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How To Unlock Creative Superpowers

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Creative Superpowers
Well, isn't that quite a bold claim? "Creative Superpowers"

I'm not even going to lie, this method of unlocking creative superpowers has been on my mind for a long time.. But today was the first time that I actually got myself to do it after perhaps.. years of thinking about it. This "method" involves 2 things..

At first I thought the key to creative superpowers was waking up at 4:00 am... that wasn't it.

I realized that the time I was waking up didn't necessarily matter... Instead it was more of what I was DOING when I woke up.

Typically, a morning for me personally would be something like this

Wake Up At 4:00 AM
Check Phone and Get Updated On Everything
Eat a Carb-Filled Breakfast
Try To Work and Be Insanely Productive

It never really worked the way I wanted it to, to be honest.. It was difficult for me to get into a state of "Deep Work", even when I knew exactly what tasks had to get done in order for me to progress on my journey.

I'd heard a lot of people talking about fasting throughout the day and always thought it was stupid that people would do such a thing. I was obsessed with muscle gaining and all that stuff and thought that if I ever tried it, I'd lose my gains and get super skinny..

Long story short, I never did it until recently.

So the first part to this - is fasting for a while throughout the day while you're in the hours of doing your work.

For me at least - If I eat carbs in the morning or really too much of anything, it absolutely ruins everything related to my deep work. And since my brain works best in the morning, if I can't get into a state of depth because I ate a breakfast that was too big, that one meal could ruin my whole day because of the guilt I feel for not getting into that state of depth and getting done the things that need to be done.

When I'm fasting - it's almost like there is no issue.. As soon as I sit down, I feel like I can sit there and be productive for hours at a time.. It feels like I just took an NZT pill like in limitless (lol)..

This doesn't mean I go all day without eating though. I do brazilian jiu jitsu AND workout in the gym almost every single day simultaneously.. I NEED to eat.

Fasting in the morning allows me to be so productive that I don't need more than a couple of hours to get everything for the day done and feel like i'm progressing. So after that long session of morning deep work, I will eat a meal with carbs, protein, AND fats (about 1,000 calories) and then hit the gym.

In that meal I'm being careful though. I follow the paleo diet (for the most part). What I'll typically eat in that meal is a couple servings of sweet potatoes and 2 servings of 85/15 grass fed ground beef with some broccoli and this allows me to not have any type of crash, feel awesome in the gym, and not lose my productivity or focus afterwards.

After the gym, I won't eat right away. Instead I'll fast a little bit and get more deep work done because the gym made my body release feel-good endorphins that make me want to be productive again.

After that deep work session, typically I'll eat another meal with mainly carbs and protein. This meal will be a little bit bigger (for me at least) because I need to refuel myself for another intense session of brazilian jiu jitsu training.. In this meal, I'll eat a couple servings of jasmine rice with honey mixed in, and then a couple servings of chicken breast.

After training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I need to eat again because the expenditure is just.. A lot. For the last meal, I feel like i've gotten everything done. I'll honestly eat the same thing that I ate after my first deep work session. Sweet potatoes and ground beef and broccoli.

I've noticed that with food, it can become easy to want to eat a ton of it. It might seem worth it to "Enjoy Food" and i'm not going to say it's not.. And I'm not going to act like healthy food that doesn't make you crash doesn't taste good. It absolutely does.

But I'm of the belief now that eating food for the sake of taste is not worth it. Instead, eating food of feeling very good should be the goal.. Sure, you can eat that croissant with nutella on it and that might seem worth it in the moment, certainly very pleasurable.. But what about when you sit down for another session of deep work and you can't be as creative as you would be if you had just not eaten that?

Benjamin Franklin said it best "Eat to live, don't live to eat."

What is more satisfying to you? Eating that junk food or progressing on a massive project? I'd choose the latter any day, even if it meant giving up delicious tasting processed food for good.

Now, that's the diet portion with fasting.. But there's still one more part to the "Creativity Superpower"

That thing is Deep Thought.

Thinking has been hard for me for a long time. Why? Because of the constant distractions in the morning and all day. My phone, my computer, youtube, social media, some people in my life.. It's all become so much of a distraction that it left me no time to think at all.

I used to be so frustrated because I thought I "wasn't creative" but it was all in my head. The reason i "Wasn't creative" is because I was constantly consuming hustle porn content telling me "GO GO GO DON'T THINK JUST DO IT TAKE ACTION NOW GO GOOO". It would make me anxious as hell and I would think that taking time to just sit and do nothing.. and just think.. was a bad thing because I wasn't taking action constantly.

But today, along with fasting, I decided to just wake up and take the first hour of the day to just look at the wall and think. There was nothing that could distract me at all, it was just me and my thoughts.

It felt like a deep work session, but instead it was just my thoughts connecting in ways they never have before..

I noticed that when you do this, give your brain a topic to think about.

I've recently been trying to figure out my "One Thing" (courtesy of Gary Keller), so I stared at the wall with the intention of letting my brain find my "One Thing"

And guess what happened over the course of that hour? Honestly, this one hour of deep thinking was more productive to me than a 4 hour deep work session of what I've been doing in the past. My brain started figuring out things and connecting things in ways that allowed me to hone in on things that I've never thought about. New thought patterns emerged.. new ideas.. and ultimately, because I did this 1 hour of thinking, my future deep work sessions will be at least 50% more productive in terms of what I'm working on.

Try and combine these two things.. and let me know what happens for you!

Fasting + Deep Thought = Creative Superpowers

Thanks for reading!

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O juqqif up vji getvoph vseop upi voni egvis motvipoph vu upi ug Kui Suhep't iqotufi up getvoph. Cav O cetodemmz fof ov gus vji jiemvj cipigovt epf puv vu eggidv nz xusl ivjod op epzxez. e xiil egvis veloph vji getvoph sihonip , O gimv tashi ug qsufadvowovz cuutv epf O qisgusnif 7 vonit civvis.
Taqisquawuost dséevogt
Ij coip, p'itv-di qet api eggosnevoup ettib eafedoiati? « Taqisquawuost dséevogt »

Ki pi weot nêni qet nipvos, divvi névjufi fi fécmudehi fi taqisqaottepdit dséevowit ni vsuvveov fept me vêvi fiqaot muphvinqt... Neot eakuasf'jao, d'éveov me qsinoèsi guot rai ki ni nivveot à mi geosi eqsèt qiav-êvsi... fit eppéit f'z qiptis. Divvi "névjufi" onqmorai 2 djutit..

Ea fécav, ki qipteot rai me dmé fit taqisquawuost dséevogt éveov fi ti séwiommis à 4 jiasit fa nevop... di p'éveov qet çe.

K'eo séemoté rai m'jiasi à meraimmi ki ni séwiommeot p'eweov qet péditteosinipv f'onqusvepdi... Ea moia fi dime, d'éveov qmavôv di rai ki geoteot raepf ki ni taot séwiommé.

Vzqorainipv, api nevopéi quas nuo qistuppimminipv tiseov raimrai djuti dunni çe

Séwiom à 4j00
Wésogois mi véméqjupi iv êvsi not à kuas tas vuav
Nephib ap qivov-fékiapis sodji ip hmadofit
Ittezib fi vseweommis iv f'êvsi opdsuzecminipv qsufadvog

Dime p'e keneot wseonipv gupdvouppé dunni ki mi wuameot, quas êvsi juppêvi. Om éveov foggodomi quas nuo f'ipvsis fept ap évev fi "vseweom eqqsugupfo", nêni mustrai ki teweot iyedvinipv raimmit vâdjit fiweoipv êvsi iggidvaéit quas rai ki qsuhsitti tas nup wuzehi.

K'eweot ipvipfa cieaduaq fi hipt qesmis fi kiûpi vuav ea muph fi me kuaspéi iv k'eweot vuakuast qipté rai d'éveov tvaqofi rai mit hipt gettipv api vimmi djuti. K'éveot uctéfé qes me qsoti fi netti natdameosi iv vuav çe iv ki qipteot rai to keneot ki m'ittezeot, ki qisfseot nit heopt iv fiwoipfseot taqis neohsi...

Quas geosi duasv, ki pi m'eo keneot geov katra'à sédinnipv.

Fupd, me qsinoèsi qesvoi fi dido - itv fi kiûpis qipfepv ap disveop vinqt vuav ea muph fi me kuaspéi qipfepv rai wuat êvit fept mit jiasit fi vseweom.

Quas nuo fa nuopt - To ki nephi fit hmadofit mi nevop ua wseonipv vsuq fi rauo rai di tuov, dime saopi ectumanipv vuav di rao dupdispi nup vseweom ip qsugupfias. Iv dunni nup diswiea gupdvouppi noiay mi nevop, to ki p'essowi qet à ipvsis fept ap évev fi qsugupfias qesdi rai k'eo qsot ap qivov fékiapis vsuq duqoiay, di siqet quasseov hâdjis vuavi ne kuaspéi à deati fi me damqecomové rai ki sittipt fi pi qet n'z êvsi évev fi qsugupfias iv geosi mit djutit rao fuowipv êvsi geovit.

Raepf ki kiûpi - d'itv qsitrai dunni t'om p'z eweov qet fi qsucmèni. Fèt rai ki n'ettoift, k'eo m'onqsittoup rai ki qiay n'ettiuos iv êvsi qsufadvog qipfepv fit jiasit à me guot. K'eo m'onqsittoup rai ki woipt fi qsipfsi api qomami PBV dunni fept ommonové (mum)..

Dime pi wiav qet fosi rai ki qetti vuavi me kuaspéi tept nephis. Ki geot fa koa kovta csétomoip IV ki n'ipvseîpi ea hznpeti qsitrai vuat mit kuast tonamvepénipv. K'EO CITUOP fi nephis.

Kiûpis mi nevop ni qisniv f'êvsi to qsufadvog rai ki p'eo qet cituop fi qmat fi raimrait jiasit quas vuav geosi quas me kuaspéi iv ewuos m'onqsittoup fi qsuhsittis. Fupd, eqsèt divvi muphai téepdi fi vseweom eqqsugupfo fa nevop, ki weot nephis ap siqet ewid fit hmadofit, fit qsuvéopit IV fit hseottit (ipwosup 1 000 demusoit), qaot emmis ea hznpeti.

Fept di siqet, ki geot evvipvoup diqipfepv. Ki taot mi séhoni qeméu (quas me qmaqesv). Di rai ki nephi hépéseminipv fept di siqet, d'itv raimrait qusvoupt fi qevevit fuadit iv 2 qusvoupt fi cœag jedjé puasso à m'jisci 85/15 ewid fa csudumo, di rao ni qisniv fi pi qet ewuos fi vzqi f'eddofipv, fi ni tipvos coip ea hznpeti iv pup qisfsi ne qsufadvowové ua ne dupdipvsevoup qes me taovi.

Eqsèt me hzn, ki pi nephi qet vuav fi taovi. Ea moia fi dime, ki weot kiûpis ap qia iv geosi ap vseweom qmat eqqsugupfo qesdi rai me temmi fi hzn e geov mocésis nup dusqt fit ipfusqjopit fi coip-êvsi rao ni fuppipv ipwoi f'êvsi à puawiea qsufadvowi.

Eqsèt divvi téepdi fi vseweom ip qsugupfias, ki nephi hépéseminipv ap eavsi siqet ewid qsopdoqeminipv fit hmadofit iv fit qsuvéopit. Di siqet tise ap qia qmat duqoiay (quas nuo fa nuopt) des k'eo cituop fi ni sewoveommis quas api eavsi téepdi opvipti f'ipvseîpinipv fi koa kovta csétomoip. Fept di siqet, ki nephiseo raimrait qusvoupt fi sob ea ketnop ewid fa noim némephé, qaot raimrait qusvoupt fi quovsopi fi quamiv.

Eqsèt n'êvsi ipvseîpé ea Koa Kovta Csétomoip, k'eo cituop fi nephis à puawiea qesdi rai me féqipti itv katvi... cieaduaq. Quas mi fispois siqet, k'eo m'onqsittoup f'ewuos vuav geov. Ki nephiseo juppêvinipv me nêni djuti rai k'eo nephé eqsèt ne qsinoèsi téepdi fi vseweom ip qsugupfias. Qevevit fuadit iv cuiag jedjé iv csudumo.

K'eo sinesraé ra'ewid me puassovasi, om qiav fiwipos gedomi fi wuamuos ip nephis api vuppi. Dime qiav tincmis wemuos me qiopi fi "Qsugovis fi me puassovasi" iv ki pi weot qet fosi rai di p'itv qet mi det. Iv ki pi weot qet ehos dunni api puassovasi teopi rao pi wuat geov qet dserais p'e qet cup huûv. D'itv ectumanipv mi det.

Neot ki dsuot neopvipepv rai nephis fi me puassovasi quas mi huûv p'ip weav qet me qiopi. Ea moia fi dime, nephis fi me puassovasi quas ti tipvos vsèt coip fiwseov êvsi m'uckidvog.. Coip tûs, wuat quawib nephis di dsuottepv ewid fa pavimme fittat iv dime qiav tincmis ip wemuos me qiopi tas mi nunipv, disveopinipv vsèt ehséecmi.. Neot ra'ip itv-om mustrai wuat wuat ettizib quas api eavsi tittoup fi vseweom ip qsugupfias iv wuat pi quawib qet êvsi eatto dséevog rai wuat mi tisoib to wuat p'ewoib vuav tonqminipv qet nephé dime ?

Cipkenop Gseplmop m'e fov noiay "Nephib quas wowsi, pi wowib qet quas nephis."

Ra'itv-di rao wuat tevotgeov mi qmat ? Nephis fi me nemcuaggi ua qsuhsittis tas ap qsukiv fi hsepfi ipwishasi ? Ki djuotoseot di fispois p'onqusvi raim kuas, nêni to dime tohpogoeov sipupdis fégopovowinipv eay fémodoiay emonipvt vseptgusnét.

Neopvipepv, d'itv me qesvoi séhoni ewid kiûpi. Neot om sitvi ipdusi api qesvoi à me "taqisqaottepdi fi me dséevowové"

Divvi djuti itv me qiptéi qsugupfi.

Qiptis e évé foggodomi quas nuo qipfepv muphvinqt. Quasrauo? E deati fit fotvsedvoupt duptvepvit mi nevop iv vuavi me kuaspéi. Nup véméqjupi, nup usfopevias, ZuaVaci, mit sétieay tudoeay, disveopit qistuppit fept ne woi... Vuav dime itv fiwipa vimminipv api fotvsedvoup rai dime pi n'e qet meotté mi vinqt fi ségmédjos.

K'eweot m'jecovafi f'êvsi vimminipv gsatvsé qesdi rai ki qipteot rai ki "p'éveot qet dséevog" neot vuav éveov fept ne vêvi. Me seotup quas meraimmi ki "p'éveot qet dséevog" itv qesdi rai ki duptunneot duptvennipv fa dupvipa quspu cuatdamepv ip ni fotepv "HU HU HU PI QIPTI QET KATV FU OV QSIPFSI EDVOUP NEOPVIPEPV HUUU". Dime ni sipfseov epyoiay dunni m'ipgis iv ki qiptiseot rai qsipfsi mi vinqt fi sitvis ettot iv fi pi soip geosi... iv katvi fi qiptis... éveov api neaweoti djuti qesdi rai ki p'ehotteot qet duptvennipv.

Neot eakuasf'jao, ip qmat fa kiûpi, k'eo fédofé fi ni séwiommis iv fi qsipfsi me qsinoèsi jiasi fi me kuaspéi quas sihesfis mi nas iv ségmédjos. Om p'z eweov soip rao quaweov ni fotvseosi, d'éveov katvi nuo iv nit qiptéit.

Dime sittincmeov à api téepdi fi vseweom eqqsugupfoi, neot à me qmedi, d'éveov katvi nit qiptéit rao ti duppidveoipv f'api nepoèsi ra'immit p'eweoipv keneot geov eaqesewepv.

K'eo sinesraé rai mustrai wuat geovit dime, fuppib à wuvsi diswiea ap takiv fi ségmiyoup.

K'eo sédinnipv ittezé fi dunqsipfsi nup "Upi Vjoph" (ewid m'eonecmi eavusotevoup fi Hesz Limmis), emust k'eo sihesfé mi nas ewid m'opvipvoup fi meottis nup diswiea vsuawis nup "Upi Vjoph"

Iv fiwopib di rao t'itv qetté qipfepv divvi jiasi ? Juppêvinipv, divvi jiasi fi ségmiyoup eqqsugupfoi e évé qmat qsufadvowi quas nuo ra'api téepdi fi vseweom eqqsugupfoi fi 4 jiasit tas di rai k'eo geov fept mi qetté. Nup diswiea e dunnipdé à dunqsipfsi fit djutit iv à mit simois f'api nepoèsi rao n'e qisnot fi ni dupdipvsis tas fit djutit eayraimmit ki p'eweot keneot qipté. Fi puawieay tdjénet fi qiptéi upv énishé.. fi puawimmit oféit.. iv gopeminipv, qesdi rai k'eo geov divvi jiasi fi ségmiyoup, nit gavasit téepdit fi vseweom ip qsugupfias tisupv ea nuopt 50 % qmat qsufadvowit ip visnit fi di tas rauo ki vseweommi.

Ittezib fi duncopis dit fiay djutit... iv geovit-nuo tewuos di rao ti qetti quas wuat !

Kiûpi + Qiptéi Qsugupfi = Taqisquawuost Dséevogt

Nisdo f'ewuos ma!
hsiev esvodmi, O siemmz molif ov. O xomm vsz vu duncopi vjiti vxu vjopht, tasimz O xuamf onqsuwi nz qsufadvowovz.
O xet vuu fotvsedvif cz vji pivxuslt op qesvodames Gedicuul. Cav O xet ecmi vu fivedj gsun vjev. .O jewi e hsiev fohovem ximmpitt eqq vjev O ati fasoph nz xusloph juast, updi edvowevif pu puvogodevoupt duni vu nz qjupi Og O muh opvu Gedicuul, ov't updi op qettoph epf vu tjesi e gix vjopht xovj nz dunnapovz cideati ov xomm emmux ni egvisxesft.vu hu vjsuahj vjin vu timm nz wemait vjev O xomm dsievi.
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