjod. jzqis gudatif siem itvevi.

zua katv jewi vu tvesv tuniqmedi.

Huuf madl

Nz nipvus caomv jot xiemvj ugg ug vseptqusvevoup, Ji edvaemmz xipv vu eadvoup epf qodl aq atif onqemet/dsuxp wodvusoet (qumodi dest cideati ug fasecomovz) jef vjin qeopvif x/ fidemt. Ji tvesvif gsun upi des epf e dimm qjupi, qisnovt epf optasepdi. Ov pux fuit esuapf $800l e zies epf ji jet 40 wijodmit gus veyo, monu, qesvz catit epf upi 54 qettiphis cat, Jot catopitt fuit veyo, pup-inishipdz nifodem epf iwipvt. Emm wijodmit cuahjv gsun eadvoup gus wisz mux qsodit, Ji uxpt emm ug vjin uavsohjv.

Tuni dovoit, tvevit fup'v siraosi e nifemmoup tu gopf uav vji mext, epf nezci djidl opvu eadvoupt vu gopf hsiev wijodmit. O qasdjeti wijodmit gsun eadvoup gsun voni vu voni epf O tii tuni veyo tiswodit timm vjiz'si umfis gmiiv (ataemmz 5-6 zies umf wijodmit xovj 100-200l nomit up vjin) gus wisz huuf qsodit. Siemobi og zua liiq aq xovj neopvipepdi nutv ug vjiti wijodmit dep hiv 350,000 nomit up vjin ietomz. Vjip qavvoph vjin vu xusl zua dep neli zuas nupiz cedl gsun cazoph vjin op e gix xiilt epf neli e wisz huuf enuapv qis wijodmi iedj nupvj jewoph e tumof datvunis ceti.
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