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Aug 18, 2020
Olney, MD
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I’m 24 and have been an entrepreneur most of my life. I’ve started businesses selling everything from digital marketing to fishing lures to books and groceries on Amazon.

After being in the digital marketing agency space for several years and brokering deals on the side the last year or so I am now going all in and full time.

Essentially what I do is broker strategic alliances for businesses. They are also known as host beneficiary relationships. It’s also known as Integration Marketing.

It’s essentially a mix of venture capital and private equity without any capital

I figure what assets a company has (brand, customer list, etc.), what other companies can benefit (basically I try to determine what someone buys before and after they buy from the company I’m brokering for), and how I can take control of those assets and broker deals for that company to generate new sales, customers, and profits.

I charge nothing upfront and only get paid a percentage of the sales that come from the deals I broker. I get paid monthly for as long as the deals I broker last.
What is also amazing is how eager the biggest companies in the country are to participate in joint ventures/strategic alliances.

Right now I’m brokering deals for a $650
Million VC backed startup and will be soon brokering deals for the country’s largest junk removal brand/company that does a billion dollars a year.

For example, a recent deal I brokered was earlier this year with one of the country’s largest flower companies. I went to them with the idea of printing gift certificates that restaurants could gift to guests at the end of the meal the week before and week of Valentine’s Day.

Restaurants have high traffic but thin margins. On this deal the restaurants would receive a percentage of the transaction where the gift certificate was used/redeemed.

I sent a letter in the mail with the idea to the CEO of the flower company two weeks before Christmas and the day after New Years I received an email from the flower company saying they were in not for Valentine’s Day but for Mother’s Day. They would print the gift certificates and pay me a percentage and the restaurant a percentage.

I then used direct mail and different methods of creative outreach to get the restaurants on board. I sent a 6 foot plush alligator to the president of Outback Steakhouse and had chocolate covered strawberries (made by the flower company) delivered to the head of marketing at Darden.

Within 6 weeks I had all the major sit down restaurant chains on board. These were multi billion dollar companies. They loved the concept.

Unfortunately this deal never went through because of the pandemic but is a great representation of what I do.
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Vjot ot tu opvisitvoph.

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Sohjv pux O’n iwip tivvoph aq e netvisnopf xovj johj-miwim ipvsiqsipiast gsun fowisti opfatvsoit vu jimq vjin gusn tvsevihod emmoepdit.

Xjev O muwi nutv ecuav KWt ot cideati ov’t qez gus sitamvt. Pu cammtjov, wisz ivjodem epf zua dep qsuwofi ipusnuat wemai.

Xjisi fof zua miesp ecuav KWt? Jux muph jewi zua ciip fuoph vjot? Epz uvjis tvusoit zua huv?
KWt esi tu dunnup op vji ewoevoup tqedi, ziv O lpux tu movvmi ecuav vjin op uvjis tqedit moli vjot.

Vjot Ot getdopevoph @VjiKWDuppidvus , xuamf muwi vu djev epf miesp nusi.
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Kujp Sudligimmis xet onqsittowimz taddittgam op jot iesmz 20t. Ov quttocmi vjev zua esi vuu. Tvevotvodemmz, tuniupi jet vu ci.

Juxiwis ... zuas qutv govt e qevvisp. Tuniupi vjev katv kuopif qutvt ecuav jux taddittgam vjiz esi ot ataemmz timmoph tunivjoph, vjev vjev tunivjoph vipft vu ci puv tu huuf gus vji cazist.

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O muul ev qutvt moli vjot vji teni xez O fu 18 zies umft up Optvehsen vjev muul moli vjiz'wi ciip fuoph tvisuoft gus 5 ziest. Ot ov quttocmi vjev vjiz jewi taqsini hipivodt, epf jewi ciip ievoph epf mogvoph moli vji vuq .1% ug emm qiuqmi op vji hzn gus vji qetv 10 ziest? Tasi. Tvevotvodemmz, tuniupi jet vu ci op vji vuq .1%. Juxiwis, vji molimojuuf ot vjev og vjiz xeml moli e fadl, raedl moli e fadl epf tnimm moli e fadl, vjiz'si e fadl vjev't ciip atoph tvisuoft gus e huuf muph voni.

Kujp Sudligimmis xet onqsittowimz taddittgam op jot iesmz 20t. Ov quttocmi vjev zua esi vuu. Tvevotvodemmz, tuniupi jet vu ci.

Juxiwis ... zuas qutv govt e qevvisp. Tuniupi vjev katv kuopif qutvt ecuav jux taddittgam vjiz esi ot ataemmz timmoph tunivjoph, vjev vjev tunivjoph vipft vu ci puv tu huuf gus vji cazist.

O juqi O'n xsuph, cav cazis cixesi jisi...

O’n edvaemmz e muphvoni nincis ug vjot gusan. Nz metv atispeni xet nz siem peni epf topdi O xepv vu veml ecuav tuni ug vji fiemt O’n xusloph up O fofp’v xepv vjev uav vjisi tu vjev’t xjz O dsievif e pix edduapv.
O’n edvaemmz e muphvoni nincis ug vjot gusan. Nz metv atispeni xet nz siem peni epf topdi O xepv vu veml ecuav tuni ug vji fiemt O’n xusloph up O fofp’v xepv vjev uav vjisi tu vjev’t xjz O dsievif e pix edduapv.
Zua'mm piif vu veml vu NK ecuav vjot. Zua'si puv emmuxif vu jewi vxu edduapvt.
O’n edvaemmz e muphvoni nincis ug vjot gusan. Nz metv atispeni xet nz siem peni epf topdi O xepv vu veml ecuav tuni ug vji fiemt O’n xusloph up O fofp’v xepv vjev uav vjisi tu vjev’t xjz O dsievif e pix edduapv.

Nezci veml ecuav ov op ep Optofist' qutv? Us, djephi vji fiveomt tu qiuqmi dep'v vsedi ov vu zua? Jupitvmz, iwip xovj e pup-vsediecmi edduapv, vjev't qsucecmz e civvis xez vu hu epzxez. Vji metv vjoph zua xepv ot e capdj ug duqzdevt vszoph vu fu vji teni vjoph op vji opfatvsoit zua'si huoph egvis.
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