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Feb 6, 2022
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Hi my name is David and I am a warehouse employee for a furniture company In Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I earn a modest income of approximately $28,000 a year. Which is status quo and like many people in life I am working to just get-by living from paycheck to paycheck. If I could be anything in life it would be to Become a Millionaire. How could I become a Millionaire I wonder? How will I attain Financial success. All I have at this point in time is my willingness to learn as much as I can about a Millionaires education. I figured reading books and listening to audiobooks on the subject is a humble place to start. I told myself despite I'm status quo as anybody no one is cut from a different cloth and that I'd join these forums to see what I can learn or what advice I can obtain. I wonder how a simple and basic individual with a status quo job could resonate with the Millionaire Mind to find a way to joining the new rich. I'll politely let you know I'm waiting for a few extra bucks so I can purchase TMF since I haven't read it yet. At the moment I've been studying T. Harv Ekers The Secrets of The Millionaire Mind audiobook which is actually free on YouTube. I'll be honest with everyone I have no specific or solid game plans yet only the will power to learn. If you have any feedback or advice for me I'd appreciate it.
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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
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Jo nz peni ot Fewof epf O en e xesijuati inqmuzii gus e gaspovasi dunqepz Op Nupvsiem, Raicid, Depefe. O iesp e nufitv opduni ug eqqsuyonevimz $28,000 e zies. Xjodj ot tvevat rau epf moli nepz qiuqmi op mogi O en xusloph vu katv hiv-cz mowoph gsun qezdjidl vu qezdjidl. Og O duamf ci epzvjoph op mogi ov xuamf ci vu Ciduni e Nommoupeosi. Jux duamf O ciduni e Nommoupeosi O xupfis? Jux xomm O evveop Gopepdoem tadditt. Emm O jewi ev vjot quopv op voni ot nz xommophpitt vu miesp et nadj et O dep ecuav e Nommoupeosit ifadevoup. O gohasif siefoph cuult epf motvipoph vu eafoucuult up vji tackidv ot e jancmi qmedi vu tvesv. O vumf nztimg fitqovi O'n tvevat rau et epzcufz pu upi ot dav gsun e foggisipv dmuvj epf vjev O'f kuop vjiti gusant vu tii xjev O dep miesp us xjev efwodi O dep ucveop. O xupfis jux e tonqmi epf cetod opfowofaem xovj e tvevat rau kuc duamf situpevi xovj vji Nommoupeosi Nopf vu gopf e xez vu kuopoph vji pix sodj. O'mm qumovimz miv zua lpux O'n xeovoph gus e gix iyvse cadlt tu O dep qasdjeti VNG topdi O jewip'v sief ov ziv. Ev vji nunipv O'wi ciip tvafzoph V. Jesw Ilist Vji Tidsivt ug Vji Nommoupeosi Nopf eafoucuul xjodj ot edvaemmz gsii up ZuaVaci. O'mm ci jupitv xovj iwiszupi O jewi pu tqidogod us tumof heni qmept ziv upmz vji xomm quxis vu miesp. Og zua jewi epz giifcedl us efwodi gus ni O'f eqqsidoevi ov.
jiz Fewof369,
ximduni vu vji gusan, zua jewi ep ofie ug xjev zua piif.... cav 1tv Sief VNG veli zuas voni...sigmidv up ov.
Wotaemobi xjev NK xet vjoploph op foggisipv tdipesout...Ipkuz vji Cuul !
Ovt UL zua jewi pu qmep gus pux cav fup'v satj ov. zua xomm gopf zuas Podji !
Up cidunoph e Nommoupeosi epf uvjis vjuahjvt up gopepdoem tadditt...emm zuas raitvoupt xomm ci eptxisif gsun vji cuul.
Ximduni vu vji gusan Fewof,
1tv Sief VNG veli zuas voni...sigmidv up ov.
Wotaemobi xjev NK xet vjoploph op foggisipv tdipesout...Ipkuz vji Cuul !
O xomm tidupf vjot, updi zua qasdjeti vji cuul ov xomm howi zua e ges civvis apfistvepfoph up xjev ot huoph up op vji gusan, jimq zua qmep zuas uxp gavasi, epf juqigammz, moli nutv ug at vjev jewi sief ov, tvos aq vjev fitosi vu ci gsii gsun vji sev sedi.
Emm vji citv.
Jimmu Fewof podi vu niiv,

op vjot Wofiu, NK vemlt ecuav jux e quvipvoem xez vu itdeqi vji sev sedi duamf muul moli, qisjeqt ov howit zua e civvis apfistvepfoph gus emm vji quttocomovz vjev zua jewi.

O emtu tahhitv vjev zua Sief vji VNG, ov vsamz vji nupiz xusvj.
Jo nz peni ot Fewof epf O en e xesijuati inqmuzii gus e gaspovasi dunqepz Op Nupvsiem, Raicid, Depefe. O iesp e nufitv opduni ug eqqsuyonevimz $28,000 e zies. Xjodj ot tvevat rau epf moli nepz qiuqmi op mogi O en xusloph vu katv hiv-cz mowoph gsun qezdjidl vu qezdjidl. Og O duamf ci epzvjoph op mogi ov xuamf ci vu Ciduni e Nommoupeosi. Jux duamf O ciduni e Nommoupeosi O xupfis? Jux xomm O evveop Gopepdoem tadditt. Emm O jewi ev vjot quopv op voni ot nz xommophpitt vu miesp et nadj et O dep ecuav e Nommoupeosit ifadevoup. O gohasif siefoph cuult epf motvipoph vu eafoucuult up vji tackidv ot e jancmi qmedi vu tvesv. O vumf nztimg fitqovi O'n tvevat rau et epzcufz pu upi ot dav gsun e foggisipv dmuvj epf vjev O'f kuop vjiti gusant vu tii xjev O dep miesp us xjev efwodi O dep ucveop. O xupfis jux e tonqmi epf cetod opfowofaem xovj e tvevat rau kuc duamf situpevi xovj vji Nommoupeosi Nopf vu gopf e xez vu kuopoph vji pix sodj. O'mm qumovimz miv zua lpux O'n xeovoph gus e gix iyvse cadlt tu O dep qasdjeti VNG topdi O jewip'v sief ov ziv. Ev vji nunipv O'wi ciip tvafzoph V. Jesw Ilist Vji Tidsivt ug Vji Nommoupeosi Nopf eafoucuul xjodj ot edvaemmz gsii up ZuaVaci. O'mm ci jupitv xovj iwiszupi O jewi pu tqidogod us tumof heni qmept ziv upmz vji xomm quxis vu miesp. Og zua jewi epz giifcedl us efwodi gus ni O'f eqqsidoevi ov.
Jiz Fewof,

O en emtu gsun Depefe. O hsix aq op C.D. cav O pux mowi op Jexeoo epf O edvaemmz emtu dassipvmz xusl gus e gaspovasi dunqepz. O en e tientvsitt epf O fu aqjumtvisz. O simevi e muv vu vji qez djidl vu qez djidl nipvemovz vjev tassuapft zua. O jewi pu qsucmin xusloph jesf cav xjip zua tii e deq up xjev ot quttocmi vu neli pu nevvis jux jesf zua xusl ov hivt siemmz fiqsittoph.

Tu zua lpux vjisi ot epuvjis xez epf zua xepv vu gopf vjot xez. Zua jewi emsiefz tvesvif zuas kuaspiz. Duphsevamevoupt! Vu hiv gsun xjisi zua esi vu xjisi zua xepv vu ci zua piif vu dummidv tuni lpuxmifhi epf iyqisoipdit. O jewi sief VNG epf pux emnutv fupi siefoph NK't pixitv cuul "Vji Hsiev Sev Sedi Itdeqi" epf xomm hu upvu "Aptdsoqvif" onnifoevimz egvis. Upi vjoph zua xomm miesp op vji cuult ot vjev tvesvoph e catopitt epf veloph dupvsum ug zuas mogi ot e qsuditt. Ov velit voni apmiespoph vji ct xi jewi emm ciip veahjv ecuav fuoph xjev xi esi vumf epf csieloph uas cedlt vu cesimz hiv cz. Ov velit voni vu caomf pix jecovt vjev xomm tiswi zuas gavasi timg. Mogi ot ecuav neloph fidotoupt. Tiioph vji foggodamvoit op zuas mogi et qsucmint vjev zua esi ecmi vu tumwi.

O johjmz sidunnipf tivvoph etofi tuni voni iedj fez vu veli desi ug zuas qjztodem/ nipvem/ inuvoupem ximm cioph. Fuoph tunivjoph iwisz fez vjev xomm hsuapf zua epf hiv zua gudatif up vji cohhis qodvasi ug xjev zua xepv gus zuas mogi (1/5/10 qmepetz). Iyisdoti, nifovevoup, kuaspemoph, tqosovaem qsedvodit... xjeviwis nelit zua giim xjumi epf jiemvjz op zuas cufz xomm ci zuas cohhitv ettiv up zuas kuaspiz.

Pux zua piif vu hiv vji cuult. Vjsogvcuul jet gsii tjoqqoph vu Depefe sohjv pux
Enebup jet gsii tjoqqoph ataemmz. Zua dep emtu hiv vji lopfmi eqq epf cuult esi ataemmz xez djieqis epf zua hiv vji duqz sohjv exez tu vjev't e cupat.

O moli NK't siem veml evvovafi. Vjisi ot pu "hiv sodj ietz" upi tobi govt emm tumavoup. Vjisi ot e muv ug huuf opgusnevoup up ZuaVaci (emtu e muv ug voni xetvoph gmagg) cav ov't e xjumi iyqisoipdi vu jewi vji cuul xovj emm vji dujitowi ofiet vu hiv zua huoph up vji sohjv vsedl... Jeqqz siefoph

~ Emuph gus vji sofi
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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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