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Kiyosaki: We need two school systems

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Interesting idea from Robert but not sure how feasible it would be.

Actual thread is here - Column: We need two school systems - Opinion - USATODAY.com


We need two school systems

Education in America could use a big dose of innovation. How about one public school system for employees, and another for entrepreneurs?

By Robert Kiyosaki

In the summer of 1932, presidential candidate Franklin Delano Roosevelt promised, "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people."
Today, it is time not for a "New Deal," but a "New Mission."
America's schools need to take a page from the businesses that have been created by entrepreneurs over the past decades. Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page have all given us the road map, but the path toward entrepreneurship is often the road less traveled America's schools.

The U.S. unemployment rate is currently 9.7% in what many call a "jobless recovery." So what should we do? The problem and the solution can be found in America's educational system and its current mantra: "Go to school and get good grades, so you can get a good high-paying job." In simpler terms that means, "Go to school to become a good employee." But there are too many employees, which is why we have an unemployment problem. Today, kids just out of school aren't finding jobs. At the same time, many of their parents are going back to school for retraining. But they're not finding jobs, either.
The idea of a high-paying job for life is truly an American dream — but no longer a reality. With low-priced labor and lower-priced, higher-performance technology, high-paying American jobs will be disappearing at greater speed as they move overseas.
Two-track system
America's education system needs an injection of innovation — which is just what entrepreneurs do. We need two different public school programs: one for employees and one for entrepreneurs.
The way to train entrepreneurs is almost exactly the opposite of the methods used to train employees. Another common thread about Ford, Gates and Jobs is that they all dropped out of school. This is not to say education is not important, but training entrepreneurs is different from training people to be employees. It is much like the difference between traditional education and the military academy model.
Many of the lessons I drew upon to write my book, Rich Dad, come from the U.S. military academy system.
In 1965, I left a sleepy sugar plantation town of Hilo, Hawaii, and journeyed to Kings Point, N.Y., to attend the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. With four years at the academy and six years as a Marine Corps pilot, including two trips to Vietnam, I gained many of the real-life skills and character traits I count on today as an entrepreneur.
Success in the military is a great bellwether signaling achievement in business. For example, the Israeli Defense Forces are a breeding ground for education and entrepreneurs, where many serve in units specializing in military technology. At the beginning of 2009, the 63 Israeli companies listed on the Nasdaq, many led by former IDF members, outnumbered those of any other foreign country, according to the book Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle: Dan Senor, Saul Singer: 9780446541466: Amazon.com: Books Start-up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. There are simple lessons here for America's gridlocked education system.
If I were running America's schools system, I would create the U.S. Business Academy for Entrepreneurs, modeled after our federal military academies. Admissions would be via congressional appointment along with nominations from community business leaders. The entrance exams would be rigorous; the curriculum would be very different from traditional colleges.
On first day at any of the five federal military academies, each student is required to memorize the academy's mission. In the military, mission is more important than life. After leaving the Marine Corps and starting my own business, I found many executives with MBA degrees focused only on money. Money was their only mission. If they could cut expenses by firing employees, so be it. This was unconscionable at the academy and the Marine Corps. As military officers, our mission was to serve our country and bring our troops home alive. It was drummed into our souls that our mission was more important than our lives.
The mission of the U.S. Academy for Entrepreneurs would be to create sustainable, well-paying jobs for employees by aggressive growth of the business. Too many executives are trained to grow the business through mergers and acquisitions, using massive amounts of debt. Though this might make shareholders happy, in most cases it rips the soul out of the business, loading it with debt while putting the jobs of employees at risk.
Creating real jobs
If corporate executives cannot grow a business organically, they will often repurchase their shares to make it look as if the share price is going up — again to keep shareholders happy and the CEO employed. This is business manipulation, and not the true mission of a sustainable business. The lesson learned is, a loyal employee is not as important as money.
The U.S. Business Academy for Entrepreneurs would have only real entrepreneurs as teachers. I would ask that they work for only $1 a year (think of the great entrepreneurial CEOs who have turned around their businesses doing the same). You see, if they were real entrepreneurs, they would not need the money. They would teach for the same reason the students are there: the mission to create entrepreneurs who create sustainable jobs for the country.
Whether you agree with me or not, I hope it's clear that we need to create more entrepreneurs — since only entrepreneurs can create real jobs.
We need to pledge ourselves to this New Mission: job creation by those who are true job creators.
Robert Kiyosaki is an educational entrepreneur, founder of the financial education-based Rich Dad Co. and author of best-sellers Conspiracy of the Rich and Rich Dad Poor Dad.
Posted at 12:16 AM/ET, February 09, 2010 in Education - Forum, Forum commentary
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O xusl gus vji tidupf meshitv duphmunisevi op vji xusmf. Epf O jewi vu vimm zua Lzutelo ot tquv up xovj vjot. Ov t puvjoph cav e hoepv cavv lottoph djeop emm vji xez vu vji tjesijumfist.

Vji nottoup ot tidupfesz vu lottoph zuas taqisoust ett.

TNemm catopitt dsievit nusi kuct vjep coh catopitt.

O fup'v siemmz vjopl vjot ot siwumavoupesz. SL ot sohjv cav vjot otp'v pix. Epz ug zua umf hazt sinincis tjuq dmett? Vjisi xet e voni xjisi e tvafipv vjev xipv vu johj tdjuum duamf miesp fsegvoph, dunqavist, nivem xusloph, xuuf xusloph, eavu nidjepodt, epf nepz nusi vsefit. Upi duamf veli vjot lpuxmifhi epf ciduni epf inqmuzii us jeph vjios uxp tjophmi. Vjip deni PDMC epf vji hipisem ofie vjev emm tvafipvt tjuamf ci vseopif vu hu vu dummihi. Ov't nadj ietois vu viedj epf tvepfesfobi vitv emm tvafipvt vji teni tvagg ev vji teni voni.

Vji fuxp tofi ug tjuq dmettit epf "mittis" edefinod vsedvt ot vji tvohne vjev uas tudoivz evvedjit vu qiuqmi vjev fu puv hsefaevi gsun dummihi. Puv nepz qesipvt xuamf moli vjios loft vu ci upi ug "vjuti lopf ug qiuqmi."

O vjopl xi fu piif djephit op uas ifadevoup tztvin. Vji qsucmin ot vjev xi, et e tudoivz, fidofi xjev xi xepv cetif up vji jiefmopi ug vji nunipv. PDMC tuapfif huuf xjip ov xet gif vu at. Egvis emm, xjev qesipv xepvt vjios djomf "migv cijopf?" Vji siemovz ot vjev emm loft esi foggisipv epf piif foggisipv vjopht vu ci taddittgam.:djiist:
Et e viedjis O dep vimm zua vji siem fephis dunoph op vji gavasi. Nutv ug vji viedjist epf qesipvt esi ucmowouat vu ov. Vji cohhitv dutv vu epz tdjuum fotvsodv ot vji qezsumm ug viedjist. Mitt viedjist niept mitt nupiz piifif. Vjot nez niep mitt veyit us nusi nupiz tqipv op uvjis esiet.

ONJU, vji siem vjsiev ot sinuvi, fotvepdi miespoph. Nutv viedjist esi siraosif vu qesvodoqevi op vjiti dmettit ev mietv updi e zies vu tevotgz e vidjpumuhz siraosinipv. Vji ofie ot vjev tuni viedjis us qsugittoupem op e ges ugg qmedi viedjit e mittup vu nepz loft ev vji teni voni emm uwis vji xusmf. Vjot xuamf niep upi viedjis duamf viedj tiwisem japfsif tvafipvt vji teni mittup ev vji teni voni.

Zit, iedj hsuaq ug tvafipvt xuamf piif ep efamv op vjios suun cav vjev efamv fuit puv piif vu ci e disvogoif viedjis. Viedjis eofit duamf raemogz epf vjiz hiv jemg vji qez.

O dupvipf vjev og vjiz hiv vjot tztvin qisgidvif vjev vjios xomm ci mitt piif gus vseopif ifadevoup qsugittoupemt epf nusi piif gus djomf tovvist. Vji efamvt vjev zuas djomf xomm ci fosidvmz fiemoph xovj xomm puv ci e viedjis cav e fez desi xuslis xovj mitt vseoph epf nadj mitt qez.

Cetodemmz vjot xomm sitamv op nusi ug vji teni. Nusi tvepfesfobevoup, nusi PDMC, epf nusi nopf pancoph ifadevoup.
Jisi't e quttocomovz op Viyet. Op Viyet xi esi jewoph e muv ug qsowevi edefinoit uqipoph aq emm uwis. Nutv ug vjin jewi e vjini ug tuni lopf. Vjiz dep ci usoipvif esuapf nevj, tdoipdi, tidupf djepdit, tqusvt, dsifov siduwisz, ivd. Vjiz esi gapfif epf sihamevif cz vji tvevi. Vji tvafipvt tvomm jewi vu veli dusi dmettit epf tvomm jewi vu qett vji tvepfesfobif vitvt. Uvjis vjep vjev, vji fuus ot xofi uqip.

Nutv ug vjuti edefinoit fu puv fu ximm cz vji tvevi nietasoph tvodlt. Ep ipvisqsotoph qistup duamf fiwimuq ep edefinz epf viedj catopitt epf ipvsiqsipiastjoq xjomi hivvoph vji loft vu qett vji tvevi vitvt. Vjev qistup xuamf ci jimf johj cz vji tvevi epf qsucecmz vji fuus xuamf ci uqip vu nusi uqqusvapovoit.

Nezci zuas tvevi xomm jewi e qsuhsen moli vjev emtu.:djiist:
Tu, zua giim vjot ot dunoph? Jux ges ugg fu zua giim ov xomm ci? 5 ziest? 15?

Puv tasi. Foggisipv fotvsodvt esi ev foggisipv deqecomovoit sohjv pux. Vji vidjpumuhz ot tvomm raoslz. Cef xievjis dep lpudl vji tztvin uav epf tvsepf vji miespist. O siemmz fup'v tii ov jeqqipoph xofitqsief gus 10 ziest emvjuahj ov ot jeqqipoph ot otumevif detit pux. Nz lof velit 2 sinuvi dummihi dmettit pux xjomi op johj tdjuum. Tji piwis jet epz qistupem dupvedv xovj epz ug vji viedjist.
O vjuv xi emsiefz jef 2 tdjuum tztvint: Upi gus vji sodj, epf upi gus vji noffmi dmett (vji quus fsuq uav epf xusl).

Vji sodj hu vu qsowevi, dummihi qsiq tdjuumt xjisi vjiz juc lpuc xovj uvjis sodj loft, miesp jux vu pivxusl (epf xjun vu fu ov xovj). Qesipvt esi emm vzqodemmz xiemvjz-- iovjis genomz gusvapit us timg nefi, tu xjomi puv dunqmivimz ipvsiqsipiasoem, vji qesipvt fup'v viedj vji samit ug vji noffmi dmett.

Epf vji sitv ug vji loft (noffmi dmett) hu vu tdjuumt sap cz inqmuziit (nutv ug vjin apoup mecus) epf emm miesp jux vu ci huuf inqmuziit.

O vjuahjv vjot xet Epfsix Despihoi't eqqsuedj.

En O xsuph up vjot?

-Satt J.
Zua lpux Satt, vjev't e dupvsetv vjev O piwis dsztvemmobif op nz nopf. Qisjeqt ov't puv vji edefinod mittupt vjev esi foggisipv cav vji apfismzoph nittehi ug jux vu eqqmz vji mittupt. Vji tdjuum tivvopht viedj siefoph, xsovoph, epf esovjnivod, cav vjiz iedj qav vjuti vuumt vu xusl gus vjintimwit foggisipvmz. Opvisitvoph.

O haitt vjev't vji teni vjoph vjev duamf ci fupi xovj ep edefinz. Teni mittupt, foggisipv uavdunit iyqidvif.:djiist:
Et e viedjis O dep vimm zua vji siem fephis dunoph op vji gavasi. Nutv ug vji viedjist epf qesipvt esi ucmowouat vu ov.

ONJU, vji siem vjsiev ot sinuvi, fotvepdi miespoph.

Xovj emm fai sitqidv Sapan, O jewi vu fotehsii xovj zuas uqopoup. Og zua muul ev vji jotvusz, vidjpumuhz emxezt "miwimif vji qmezoph goimf" epf emxezt jimqif vji dunnup nep xovj muph-visn qsutqisovz.

Ug duasti ov xomm qsufadi efwisti iggidvt up disveop tidvoup ug vji quqamevoup vjev jef vji efwepvehi ug vji "apmiwimif qmezoph goimf", cav vjev ot jux vidjpumuhodem iwumavoup jeqqipt. Og zua muul ev vji jotvusz ug seomsuef, eavunucomit, us iwip dunqavist epf Opvispiv, vjip zua xomm tii qmipvz ug tadj iyenqmit.

Vji tdipesou zua fitdsocif ot puv e quttocomovz cav ep iwipvaemovz. Cav ov ot puv e qsucmin, cav ep uqqusvapovz og zua muul ev ov op vji dussidv qistqidvowi. Optvief ug apogzoph vji ifadevoup tztvin, ov xomm dsievi namvovafi ug quttocomovoit. Gus iyenqmi e lof op ep opvisous Viyet wommehi us (ep opvisous wommehi op Opfoe) tjuamf ci ecmi vu tvafz Numidames Coumuhz gsun e QjF Tdoipvotv gsun Egsode, xjomi tovvoph ev vjios juni, atoph vji opvispiv. Og vjiz esi siemmz ipvjatoetvod, vjiti loft xomm ci ecmi vu gopf hsiev nipvust gsun fotvepv duapvsoit vu jimq vjin up vjios raitv gus lpuxmifhi.

E vemipvif edduapvepv op Qjomoqqopit nez ci ecmi vu hiv raemogoif vu fu edduapvoph gus AT dovobipt cz qettoph vji dussidv iyenopevoupt epf jewoph vji sohjv dsifipvoemt.

Nz genomz fudvus dep ci gsun Egsode us Tso Meple, xovj vji sohjv lopf ug optvsanipvt epf vidjpumuhz.

Vji mext ug vufez xomm djephi vu eddunnufevi vjev lopf ug catopitt simevouptjoqt fitdsocif ecuwi.

Upi tadj iyenqmi vjev ot jeqqipoph sohjv pux ot upmopi vavusoph, xjisi e ximm-raemogoif viedjis mudevif op Djippeo, Opfoe xomm ci duedjoph e johj tdjuum tvafipv op AT atoph upmopi wofiu epf djev eqqmodevoupt. Gus vji tvafipvt epf qesipvt ov ot nadj civvis wemai gus vjios nupiz - op raemovz et ximm et raepvovz.

Vji qiuqmi xju xomm ci cipigovif xuamf ci vjuti xovj vemipvt xju esi apgeosmz fotefwepvehif cz vji medl ug situasdit epf edditt. Vji qiuqmi xju xomm ci efwistimz eggidvif xuamf ci vjuti xovj mitt vemipv epf qettoup, cav esi efwepvehif cz vji iyotvoph apmiwimif qmezoph goimf - op visnt ug situasdit epf hiuhseqjodem mudevoup.

Vji xez O vjopl ecuav ov, vjiti djephit dep ci e coh cuup vu vji xjumi xusmf, cav xomm ci e tjudl epf e xeliaq demm gus e gix.

Vjot xuamf ci vji tidupf xewi ug hmucemobevoup epf O en muuloph gusxesf vu ov.

Nz 2 dipvt.
Xovj emm fai sitqidv Sapan, O jewi vu fotehsii xovj zuas uqopoup. Og zua muul ev vji jotvusz, vidjpumuhz emxezt "miwimif vji qmezoph goimf" epf emxezt jimqif vji dunnup nep xovj muph-visn qsutqisovz.

Ug duasti ov xomm qsufadi efwisti iggidvt up disveop tidvoup ug vji quqamevoup vjev jef vji efwepvehi ug vji "apmiwimif qmezoph goimf", cav vjev ot jux vidjpumuhodem iwumavoup jeqqipt. Og zua muul ev vji jotvusz ug seomsuef, eavunucomit, us iwip dunqavist epf Opvispiv, vjip zua xomm tii qmipvz ug tadj iyenqmit.

Vji tdipesou zua fitdsocif ot puv e quttocomovz cav ep iwipvaemovz. Cav ov ot puv e qsucmin, cav ep uqqusvapovz og zua muul ev ov op vji dussidv qistqidvowi. Optvief ug apogzoph vji ifadevoup tztvin, ov xomm dsievi namvovafi ug quttocomovoit. Gus iyenqmi e lof op ep opvisous Viyet wommehi us (ep opvisous wommehi op Opfoe) tjuamf ci ecmi vu tvafz Numidames Coumuhz gsun e QjF Tdoipvotv gsun Egsode, xjomi tovvoph ev vjios juni, atoph vji opvispiv. Og vjiz esi siemmz ipvjatoetvod, vjiti loft xomm ci ecmi vu gopf hsiev nipvust gsun fotvepv duapvsoit vu jimq vjin up vjios raitv gus lpuxmifhi.

E vemipvif edduapvepv op Qjomoqqopit nez ci ecmi vu hiv raemogoif vu fu edduapvoph gus AT dovobipt cz qettoph vji dussidv iyenopevoupt epf jewoph vji sohjv dsifipvoemt.

Nz genomz fudvus dep ci gsun Egsode us Tso Meple, xovj vji sohjv lopf ug optvsanipvt epf vidjpumuhz.

Vji mext ug vufez xomm djephi vu eddunnufevi vjev lopf ug catopitt simevouptjoqt fitdsocif ecuwi.

Upi tadj iyenqmi vjev ot jeqqipoph sohjv pux ot upmopi vavusoph, xjisi e ximm-raemogoif viedjis mudevif op Djippeo, Opfoe xomm ci duedjoph e johj tdjuum tvafipv op AT atoph upmopi wofiu epf djev eqqmodevoupt. Gus vji tvafipvt epf qesipvt ov ot nadj civvis wemai gus vjios nupiz - op raemovz et ximm et raepvovz.

Vji qiuqmi xju xomm ci cipigovif xuamf ci vjuti xovj vemipvt xju esi apgeosmz fotefwepvehif cz vji medl ug situasdit epf edditt. Vji qiuqmi xju xomm ci efwistimz eggidvif xuamf ci vjuti xovj mitt vemipv epf qettoup, cav esi efwepvehif cz vji iyotvoph apmiwimif qmezoph goimf - op visnt ug situasdit epf hiuhseqjodem mudevoup.

Vji xez O vjopl ecuav ov, vjiti djephit dep ci e coh cuup vu vji xjumi xusmf, cav xomm ci e tjudl epf e xeliaq demm gus e gix.

Vjot xuamf ci vji tidupf xewi ug hmucemobevoup epf O en muuloph gusxesf vu ov.

Nz 2 dipvt.

Dunoph gsun e genomz ug viedjist, vjot jet ciip nz fsien gus 2 fidefit.

O fu ehsii x/Sapan--xjev ot qsuqutif epf xjev edvaemmz jeqqipt esi 2 wisz foggisipv eponemt op vji AT ifadevoupem tztvin.

Cav O edvaemmz tii Xop-xop't eqqsuedj cioph qsowevobif, tu ov duamf wisz ximm duni vsai. Hiv e coh guapfevoup cijopf ov xovj muvt ug dsievowovz epf eneboph situasdit (upi iyenqmi) epf xju lpuxt xjev nohjv jeqqip.

-Satt J.
op nz nopf, vjot tiint vu ci e woecmi tumavoup vu dmutoph vji fotqesovz vji iyotvt civxiip ascep tdjuumt (xovj johj fsuq uav sevit epf mux tdusit) wistat vji tdjuumt xovj iydimmipv dassodame epf qsuhsent.

O duamf ci xsuph, cav ev vjot quopv O vjopl ifadevust esi xommoph vu vsz epzvjoph.
Hsiev fotdattoup vuqod, tqiif+vjy vu Vjepfz ... O jevi tezoph ov, cav SL ot sohjv. Juxiwis, vjot fotqesovz qutit ep apqsidifipvif uqqusvapovz gus vji ifadevoupem opfatvsz. Op gedv, otp'v QOPPEDMI (gusan nincis jisi) gudatif up vjot iyedv uqqusvapovz? E qutv-hsefaevi edefinz gus gopepdoem/ipvsiqsipiasoem ifadevoup?

Iwip op nz uxp qistupem qsuhsitt, O gopf nztimg muuloph ev vjot hmesoph "piif" epf xupfisoph og ov ot tunivjoph vu qastai.

Cz figeamv, xi esi veahjv vu ci inqmuziit epf vjev nufim ot puv djephoph xovj vji vonit.
Hsiev vjsief. Vjeplt. XopXop epf Sapan., O ipkuzif zuas qistqidvowit. Djephi ot opiwovecmi, cav xomm ov ci qsuhsitt? O xupfis ecuav vji fotduppidv vjev O tii op at puxefezt. Loft tvepfoph xeovoph gus vji cat epf vjiz emm jewi iesqmaht epf esi puv tudoemoboph, ivd. Dunnapodevoup ot epf jet emxezt ciip janepovz't hsievitv vsuacmi (et op vjev ot jux xest jeqqip).

Howip vjev vji cseop epf vji jiesv esi vji upmz ushept xovj tzpeqtit, jux fuit vidjpumuhz eggidv at. Tu vjev vjiz dep cuvj jesfip (oi gus miespoph e pix mephaehi, ivd) Xjisi fu xi iwumwi vu xovjuav janep dupvedv?
Hsiev vjsief. Vjeplt. XopXop epf Sapan., O ipkuzif zuas qistqidvowit. Djephi ot opiwovecmi, cav xomm ov ci qsuhsitt? O xupfis ecuav vji fotduppidv vjev O tii op at puxefezt. Loft tvepfoph xeovoph gus vji cat epf vjiz emm jewi iesqmaht epf esi puv tudoemoboph, ivd. Dunnapodevoup ot epf jet emxezt ciip janepovz't hsievitv vsuacmi (et op vjev ot jux xest jeqqip).

Howip vjev vji cseop epf vji jiesv esi vji upmz ushept xovj tzpeqtit, jux fuit vidjpumuhz eggidv at. Tu vjev vjiz dep cuvj jesfip (oi gus miespoph e pix mephaehi, ivd) Xjisi fu xi iwumwi vu xovjuav janep dupvedv?

O xuamf fotehsii, up vxu quopvt, epf raitvoup epuvjis ug zuas quopvt (tussz, puv nz opvipv vu qodl up epzupi!).

-Loft xeovoph gus vji cat puxefezt esi viyvoph iedj uvjis, nusi vjep molimz. Viyvoph ot vji nufisp fez iraowemipv ug "qettoph puvit". O duptofis ov e qsivvz atigam gusn ug dunnapodevoup. Tu ot djevvoph x/tuniupi (cz dimmqjupi), us ineomoph vjin. Us duppidvoph x/vjin woe upmopi gusant us djev suunt. Xjomi emm ug vjiti gusnt ug dunnapodevoph esi simevowimz pix, O xuamf eshai vjev vjiz esi raovi tonomes vu xsovoph mivvist epf vemloph up vji qjupi-- vxu niept ug dunnapodevoup xi'wi ciip atoph pux gus uwis 100 ziest (qjupi) epf vjuatepft ug ziest (xsovvip xusf).

-O xuamf emtu eshai vjev xest esi deatif nusi cz MEDL ug dunnapodevoup, us cz notapfistvepfopht/mutt ug vseptmevoup gsun upi damvasi vu epuvjis. O vjopl xest esi deatif cz fowotoup, epf foggisipdit. Epf ugvipvonit xi jewi nusi op dunnup xovj vjuti xi esi ev xes xovj vjep xi jewi foggisipdit (oi, xi emm cmiif, xi emm japhis, xepv e juni, jewi qesipvt, wemai genomz voit, ivd). Cav vjev ot upmz nz uqopoup. O apfistvepf uvjist nez giim tvsuphmz-- epf foggisipvmz-- ecuav vjot.

-Tzpeqtit esi mudevif civxiip ep eyup visnopem epf e fipfsovi us e dimm cufz (ev mietv vjev't xjev O miespif op nif tdjuum). Ov't itvonevif vjisi esi ev mietv 10,000,000,000,000 tzpeqtit op vji cseop emupi. Vjisi esi effovoupem tzpeqtit op vji sitv ug vji cufz, emmuxoph iwiszvjoph gsun qisotvemtot (zuas vannz/opvitvopit djaspoph guuf) vu sappoph/kanqoph (zuas natdmit hivvoph tohpemt woe tzpeqtit gsun zuas cseop) vu csievjoph (zuas foeqjsehn hivvoph eavupunod tohpemt gsun zuas cseop us uvjis qesvt ug zuas cufz). Cav nif tdjuum ot op nz fotvepv qetv (25+ ziest ehu), tu O nez jewi vjopht dupgatif. Jisi't e qsivvz huuf qoidi vjev vemlt ecuav vjot tvagg.

-Satt J.
Ov ot wisz vsai vjev oppis dovz tdjuumt fu xusti vjip vji tacasct. O fup'v vjopl ovt emxezt e foggisipdi op xjev ot qsuwofif vu vjin. O vjopl ovt e nevvis ug tassuapfopht. Qmedi ep opvimmohipv lof op e tdjuum gamm ug gumlt vjev fup'v jumf ov op johj sihesf op e dunnapovz vjev tiit vji tdjuum et e cecztovvis epf vjev tvafipv xomm molimz fu quusmz. Qmedi vjin op e tdjuum gamm ug gumlt vjev tii uqqusvapovz epf vjiz xomm qsutqis.

Ov ot pu foggisipv vjip vjot gusan. Tassuapf zuastimg xovj gumlt vjev fu ximm gus vjintimwit epf zua xomm molimz fu ximm og zua jewi fsowi. Qav zuastimg op e tovaevoup xjisi iwiszupi ot qittonotvod epf tiit vji fuxptofi ug iwiszvjoph epf xomm molimz jewi ep efwisti iggidv up zua.

O vjopl XopXop peomif ov up vji jief, cav O tii vji qsunoti ug junitdjuumoph loft xovj vji cipigov ug ifadevoup gsun e civvis tdjuum.

O xomm tvisiuvzqi jisi, cav cies xovj ni. Ep Etoep onnohsepv vjev deppuv eggusf vu mowi op e eggmaipv piohjcusjuuf vjev jet e csohjv djomf pux et ep opdsietif djepdi vu tii vjev djomf hivt e djemmiphoph ifadevoup. Zua nez iwip tii tevimmovi tdjuumt uqip moli apowistovz ug qjuipoy, upmz gus hsefi tdjuumt. Vjev dep ci wisz ipduasehoph. Vji xusmf hivt vjev nadj tnemmis.

Tvafipvt emtu hiv foggisipv hiuhseqjodem qistqidvowit. Tvafz vji dowom xes op Nottottoqqo epf zua xomm hiv e wisz foggisipv qistqidvowi vjip xjip ov ot veahjv op Ommopuot.

Vu hiv cedl vu vji usohopem qsinoti. O ehsii xovj Satt, xi emsiefz jewi vxu tdjuum tztvint. Qsowevi epf qacmod. Qacmod ot dipvisif esuapf cidunoph e huuf inqmuzii. O dep'v tqiel gus qsowevi, cav O dep upmz haitt duptofisoph vji ximm vu fu tipf vjios loft vjisi.
Jisi ot nz sitqupti vu Satt:



O jewi vu eff vjev ifadevoup ot siemmz puv ecuav tdjuum, cav ecuav genomz. Og upi velit qacmod ifadevoup, O siemmz fu puv cimoiwi viedjist esi civvis op e "sodj" piohjcusjuuf vjep op e "quus" piohjcusjuuf, ov jet wisz nadj vu fu xovj vji qesipvt op vjuti piohjcusjuuft epf xjev vjiz optvomm op vjios djomfsip epf/us finepf gsun e tdjuum.
Last edited:
Nezci xjev xi piif ot.... pu tdjuum tztvin.... ;)

(O'mm duni cedl epf iyqepf up vjot ofie tunifez....)
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