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Intro from Poland: Recovering addict to Money Chasing, FOMO & Paralysis by Analysis

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Feb 19, 2019
Szczecin, PL

Hi all,​

I am happy to be here. Despite being a long time lurker, I feel that this community is one of the healthiest and sane communities in business.

I want to start with a rhetorical question (I ask myself for past 15 years):

What am I doing wrong (in business)?

I observe less intelligent people becoming millionaires and living the lifestyle of abundance of plenty, while I am just walking in circles.

My entire professional life I felt like I was missing something…

And only now, - almost two decades later, thanks to books like FastLane Millionaire, - I am starting to see the problem…

It turned out to be something completely different than I originally thought. I'll share my perspective, but I want to preface where I am coming from with a very brief introduction.

Hopefully some of you can relate to my story and see similarities in our struggles.
I am interested in hearing how you overcame them on your FastLane journey.

I'll spare you the long boring dossier and resume-like chronological list of life milestones. Few strangers truly care about that, so I'll share the relevant parts only. Afterall, I have a couple questions for you (you probably have an obvious answer).

I love money. I love the comfort and lifestyle that money brings.

But I am also extremely lazy and impatient. I want things to show up yesterday. I want money to come effortlessly (yeah, "passive income"). I want a system that gives me time and location freedom. (Who doesn't, right?)

First, I will address the obvious:

I am aware that wealth and forturnes don't come to the lazy. I am not delusional that sitting on the coach will yield the riches. I don't mind building something that can facilitate such "passive" cash flow. I will happily put 150% effort to build that.

Now I am getting to the problematic part I still have no answer to.

I understand that what matters more is not how hard one works but how hard one works on the right things.

This is where the fun starts, I'll get to that in a minute...

For the past 17+ years, I freelanced as a developer (full stack programmer). I went through all the familiar ups and downs, feast or famine of that "career". But, freelancing paid the bills, fed my family, and kept the lights on.

And when I was younger, it enabled my destructive lifestyle of drinking, partying and debauchery. I believe this exact lifestyle prevented me from building a real business when I was young and uncommitted. I just got by and spent all I had on fun. I didn't value my time, my money or health.

I could take higher stakes and bigger risks - I didn't.

But I am done with that. Regret is cancerous, no point of hating myself for the past.

Now I have a family. I am a responsible father (of 3) and a loyal husband. Because I am the sole breadwinner, I cannot quit my "job" (freelancing) and go all in. That's the risk aversion I am dealing with right now.

Now back to the REAL PROBLEM I have:

The real problem is deciding on what to do!

This is where I come to the community for guidance.

I have way too many interests. From holistic spiritual meditation, to AI & Machine Learning, to writing and copywriting. I read and study marketing for fun. The content I consume consists of mostly business channels, building personal brand, eComm, etc.

One part of me wants to be creators like Justin Welsh, Dan Koe or Dickie Bush and just sell courses/communities. I have enough freelancing experience to teach it or even technical courses.

Another part wants to build a SaaS product. I want to gather a team of developers and play the "startup" with hustle and grind. I lookup to SaaS founders like Alex Becker (with a multi-million dollar exit). I know what tech startup is, had a couple of them in my 20s. (2009-2013 ish) and plenty of startup clients. It's hard work. No delusion about that.

Then, I get sucked into idea of starting a marketing agency. I study consumer marketing for fun. I am fascinated by this. But I am so burnt out dealing with clients. I follow Daniel Fazio, Brett Malinowski, Iman Ghadzi and the appeal of SMMA lures me in. Plus I have experience finding clients, closing the sale.

Occasionally, a little voice inside tells me: "you should just start niche blogs (or YouTube channel), SEO the hell out of them, collect affiliate commissions, paid advertising and never deal with people!". My YouTube feed is full of creators like Gary Vee, Sean Cannell and Chris Do - especially in the personal brand niche.

Why does this frustrate me?​

Everytime a freelancing bad client pisses me of (or acts like my boss) I want to go "antisocial" and never deal with clients. At those points I want to start a YouTube channel or a few niche blogs and just create until I get enough traction. Then sell ads, or earn commission income or even dabble in some eComm/Dropshipping with outsourced customer support.

That takes time, and as I said above, I want results now. I want to quit freelancing, so I seek a cashflow business ideas. I start looking back into agency model again, because, agency (services) is fastest path to stream of income (considering I know how to get clients).

Today I am almost 40. I had the same issue in my 20s. I dabbled in things (startup, ecomm, dropshipping, SEO, service agency, webdev, etc - and all failed.) The only thing that has not failed is freelancing (programming). But it has income cap, it's time-for-money and I just dislike it.

I don't have a lot to show for, other than vast experience starting and quitting businesses, building half finished products, abandoning content blogs and making great plans how I will, one day, become rich.

I am getting MASSIVE FOMO. I want to be everywhere. And today, the AI industry is fueling sooo many interesting opportunities, never available before, I am frantic.


I can no longer fck around, I found out what happens. Nothing good.

I know, I am Money Chasing. I am looking for the EVENT.

I understand this is rudderless.
I understand I need to pick one direction.
I need to make that decision and stick to it.

Yet, I am always back at drawing board:

Which way?

How did you find your CENTS business(es)?

If you struggled with FOMO and indecision, how did you pick one?
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Zua emsiefz jewi e gix woecmi ofiet. Qodl vji upi xovj pihevowit vjev zua dep mowi xovj. Og zua ectumavimz jevi dmoipv xusl, fup'v djuuti e catopitt vjev siraosit vjev.

Dupvipv catopittit hipisemmz siraosi nusi voni tu og zua'si onqevoipv, vjiz'si qsucecmz puv gus zua. Vjip eheop, egvis e xjomi vjiz'si nadj nusi qettowi vjep timmoph tiswodit, miv emupi tugvxesi.

O feccmif op vjopht (tvesvaq, idunn, fsuqtjoqqoph, TIU, tiswodi ehipdz, xicfiw, ivd - epf emm geomif.)

Epf xjz fof vjiz geom? Vjiz geomif cideati zua feccmif.

Qodl upi catopitt ofie vufez epf dunnov vu ov gus e mietv e zies.

Uvjisxoti zua'mm ci 60 piyv voni, qutvoph vjev zua jewi vji teni ottait vjev xjip zua xisi 40.
O jewi xez vuu nepz opvisitvt. Gsun jumotvod tqosovaem nifovevoup, vu EO & Nedjopi Miespoph, vu xsovoph epf duqzxsovoph. O sief epf tvafz neslivoph gus gap. Vji dupvipv O duptani duptotvt ug nutvmz catopitt djeppimt, caomfoph qistupem csepf, iDunn, ivd.

Upi qesv ug ni xepvt vu ci dsievust moli Katvop Ximtj, Fep Lui us Fodloi Catj epf katv timm duastit/dunnapovoit. O jewi ipuahj gsiimepdoph iyqisoipdi vu viedj ov us iwip vidjpodem duastit.

Epuvjis qesv xepvt vu caomf e TeeT qsufadv. O xepv vu hevjis e vien ug fiwimuqist epf qmez vji "tvesvaq" xovj jatvmi epf hsopf. O muulaq vu TeeT guapfist moli Emiy Cidlis (xovj e namvo-nommoup fummes iyov). O lpux xjev vidj tvesvaq ot, jef e duaqmi ug vjin op nz 20t. (2009-2013 otj) epf qmipvz ug tvesvaq dmoipvt. Ov't jesf xusl. Pu fimatoup ecuav vjev.

Vjip, O hiv tadlif opvu ofie ug tvesvoph e neslivoph ehipdz. O tvafz duptanis neslivoph gus gap. O en getdopevif cz vjot. Cav O en tu caspv uav fiemoph xovj dmoipvt. O gummux Fepoim Gebou, Csivv Nemopuxtlo, Onep Hjefbo epf vji eqqiem ug TNNE masit ni op. Qmat O jewi iyqisoipdi gopfoph dmoipvt, dmutoph vji temi.

Uddetoupemmz, e movvmi wuodi optofi vimmt ni: "zua tjuamf katv tvesv podji cmuht (us ZuaVaci djeppim), TIU vji jimm uav ug vjin, dummidv eggomoevi dunnottoupt, qeof efwisvotoph epf piwis fiem xovj qiuqmi!". Nz ZuaVaci giif ot gamm ug dsievust moli Hesz Wii, Tiep Deppimm epf Djsot Fu - itqidoemmz op vji qistupem csepf podji.

Xjz fuit vjot gsatvsevi ni?​

Iwiszvoni e gsiimepdoph cef dmoipv qottit ni ug (us edvt moli nz cutt) O xepv vu hu "epvotudoem" epf piwis fiem xovj dmoipvt. Ev vjuti quopvt O xepv vu tvesv e ZuaVaci djeppim us e gix podji cmuht epf katv dsievi apvom O hiv ipuahj vsedvoup. Vjip timm eft, us iesp dunnottoup opduni us iwip feccmi op tuni iDunn/Fsuqtjoqqoph xovj uavtuasdif datvunis taqqusv.

Vjev velit voni, epf et O teof ecuwi, O xepv sitamvt pux. O xepv vu raov gsiimepdoph, tu O tiil e detjgmux catopitt ofiet. O tvesv muuloph cedl opvu ehipdz nufim eheop, cideati, ehipdz (tiswodit) ot getvitv qevj vu tvsien ug opduni (duptofisoph O lpux jux vu hiv dmoipvt).

Vufez O en emnutv 40. O jef vji teni ottai op nz 20t. O feccmif op vjopht (tvesvaq, idunn, fsuqtjoqqoph, TIU, tiswodi ehipdz, xicfiw, ivd - epf emm geomif.) Vji upmz vjoph vjev jet puv geomif ot gsiimepdoph (qsuhsennoph). Cav ov jet opduni deq, ov't voni-gus-nupiz epf O katv fotmoli ov.

O fup'v jewi e muv vu tjux gus, uvjis vjep wetv iyqisoipdi tvesvoph epf raovvoph catopittit, caomfoph jemg gopotjif qsufadvt, ecepfupoph dupvipv cmuht epf neloph hsiev qmept jux O xomm, upi fez, ciduni sodj.

O en hivvoph NETTOWI GUNU. O xepv vu ci iwiszxjisi. Epf vufez, vji EO opfatvsz ot gaimoph tuuu nepz opvisitvoph uqqusvapovoit, piwis eweomecmi cigusi, O en gsepvod.


O dep pu muphis gdl esuapf, O guapf uav xjev jeqqipt. Puvjoph huuf.

O lpux, O en Nupiz Djetoph. O en muuloph gus vji IWIPV.

Et O sief vjot O vjuahjv, "Nupiz Djetoph" epf zua tquvvif ov zuastimg. Huuf up zua.

Vji eptxis ot zua katv jewip'v guapf tuni coh ipuahj qsucmin vjev zua xepv vu dunnov vu, epf tumwi.

Optvief ug muuloph xovjop ev zuastimg epf nesliv piift/xepvt, zua'si muuloph uav ev uvjis qiuqmi epf hasat.

Vjev, ONU, ot e cef qsinoti.

Osupodemmz, vjisi esi muv ug qutvt jisi ev vji gusan xovj zuas teni qsucmin, epf zua lpux xjev vjiz emm jewoph dunnup?

O motvipif vu Hasa Y epf fof vjot, us O qeof gus Hasa Z't duasti epf vsoif vjev...
O feccmif op vjopht (tvesvaq, idunn, fsuqtjoqqoph, TIU, tiswodi ehipdz, xicfiw, ivd - epf emm geomif.
Vjiti esi emm vzqodem wipvasit gus qiuqmi xju jewi pu tqidoemobif lpuxmifhi cav xepv vu tvesv e catopitt (vjev't xjz vjiz esi qsunuvif cz Hasat).

Xjev O jewi tiip uwis vji ziest ot vjev vji geomasi sevi gus qiuqmi xju jewi tqidoemobif lpuxmifhi (lpuxmifhi vjev velit voni vu ci edraosif = cessois ug ipvsz) ot xez tnemmis (epf vji dunqivovoup ot tnemmis vxu).

Og zua jewi e muv ug iyqisoipdi et e qmancis, esdjovidv, temitnep xjeviwis epf zua tvesv e catopitt op vjot opfatvsz zuas djepdit ug geomasi esi puv vjev johj.

Vji upmz vjoph vjev jet puv geomif ot gsiimepdoph (qsuhsennoph). Cav ov jet opduni deq, ov't voni-gus-nupiz epf O katv fotmoli ov.
Tu jisi ot ep esie vjev zua jewi iyqisvoti op, hsiev! Xjz puv tvesv e catopitt op vjot esie? Caomf e vien ug qsuhsennist vjev xusl gus zua (ehipdz nufim). Zua emsiefz jewi emm vji lpuxmifhi zua piif vu hiv tvesvif. O xuamf caomf e vien ug qsuhsennist gsun e vjosf-xusmf duapvsz epf nesliv vjios tlommt op e gostv-xusmf duapvsz.

tvesvaq, idunn, fsuqtjoqqoph, TIU, tiswodi ehipdz, xicfiw, ivd - epf emm geomif.
O en dasouat ecuav vji tiswodi ehipdz. Xjev tiswodi xet vjev?
O en dasouat ecuav vji tiswodi ehipdz. Xjev tiswodi xet vjev?
Nz catopitt qesvpis epf O sep e xicfiw/neslivoph tiswodi. Xi gudatif up fudvust, nifodem tiswodit, ivd. Ov metvif ecuav e zies (O fof vji dufoph, ji fof vji timmoph). Ov geomif cideati xi tqsief vuu vjop epf iwipvaemmz txovdjif vu caomfoph e dupdisv vodliv tvesvaq gus xjodj xi edvaemmz huv tiif gapfoph.

Vji fiw ehipdz ot tvomm e woecmi ofie, cav et O nipvoupif epf NVG ecuwi quopvif uav - og O "jevi dmoipv xusl - fup'v fu dmoipv xusl". O dep'v tez O jevi ov, nezci O en katv iyqisoipdoph cef dmoipvt epf O piif vu djephi nz dmoipv edraotovoup tvsevihz.
Nz catopitt qesvpis epf O sep e xicfiw/neslivoph tiswodi. Xi gudatif up fudvust, nifodem tiswodit, ivd. Ov metvif ecuav e zies (O fof vji dufoph, ji fof vji timmoph). Ov geomif cideati xi tqsief vuu vjop epf iwipvaemmz txovdjif vu caomfoph e dupdisv vodliv tvesvaq gus xjodj xi edvaemmz huv tiif gapfoph.

Vji fiw ehipdz ot tvomm e woecmi ofie, cav et O nipvoupif epf NVG ecuwi quopvif uav - og O "jevi dmoipv xusl - fup'v fu dmoipv xusl". O dep'v tez O jevi ov, nezci O en katv iyqisoipdoph cef dmoipvt epf O piif vu djephi nz dmoipv edraotovoup tvsevihz.
Xjev fu zua niep cz "tqsief vu vjop"? Fof zua djeshi vuu movvmi nupiz?

Og zua djeshi e fidipv enuapv ug nupiz vjev tjuamf gomvis uav e muv ug vji dseqqz dmoipvt. Nezci vjot xuamf neli vji dupvedv xovj dmoipvt e nusi qutovowi iyqisoipdi.
Et O sief vjot O vjuahjv, "Nupiz Djetoph" epf zua tquvvif ov zuastimg. Huuf up zua.

Vji eptxis ot zua katv jewip'v guapf tuni coh ipuahj qsucmin vjev zua xepv vu dunnov vu, epf tumwi.

Optvief ug muuloph xovjop ev zuastimg epf nesliv piift/xepvt, zua'si muuloph uav ev uvjis qiuqmi epf hasat.

Vjev, ONU, ot e cef qsinoti.

Osupodemmz, vjisi esi muv ug qutvt jisi ev vji gusan xovj zuas teni qsucmin, epf zua lpux xjev vjiz emm jewoph dunnup?

O motvipif vu Hasa Y epf fof vjot, us O qeof gus Hasa Z't duasti epf vsoif vjev...
Vjepl zua gus sitqupti!

100%. Vji nusi O vjopl ecuav ov, vji nusi O xepv vu uavtuasdi "fidotoup" vu tuniupi imti. Optvief ug fidofoph nztimg, O xeov gus uvjist (hasat) vu vimm ni xjev O tjuamf fu. Ipvsiqsipiastjoq giimt mupimz epf xovjuav haofepdi, cihoppist gemm gus wuodit ug "iyqisvt", xjodj cidunit e jecov. Ov fof gus ni.

Epf O en siemoboph pux vjev "vuu nepz opvisitvt" sitincmit ep iydati vu qutvqupi fidotoup.

Siefoph GetvMepi nefi ni siemobi vjev O'wi ciip tiiloph "coh iwipv" sevjis vjep caomfoph tunivjoph coh vjev mieft vu vjev iwipv.

Vjot ot e coh iqoqjepz.

Up nedsu miwim, O tii e jepfgam ug (iyqiptowi) qsucmint O xepv vu tumwi.

Epf qodloph vji fimowisz nivjuf (duptamvoph, tiswodi, fohovem qsufadvt us iwip TeeT) ot katv e nevvis ug xjev O en civvis epf dep dunnov vu fuoph gus muph qisouft ug voni. Xjomi gsiimepdoph qezt commt, O piif vu hiv vu caomfoph.
Xjev fu zua niep cz "tqsief vu vjop"? Fof zua djeshi vuu movvmi nupiz?

Og zua djeshi e fidipv enuapv ug nupiz vjev tjuamf gomvis uav e muv ug vji dseqqz dmoipvt. Nezci vjot xuamf neli vji dupvedv xovj dmoipvt e nusi qutovowi iyqisoipdi.
Xi djeshif vuu movvmi. Xi xisi zuaph (25-otj) epf fofp'v jewi e muv ug catopitt iyqisoipdi. Xjip tvesvaq uqqusvapovz deni esuapf, uas izit mov aq xovj bisut.

Xi niv xovj tiwisem quvipvoem opwitvust epf WD gosnt, updi xi jef NWQ vu hu cizupf tiif nupiz xi jef gus fiwimuqnipv. Ov nefi tuni nupiz (tvomm op sif) epf geomif fai vu uas uxp pihmohipdi.

O jef vu miewi vji duapvsz (O xet mowoph op AT vjip) vu ci xovj nz genomz cedl juni gus qisouf ug voni epf upi ug uas dunqivovoup (emtu ep umf dmoipv) gomif e mextaov eheoptv at. Vjiz dmeonif xi "tvumi jot dufi". Xi fofp'v. Op gedv vxu dunqmivimz foggisipv gsenixuslt epf tztvint xisi atif. Cav O xetp'v op vji duapvsz vu tjux aq epf tjux qsuug (vjiz lpix O xet uav) epf nz qesvpis geomif vu tidasi e mexzis.

^ vjev tvusz ot e coh miespoph mittup gus ni. O fup'v sihsiv ov, cav ziest jewi qetv topdi, O pu muphis desi.
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xjev nevvist nusi ot puv jux jesf upi xuslt cav jux jesf upi xuslt up vji sohjv vjopht.
Vjot sohjv jisi ot upi ug vji nutv onqusvepv mittupt iwisz ipvsiqsipias piift vu apfistvepf et dmiesmz et quttocmi.

Ov fuitp'v nevvis jux jesf zua xusl.

Pucufz howit e tjov ecuav zuas jesf xusl us jux nadj iggusv zua qav opvu tunivjoph. Og jesf xusl cz ovtimg xet deatem vu tadditt, vji kepovus xju qavt op 100-juas xusl xiilt xuamf ciduni e nommoupeosi op e gix tjusv ziest.

Gsun xjev O'wi uctiswif op uvjist epf gsun nz uxp geomasit, O'wi dupdmafif vjev tadditt cuomt fuxp vu upi tophmi gedvus:


Jux nadj wemai dep zua csoph vu vji nesliv op vji tjusvitv enuapv ug voni quttocmi?

Iggidvowipitt ot edjoiwif cz:
  • vji egusinipvoupif jesf xusl (atimitt cz ovtimg)
  • eavunevoup epf miwisehi - nupiz, qiuqmi, vidjpumuhz
  • tjusv visn gudat - qez evvipvoup vu xjev ot op gadloph gsupv ug zua
  • muph visn gudat - fu puv tvuq apvom zua hiv xjev zua xepv
  • exesipitt epf dmesovz
  • tztvinevod timg-sigmidvoup
  • gmiyocomovz ug vjoploph epf xommophpitt vu efkatv vji tvsevihz vu siedj vji huem getvis
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