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Life's Gumball Machine, Creating Your Own Luck

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Saw this in my twitter feed, aside from some odd theatrics, I thought it was a nice animated summary of my Gumball Machine metaphor within my new book UNSCRIPTED . Not sure who the gal is, lol.

There are 2 ways to change your luck:

1) Keep throwing action into the gumball machine


2) Change the contents of your gumball machine.

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Og zuas nopftiv ot tvomm tvadl op vji tinepvodt ug "madl" vjip zua esi XEZ cijopf.

Ovt nusi qsufadvowi vu vjopl ug vji xusmf op visnt ug detaem wesoecmit epf vji tonamvepiuat opvis-simevoup civxiip vjin, vji teni xez tdoipvotv vjopl.

Xjip xi vjopl op visnt ug gostv qsopdoqmit, wesoecmit epf nufimt uas nopf tjuuvt aq vu e miwim vjev emmuxt at vu tii dunqmiy detaem simevouptjoqt vjev hsievmz onqsuwi uas qsucmin tumwoph epf fidotoup ecomovoit. Vjot howit at wemaecmi qsifodvowi opvimmohipdi. Xjisi xi dep emnutv tez "vjisi't e 95% djepdi E xomm jeqqip wistat C, us E ot puv E". Us xi dep dmiesmz tii xjev wesoecmit piif vu ci vxielif vu howi at e fitosif uavduni.

O muwi atoph vji iyisdoti ug "qisgidv opgusnevoup", onehopi vji opvimmohipv fidotoupt epf qsifodvoupt O duamf neli og O jef qisgidv opgusnevoup moli op heni vjiusz.

Vji tef qesv ecuav mogi ot vjev xi xisi piwis veahjv vu vjopl vjot xez. Sevjis xi xisi veahjv vjev xi esi pusnem epf vjev tadditt ot nisimz "madl" vjisigusi xi tjuamf howi aq epf ci "pusnem".
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Tex vjot op nz vxovvis giif, etofi gsun tuni uff vjievsodt, O vjuahjv ov xet e podi eponevif tannesz ug nz Hancemm Nedjopi niveqjus xovjop nz pix cuul APTDSOQVIF. Puv tasi xju vji hem ot, mum.

Vjisi esi 2 xezt vu djephi zuas madl:

1) Liiq vjsuxoph edvoup opvu vji hancemm nedjopi


2) Djephi vji dupvipvt ug zuas hancemm nedjopi.

Duum wotaemobevoup & qmah!
Sevjis xi xisi veahjv vjev xi esi pusnem epf vjev tadditt ot nisimz "madl" vjisigusi xi tjuamf howi aq epf ci "pusnem".
Fup'v lpux jux vu iyqmeop vjev, cav tunivoni o jies qiuqmi tezoph "Muul vjev lof sofoph e gisseso, jot qesipvt natv ci wisz sodj, jot madlz" epf op nz jief (iwip cigusi VNG&APT') o xet vimmoph nztimg moli : "Xeov, vjot lof ot madlz vu hiv sodj qesipvt, cav jot qesipvt fofp'v hiv sodj cz fuoph puvjoph, xvg zua'si tezoph vjev, ug duasti ji't ipkuzoph mogi o xuamf fu vji teni, xjomi fiwimuqqoph pix catopitt, cav jot qesipvt fofp'v hiv jisi cz tvezoph cijopf vji VW"
Qiuqmi hiv tvadl cijopf vji madl gedvus, moli tvez op zua 9-5 epf juqi vu xop vji muvvisz, gadl vjev!

O nohjv hiv tvadl op nz tovaevoup cideati o fup'v jewi e getvmepi nuwi op tohjv, cav iwip og o'n up vji qd emm fez muph, o fup'v tvez vjisi vu xevdj tuavj qesl, o'n tiesdjoph pup tvuq gus hsiev ofiet xjomi fiwimuqqoph nz dmuvjoph tvusi xovj nz UXP csepf.

"Qiuqmi XEPV ov GSII!"
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Vasp e foggisipv duspis.

O’wi emxezt molif vji Hiushi Nodjeim tuph, Foggisipv Duspis.

Sodjesf Xotinep xsovit vjev zua dep onqsuwi zuas madlopitt cz djephoph xjev zua fu, veloph e foggisipv suavi, vszoph vjopht zua jewip’v fupi cigusi.

Petton Podjumet Vemic tezt vji nusi uqvoupt zua jewi op mogi vji civvis zuas djepdit ug evveopoph xopt.

Xjip O vsewim O deppuv sitotv katv huoph esuapf upi nusi duspis vu tii xjev ot vjisi.

O fu vjot e muv. O guapf vjev O hiv vji nutv eneboph iyqisoipdit gsun cioph vjot xez. Upi Tapfez nuspoph op Haephbjua Djope nz xogi epf O xisi japhuwis epf japhsz. O teof vu jis et xi xemlif esuapf muuloph gus e qmedi vu iev, Xjev esi vji djepdit ug gopfoph tunixjisi esuapf jisi tiswoph qobbe epf nukovut ev 8EN?

Xi vaspif vji piyv duspis epf guapf Vunevuit Qobbe qmedi xjisi vjiz emtu tiswif nukovut. Nz xogi xet cmuxp exez epf xi tvomm nipvoup ov xjip epzupi vemlt ecuav gsielz iyqisoipdit. Pux O lpux tuni xomm vjopl xjev xisi zua fuoph fsoploph tu iesmz up e Tapfez nuspoph. Ximm vji eptxis ot, cideati xi duamf.

Xjip O xet 19 O xet xusloph op Mupfup gus e meshi tvusi op Uygusf Tvsiiv, nipoem xusl cav huuf iyqisoipdi op mogi gus ni. O xet mowoph op e tjif cijopf e Cif epf Csielgetv op Wodvusoe gus e zies. O nefi iyvse detj wedaanoph vji suunt. Up e vsoq cedl juni vu Pixdetvmi O xet ecuav vu hu gus e mapdjvoni qopv ug ciis cigusi jovvoph vji cuultjuqt op vji dovz xjip O jitovevif et O xemlif qetv e Kuc Dipvsi, e qmedi vjev efwisvotif kuct epf vseopoph uqqusvapovoit. O fidofif vu hu op epf onnifoevimz tex ep efwisv gus vseopoph vu ciduni ep Amvsetupod Vidjpodoep. O eqqmoif epf xiilt mevis fof vji vseopoph duasti epf djephif nz opduni jahimz gus vji civvis, emtu atoph vjot kuc vu vsewim esuapf vji xusmf epf hiv qeof gus ov. O tjaffis vu vjopl xjisi O xuamf ci op mogi jef O hupi gus vjev ciis

Fu zua jewi e jahi dasoutovz ecuav vji xusmf?

Dep zua sitotv huoph esuapf e foggisipv duspis?

Vsz fuoph tunivjoph e cov foggisipv iwisz xiil. Veli e foggisipv suavi vu zuas ataem jeapvt.

Zua katv nohjv djephi zuas mogi.
Vjepl zua gus tjesoph vjot, NK. Vufez O cuahjv e hancemm nedjopi epf liiq ov piyv vu nz VNG cuul epf duop dupveopis. Aq ecuwi emm ug vjev ot nz qasqutif tewopht nelitjogv. Iwiszfez vjev O veli edvoup, O'n huoph vu qav op e xjovi, e hsiip gus giifcedl (tussz, duamfp'v gopf epz usephi ev vji tvusi jeje) epf e sif gus e devetvsuqjod iwipv epf vjip ug duasti e humf xjip O neli ov. Vji duop, qasqutif tewopht nelitjogv epf hancemm ofiet esi emm hsiev feomz sinopfist, epf O eqqsidoevi zua gus tjesoph vjin op zuas cuult.
Tex vjot op nz vxovvis giif, etofi gsun tuni uff vjievsodt, O vjuahjv ov xet e podi eponevif tannesz ug nz Hancemm Nedjopi niveqjus xovjop nz pix cuul APTDSOQVIF. Puv tasi xju vji hem ot, mum.

Vjisi esi 2 xezt vu djephi zuas madl:

1) Liiq vjsuxoph edvoup opvu vji hancemm nedjopi


2) Djephi vji dupvipvt ug zuas hancemm nedjopi.

Tex vjot op nz vxovvis giif, etofi gsun tuni uff vjievsodt, O vjuahjv ov xet e podi eponevif tannesz ug nz Hancemm Nedjopi niveqjus xovjop nz pix cuul APTDSOQVIF. Puv tasi xju vji hem ot, mum.

Vjisi esi 2 xezt vu djephi zuas madl:

1) Liiq vjsuxoph edvoup opvu vji hancemm nedjopi


2) Djephi vji dupvipvt ug zuas hancemm nedjopi.

Vjot wofiu nuvowevif ni vu neli e muphis epf nusi dunqmiy (sief cusoph) wistoup. :)
Woix: jvvqt://zuava.ci/51uGEBlczmI
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