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Looking for a fastlaner that is looking for a fastlaner (yep, that’s right)

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Aug 23, 2022
Hey Fastlaners,

I’m an entrepreneur who made the leap to the US six years ago. With 12 years of business ownership under my belt (including a couple of ventures back home), I embarked on this American journey. Full disclosure: I didn’t arrive with a meticulously crafted plan. It was more like a mix of desire, some funds (not a fortune), and a business partner who also had to desire to move here with his family.

Fast-forward to today: I acquired a remodeling franchise and have been at the helm ever since. My original partner eventually returned home (didn’t fit the franchise model), leaving me to navigate the waters solo.

Now, let’s cut to the chase. So, what’s the whole point of this thread? I know this is not a classified and this can be considered an ad (because in part it is) but also a discussion about this idea. I’m on the hunt for someone like me—scratch that—someone better than me. Here’s the deal: I’ve been running the show for nearly eight years, making every critical decision, weathering every storm. But I’m tired of being a one-person band. I want to find someone who’s also in the trenches, struggling to grow their business or make it more profitable. Because let’s face it, doing it all alone is exhausting.

The Difference Between Owners and Employees:

Why not just hire someone good? In my humble opinion, employees, no matter how skilled, don’t carry the same weight. They don’t lie awake pondering the company’s overall health. They don’t brainstorm innovative solutions or dream up ways to boost profits. That’s where a business partner comes in..

Who Am I Looking For?

I seek an existing business owner facing the growth challenge. Perhaps you’ve developed a killer product or service that’s selling well, but the financials, sales, or management side is overwhelming. You’re a jack-of-all-trades, maybe even a genius, but you can’t do it all. That’s where I step in—a seasoned partner with a hunger for success.

My Qualities and Expertise:

• Versatility: I wear many hats—leadership, management, finance, sales, marketing—you name it. I create and follow processes, anticipate problems, and dive into the root cause when things go awry.

• Work Ethic: Laziness isn’t in my vocabulary. I hustle hard, train people to think critically, and ensure they understand the “why” behind their tasks. Honesty is also one of my high points. I don’t believe in success leaving people behind.

• Sales Savvy: I’ve mastered the Sandler Sales system (trust me, it’s gold) and soaked up Dale Carnegie’s wisdom on human relationships.

Now, you may wonder: Why isn’t this “knows-it-all” rich yet? Good question, and I have some reasons (which some of you may consider as excuses):

1. Knowledge Evolution: While I’ve been a business owner for over 12 years, the bulk of my knowledge has come from the past 2–3 years. It’s a relatively short span, and there’s still much to learn, obviously. If only I had known about MJ’s books back in the day…

2. Franchise Quandary: The franchise I bought dances on the edge of the CENTS commandments. It’s time to recalibrate and find a venture that aligns more closely with the Fastlane. I have a separated thread where I discuss this.

3. Product/Service Conundrum: I could sell my current business and start anew, but the big question remains: What service or product should I pursue? This is where I struggle. I can’t find a product or service that fits the Fastlane mode. I know MJ gives hundreds of ways to find this, but unfortunately, I haven’t found any yet. That’s where collaboration comes in—I’m seeking a partner who complements my skills and brings fresh ideas to the table.

Location Matters:

I’m based in sunny South Florida, close to Miami. Anywhere from South Miami to West Palm Beach would fit like a glove for my needs. But I’m open to discussing new possibilities beyond this range.

Not a Job, But a Partnership:

To be clear, I’m not here for a paycheck. I’m after a true partnership—a shared company. It might sound audacious to ask for, but if you believe in the power of collaboration, let’s talk. I’ll make my case, and we’ll explore how our synergy can ignite something remarkable.

So, if you’re out there—a fellow fastlaner yearning for a partner to share the load—let’s connect. Shoot me a message, and together, we’ll turbocharge our journey toward wealth and freedom.

Keep the engines revving,
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Oct 26, 2023
Hey Fastlaners,

I’m an entrepreneur who made the leap to the US six years ago. With 12 years of business ownership under my belt (including a couple of ventures back home), I embarked on this American journey. Full disclosure: I didn’t arrive with a meticulously crafted plan. It was more like a mix of desire, some funds (not a fortune), and a business partner who also had to desire to move here with his family.

Fast-forward to today: I acquired a remodeling franchise and have been at the helm ever since. My original partner eventually returned home (didn’t fit the franchise model), leaving me to navigate the waters solo.

Now, let’s cut to the chase. So, what’s the whole point of this thread? I know this is not a classified and this can be considered an ad (because in part it is) but also a discussion about this idea. I’m on the hunt for someone like me—scratch that—someone better than me. Here’s the deal: I’ve been running the show for nearly eight years, making every critical decision, weathering every storm. But I’m tired of being a one-person band. I want to find someone who’s also in the trenches, struggling to grow their business or make it more profitable. Because let’s face it, doing it all alone is exhausting.

The Difference Between Owners and Employees:

Why not just hire someone good? In my humble opinion, employees, no matter how skilled, don’t carry the same weight. They don’t lie awake pondering the company’s overall health. They don’t brainstorm innovative solutions or dream up ways to boost profits. That’s where a business partner comes in..

Who Am I Looking For?

I seek an existing business owner facing the growth challenge. Perhaps you’ve developed a killer product or service that’s selling well, but the financials, sales, or management side is overwhelming. You’re a jack-of-all-trades, maybe even a genius, but you can’t do it all. That’s where I step in—a seasoned partner with a hunger for success.

My Qualities and Expertise:

• Versatility: I wear many hats—leadership, management, finance, sales, marketing—you name it. I create and follow processes, anticipate problems, and dive into the root cause when things go awry.

• Work Ethic: Laziness isn’t in my vocabulary. I hustle hard, train people to think critically, and ensure they understand the “why” behind their tasks. Honesty is also one of my high points. I don’t believe in success leaving people behind.

• Sales Savvy: I’ve mastered the Sandler Sales system (trust me, it’s gold) and soaked up Dale Carnegie’s wisdom on human relationships.

Now, you may wonder: Why isn’t this “knows-it-all” rich yet? Good question, and I have some reasons (which some of you may consider as excuses):

1. Knowledge Evolution: While I’ve been a business owner for over 12 years, the bulk of my knowledge has come from the past 2–3 years. It’s a relatively short span, and there’s still much to learn, obviously. If only I had known about MJ’s books back in the day…

2. Franchise Quandary: The franchise I bought dances on the edge of the CENTS commandments. It’s time to recalibrate and find a venture that aligns more closely with the Fastlane. I have a separated thread where I discuss this.

3. Product/Service Conundrum: I could sell my current business and start anew, but the big question remains: What service or product should I pursue? This is where I struggle. I can’t find a product or service that fits the Fastlane mode. I know MJ gives hundreds of ways to find this, but unfortunately, I haven’t found any yet. That’s where collaboration comes in—I’m seeking a partner who complements my skills and brings fresh ideas to the table.

Location Matters:

I’m based in sunny South Florida, close to Miami. Anywhere from South Miami to West Palm Beach would fit like a glove for my needs. But I’m open to discussing new possibilities beyond this range.

Not a Job, But a Partnership:

To be clear, I’m not here for a paycheck. I’m after a true partnership—a shared company. It might sound audacious to ask for, but if you believe in the power of collaboration, let’s talk. I’ll make my case, and we’ll explore how our synergy can ignite something remarkable.

So, if you’re out there—a fellow fastlaner yearning for a partner to share the load—let’s connect. Shoot me a message, and together, we’ll turbocharge our journey toward wealth and freedom.

Keep the engines revving,
great message,
awesome skills,
superb presentation!

however, your post reaks with "me"s and "I"s.

if you could edit the post to make it be more "What can I give you" / "How can I be useful to you" rather when "How can you be useful to me" it would be even more amazing!

Best of to you chances!


Platinum Contributor
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Feb 8, 2019
Southeast Asia
Hey Fastlaners,

I’m an entrepreneur who made the leap to the US six years ago. With 12 years of business ownership under my belt (including a couple of ventures back home), I embarked on this American journey. Full disclosure: I didn’t arrive with a meticulously crafted plan. It was more like a mix of desire, some funds (not a fortune), and a business partner who also had to desire to move here with his family.

Fast-forward to today: I acquired a remodeling franchise and have been at the helm ever since. My original partner eventually returned home (didn’t fit the franchise model), leaving me to navigate the waters solo.

Now, let’s cut to the chase. So, what’s the whole point of this thread? I know this is not a classified and this can be considered an ad (because in part it is) but also a discussion about this idea. I’m on the hunt for someone like me—scratch that—someone better than me. Here’s the deal: I’ve been running the show for nearly eight years, making every critical decision, weathering every storm. But I’m tired of being a one-person band. I want to find someone who’s also in the trenches, struggling to grow their business or make it more profitable. Because let’s face it, doing it all alone is exhausting.

The Difference Between Owners and Employees:

Why not just hire someone good? In my humble opinion, employees, no matter how skilled, don’t carry the same weight. They don’t lie awake pondering the company’s overall health. They don’t brainstorm innovative solutions or dream up ways to boost profits. That’s where a business partner comes in..

Who Am I Looking For?

I seek an existing business owner facing the growth challenge. Perhaps you’ve developed a killer product or service that’s selling well, but the financials, sales, or management side is overwhelming. You’re a jack-of-all-trades, maybe even a genius, but you can’t do it all. That’s where I step in—a seasoned partner with a hunger for success.

My Qualities and Expertise:

• Versatility: I wear many hats—leadership, management, finance, sales, marketing—you name it. I create and follow processes, anticipate problems, and dive into the root cause when things go awry.

• Work Ethic: Laziness isn’t in my vocabulary. I hustle hard, train people to think critically, and ensure they understand the “why” behind their tasks. Honesty is also one of my high points. I don’t believe in success leaving people behind.

• Sales Savvy: I’ve mastered the Sandler Sales system (trust me, it’s gold) and soaked up Dale Carnegie’s wisdom on human relationships.

Now, you may wonder: Why isn’t this “knows-it-all” rich yet? Good question, and I have some reasons (which some of you may consider as excuses):

1. Knowledge Evolution: While I’ve been a business owner for over 12 years, the bulk of my knowledge has come from the past 2–3 years. It’s a relatively short span, and there’s still much to learn, obviously. If only I had known about MJ’s books back in the day…

2. Franchise Quandary: The franchise I bought dances on the edge of the CENTS commandments. It’s time to recalibrate and find a venture that aligns more closely with the Fastlane. I have a separated thread where I discuss this.

3. Product/Service Conundrum: I could sell my current business and start anew, but the big question remains: What service or product should I pursue? This is where I struggle. I can’t find a product or service that fits the Fastlane mode. I know MJ gives hundreds of ways to find this, but unfortunately, I haven’t found any yet. That’s where collaboration comes in—I’m seeking a partner who complements my skills and brings fresh ideas to the table.

Location Matters:

I’m based in sunny South Florida, close to Miami. Anywhere from South Miami to West Palm Beach would fit like a glove for my needs. But I’m open to discussing new possibilities beyond this range.

Not a Job, But a Partnership:

To be clear, I’m not here for a paycheck. I’m after a true partnership—a shared company. It might sound audacious to ask for, but if you believe in the power of collaboration, let’s talk. I’ll make my case, and we’ll explore how our synergy can ignite something remarkable.

So, if you’re out there—a fellow fastlaner yearning for a partner to share the load—let’s connect. Shoot me a message, and together, we’ll turbocharge our journey toward wealth and freedom.

Keep the engines revving,
I read through your original thread on remodeling business.

You have a background in construction.

You have a supportive network behind you in the franchise.

You had issue competing against brothers with a hammer.

As much as I can comprehend your situation, don’t jump ship across to a totally different industry.

Stick to the franchise, or if you fund the terms restrictive, sell it and start your own renovation/ construction related business.

If you cannot win at a local competition, the hard truth is, any business that scales easily attracts global competition. That will be harder.

Avoid chasing the “greener grass”. Stick to your center of competancy.

You need to go back to the fundamental of renovation sector in your local area. Who are the people doing well in the sector. What did they do right? If you think hard you and dive deep you will achieve Ureca moment in 1-2 years.

You are not going to achieve the Ureca moment diving into a new industry.

I digged the data fastlane forum. Real estate related business ranked third in term of success rate. Top in term of magnitude of success.

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