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Looking For Some Advice On a Tool For Online Marketing

Marketing, social media, advertising

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PJ Pahygiannis

Oct 6, 2014
Olney, Maryland
Hey everyone, I am an 18 year old college Freshmen in Maryland and have been an entrepreneur my ENTIRE Life.

I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on my idea! Here are a couple questions!

1) As a small business owner how much would you pay for it?
2) How often would you use it?
3) Do you see any benefit

New Website:

What it does:

Friends can choose which email offers to send their friends and family. A person can choose from a variety of industries to find what their friends may like. Once the person inputs their friends email address, that ad will be sent to their friend or family member, if that friend or family member both opens the email and clicks on the ad, then the person who had that email sent will earn $0.44, if all 5 friends get the email, open it, and click on the link, then the user will earn $2.20. Users can upload their contact lists, but they can only send emails to each person just 5 times per week, no more than 2 times per day- after that limit has been reached the email addresses will be grayed out on the users contact list for the rest of the 7-day period. If the recipient no longer wants emails/offers from us they can do so on our site, and the email address will be taken off the users list that sent the message.

  • If the user sends out 30 messages to their friends/family and gets 4 people to open it (a 13.75% open rate), and a 25% click-through rate, that user would get at least 1 click, netting them a small amount of money. For a company wanting to get 100 clicks on their message, that companies message would need to be sent roughly 3,000 times. If the average user has 250 email contacts in their address book, then it would only take 12 users sending their entire list of contacts for that company to receive 100 clicks on the link in their message.
  • Since the user can only send each of his contacts an email 5 times a week, he can only find 5 separate deals to send out to his contacts that specific week.

After the user connects his various email accounts with our platform, they will be saved there for him to choose from in the future. So, if someone connects his email account with 800 email addresses, he can pick and choose who to send a message to out of those 800.

Each merchant will have their own page with a list/display of their current messages that are available to users to send. Businesses can announce deals, events, discounts, and other announcements on the site on both the local level (State, City, Country), as well as the national level. Business owners can choose which category their message fits the best into, as well as 5-10 keywords associated with the message that will aid in users finding their message when searching on the site (Like in keyword advertising), which will serve as a way for businesses to have control over their message. All the messages will be stored/organized in a directory for users to browse. The business is the one that decides how long the message will stay up on the site, but they can also change their message at anytime if they are not pleased with the results.

Our platform can be used for online stores as well as physical stores on the local and state levels. If a small business wants to target their local crowd specifically, they can categorize their offer by state, for a more broad crowd, or by city/town for a more targeted crowd. The small businesses message spreads because we are encouraging users to post/share the messages and announcements from these small businesses.

Each business can choose the best category/product category that their product should be marketed to. If the small business owner thinks their product/business should be marketed locally in their hometown, instead of to position their ad in a category where it would be seen by everyone where it might be less relevant. We are trying to change how people find businesses that can actually be of use to them in their daily lives. Instead of sending huge amounts of traffic to any given business that uses the platform, we want to send them the right traffic and the right people clicking on the links in their messages and get introduced to that specific business. We do not need hundreds of businesses on the platform, but we need businesses that have aspects that resonate with people and have a sharable aspect to them and their messages. We can also use it to help drive the right kinds of customers to a local business when they most need them. On our platform the individual cannot make money alone, they must peak the interest and get the attention of their friends/family for them to make any amount of money.

Social media will be combined with email marketing on our platform. Our platform will source as the initiation or starting point for any business looking to find, reach, or lure in customers. If a businesses offer resonates with the user there is a chance that it would resonate with people like the user, such as their friends and family. We want to bring out the interactive element as well as the social networking aspect of sharing and making money with the help of others.

Traffic: Most of the traffic will come from social media. Users will also earn money for every click they receive once they share the offer/message on their social media profile, such as Facebook or Twitter. The user will be able to track how many clicks their shared message will receive, while the small business will be able to see what platform their clicks to their website are coming from- Facebook, Twitter, or an Email message. The small business is getting exposure because the user is using the website to share messages to/with their friends. It takes the user actually knowing about that friend for them to find a message they will actually click on. We believe that these messages, if the user sends them to the right people who are genuinely interested, that Buzz that it creates among customers for new products and services will greatly benefit that small business

The traffic the small business has driven to their website through our platform will be relevant through the choice the user is making to send that message to their family/friends. Every keyword or every location filter will help the user find more relevant messages to send to their friends/family members . Groupon focuses on collective buying power, but we focus on collective advertising/marketing power, as well as social advertising power

The user can choose from the variety of company messages by viewing the message, reading the message, and even visiting the companies website themselves.

A small business can begin getting targeted clicks on their website for just $20 per month, but once the business becomes successful in getting that email recipient to actually purchase whatever they are promoting in their message, that business can also scale the number of clicks they receive by purchasing more clicks. The factor that is driving eyeballs to our site is not just the money alone, but the fact that the user can make money while being social and interacting on their everyday social media. The user is helping their contacts receive relevant information about what they like and are interested in.

Helping The Small Business: Each business will be able to generate/create their own message through our message builder, so that they have full control over what their message says, as well as how their message/link is displayed. We are out to help these small businesses generate traffic, generate leads, and increase sales. We are giving businesses a chance to get more customers leading to higher sales figures. Each message that a user sends to a friend will be a chance for that business to make a sale. In each message the business has the option to include things such as physical address, links to social media profiles, email addresses, as well as their website. The website link in each message is what will be tracked for clicks.

The small business is saving time, as well as money. The business is no longer wasting time showing their ads/messages to people who would have no interest or desire in. Focus on email messages that are relevant to the majority of your contacts and friends. Each business will have access to the directory of other businesses, inside and outside their industry to educate them on what works for other businesses on the platform.

Mobile Integration: Because the site will integrate with social media platforms with the user profile, users will also have access to the app. Through the app they will be able to connect their profile to their social media apps, such as Facebook and Twitter. Users will still have access to the directory of company messages to choose from, and then share on their social media apps with a few steps. The user will be able to monitor how many likes, clicks, and visits the messages they shared are generating, as well as how much money they are making from the generated clicks

Social Integration: Users can integrate their Twitter as well as Facebook profiles to their profile, as well as their email accounts. Linking email accounts to the users account will allow them to have easier access to their friends, families, and other contacts email addresses. This is done to aim to generate activity among friends, family, and colleagues. The value proposition for the user is simple, find offers that your friends will like, enjoy, and appreciate so that they will be most likely to open them and take interest. What this means for the business is that they are having targeted traffic and leads driven to their website.

Users: Users can visit their user page at any given time to see the messages that they have sent out, how many times each message has been opened, as well as which of their contacts opened them. Users will see when each message has been opened, how many clicks each message received, and how much money they have made from those clicks that the message received. There will be a separate “panel” for each of the messages the users have sent to their contacts. This will all be streamlined. The user will also be able to see the messages that they have shared to their social media profiles.

Targeted Marketing For Our Customers: The focus will be on precisely targeting and tailoring to each company who places a message on our site, the more focused the search results, the more targeted each company can get with their marketing. Our focus will be on building a large database of companies so that users will be able to input things such as their friends interests, likes, hobbies in order to find the offers/emails that their friends are likely to find the most interest in, thus increasing the likelihood of that email being clicked on after being sent to the recipient, which results in the recipient being directed to the companies website, Facebook page, or other platform. When people type in search terms, automatic type-ahead suggestions appear, highlighting relevant messages. The user can go as deep as they want, meaning they can refine their search for messages to send by category, keyword, product name, or company name. The user will received individualized results to what they, their friends, and their family might like- based on their location, keywords, Facebook likes, and hashtags.

Publicity For Small Businesses: Because users make money when people open, read, and click on the messages they send, a social element comes up. We see a viral aspect of having people tweet a small businesses messages or post them on Facebook. The sharing of a small businesses message helps increase the potential e-commerce revenue for that business, It’s also a way businesses can promote their brands online.

Each time a user sends an email to anyone person, the next time they log in they will see what that specific person might like, “recommended messages your friends might like.” Each time they send a message these recommendations will become more and more focused and targeted. Each time new messages are on the site that relates to a previous message sent, that message will be recommended to the user by noting which of their contacts may like that message, thus allowing the site to approach the user directly.

Customer Retention: We will show businesses every week how much traffic they are receiving, as well as what demographic is coming from, allowing each business further insight into their target market. Each business will also be able to see how many of their emails have been sent, as well as how many of them been opened/read and had their links clicked on. Users, once having sent the messages, will be able to go back into their history and see which messages they have sent and who they have sent them to.

Sharing Aspect: The user can reach out to other friends and family in effort to seek out their email address to send them an email offer. Doing this lets the friend know about our website, but it also opens up the opportunity for conversation about the offer/business. The user can also link their Facebook account to their site account and can share the offer to their friends, followers, and family. The user will also be encouraged to share how much money they are earning. For every friend or associate of the user that signs up on the website and sends out at least 3 email messages, the user will earn $3.

We use users to spread each companies message. That user serves as the messenger, but also the filter. Each time the user explores the database seeking messages to send to their friends, they are passing up other companies to find the one most suitable/targeted to that specific group of friends. Users are visiting our site to make money, but to make money they must send emails to people who will actually open them and click on the links.


  • It is a form of targeted email marketing that gives the company a more targeted, precise email marketing campaign overall
  • The business can create e-mailable messages to announce deals, discounts, and new products
  • Companies create their own template/email with their own information. They would then send that template to us to input into the system.
  • The user will be able to see how many tines that email has been sent to someone (similar to how Groupon shows how many people have purchased each Groupon)
  • Each small business will have access to the email open rates for each message they have posted
  • All “click payments” will be the same for each companies email message so that no one company attracts more sends than the other

Businesses can join at different levels

4 messages per month (At least 400 clicks, $0.20 per click)- $78 per month

- We profit $58.50 PER Month ($0.15 PER Click)

3 messages per month (At least 300 clicks, $0.20 per click)- $58.50 per month

- We profit PER Month $43.88 ($0.15 PER click)

2 messages per month (At least 200 clicks, $0.20 per click)- $39 per month

- We profit PER month $29.25 ($0.15 PER click)

1 message per month (At least 100 clicks, $0.20 per click)- $20 per month

- We profit PER month $15 ($0.15 per click)

The whole point of going to the site is to make money while recommending things that they suspect their friends may like and be interested in, and make money while doing it

Example: Martha’s Bakery wants to advertise/announce their new cinnamon roles that they are preparing to release. They contact us to display their email announcement to our audience. The Bakery’s message is then filed under the “Baked Goods” category on the website. When a cinnamon bun lover named Lou comes to the site and is looking for an email to send to some of his baked-good family members, he can choose to send the Martha’s Bakery email message to 5 of his family member by entering their email address one by one. Lou finds the offer by searching “baked goods” or “sweets” in the search box. That email is then sent to Lou’s entire baked-good loving family and each time one of his family members opens the email and goes to the Martha’s Bakery website, Lou makes a small amount of money for each of the clicks/opens.

Lou has just been connected with Martha’s Bakery, but he has also possibly connected his family members with Martha’s Bakery as well.

Lou will then go back to the site and see targeted results based on the email he just sent with other bakeries emails that he can send to family members, just as he did with the Martha’s Bakery message. Every time Lou sends an email, the recommendations will become more and more targeted.

Once Lou’s 5 people visits the Martha’s Bakery’s website, there is now a chance for them to begin the purchase process, benefitting Martha’s Bakery.


  1. A small business signs up on the website and enters their payment info
  2. The business creates their email message and submits it directly to the site
  3. We approve the message and publish it/make it live
  4. The message is categorized under the category/business name (so it can be searched for on the site)
  5. The business will be able to send/update their email messages as often as they’d like

Target Market: New businesses, local business, online business,


  1. Food
  2. Sports
  3. Recreation
  4. Beauty
  5. Home
  6. Garden
  7. Women
  8. Electronics
  9. Shopping
  10. Automative
  11. Health
  12. Fitness
  13. Activities
  14. Baby
  15. Home Services
  16. Men
  17. Outdoors
  18. Toys

Email messages will THEN be categorized in the following categories:

  1. Discounts/Coupons
  2. New product announcements
  3. Rebates
  4. Specials

How the company makes money:

18 Categories

  • 24 companies per category
  • 432 Companies TOTAL

432 x $78 PER MONTH = $33,696 Monthly Revenue ($20,736 MONTHLY PROFIT)

Each small business pays $78 per month to be featured on the site

- The user is paid at the end of every day for the clicks that their emails received

WE pay each user $0.44 per click for every email they send that gets opened and the link gets clicked on

  • Their email is categorized by what industry they are in or what products they offer
  • The small business will get weekly reports as to how many times there emails have been sent, how many times they have been opened, as well as the click through rate.

For $78 the small business can post a new email message every week of the month

For $78 a month the business would receive at least: 18% open rate

  • 100 clicks (575 Emails Sent)

We make $48 PROFIT Per Month, Per Company that signs up


  1. Joe Registers for an account and connects his Facebook account
  2. Joe browses the categories
  3. Joe picks a category that he thinks his mom might be interested in
  4. Joe browses the different companies and their email templates to find one that is relevant to his mom’s likes/dislikes and that his mom might be interested in
  5. Joe chooses the email of the company that he thinks his mom would like the most and find the most useful
  6. Joe’s mom receives the email in her inbox
  7. If the Joe’s mom opens the email and clicks on any of the links, Joe gets a few cents
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Zua lpux Nvidj jet gsii uggodi juast iwisz nupvj sohjv? Djidl vjin uav. Vjiz dep jimq e muv.
Jiz nep--O'mm ci jupitv, O'n upmz siqmzoph cideati zua'si gsun ANF epf O'n gsun ANF cideati feeEEeeeeeEEEEeEEEEeeeenp vjev't e muph qutv. Ov't nusi vifouat vu sief vjot qutv vjep ov ot vu fsowi up Suavi 1. Ov muult moli e siqusv gus CNHV461 us tunivjoph.

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Zua lpux Nvidj jet gsii uggodi juast iwisz nupvj sohjv? Djidl vjin uav. Vjiz dep jimq e muv.

Vjeplt! O hu vu Nuapv Tv. Nesz't op Innovtcash!
Ejj nz geamv. Qiuqmi esuapf jisi ataemmz sigis vu ANF et 'Neszmepf' tu O ettanif ANF.
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