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I have an idea. How and where do I begin?

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New Contributor
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Feb 10, 2024
I have, what I think is a great start-up idea and I am pumped about executing it. I want to do some market research on it but I don't know where to begin. It is a software product idea. It would be a great help just to receive general guidance on where and how I should start the execution of my idea. Precisely, I want to know if there are any platforms where I can conduct some user/market research through things like surveys or even just being able to ask questions to my possible user base.
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Tau Ceti

Silver Contributor
Speedway Pass
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Sep 15, 2014
Stockholm, Sweden
Its not really complicated. You need to go where your users are. Are they on forums? then join those forums. Are they on a sub-reddit? Then go there. And so on.


New Contributor
Read Fastlane!
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Feb 11, 2024
Use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,attend a fair, telemarketing, collect emails, send emails, advertise, create a website for research.

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