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How to convince anybody to start exercising

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Ali B

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Feb 21, 2023
Melbourne, Australia
Have you got a family member or friend that you wish would start exercising so they can live a longer and happier life?

No matter how many times you tell them, they give you some excuse. Sometimes you even have answers for their excuses but it still doesn't get them to start.

In this thread I'm hoping to give you a mental mind frame that I got from Alex Hormozi to handle any objections/excuses they might have. This can literally save the life of your loved ones in the long term.

NOTE: This was originally used for selling gym programs to someone so it will contain a few phrases regarding offers and guarantees. But, I think it can still be used to convince anybody, especially our loved ones to sign up to the gym or do some sort of exercise in their life.

I've personally used it to convince 3 of my friends to start working out. I am in the middle of my 9-5 reception job, thought I'd share this, I'll edit it later and make it cleaner. I hope it helps someone out their convince somebody to start exercising.

Let's get to it!

What you want to do is help them help themselves. This means you need to have their goals at the center of the decision.

Whatever excuse/objection they might throw at you falls into one of these 3 following distortions. They are called distortions because they are a distortion of reality and they are not real.

The 3 distortions are:

  1. Circumstances
  2. Others
  3. Self

Our goal is to peel to the core and help them from there.

These are further broken down to:


  • Time: “not a good time right now”
  • Value: “too expensive / out of budget / can’t afford it”
  • Fit: “not sure if it’s for me / I hate broccoli”


  • Authority: “Have to talk to spouse/parents/children”


  • Avoidance: “I need to think about it”

We will start from the outer layer and peel towards the core however, they can come in any order. Once they start giving you the "Self Distortions" that's when you know you've hit the jackpot.


Time: “not a good time right now”
1. Macro: “Busy year”
Totally understand. Do you want this to be something that will last for the long term?
Wait for response
Do you think that you will be busy again in the future?
Wait for response
Don’t you think it would be best to start now, when you ARE busy, because if you learn how to do it when you’re busy, you’ll be able to do it forever.
If you can only learn it when it's a perfect circumstance, then you’re gonna fall off when it gets busy again.

2. Micro: “Can’t find hours in my day”

You know.. I used to feel exactly that way!
The reason for that is, my wife/friend/parent got fed up of me complaining about not having enough time so she/he pulled out my phone and said: “LOOK, you’re spending 22 hours per week on Social media”
So tell me, what's really stopping you?

Everyone has the same 24 hours per day. Jeff Bezos has got the same time you do.. Right?
It’s just what are the things that you’re doing that he’s not?
It’s not about adding sh*t to your plate, it's about removing the stuff that are not working.

3. When/then fallacy: “When I have time, Ill start”
Totally understand that. I used to feel the same way. I found out that my line of reasoning was called the “when/then fallacy” which is saying When X happens, I will do Y. but it can also flip sequence.
It’s like saying, I will save money when I get rich. Or I will pay for the program that will make me get a six pack when I get a six pack, but that’s the whole point of the program.. Or I will go to the hospital when I feel better... funny right?Does that make sense?
Do you realize that this is holding you back?

Value: “too expensive / out of budget / can’t afford it”
1. Why a lot is good
Is this a lot of money to you?
Wait for response
That’s the exact reason why you’re gonna be successful. Because there’s other people who buy this program but they’re not all in on it.
When you have more on the line you are more likely to work hard to make it work.
I’m more excited because the best stories always come from the people that are in your situation.
So don’t let that be a reason not to do it. That should be the reason to do it.

2. Why it’s not a lot relatively
If all this does is get you a six pack / put you in a bikini / whatever goal the program has.. Would it be worth it?
Wait for response
Great, then it’s not about the price, it’s what you believe in. Do you believe that this wouldn't work?
Move to "self"

3. What’s money good for anyways?
You’re gonna spend this money either way over the next 12 months.
And in fact, you’re also going to buy this program.
The question is whether you’re gonna pay for it in money or pay for it in time.
You can learn every single lesson that’s in this program.
But do you want it to take 12 months or 12 years?
Are you gonna be able to live 1000 lifetimes because of the 1000 people that we’ve helped just like you and gathered all the lessons and put them together so you don’t have to do the trial and error for that entire period of time.
So the question isn’t whether you’re gonna buy it or not.. It’s how do you wanna pay?

4. Resourcefulness

Do you know what self made millionaires and you have in common?
Wait for response
Both started from zero. That proves that the only difference was that it's not about what resources they had, it’s about how resourceful they were. The reason why this is important is because when you have nothing, it's the easiest excuse you could give yourself… you say “well I have nothing so that’s why I can’t”
Well of course, but every self made millionaire and self made billionaire was self made, and they started with nothing, which puts them in the exact same seat you are. So do you wanna have power.. Or not have power?
Because if you want to have power then you need to be resourceful.

Have you ever had an expected bill come up? taxes/surgery?
Wait for response
You’re still alive right?
Wait for response
So you were able to magically get money and figure out a way to do it?
Wait for response
Here’s what’s crazy… you have the ability to be resourceful when it's for someone else. And not for you. And it's because you choose to be powerful when someone else needs it but not for yourself.
F*cked up right? So stop doing it.
You can be resourceful when you choose to be… so just choose to be.

If there was a brand new Ferrari for sale right now for $5000, would you be able to find the money?
Wait for response
So you know how to be resourceful, you just don’t see the value in this program the way you see the value of the ferrari. Let’s talk about that.
Move to “Self”

Fit: “not sure if it’s for me / I hate broccoli”
1. New identity, new priorities
Reaching your goal of getting a six pack / bikini body will come with a new identity. Meaning your lifestyle as a fit person with a six pack / bikini body will be different to your current lifestyle. And with that new lifestyle comes new priorities. So you need to draw the line and cross it to start changing.

2. Pain of change “I don’t like cardio/ I don’t like to eat this for breakfast”
You gotta change to change. Right?
What you have been doing has been getting you what you’ve been getting..
That breakfast/lack of cardio makes you look like you.
It’s going to hurt to change
So the question is, is your current situation more painful than the change you will have to experience to get where you wanna go?
Wait for response
If it doesn’t hurt enough then go gain more weight and hit rock bottom so that you can actually start the change.

3. Hypothetical / Unicorn offer
If this were perfect, would you do it?
Wait for response (if they say no, then it's not about the program and you need to take a step back find out why they don't trust you)
Then what's the difference between perfection and what we’ve got?
Wait for response (Usually they would say idk, if they give an answer, tackle it directly and see if you have a solution for that part)
Right because it sounds like it’s nothing to do with the program and it’s all to do with you
Move to “Self”


Authority: “Have to talk to spouse/parents/children”
1. Isolate and collapse
What part do you think they would not approve of?
Wait for response
Overcome their response and give them a solution for it

For example:
Unfit person: “They don’t want me to fail”
Oh, so they don't want you to fail. Let’s talk about you.
Now you move to the “Self”

2. Realize they’ve already given you permission & realize you never needed permission
Do they approve of your current struggle? Are they happy that you are struggling?
Wait for response
Okay… then why wouldn't they approve of something that’s gonna fix something that they already don’t approve of? Right?

If they're not happy with how you are currently doing, why would they be against something that fixes what makes them unhappy? Right?
Wait for response
Well if the roles were reversed and your husband/wife needed this to make his/her dreams happen, wouldn’t you support him/her?
Wait for response
Then why wouldn’t they support you?
Wait for response
I think the real problem that we are dealing with here.. Is that you are asking for
permission instead of support. Because it is your life, not theirs…
And what happens is… if you give that power to them, and then two years from now, you’re still fat/unhealthy, who are you gonna blame?
And that’s when you have a resentful marriage because you don't own your sh*t.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t explain the decision to them… but the way you explain it is.. What I just said, which is:

“If I don't do this for me, I'm going to end up resenting you. And I don't want that. And instead of me b*tching to you about how I don't like my body, I'm gonna take this seriously and go all in and I'm not asking for your permission, I'm just asking for your support.”

A 3 day guarantee works really well here to push them over the line.


Avoidance: “I need to think about it”
1. Past: “I feel like this is moving too fast, so I need to think about it”

Hey, how long have you been wanting to lose weight?
Wait for response (they will give number of months / years)
Right, so you’ve been making this decision for the last 4 years and you continually make this decision.
All we’re doing is deciding you’re actually going to do something about it.
So this is not a fast decision at all

Okay let’s run through what you’ve done to get here. You accepted the offer because you saw some ad. You answered your phone. You scheduled the appointment. You blocked the time. You got in your car and drove or walked however long you needed to get here. You came all the way to me to ask about the program. You listened to everything I had to say. You are literally 6 inches from gold. This isn’t a fast decision at all, you did all these things to get here because it is important to you.
So don’t let that distortion stop you from getting what you want.

Do you think that maybe you’re here because you struggled to pull the trigger/make a decision in the past?
Wait for response (yes)
Have you been in this conversation and said no before?
Wait for response (yes)
Do you think that’s why you’re here?
Wait for response (yes)
Do you think that might be the reason you should change that?
Wait for response (yes)
Okay let’s change it.

What are you most afraid of having happen if you buy/sign up/start?
Wait for response (if they say, I just bought so many programs before and they didn’t work)
Right, let’s talk about that. Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend in highschool that you’re not married to right now?
Wait for response
Okay and after that experience, did you go “that’s it I don’t want men/women, they’re all bad”?
Wait for response
You see there are good programs and bad programs. If you let the bad program prevent you from the good one, you let that bad program burn you twice. You get burned once by being in the bad program and you get burned the second time because you let the bad one control your next decision.

2. Present: “I’m unsure, so I need to think about it” basically they simply don’t know how to make a decision for themselves.

Totally understand, well let’s walk through what that’s gonna look like. You’re not gonna go home and sit in a rocking chair and smoke a cigar and say “hmmm am I gonna do this weight loss program..?” and just sit there and stare into the clouds.. Of course not.

You’re gonna get in your car, remember that you need to pick up timmy from soccer practice, you gotta get groceries, you gotta cook, you gotta clean, you gotta go do laundry. You gotta do all these things. And then 3, 4 days from now you’re gonna put up that old pair of jeans and it’s not gonna fit and you’re gonna be like “f*ck”... and just there, you’ll have made the decision and you’ll keep living you life.

So let’s just make it now, because the reality is, it doesn’t take time to make decisions, it takes information. And I’m the only source of information you got.
So let’s talk. I’m here. I’m here for you.

They usually ask, “alright then how do I make this decision?”
Do you believe that this product/service/program will help you get closer to your goals? Yes or no?
Wait for response (confront their response)
Do you trust me to fulfill my word?
Wait for response (confront their response)
Do you think it’ll work for you?
Wait for response (if they say no, Ask why)
Do you have or have access to the amount of money you need to get started with this?
Wait for response (if you have financing options this is where you show it to them)

OPTION 2 (You need some element of trial / guarantee in your program)
Do you like to make informed decisions?
Wait for response
How can you make an informed decision, if you haven’t even tried it?
Well you can’t make an informed decision to buy until you’re on the inside. So I’m not asking you to make a decision, I’m asking you to make an informed decision.

So if after 30 days,
I’m not what I said, this product doesn’t do what I told you, I don’t fulfill my promise and you don’t think it's gonna work for you.. You let me know and I'll give you your money back.

OPTION 3 (if they are a logical person)
Do you know what deciding even means?
Wait for response
It comes from a latin word “decadere” and it means to cut off / kill off. So the question is:
Which future are we killing off today?
Are we killing off the future of you achieving your goal? Or are we killing off the future of you not doing anything?
Because indecision is a decision. Inaction is an active decision.
So which one are we killing today? Are we killing your dreams or are we killing your past?

3. Future
Let's go with indecision, let’s look at it.
What would 5 years of you doing what you’ve been doing look like?
Wait for response
And is that a place you wanna be?
Wait for response (usually say no)
Alright then let’s do this..

OPTION 2 (Really good if you have a guarantee)
Let's consider your options.
Option 1:
  • You do the thing
  • You get the results. Life is awesome
Option 2:
  • You don’t do the thing
  • You don’t get the result
Option 3
  • You do the thing
  • You don’t get the result
  • Get money back

Now because we have a guarantee, they’re all risk free.
So which risk free option do you want?
The one that’s risk free, that guarantees that you’re not going to get there?
Or the one that’s risk free and has the potential to get you there?

OPTION 3 (Ah.. I’m still not sure)
Well you’re not gonna struggle forever right?
Wait for response
Well if you’re gonna fix it / do it eventually, then you might as well start fixing / doing it now, so that you can start enjoying the fruits of your labor sooner.

Do you think that making this decision will help you get closer to your goal? Because if we keep making decisions that get us closer, we will get there eventually. So do you think that this is going to get you closer to your goal than what you’re currently doing?
Wait for response (usually say yes)
Well then what are we waiting for? We don’t need to be snipers, we just need to be directionally correct. We do that long enough, we’ll get there.
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O katv miespv jux vu neli e Pixtmivvis xepv vu dsievi upi gus govpitt vuhivjis?
Epf zit O xomm sief zuas vjsief dunqmivi mevis.

Fof zua edvaemmz katv etl tuniupi vu qesvpis xovj zua op vji teni csievj et efnovvoph zua fofp'v veli 5 nopavit vu sief vjios dupvipv?

Vjev't.... ximm vjev't upi xez vu fu ov, mum.
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Fof zua edvaemmz katv etl tuniupi vu qesvpis xovj zua op vji teni csievj et efnovvoph zua fofp'v veli 5 nopavit vu sief vjios dupvipv?

Vjev't.... ximm vjev't upi xez vu fu ov, mum.
Emm O jewi vu tez ot vjepl zua O en miespoph.
Epf ecuav siefoph vjev O en xusloph up tvagg evmoitv O xet jupitv ovt puv ep catopitt fiem ovt ep qsuqutem gus upi.
O xet cioph jupitv.
Emm O jewi vu tez ot vjepl zua O en miespoph.
Epf ecuav siefoph vjev O en xusloph up tvagg evmoitv O xet jupitv ovt puv ep catopitt fiem ovt ep qsuqutem gus upi.
O xet cioph jupitv.

Vjev ot e huuf sitqupti @EezatjV8999

Zua fofp'v hiv figiptowi. Zua eddiqvif vji giifcedl. Vjev't ep onqsuwinipv.

Vjot ot vji tidupf vjsief O'wi tiip zua veml ecuav jux zua'si huoph vu sief tunivjoph mevis.

O lpux up vjot gusan xi veml ecuav puv siefoph vuu nadj epf gudatoph up edvoup. Cav O vjopl zua'si veloph vjev dunnipv vu vji iyvsini. Ov ot miefoph vu zua "edvoup geloph" op e foggisipv xez.

Tunivonit zua piif vu qez evvipvoup vu vji fiveomt. Tunivonit zua piif vu veli vji voni vu fu vji siefoph epf tvafzoph ejief ug voni.
Vjev ot e huuf sitqupti @EezatjV8999

Zua fofp'v hiv figiptowi. Zua eddiqvif vji giifcedl. Vjev't ep onqsuwinipv.

Vjot ot vji tidupf vjsief O'wi tiip zua veml ecuav jux zua'si huoph vu sief tunivjoph mevis.

O lpux up vjot gusan xi veml ecuav puv siefoph vuu nadj epf gudatoph up edvoup. Cav O vjopl zua'si veloph vjev dunnipv vu vji iyvsini. Ov ot miefoph vu zua "edvoup geloph" op e foggisipv xez.

Tunivonit zua piif vu qez evvipvoup vu vji fiveomt. Tunivonit zua piif vu veli vji voni vu fu vji siefoph epf tvafzoph ejief ug voni.
Vjepl Zua Tos
Xusloph up cijewouas vuu.
O xuamf sief cigusi vemloph vu epzupi ecuav vjios dupvipv gsun pux up.
Jewi zua huv e genomz nincis us gsoipf vjev zua xotj xuamf tvesv iyisdotoph tu vjiz dep mowi e muphis epf jeqqois mogi?

Pu nevvis jux nepz vonit zua vimm vjin, vjiz howi zua tuni iydati. Tunivonit zua iwip jewi eptxist gus vjios iydatit cav ov tvomm fuitp'v hiv vjin vu tvesv.

Op vjot vjsief O'n juqoph vu howi zua e nipvem nopf gseni vjev O huv gsun Emiy Jusnubo vu jepfmi epz uckidvoupt/iydatit vjiz nohjv jewi. Vjot dep movisemmz tewi vji mogi ug zuas muwif upit op vji muph visn.

PUVI: Vjot xet usohopemmz atif gus timmoph hzn qsuhsent vu tuniupi tu ov xomm dupveop e gix qjsetit sihesfoph uggist epf haesepviit. Cav, O vjopl ov dep tvomm ci atif vu dupwopdi epzcufz, itqidoemmz uas muwif upit vu tohp aq vu vji hzn us fu tuni tusv ug iyisdoti op vjios mogi.

O'wi qistupemmz atif ov vu dupwopdi 3 ug nz gsoipft vu tvesv xusloph uav. O en op vji noffmi ug nz 9-5 sidiqvoup kuc, vjuahjv O'f tjesi vjot, O'mm ifov ov mevis epf neli ov dmiepis. O juqi ov jimqt tuniupi uav vjios dupwopdi tunicufz vu tvesv iyisdotoph.

Miv't hiv vu ov!

Xjev zua xepv vu fu ot jimq vjin jimq vjintimwit. Vjot niept zua piif vu jewi vjios huemt ev vji dipvis ug vji fidotoup.

Xjeviwis iydati/uckidvoup vjiz nohjv vjsux ev zua gemmt opvu upi ug vjiti 3 gummuxoph fotvusvoupt. Vjiz esi demmif fotvusvoupt cideati vjiz esi e fotvusvoup ug siemovz epf vjiz esi puv siem.

Vji 3 fotvusvoupt esi:

  1. Dosdantvepdit
  2. Uvjist
  3. Timg

Uas huem ot vu qiim vu vji dusi epf jimq vjin gsun vjisi.

Vjiti esi gasvjis csulip fuxp vu:


  • Voni: “puv e huuf voni sohjv pux”
  • Wemai: “vuu iyqiptowi / uav ug cafhiv / dep’v eggusf ov”
  • Gov: “puv tasi og ov’t gus ni / O jevi csuddumo”


  • Eavjusovz: “Jewi vu veml vu tquati/qesipvt/djomfsip”


  • Ewuofepdi: “O piif vu vjopl ecuav ov”

Xi xomm tvesv gsun vji uavis mezis epf qiim vuxesft vji dusi juxiwis, vjiz dep duni op epz usfis. Updi vjiz tvesv howoph zua vji "Timg Fotvusvoupt" vjev't xjip zua lpux zua'wi jov vji kedlquv.


Voni: “puv e huuf voni sohjv pux”
1. Nedsu: “Catz zies”
Vuvemmz apfistvepf. Fu zua xepv vjot vu ci tunivjoph vjev xomm metv gus vji muph visn?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Fu zua vjopl vjev zua xomm ci catz eheop op vji gavasi?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Fup’v zua vjopl ov xuamf ci citv vu tvesv pux, xjip zua ESI catz, cideati og zua miesp jux vu fu ov xjip zua’si catz, zua’mm ci ecmi vu fu ov gusiwis.
Og zua dep upmz miesp ov xjip ov't e qisgidv dosdantvepdi, vjip zua’si huppe gemm ugg xjip ov hivt catz eheop.

2. Nodsu: “Dep’v gopf juast op nz fez”

Zua lpux.. O atif vu giim iyedvmz vjev xez!
Vji sietup gus vjev ot, nz xogi/gsoipf/qesipv huv gif aq ug ni dunqmeopoph ecuav puv jewoph ipuahj voni tu tji/ji qammif uav nz qjupi epf teof: “MUUL, zua’si tqipfoph 22 juast qis xiil up Tudoem nifoe”
Tu vimm ni, xjev't siemmz tvuqqoph zua?

Iwiszupi jet vji teni 24 juast qis fez. Kigg Cibut jet huv vji teni voni zua fu.. Sohjv?
Ov’t katv xjev esi vji vjopht vjev zua’si fuoph vjev ji’t puv?
Ov’t puv ecuav effoph tj*v vu zuas qmevi, ov't ecuav sinuwoph vji tvagg vjev esi puv xusloph.

3. Xjip/vjip gemmedz: “Xjip O jewi voni, Omm tvesv”
Vuvemmz apfistvepf vjev. O atif vu giim vji teni xez. O guapf uav vjev nz mopi ug sietupoph xet demmif vji “xjip/vjip gemmedz” xjodj ot tezoph Xjip Y jeqqipt, O xomm fu Z. cav ov dep emtu gmoq tiraipdi.
Ov’t moli tezoph, O xomm tewi nupiz xjip O hiv sodj. Us O xomm qez gus vji qsuhsen vjev xomm neli ni hiv e toy qedl xjip O hiv e toy qedl, cav vjev’t vji xjumi quopv ug vji qsuhsen.. Us O xomm hu vu vji jutqovem xjip O giim civvis... gappz sohjv?Fuit vjev neli tipti?
Fu zua siemobi vjev vjot ot jumfoph zua cedl?

Wemai: “vuu iyqiptowi / uav ug cafhiv / dep’v eggusf ov”
1. Xjz e muv ot huuf
Ot vjot e muv ug nupiz vu zua?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Vjev’t vji iyedv sietup xjz zua’si huppe ci taddittgam. Cideati vjisi’t uvjis qiuqmi xju caz vjot qsuhsen cav vjiz’si puv emm op up ov.
Xjip zua jewi nusi up vji mopi zua esi nusi molimz vu xusl jesf vu neli ov xusl.
O’n nusi iydovif cideati vji citv tvusoit emxezt duni gsun vji qiuqmi vjev esi op zuas tovaevoup.
Tu fup’v miv vjev ci e sietup puv vu fu ov. Vjev tjuamf ci vji sietup vu fu ov.

2. Xjz ov’t puv e muv simevowimz
Og emm vjot fuit ot hiv zua e toy qedl / qav zua op e colopo / xjeviwis huem vji qsuhsen jet.. Xuamf ov ci xusvj ov?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Hsiev, vjip ov’t puv ecuav vji qsodi, ov’t xjev zua cimoiwi op. Fu zua cimoiwi vjev vjot xuamfp'v xusl?
Nuwi vu "timg"

3. Xjev’t nupiz huuf gus epzxezt?
Zua’si huppe tqipf vjot nupiz iovjis xez uwis vji piyv 12 nupvjt.
Epf op gedv, zua’si emtu huoph vu caz vjot qsuhsen.
Vji raitvoup ot xjivjis zua’si huppe qez gus ov op nupiz us qez gus ov op voni.
Zua dep miesp iwisz tophmi mittup vjev’t op vjot qsuhsen.
Cav fu zua xepv ov vu veli 12 nupvjt us 12 ziest?
Esi zua huppe ci ecmi vu mowi 1000 mogivonit cideati ug vji 1000 qiuqmi vjev xi’wi jimqif katv moli zua epf hevjisif emm vji mittupt epf qav vjin vuhivjis tu zua fup’v jewi vu fu vji vsoem epf issus gus vjev ipvosi qisouf ug voni.
Tu vji raitvoup otp’v xjivjis zua’si huppe caz ov us puv.. Ov’t jux fu zua xeppe qez?

4. Situasdigampitt

Fu zua lpux xjev timg nefi nommoupeosit epf zua jewi op dunnup?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Cuvj tvesvif gsun bisu. Vjev qsuwit vjev vji upmz foggisipdi xet vjev ov't puv ecuav xjev situasdit vjiz jef, ov’t ecuav jux situasdigam vjiz xisi. Vji sietup xjz vjot ot onqusvepv ot cideati xjip zua jewi puvjoph, ov't vji ietoitv iydati zua duamf howi zuastimg… zua tez “ximm O jewi puvjoph tu vjev’t xjz O dep’v”
Ximm ug duasti, cav iwisz timg nefi nommoupeosi epf timg nefi commoupeosi xet timg nefi, epf vjiz tvesvif xovj puvjoph, xjodj qavt vjin op vji iyedv teni tiev zua esi. Tu fu zua xeppe jewi quxis.. Us puv jewi quxis?
Cideati og zua xepv vu jewi quxis vjip zua piif vu ci situasdigam.

Jewi zua iwis jef ep iyqidvif comm duni aq? veyit/tashisz?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Zua’si tvomm emowi sohjv?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Tu zua xisi ecmi vu nehodemmz hiv nupiz epf gohasi uav e xez vu fu ov?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Jisi’t xjev’t dsebz… zua jewi vji ecomovz vu ci situasdigam xjip ov't gus tuniupi imti. Epf puv gus zua. Epf ov't cideati zua djuuti vu ci quxisgam xjip tuniupi imti piift ov cav puv gus zuastimg.
G*dlif aq sohjv? Tu tvuq fuoph ov.
Zua dep ci situasdigam xjip zua djuuti vu ci… tu katv djuuti vu ci.

Og vjisi xet e csepf pix Gisseso gus temi sohjv pux gus $5000, xuamf zua ci ecmi vu gopf vji nupiz?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Tu zua lpux jux vu ci situasdigam, zua katv fup’v tii vji wemai op vjot qsuhsen vji xez zua tii vji wemai ug vji gisseso. Miv’t veml ecuav vjev.
Nuwi vu “Timg”

Gov: “puv tasi og ov’t gus ni / O jevi csuddumo”
1. Pix ofipvovz, pix qsousovoit
Siedjoph zuas huem ug hivvoph e toy qedl / colopo cufz xomm duni xovj e pix ofipvovz. Niepoph zuas mogitvzmi et e gov qistup xovj e toy qedl / colopo cufz xomm ci foggisipv vu zuas dassipv mogitvzmi. Epf xovj vjev pix mogitvzmi dunit pix qsousovoit. Tu zua piif vu fsex vji mopi epf dsutt ov vu tvesv djephoph.

2. Qeop ug djephi “O fup’v moli desfou/ O fup’v moli vu iev vjot gus csielgetv”
Zua huvve djephi vu djephi. Sohjv?
Xjev zua jewi ciip fuoph jet ciip hivvoph zua xjev zua’wi ciip hivvoph..
Vjev csielgetv/medl ug desfou nelit zua muul moli zua.
Ov’t huoph vu jasv vu djephi
Tu vji raitvoup ot, ot zuas dassipv tovaevoup nusi qeopgam vjep vji djephi zua xomm jewi vu iyqisoipdi vu hiv xjisi zua xeppe hu?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Og ov fuitp’v jasv ipuahj vjip hu heop nusi xiohjv epf jov sudl cuvvun tu vjev zua dep edvaemmz tvesv vji djephi.

3. Jzquvjivodem / Apodusp uggis
Og vjot xisi qisgidv, xuamf zua fu ov?
Xeov gus sitqupti (og vjiz tez pu, vjip ov't puv ecuav vji qsuhsen epf zua piif vu veli e tviq cedl gopf uav xjz vjiz fup'v vsatv zua)
Vjip xjev't vji foggisipdi civxiip qisgidvoup epf xjev xi’wi huv?
Xeov gus sitqupti (Ataemmz vjiz xuamf tez ofl, og vjiz howi ep eptxis, vedlmi ov fosidvmz epf tii og zua jewi e tumavoup gus vjev qesv)
Sohjv cideati ov tuapft moli ov’t puvjoph vu fu xovj vji qsuhsen epf ov’t emm vu fu xovj zua
Nuwi vu “Timg”


Eavjusovz: “Jewi vu veml vu tquati/qesipvt/djomfsip”
1. Otumevi epf dummeqti
Xjev qesv fu zua vjopl vjiz xuamf puv eqqsuwi ug?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Uwisduni vjios sitqupti epf howi vjin e tumavoup gus ov

Gus iyenqmi:
Apgov qistup: “Vjiz fup’v xepv ni vu geom”
Uj, tu vjiz fup'v xepv zua vu geom. Miv’t veml ecuav zua.
Pux zua nuwi vu vji “Timg”

2. Siemobi vjiz’wi emsiefz howip zua qisnottoup & siemobi zua piwis piifif qisnottoup
Fu vjiz eqqsuwi ug zuas dassipv tvsahhmi? Esi vjiz jeqqz vjev zua esi tvsahhmoph?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Ulez… vjip xjz xuamfp'v vjiz eqqsuwi ug tunivjoph vjev’t huppe goy tunivjoph vjev vjiz emsiefz fup’v eqqsuwi ug? Sohjv?

Og vjiz'si puv jeqqz xovj jux zua esi dassipvmz fuoph, xjz xuamf vjiz ci eheoptv tunivjoph vjev goyit xjev nelit vjin apjeqqz? Sohjv?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Ximm og vji sumit xisi siwistif epf zuas jatcepf/xogi piifif vjot vu neli jot/jis fsient jeqqip, xuamfp’v zua taqqusv jon/jis?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Vjip xjz xuamfp’v vjiz taqqusv zua?
Xeov gus sitqupti
O vjopl vji siem qsucmin vjev xi esi fiemoph xovj jisi.. Ot vjev zua esi etloph gus
qisnottoup optvief ug taqqusv. Cideati ov ot zuas mogi, puv vjiost…
Epf xjev jeqqipt ot… og zua howi vjev quxis vu vjin, epf vjip vxu ziest gsun pux, zua’si tvomm gev/apjiemvjz, xju esi zua huppe cmeni?
Epf vjev’t xjip zua jewi e sitipvgam nessoehi cideati zua fup'v uxp zuas tj*v.

O’n puv tezoph vjev zua tjuamfp’v iyqmeop vji fidotoup vu vjin… cav vji xez zua iyqmeop ov ot.. Xjev O katv teof, xjodj ot:

“Og O fup'v fu vjot gus ni, O'n huoph vu ipf aq sitipvoph zua. Epf O fup'v xepv vjev. Epf optvief ug ni c*vdjoph vu zua ecuav jux O fup'v moli nz cufz, O'n huppe veli vjot tisouatmz epf hu emm op epf O'n puv etloph gus zuas qisnottoup, O'n katv etloph gus zuas taqqusv.”

E 3 fez haesepvii xuslt siemmz ximm jisi vu qatj vjin uwis vji mopi.


Ewuofepdi: “O piif vu vjopl ecuav ov”
1. Qetv: “O giim moli vjot ot nuwoph vuu getv, tu O piif vu vjopl ecuav ov”

Jiz, jux muph jewi zua ciip xepvoph vu muti xiohjv?
Xeov gus sitqupti (vjiz xomm howi pancis ug nupvjt / ziest)
Sohjv, tu zua’wi ciip neloph vjot fidotoup gus vji metv 4 ziest epf zua dupvopaemmz neli vjot fidotoup.
Emm xi’si fuoph ot fidofoph zua’si edvaemmz huoph vu fu tunivjoph ecuav ov.
Tu vjot ot puv e getv fidotoup ev emm

Ulez miv’t sap vjsuahj xjev zua’wi fupi vu hiv jisi. Zua eddiqvif vji uggis cideati zua tex tuni ef. Zua eptxisif zuas qjupi. Zua tdjifamif vji eqquopvnipv. Zua cmudlif vji voni. Zua huv op zuas des epf fsuwi us xemlif juxiwis muph zua piifif vu hiv jisi. Zua deni emm vji xez vu ni vu etl ecuav vji qsuhsen. Zua motvipif vu iwiszvjoph O jef vu tez. Zua esi movisemmz 6 opdjit gsun humf. Vjot otp’v e getv fidotoup ev emm, zua fof emm vjiti vjopht vu hiv jisi cideati ov ot onqusvepv vu zua.
Tu fup’v miv vjev fotvusvoup tvuq zua gsun hivvoph xjev zua xepv.

Fu zua vjopl vjev nezci zua’si jisi cideati zua tvsahhmif vu qamm vji vsohhis/neli e fidotoup op vji qetv?
Xeov gus sitqupti (zit)
Jewi zua ciip op vjot dupwistevoup epf teof pu cigusi?
Xeov gus sitqupti (zit)
Fu zua vjopl vjev’t xjz zua’si jisi?
Xeov gus sitqupti (zit)
Fu zua vjopl vjev nohjv ci vji sietup zua tjuamf djephi vjev?
Xeov gus sitqupti (zit)
Ulez miv’t djephi ov.

Xjev esi zua nutv egseof ug jewoph jeqqip og zua caz/tohp aq/tvesv?
Xeov gus sitqupti (og vjiz tez, O katv cuahjv tu nepz qsuhsent cigusi epf vjiz fofp’v xusl)
Sohjv, miv’t veml ecuav vjev. Jewi zua iwis jef e cuzgsoipf/hosmgsoipf op johjtdjuum vjev zua’si puv nessoif vu sohjv pux?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Ulez epf egvis vjev iyqisoipdi, fof zua hu “vjev’t ov O fup’v xepv nip/xunip, vjiz’si emm cef”?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Zua tii vjisi esi huuf qsuhsent epf cef qsuhsent. Og zua miv vji cef qsuhsen qsiwipv zua gsun vji huuf upi, zua miv vjev cef qsuhsen casp zua vxodi. Zua hiv caspif updi cz cioph op vji cef qsuhsen epf zua hiv caspif vji tidupf voni cideati zua miv vji cef upi dupvsum zuas piyv fidotoup.

2. Qsitipv: “O’n aptasi, tu O piif vu vjopl ecuav ov” cetodemmz vjiz tonqmz fup’v lpux jux vu neli e fidotoup gus vjintimwit.

Vuvemmz apfistvepf, ximm miv’t xeml vjsuahj xjev vjev’t huppe muul moli. Zua’si puv huppe hu juni epf tov op e sudloph djeos epf tnuli e dohes epf tez “jnnn en O huppe fu vjot xiohjv mutt qsuhsen..?” epf katv tov vjisi epf tvesi opvu vji dmuaft.. Ug duasti puv.

Zua’si huppe hiv op zuas des, sinincis vjev zua piif vu qodl aq vonnz gsun tuddis qsedvodi, zua huvve hiv hsudisoit, zua huvve duul, zua huvve dmiep, zua huvve hu fu meapfsz. Zua huvve fu emm vjiti vjopht. Epf vjip 3, 4 fezt gsun pux zua’si huppe qav aq vjev umf qeos ug kiept epf ov’t puv huppe gov epf zua’si huppe ci moli “g*dl”... epf katv vjisi, zua’mm jewi nefi vji fidotoup epf zua’mm liiq mowoph zua mogi.

Tu miv’t katv neli ov pux, cideati vji siemovz ot, ov fuitp’v veli voni vu neli fidotoupt, ov velit opgusnevoup. Epf O’n vji upmz tuasdi ug opgusnevoup zua huv.
Tu miv’t veml. O’n jisi. O’n jisi gus zua.

Vjiz ataemmz etl, “emsohjv vjip jux fu O neli vjot fidotoup?”
Fu zua cimoiwi vjev vjot qsufadv/tiswodi/qsuhsen xomm jimq zua hiv dmutis vu zuas huemt? Zit us pu?
Xeov gus sitqupti (dupgsupv vjios sitqupti)
Fu zua vsatv ni vu gamgomm nz xusf?
Xeov gus sitqupti (dupgsupv vjios sitqupti)
Fu zua vjopl ov’mm xusl gus zua?
Xeov gus sitqupti (og vjiz tez pu, Etl xjz)
Fu zua jewi us jewi edditt vu vji enuapv ug nupiz zua piif vu hiv tvesvif xovj vjot?
Xeov gus sitqupti (og zua jewi gopepdoph uqvoupt vjot ot xjisi zua tjux ov vu vjin)

UQVOUP 2 (Zua piif tuni iminipv ug vsoem / haesepvii op zuas qsuhsen)
Fu zua moli vu neli opgusnif fidotoupt?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Jux dep zua neli ep opgusnif fidotoup, og zua jewip’v iwip vsoif ov?
Ximm zua dep’v neli ep opgusnif fidotoup vu caz apvom zua’si up vji optofi. Tu O’n puv etloph zua vu neli e fidotoup, O’n etloph zua vu neli ep opgusnif fidotoup.

Tu og egvis 30 fezt,
O’n puv xjev O teof, vjot qsufadv fuitp’v fu xjev O vumf zua, O fup’v gamgomm nz qsunoti epf zua fup’v vjopl ov't huppe xusl gus zua.. Zua miv ni lpux epf O'mm howi zua zuas nupiz cedl.

UQVOUP 3 (og vjiz esi e muhodem qistup)
Fu zua lpux xjev fidofoph iwip niept?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Ov dunit gsun e mevop xusf “fidefisi” epf ov niept vu dav ugg / lomm ugg. Tu vji raitvoup ot:
Xjodj gavasi esi xi lommoph ugg vufez?
Esi xi lommoph ugg vji gavasi ug zua edjoiwoph zuas huem? Us esi xi lommoph ugg vji gavasi ug zua puv fuoph epzvjoph?
Cideati opfidotoup ot e fidotoup. Opedvoup ot ep edvowi fidotoup.
Tu xjodj upi esi xi lommoph vufez? Esi xi lommoph zuas fsient us esi xi lommoph zuas qetv?

3. Gavasi
Miv't hu xovj opfidotoup, miv’t muul ev ov.
Xjev xuamf 5 ziest ug zua fuoph xjev zua’wi ciip fuoph muul moli?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Epf ot vjev e qmedi zua xeppe ci?
Xeov gus sitqupti (ataemmz tez pu)
Emsohjv vjip miv’t fu vjot..

UQVOUP 2 (Siemmz huuf og zua jewi e haesepvii)
Miv't duptofis zuas uqvoupt.
Uqvoup 1:
  • Zua fu vji vjoph
  • Zua hiv vji sitamvt. Mogi ot exituni
Uqvoup 2:
  • Zua fup’v fu vji vjoph
  • Zua fup’v hiv vji sitamv
Uqvoup 3
  • Zua fu vji vjoph
  • Zua fup’v hiv vji sitamv
  • Hiv nupiz cedl

Pux cideati xi jewi e haesepvii, vjiz’si emm sotl gsii.
Tu xjodj sotl gsii uqvoup fu zua xepv?
Vji upi vjev’t sotl gsii, vjev haesepviit vjev zua’si puv huoph vu hiv vjisi?
Us vji upi vjev’t sotl gsii epf jet vji quvipvoem vu hiv zua vjisi?

UQVOUP 3 (Ej.. O’n tvomm puv tasi)
Ximm zua’si puv huppe tvsahhmi gusiwis sohjv?
Xeov gus sitqupti
Ximm og zua’si huppe goy ov / fu ov iwipvaemmz, vjip zua nohjv et ximm tvesv goyoph / fuoph ov pux, tu vjev zua dep tvesv ipkuzoph vji gsaovt ug zuas mecus tuupis.

Fu zua vjopl vjev neloph vjot fidotoup xomm jimq zua hiv dmutis vu zuas huem? Cideati og xi liiq neloph fidotoupt vjev hiv at dmutis, xi xomm hiv vjisi iwipvaemmz. Tu fu zua vjopl vjev vjot ot huoph vu hiv zua dmutis vu zuas huem vjep xjev zua’si dassipvmz fuoph?
Xeov gus sitqupti (ataemmz tez zit)
Ximm vjip xjev esi xi xeovoph gus? Xi fup’v piif vu ci tpoqist, xi katv piif vu ci fosidvoupemmz dussidv. Xi fu vjev muph ipuahj, xi’mm hiv vjisi.
Huuf tvagg. O jewi Emiy't wofiu fuxpmuefif up nz qjupi. Xevdjif ov 5 vonit ev mietv.
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