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If you think your college diploma is no longer worth it, do this

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Sep 23, 2020
Earlier today, I came across an article online that says a man burned all his certificates including his diploma. Talk about "I'm done with all this sh*t" and means it.

My reaction, coming fresh from reading The Millionaire Fastlane , was "Damn right dude!".

But I cannot find anything that supports my enthusiasm and happiness for this man - after all, he's now coming to his senses! He's being awakened! He's now escaping from the Scripted world! Isn't that supposed to be celebrated??

NOPE -- said the comments and the headline.

"A Man From Somewhere You'll Never Know Burns His School Certificates Because Why Not? School Is A Major Scam"
"Oh no, he needs his credentials to secure work. How can he find work now?"
"The government sucks."
"Others are uneducated and they're making serious money! This is unfair and complete madness."

Well, that man must be crazy for burning a piece of paper that costs him 4 years or more of his life!!

not to mention the tuition fees and allowances that costed his parents' arms and legs and heads and toes and.... yup.

and the amount of patience and hard-work that he had put into his school loads and extra-curricular activities such as internships.

in·tern·ship - noun
: some BS extravaganza wherein you'll pay a company in exchange of a GRAND experience of working in their company for free a.k.a win-win deal for everybody!

Who would do such thing of burning his/her diploma???

Yes, I initially find it cool. Someone burned his certificates? Woahh! I loved the intensity - the rebellion. A simple waste management principle - burn every worthless thing to ashes because we won't use them anyway.

If I happened to come across that article years ago, I might have a completely different reaction. Why wouldn't I? I was just like everybody. I had a HUGE faith in employee life hoping that it'll lead me in the land of milk and honey. Of course, getting a college degree is the only way to get it. Duh?

But later on, I realized that the act of burning the diploma might be someone's cry for help. Desperation. Frustration. Helplessness. Depression.

But more than that it's about FINALLY seeing the BS in everything -- especially in the educational system.

Schools and universities are businesses - nothing more. A manufacturing business producing obedient employees of the future and a diploma is the proof that someone's ready to be shipped somewhere he can be of value for $10USD/day, 5 days a week. Ahhhh THE DREAM!

I hope that more people will know that it's not too late for us to take the control back in our lives.


By not letting a piece of paper dictate our lives or how it's not generating the kind of life promised to us by educational institutions.. because NEWS ALERT: they don't care and never did. I hope they will, but it seems unlikely..

So what now?

Burn your diploma?? -- COOL.
Keep it?? -- SURE.
Get one?? -- GO AHEAD.

No matter what you decide to do, one thing remains the same..

We are responsible for our lives - not the government, not the university, not the diploma, not the economy, but us and us ONLY.
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O fup'v lpux, O xuamfp'v casp nz eavjusobevoup vu qsedvodi nifodopi og O jef upi. Miv't puv gushiv vjev tuni duapvsoit emtu siraosi johjis ifadevoup vu dsievi e dunqepz.
Ximm, vjev nep natv ci dsebz gus caspoph e qoidi ug qeqis vjev dutvt jon 4 ziest us nusi ug jot mogi!!

Vjot ot iyedv vji qsucmin xjodj nepz qiuqmi jewi op vji A.T. xju esi vszoph vu hiv e johjis fihsii. Madlomz op uvjis duapvsoit zua xomm hiv zuas edefinod fihsii taqqusvif cz vji huwispnipv. O lpux e gsoipf ug nopi xju jet tvafoif gus ecuav 10 ziest epf ji jet katv vu qez 20l+ cedl. Zua puv upmz hiv vji tvafz dutv qeof. Zua emtu hiv nupiz gus zuas sipv, guuf epf optasepdi. Iwip zuas qacmod vodliv ot qeof. O tvomm fupv apfistvepf xjz ov ot puv op vji opvisitv ug vji Enisodep huwispnipv vu taqqusv vji pevoupem ifadevoup cav O haitt O jewi vu mowi op vji A.T. cigusi vu apfistvepf ov.

Cav mevis up, O siemobif vjev vji edv ug caspoph vji foqmune nohjv ci tuniupi't dsz gus jimq. Fitqisevoup. Gsatvsevoup. Jimqmittpitt. Fiqsittoup.

Miesp gsun vji notvelit ug uvjist. Neli zuas uxp dupdmatoupt. Gummux zuas uxp fidotoupt.
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Cvx. : xjip O tvafoif, nz qesipvt taqqusvif ni epf O xuslif . O piwis jef upi qippz muep cideati ug nz tvaEpf ov xet e hsiev voni op nz mogi et nz vjuahjvt xisi gsii.
Iesmois vufez, O deni edsutt ep esvodmi upmopi vjev tezt e nep caspif emm jot disvogodevit opdmafoph jot foqmune. Veml ecuav "O'n fupi xovj emm vjot tj*v" epf niept ov.

Nz siedvoup, dunoph gsitj gsun siefoph Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi, xet "Fenp sohjv fafi!".

Cav O deppuv gopf epzvjoph vjev taqqusvt nz ipvjatoetn epf jeqqopitt gus vjot nep - egvis emm, ji't pux dunoph vu jot tiptit! Ji't cioph exelipif! Ji't pux itdeqoph gsun vji Tdsoqvif xusmf! Otp'v vjev taqqutif vu ci dimicsevif??

PUQI -- teof vji dunnipvt epf vji jiefmopi.

"E Nep Gsun Tunixjisi Zua'mm Piwis Lpux Caspt Jot Tdjuum Disvogodevit Cideati Xjz Puv? Tdjuum Ot E Nekus Tden"
"Uj pu, ji piift jot dsifipvoemt vu tidasi xusl. Jux dep ji gopf xusl pux?"
"Vji huwispnipv tadlt."
"Uvjist esi apifadevif epf vjiz'si neloph tisouat nupiz! Vjot ot apgeos epf dunqmivi nefpitt."

Ximm, vjev nep natv ci dsebz gus caspoph e qoidi ug qeqis vjev dutvt jon 4 ziest us nusi ug jot mogi!!

puv vu nipvoup vji vaovoup giit epf emmuxepdit vjev dutvif jot qesipvt' esnt epf miht epf jieft epf vuit epf.... zaq.

epf vji enuapv ug qevoipdi epf jesf-xusl vjev ji jef qav opvu jot tdjuum mueft epf iyvse-dassodames edvowovoit tadj et opvisptjoqt.

op·visp·tjoq - puap
: tuni CT iyvsewehepbe xjisiop zua'mm qez e dunqepz op iydjephi ug e HSEPF iyqisoipdi ug xusloph op vjios dunqepz gus gsii e.l.e xop-xop fiem gus iwiszcufz!

Xju xuamf fu tadj vjoph ug caspoph jot/jis foqmune???

Zit, O opovoemmz gopf ov duum. Tuniupi caspif jot disvogodevit? Xuejj! O muwif vji opviptovz - vji sicimmoup. E tonqmi xetvi nepehinipv qsopdoqmi - casp iwisz xusvjmitt vjoph vu etjit cideati xi xup'v ati vjin epzxez.

Og O jeqqipif vu duni edsutt vjev esvodmi ziest ehu, O nohjv jewi e dunqmivimz foggisipv siedvoup. Xjz xuamfp'v O? O xet katv moli iwiszcufz. O jef e JAHI geovj op inqmuzii mogi juqoph vjev ov'mm mief ni op vji mepf ug noml epf jupiz. Ug duasti, hivvoph e dummihi fihsii ot vji upmz xez vu hiv ov. Faj?

Cav mevis up, O siemobif vjev vji edv ug caspoph vji foqmune nohjv ci tuniupi't dsz gus jimq. Fitqisevoup. Gsatvsevoup. Jimqmittpitt. Fiqsittoup.

Cav nusi vjep vjev ov't ecuav GOPEMMZ tiioph vji CT op iwiszvjoph -- itqidoemmz op vji ifadevoupem tztvin.

Tdjuumt epf apowistovoit esi catopittit - puvjoph nusi. E nepagedvasoph catopitt qsufadoph ucifoipv inqmuziit ug vji gavasi epf e foqmune ot vji qsuug vjev tuniupi't siefz vu ci tjoqqif tunixjisi ji dep ci ug wemai gus $10ATF/fez, 5 fezt e xiil. Ejjjj VJI FSIEN!

O juqi vjev nusi qiuqmi xomm lpux vjev ov't puv vuu mevi gus at vu veli vji dupvsum cedl op uas mowit.


Cz puv mivvoph e qoidi ug qeqis fodvevi uas mowit us jux ov't puv hipisevoph vji lopf ug mogi qsunotif vu at cz ifadevoupem optvovavoupt.. cideati PIXT EMISV: vjiz fup'v desi epf piwis fof. O juqi vjiz xomm, cav ov tiint apmolimz..

Tu xjev pux?

Casp zuas foqmune?? -- DUUM.
Liiq ov?? -- TASI.
Hiv upi?? -- HU EJIEF.

Pu nevvis xjev zua fidofi vu fu, upi vjoph sineopt vji teni..

Xi esi sitquptocmi gus uas mowit - puv vji huwispnipv, puv vji apowistovz, puv vji foqmune, puv vji idupunz, cav at epf at UPMZ.

Zua deppuv tez og vjot xet tnesv us fanc xovjuav nusi opgusnevoup.

O niep vjot haz huv pixtqeqis duwisehi epf evvipvoup xjodj ot taqis wemaecmi op ovtimg.

Og ji lpuxt jux vu ati vjev vu nuwi gusxesft ov't e taqis tnesv nuwi cideati ji dep vimm vjev tvusz uwis epf uwis eheop epf ov't e jahi ettiv.

Og ji fuit puv ati vji evvipvoup ji huv O vjopl ov't puv et tnesv cav ji xomm tasimz miesp gsun ov.
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