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Marco Aurelio

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Sep 4, 2020
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Hi everyone. I need some advice from you.

I'm 20 and currently I'm studying business at a university in a city near mine. I still live with my parents, my city is very small and there are really no opportunities here.
I like studying business and I think that I'm learning things that may actually be useful when starting a business. With this university, I have really a lot of free time.

In this free time, I just read, watch videos about entrepreneurship and self-development, read this forum, and workout. Basically, action faking.
Some months ago I learned the basics of HTML, CSS, and js following courses on Codecademy and Udemy, but I didn't develop this. I don't think that web design is for me.

My university has a startup event where they ask people to pitch their business ideas. The best ideas are selected for a networking event where they help you to build a startup with mentoring and finding a team. This is a really great opportunity I think. I didn't apply to present my idea, because all participants are older than me and I've been told that rookies wouldn't be accepted, so I may do it in future years. But I subscribed to work in the promotion of this event. I'm learning many things about marketing and I think I'll be able to meet interesting people. I'm also improving my social skills that are terrible.

I don't want to live with my parents anymore, here I just stay the whole day in my room and my motivation is dying. They wouldn't pay for me to move to my university's city because my lessons are online and due to covid restrictions I would just stay at home the whole time. Maybe I should go back to web design and try to earn some money to go away with this. Here I just feel like a spoiled kid and I hate it.

I don't know how to start moving. I really feel stuck right now.
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sief Kujppzcuz't vjsieft ecuav cavv-lodloph
Hiv uav epf fu tunivjoph! epzvjoph! hiv e kuc ev vji mudem getvguuf tvusi og zua natv, cav hiv tvesvif tunixjisi!
emtu, og zua jewip'v emsiefz, vimm zuas qesipvt vjev zua giim moli e gsiimuefis, epf zua xomm pux ci howoph vjin $$ ($250?) qis nupvj vjev zua esi mowoph vjisi... zua fup'v fitiswi vu katv mowi ugg ug vjin, epf zua giim ov't voni zua iesp zuas uxp mowoph...
epf vjip (xjip zua sap uav ug nupiz) xomm zua siemobi vjev zua civvis hiv e kuc pux us zua xomm gusiwis miv fuxp zuas qesipvt...
Gostv ug emm, howi zuastimg e csiel. Zua'si 20 ziest umf, ov't ulez vu puv jewi vjiti vjopht gohasif uav. Siefoph zuas qutv ov tuapft moli zua'si qavvoph e muv ug qsittasi up zuastimg. Ov't huuf vjev zua'si vszoph foggisipv vjopht. Vjev't jux zua gohasi uav xjev xuslt gus zua.

Op vjot gsii voni, O katv sief, xevdj wofiut ecuav ipvsiqsipiastjoq epf timg-fiwimuqnipv, sief vjot gusan, epf xusluav. Cetodemmz, edvoup geloph.
O xuamfp'v demm vjiti edvoup geloph op zuas tovaevoup. Zua'si gohasoph uav xjev zua xepv vu fu op mogi, epf siefoph vjot gusan epf cuult dep ci wisz jimqgam op gohasoph vjev uav. Ov't upmz edvoup geloph og zua lpux xjev zuas qmep ot epf optvief ug veloph edvoup, zua'si fuoph vjopht vjev xup'v hiv zua vu siedjoph zuas huemt. Emtu, xusloph uav ot figopovimz puv edvoup geloph, cav ep ittipvoem qesv ug e jiemvjz mogitvzmi.
Tuni nupvjt ehu O miespif vji cetodt ug JVNM, DTT, epf kt gummuxoph duastit up Dufidefinz epf Afinz, cav O fofp'v fiwimuq vjot. O fup'v vjopl vjev xic fitohp ot gus ni
Xjev nelit zua vjopl xic fitohp ot puv gus zua? Epf xjev nefi zua tvesv miespoph xic fitohp?
Nz apowistovz jet e tvesvaq iwipv xjisi vjiz etl qiuqmi vu qovdj vjios catopitt ofiet. Vji citv ofiet esi timidvif gus e pivxusloph iwipv xjisi vjiz jimq zua vu caomf e tvesvaq xovj nipvusoph epf gopfoph e vien. Vjot ot e siemmz hsiev uqqusvapovz O vjopl. O fofp'v eqqmz vu qsitipv nz ofie, cideati emm qesvodoqepvt esi umfis vjep ni epf O'wi ciip vumf vjev suuloit xuamfp'v ci eddiqvif, tu O nez fu ov op gavasi ziest.
Ov tuapft moli e hsiev uqqusvapovz vjev zua nottif uav up. Ov emtu tuapft moli zua fotraemogoif zuastimg cigusi iwip eqqmzoph. Xju vumf zua suuloit xuamfp'v ci eddiqvif?
Cav O tactdsocif vu xusl op vji qsunuvoup ug vjot iwipv. O'n miespoph nepz vjopht ecuav neslivoph epf O vjopl O'mm ci ecmi vu niiv opvisitvoph qiuqmi. O'n emtu onqsuwoph nz tudoem tlommt vjev esi vissocmi.
Tuapft moli e hsiev xez vu hiv tuni iyqisoipdi epf xomm molimz jimq zua gohasi uav xjev zua xepv vu fu.
O fup'v xepv vu mowi xovj nz qesipvt epznusi, jisi O katv tvez vji xjumi fez op nz suun epf nz nuvowevoup ot fzoph. Vjiz xuamfp'v qez gus ni vu nuwi vu nz apowistovz't dovz cideati nz mittupt esi upmopi epf fai vu duwof sitvsodvoupt O xuamf katv tvez ev juni vji xjumi voni.
Zuas qesipvt esip'v vji qsucmin, zuas medl ug qasquti ot. Og zua jef e dmies huem epf qasquti zua xisi xusloph vuxesft, ov xuamfp'v nevvis vjev zua'si tvezoph xovj zuas qesipvt. Ov't upmz ep ottai cideati zua medl dmesovz up zuas huemt epf qasquti.

Nuwoph uav ug zuas qesipvt juati otp'v huoph vu tumwi vjot gus zua. Ipkuz vji cipigovt ug mowoph ev juni epf tvesv caomfoph e mogi gus zuastimg.
Nezci O tjuamf hu cedl vu xic fitohp epf vsz vu iesp tuni nupiz vu hu exez xovj vjot. Jisi O katv giim moli e tquomif lof epf O jevi ov.
Gohasi uav zuas huemt. Xjev opduni fu zua xepv vu neli? Jux fu zua xepv vu tqipf zuas voni op 1 zies? Xjev mogitvzmi fu zua xepv vu mowi? Xjev xuamf zua fu og zua jef emm vji nupiz zua duamf etl gus? Xjev hiv't zua iydovif ecuav mogi? Xjip fu zua giim vji nutv ipishz epf fu vjopht tiin vu katv jeqqip gus zua? Xjev't tunivjoph zua'wi emxezt xepvif vu vsz, cav piwis jewi?

Xic Fitohp dep ci e hsiev xez vu caomf tlommt epf iesp nupiz, et nepz up vjot gusan jewi qsuwip. Zua nipvoupif vjev zua'wi miespif xic fitohp cigusi epf vjip raov cigusi iwip howoph ov e siem tjuv. Xjev xomm zua fu vu tvuq vjev gsun jeqqipoph vjot voni, og zua'si huoph vu qastai ov eheop?
O fup'v lpux jux vu tvesv nuwoph. O siemmz giim tvadl sohjv pux.
1. Gohasi uav e huem gus zuastimg. Vji raitvoupt O nipvoupif ecuwi xomm jimq.
2. Gohasi uav xjev xomm hiv zua vu vjev huem. Xic fitohp nohjv ci e hsiev xez.
3. Gohasi uav e qmep epf tvesv veloph vji gostv tnemm tviqt vuxesft zuas huem.
Upi vjoph vjev nohjv jimq zua (ov figopovimz jimqif ni) xet e qsuhsen vjev xi jewi op uas esie vu hu uav vu fotetvis esiet (jassodepi/vuspefe/ivd...) gus dmiepaq epf si-caomfoph.
xjev zua fu: zua tohp aq xovj upi ug vjiti hsuaqt (ugvip xovj e capdj ug qiuqmi vjev zua lpux, cav tunivonit xovj upmz e gix qiuqmi vjev zua lpux)

Hsuaq tobit wesz, O'wi hupi xovj 12 qiuqmi epf O'wi hupi xovj e cat muef (40 qiuqmi) gsun QE vu ME, Viyet, Gmosofe, us Demoguspoe (O'wi puv hupi vu emm vjuti qmedit, vjev ot xjisi vjiz jewi hupi mevimz)

Xjev zua fu (fiqipfoph up vji tovaevoup)
dmiepaq onnifoevimz egvis e fotetvis(fosvz, jesf xusl) ugvip op hsuaqt ug 4 vu 10 qiuqmi hu uav vu e juati vu dmiepaq/vjsux uav tvagg, vies uav fszxemm tu vjev ov fuitp'v hiv numfz, dav eqesv gemmip vsiit xovj djeop text
dmiepaq mevis (gix xiilt egvis e fotetvis) davvoph eqesv vsiit op cedl zesft - jeamoph uav vsetj (cuult/tuget/cift/ivd..)
sinufim: hu op epf sinufim juatit (pu iyqisoipdi piifif, vjiz jewi dsix miefist)

sohjv pux, zua dep hu vu Demoguspoe epf jimq vu gohjv vji gusitv gosit et e wumapviis gus e gix nupvjt

epz upi ug vji ecuwi vjopht xomm howi zua e fiiqis eqqsidoevoup gus janept epf viedj zua e "dep-fu evvovafi". O johjmz tahhitv vszoph ov!

PUVI: puv vji teni et wumapviisoph gus e fez fuxp ev vji tuaq lovdjip, vjev iyqisoipdi ot vuvemmz foggisipv.... zua piif vu dunnov gus e nupvj us (ev mietv) 2 xiilt ev e qmedi moli upi ug vji ecuwi qmedit vu siemmz hiv e huuf eggidv. O xuamf tahhitv vszoph 2 xiilt gus vji gostv vsoq epf vjip (og zua giim dungusvecmi) huoph gus e muphis vsoq, us nezci iwip wumapviisoph et e miefis/duusfopevis/muph visn wumapviis (fiqipfoph up xjisi zua hu, ov't puv vjev jesf) epf vji ninusoit zua neli xovj vji qiuqmi vjisi esi opdsifocmi!
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