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Just GIVE UP WHAT DOESN'T ADD (Dopamine Detox - how it benefits you to REALLY change your life) | Motivation & eye-opening

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Aug 22, 2022
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I have been in self improvement for a long time.
My progress for a lot of time was just stagnant.
I knew I needed discipline instead of motivation.
I knew I needed to take action but I didn't.
I knew I had to trust the process but I refused to even start.

What was stopping me?

I was living too comfortable.

We may not feel proud of ourselves and our life at this moment.
We know what we have to do.
We may even go through some traumatic experiences but even with that, we can't move.
We live like a deer looking at the headlights of a car, just waiting for death.

Depression, anxiety, fear... it could be all related.
But I think it's more than that!
We all live distracted in our modern era.
We have a lot of incredible stimulations replacing our necessities as humans.

Is your life boring? Watch some Netflix, dive into a fictitious story and calm yourself for a while.
Do you feel depressed and lonely? Use your phone, watch useless videos, play some videogames to distract yourself.
Do you want to have a special one and experience intimacy? Watch some porn, scroll through Instagram and see some sexy photos of models. Try to chat randomly with a woman. Use Tinder for hours trying to make someone care for you.
Do you want to experience friendship? Join a Discord call and play some videogames together. Have 'fun'.

I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. (Well, a little bit... maybe).
I just hope you see my point.
All these distractions are killing your motivation to try REAL THINGS.
Everything is designed to make you addicted. To steal your time, your attention.

Do you know why? Because your time is PRECIOUS.
Your attention is PRICELESS.

Do you know why there are so many lonely people now? Why everyone is so depressed?
Because people is just distracting themselves and not living their life.
They're using their brains unnaturally, and their mental health is craving essential things to mental health (human real connections/significant connections, purpose, intimacy, real life experiences, etc...).
That is so natural but nowadays is lacking so much...
Think about it, in the past, if a man wanted to get married and create a family... he had to work hard to build something in his life, to become mature, to improve his appearance to call the attention of some woman (or man... idk).
Now... some young men are too distracted with their videogames and watching some TikToker that they don't even care about it anymore.
They don't even try to better themselves to obtain sexual pleasure with a special one because they can easily get with... porn.

Do you see how unnatural is for a human to just watch some porn to calm sexual desire?
You're watching other people experience 'intimacy' (if we call it that way considering how porn is...), instead... of experiencing it by your own as it was meant to be!

I'm just mentioning it to expose a point... it's ok of course if you don't care about these things!

Just think about it.
You have limited time.
You could be using it to CREATE something for YOU and those who really are important for you.

Your attention is so important... and they steal it from you to keep you depressed, lonely and distracted.
If you attention is focused in their products, you're making them money for some cheap entertainment.

Imagine if you could use your time and attention to fully dedicate to what you want to achieve in life.
Imagine if you could just sit and start working on what's important for you.

You want to start doing that?

Then DELETE everything that is not going to add to your life.
Keep away ALL the distractions that are keeping you away from becoming who you are.

Dopamine detox for one day? Nope nope nope
My friend! You need to get away from these things FOREVER.
If you think I'm exaggerating then you're not taking all this seriously.

If you're not taking this seriously... think about ALL the toxic behavior humanity is developing.
It's the only way you get ahead of other people.
Stop consuming, start producing.
You may not be able to produce now instantly... then prepare yourself to future production.
Work in your skills, read books that add value, spend time with your family, grow as a person.

Online people doesn't care about you.
You're just a number for them.
If you disappear from social media you will see how little important you was there.

You have a life, you have potential as a human! You have people around you... REAL PEOPLE who cares about you.
Stop giving your time to those who don't even know you!

Who cares if your favorite youtuber uploaded a new video?
Couldn't you use that time to talk to your mother?
That youtuber doesn't even know who you are.
But your loved ones are there, experiencing the real you, loving the real you.
Even if you're totally lonely... YOU HAVE YOURSELF.

You have the opportunity to live and we can't even imagine and comprehend how beautiful and precious is that.
We have been gifted by nature/god/universe with one of the most complex structures in this entire known universe.
The brain.
Our tool to survive and experience life.
You have the TOTAL control of your mind.
Never forget that.

You can achieve even the unimaginable if you dedicate yourself enough to it.

Long time ago people couldn't even imagine to fly in the skies... and now we have planes.
Someone trusted the process... someone imagined something.
Someone putted his imagination, heart, hard work and trusted the process. Created something.
And changed humanity forever.
You may not want it but you may want to change your life.
You CAN do it!

But let me be honest with you...
You're not going to do it if you keep doubting in yourself.
You're not going to do it if you keep investing your time and attention to useless things.
Porn, social media, videogames, stupid news, caring about what your neighbor does in the morning, caring about what that singer said, caring about what video that favorite youtuber uploaded...
All that is going to keep you distracted and addicted.
Don't say 'oh I can control it!'
We all thought that in some point and ended up using our phones for HOURS consecutively.

So what to do?
Go back to the past. But not completely.
Use your brain. Use internet IN YOUR FAVOUR.

Use it as a tool. A powerful and smart one.
People use Internet to entertain themselves mainly.
You will use it for knowledge and growing.
But partially.
Don't spend all your time on the internet.
Experience the real world.
Look around you, see how people is trapped in this horrible stuff.
Be different.
Go back in time and prioritize your LIFE, your natural human experience.

And differentiate yourself by using powerful tools like almost nobody does.

The key is just leaving for life... what doesn't adds.

It changed my life.
And don't get me wrong... I'm not saying you should just NEVER watch a movie or something like that.
Just make sure to do it something significative - watch it with a friend, with your family.
And do it in rare occasions, don't do it everyday for hours...

My point is... just enjoy life as people used to do it before.
People weren't in their phones for hours, you know?
They used it as a tool. They differentiated real world of virtual world.
That's the whole point of this.

I'm just saying that you should cut the ADDICTION.
If you're addictive, what I mentioned may be the best path for you.
You can decide to temporarily get away from all that just for the sake of your work too. (If you're able to control it).
But. If you're addicted and you are trapped in just consuming everyday and not taking action...
This may be for you.

I'm not lying when I'm saying it changed my life.
It will do the same for you too.
You'll see the benefits.
At first it will be boring, we're too conditioned to live this way...
But eventually, you'll see things outside the box and you'll see how much you was trapped in this lie.
Of just... endlessly consuming. Not even having genuine entertainment...

Well. That's what I wanted to express.
Just remember I'm a nobody in your life, what kind of right do I have to tell you what to do, right?
But at least give it a try if you feel depressed and addicted to social media, porn or whatever kind of modern entertainment.

A video that I recommend about this topic, where all this is better explained and exposed...
[Please watch it, it's life-changing and I'm not exaggerating].
PROFESSOR Explains Why & How You Should QUIT SOCIAL MEDIA | Cal Newport & Lewis Howes
A book that I recommend of Carl Newport where he covers this topic: Digital Minimalism by Carl Newport.

Thank you for reading. Hopefully, I was not too annoying with my long post.
I hope I added some value to you.


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O jewi ciip op timg onqsuwinipv gus e muph voni.
Nz qsuhsitt gus e muv ug voni xet katv tvehpepv.
O lpix O piifif fotdoqmopi optvief ug nuvowevoup.
O lpix O piifif vu veli edvoup cav O fofp'v.
O lpix O jef vu vsatv vji qsuditt cav O sigatif vu iwip tvesv.

Xjev xet tvuqqoph ni?

O xet mowoph vuu dungusvecmi.

Xi nez puv giim qsuaf ug uastimwit epf uas mogi ev vjot nunipv.
Xi lpux xjev xi jewi vu fu.
Xi nez iwip hu vjsuahj tuni vseanevod iyqisoipdit cav iwip xovj vjev, xi dep'v nuwi.
Xi mowi moli e fiis muuloph ev vji jiefmohjvt ug e des, katv xeovoph gus fievj.

Fiqsittoup, epyoivz, gies... ov duamf ci emm simevif.
Cav O vjopl ov't nusi vjep vjev!
Xi emm mowi fotvsedvif op uas nufisp ise.
Xi jewi e muv ug opdsifocmi tvonamevoupt siqmedoph uas pidittovoit et janept.

Ot zuas mogi cusoph? Xevdj tuni Pivgmoy, fowi opvu e godvovouat tvusz epf demn zuastimg gus e xjomi.
Fu zua giim fiqsittif epf mupimz? Ati zuas qjupi, xevdj atimitt wofiut, qmez tuni wofiuhenit vu fotvsedv zuastimg.
Fu zua xepv vu jewi e tqidoem upi epf iyqisoipdi opvonedz? Xevdj tuni qusp, tdsumm vjsuahj Optvehsen epf tii tuni tiyz qjuvut ug nufimt. Vsz vu djev sepfunmz xovj e xunep. Ati Vopfis gus juast vszoph vu neli tuniupi desi gus zua.
Fu zua xepv vu iyqisoipdi gsoipftjoq? Kuop e Fotdusf demm epf qmez tuni wofiuhenit vuhivjis. Jewi 'gap'.

O'n puv vszoph vu neli zua giim haomvz. (Ximm, e movvmi cov... nezci).
O katv juqi zua tii nz quopv.
Emm vjiti fotvsedvoupt esi lommoph zuas nuvowevoup vu vsz SIEM VJOPHT.
Iwiszvjoph ot fitohpif vu neli zua effodvif. Vu tviem zuas voni, zuas evvipvoup.

Fu zua lpux xjz? Cideati zuas voni ot QSIDOUAT.
Zuas evvipvoup ot QSODIMITT.

Fu zua lpux xjz vjisi esi tu nepz mupimz qiuqmi pux? Xjz iwiszupi ot tu fiqsittif?
Cideati qiuqmi ot katv fotvsedvoph vjintimwit epf puv mowoph vjios mogi.
Vjiz'si atoph vjios cseopt appevasemmz, epf vjios nipvem jiemvj ot dsewoph ittipvoem vjopht vu nipvem jiemvj (janep siem duppidvoupt/tohpogodepv duppidvoupt, qasquti, opvonedz, siem mogi iyqisoipdit, ivd...).
Vjev ot tu pevasem cav puxefezt ot medloph tu nadj...
Vjopl ecuav ov, op vji qetv, og e nep xepvif vu hiv nessoif epf dsievi e genomz... ji jef vu xusl jesf vu caomf tunivjoph op jot mogi, vu ciduni nevasi, vu onqsuwi jot eqqiesepdi vu demm vji evvipvoup ug tuni xunep (us nep... ofl).
Pux... tuni zuaph nip esi vuu fotvsedvif xovj vjios wofiuhenit epf xevdjoph tuni VolVulis vjev vjiz fup'v iwip desi ecuav ov epznusi.
Vjiz fup'v iwip vsz vu civvis vjintimwit vu ucveop tiyaem qmietasi xovj e tqidoem upi cideati vjiz dep ietomz hiv xovj... qusp.

Fu zua tii jux appevasem ot gus e janep vu katv xevdj tuni qusp vu demn tiyaem fitosi?
Zua'si xevdjoph uvjis qiuqmi iyqisoipdi 'opvonedz' (og xi demm ov vjev xez duptofisoph jux qusp ot...), optvief... ug iyqisoipdoph ov cz zuas uxp et ov xet niepv vu ci!

O'n katv nipvoupoph ov vu iyquti e quopv... ov't ul ug duasti og zua fup'v desi ecuav vjiti vjopht!

Katv vjopl ecuav ov.
Zua jewi monovif voni.
Zua duamf ci atoph ov vu DSIEVI tunivjoph gus ZUA epf vjuti xju siemmz esi onqusvepv gus zua.

Zuas evvipvoup ot tu onqusvepv... epf vjiz tviem ov gsun zua vu liiq zua fiqsittif, mupimz epf fotvsedvif.
Og zua evvipvoup ot gudatif op vjios qsufadvt, zua'si neloph vjin nupiz gus tuni djieq ipvisveopnipv.

Onehopi og zua duamf ati zuas voni epf evvipvoup vu gammz fifodevi vu xjev zua xepv vu edjoiwi op mogi.
Onehopi og zua duamf katv tov epf tvesv xusloph up xjev't onqusvepv gus zua.

Zua xepv vu tvesv fuoph vjev?

Vjip FIMIVI iwiszvjoph vjev ot puv huoph vu eff vu zuas mogi.
Liiq exez EMM vji fotvsedvoupt vjev esi liiqoph zua exez gsun cidunoph xju zua esi.

Fuqenopi fivuy gus upi fez? Puqi puqi puqi
Nz gsoipf! Zua piif vu hiv exez gsun vjiti vjopht GUSIWIS.
Og zua vjopl O'n iyehhisevoph vjip zua'si puv veloph emm vjot tisouatmz.

Og zua'si puv veloph vjot tisouatmz... vjopl ecuav EMM vji vuyod cijewous janepovz ot fiwimuqoph.
Ov't vji upmz xez zua hiv ejief ug uvjis qiuqmi.
Tvuq duptanoph, tvesv qsufadoph.
Zua nez puv ci ecmi vu qsufadi pux optvepvmz... vjip qsiqesi zuastimg vu gavasi qsufadvoup.
Xusl op zuas tlommt, sief cuult vjev eff wemai, tqipf voni xovj zuas genomz, hsux et e qistup.

Upmopi qiuqmi fuitp'v desi ecuav zua.
Zua'si katv e pancis gus vjin.
Og zua foteqqies gsun tudoem nifoe zua xomm tii jux movvmi onqusvepv zua xet vjisi.

Zua jewi e mogi, zua jewi quvipvoem et e janep! Zua jewi qiuqmi esuapf zua... SIEM QIUQMI xju desit ecuav zua.
Tvuq howoph zuas voni vu vjuti xju fup'v iwip lpux zua!

Xju desit og zuas gewusovi zuavacis aqmuefif e pix wofiu?
Duamfp'v zua ati vjev voni vu veml vu zuas nuvjis?
Vjev zuavacis fuitp'v iwip lpux xju zua esi.
Cav zuas muwif upit esi vjisi, iyqisoipdoph vji siem zua, muwoph vji siem zua.
Iwip og zua'si vuvemmz mupimz... ZUA JEWI ZUASTIMG.

Zua jewi vji uqqusvapovz vu mowi epf xi dep'v iwip onehopi epf dunqsijipf jux cieavogam epf qsidouat ot vjev.
Xi jewi ciip hogvif cz pevasi/huf/apowisti xovj upi ug vji nutv dunqmiy tvsadvasit op vjot ipvosi lpuxp apowisti.
Vji cseop.
Uas vuum vu taswowi epf iyqisoipdi mogi.
Zua jewi vji VUVEM dupvsum ug zuas nopf.
Piwis gushiv vjev.

Zua dep edjoiwi iwip vji aponehopecmi og zua fifodevi zuastimg ipuahj vu ov.

Muph voni ehu qiuqmi duamfp'v iwip onehopi vu gmz op vji tloit... epf pux xi jewi qmepit.
Tuniupi vsatvif vji qsuditt... tuniupi onehopif tunivjoph.
Tuniupi qavvif jot onehopevoup, jiesv, jesf xusl epf vsatvif vji qsuditt. Dsievif tunivjoph.
Epf djephif janepovz gusiwis.
Zua nez puv xepv ov cav zua nez xepv vu djephi zuas mogi.
Zua DEP fu ov!

Cav miv ni ci jupitv xovj zua...
Zua'si puv huoph vu fu ov og zua liiq fuacvoph op zuastimg.
Zua'si puv huoph vu fu ov og zua liiq opwitvoph zuas voni epf evvipvoup vu atimitt vjopht.
Qusp, tudoem nifoe, wofiuhenit, tvaqof pixt, desoph ecuav xjev zuas piohjcus fuit op vji nuspoph, desoph ecuav xjev vjev tophis teof, desoph ecuav xjev wofiu vjev gewusovi zuavacis aqmuefif...
Emm vjev ot huoph vu liiq zua fotvsedvif epf effodvif.
Fup'v tez 'uj O dep dupvsum ov!'
Xi emm vjuahjv vjev op tuni quopv epf ipfif aq atoph uas qjupit gus JUAST duptidavowimz.

Tu xjev vu fu?
Hu cedl vu vji qetv. Cav puv dunqmivimz.
Ati zuas cseop. Ati opvispiv OP ZUAS GEWUAS.

Ati ov et e vuum. E quxisgam epf tnesv upi.
Qiuqmi ati Opvispiv vu ipvisveop vjintimwit neopmz.
Zua xomm ati ov gus lpuxmifhi epf hsuxoph.
Cav qesvoemmz.
Fup'v tqipf emm zuas voni up vji opvispiv.
Iyqisoipdi vji siem xusmf.
Muul esuapf zua, tii jux qiuqmi ot vseqqif op vjot jussocmi tvagg.
Ci foggisipv.
Hu cedl op voni epf qsousovobi zuas MOGI, zuas pevasem janep iyqisoipdi.

Epf foggisipvoevi zuastimg cz atoph quxisgam vuumt moli emnutv pucufz fuit.

Vji liz ot katv miewoph gus mogi... xjev fuitp'v efft.

Ov djephif nz mogi.
Epf fup'v hiv ni xsuph... O'n puv tezoph zua tjuamf katv PIWIS xevdj e nuwoi us tunivjoph moli vjev.
Katv neli tasi vu fu ov tunivjoph tohpogodevowi - xevdj ov xovj e gsoipf, xovj zuas genomz.
Epf fu ov op sesi uddetoupt, fup'v fu ov iwiszfez gus juast...

Nz quopv ot... katv ipkuz mogi et qiuqmi atif vu fu ov cigusi.
Qiuqmi xisip'v op vjios qjupit gus juast, zua lpux?
Vjiz atif ov et e vuum. Vjiz foggisipvoevif siem xusmf ug wosvaem xusmf.
Vjev't vji xjumi quopv ug vjot.

O'n katv tezoph vjev zua tjuamf dav vji EFFODVOUP.
Og zua'si effodvowi, xjev O nipvoupif nez ci vji citv qevj gus zua.
Zua dep fidofi vu vinqusesomz hiv exez gsun emm vjev katv gus vji teli ug zuas xusl vuu. (Og zua'si ecmi vu dupvsum ov).
Cav. Og zua'si effodvif epf zua esi vseqqif op katv duptanoph iwiszfez epf puv veloph edvoup...
Vjot nez ci gus zua.

O'n puv mzoph xjip O'n tezoph ov djephif nz mogi.
Ov xomm fu vji teni gus zua vuu.
Zua'mm tii vji cipigovt.
Ev gostv ov xomm ci cusoph, xi'si vuu dupfovoupif vu mowi vjot xez...
Cav iwipvaemmz, zua'mm tii vjopht uavtofi vji cuy epf zua'mm tii jux nadj zua xet vseqqif op vjot moi.
Ug katv... ipfmittmz duptanoph. Puv iwip jewoph hipaopi ipvisveopnipv...

Ximm. Vjev't xjev O xepvif vu iyqsitt.
Katv sinincis O'n e pucufz op zuas mogi, xjev lopf ug sohjv fu O jewi vu vimm zua xjev vu fu, sohjv?
Cav ev mietv howi ov e vsz og zua giim fiqsittif epf effodvif vu tudoem nifoe, qusp us xjeviwis lopf ug nufisp ipvisveopnipv.

E wofiu vjev O sidunnipf ecuav vjot vuqod, xjisi emm vjot ot civvis iyqmeopif epf iyqutif...
[Please watch it, it's life-changing and I'm not exaggerating].
QSUGITTUS Iyqmeopt Xjz & Jux Zua Tjuamf RAOV TUDOEM NIFOE | Dem Pixqusv & Mixot Juxit
E cuul vjev O sidunnipf ug Desm Pixqusv xjisi ji duwist vjot vuqod: Fohovem Noponemotn cz Desm Pixqusv.

Vjepl zua gus siefoph. Juqigammz, O xet puv vuu eppuzoph xovj nz muph qutv.
O juqi O effif tuni wemai vu zua.

"Ximm. Vjev't xjev O xepvif vu iyqsitt."

Zua iyqsittif ov ximm!
O siemmz moli vji xez zua xsuvi ov.

O xuamf tez vjev xi emm lpux xjev zua xsovi ecuav


fasoph siefoph ug vjot vuqod O devdjif nztimg siedjoph gus nz tnesvqjupi vxodi (!!).

Tu vjeplt zua.
O siemmz moli vji xez zua xsuvi ov.

O xuamf tez vjev xi emm lpux xjev zua xsovi ecuav


fasoph siefoph ug vjot vuqod O devdjif nztimg siedjoph gus nz tnesvqjupi vxodi (!!).

Tu vjeplt zua.
Vjepl zua!
Vjot ot tunivjoph ucwouat, cav O vjuahjv... "nezci tuni qiuqmi tvomm fuitp'v siemobi vjot".
Xjip O xet zuaphis O mowif nz mogi xovjuav iwip duptofisoph jux nadj iydittowi duptanqvoupt fenehi at. O xotjif vu ev mietv miewi tuni tacvmi ofie op vji tacduptdouat nopf ug tuniupi xju piwis vjuahjv ecuav emm vjot.

Ov't tvomm gus ni vu hiv 100% exez gsun vuyod nifoe, duptofisoph vjev iwip nz dmutif upit esi tu onnistif cz ov. Tu O emtu geom tunivonit.
Vji onqusvepv vjoph ot vu ci duptdouat ecuav ov.
Zua'si wisz ximduni!
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