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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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Jun 18, 2017
San Diego, CA
I have read "The Millionaire Fastlane "
"UNSCRIPTED ", I rave about your books like a raving lunatic lol, am I quoting MJ here :) I have read both and still go back and makes notes and see something that stands out or inspirational. Your book is like my bible goes with me on my travels.
I love how you have this forum for us to learn, grow and share...a story that stands how and inspired me Carol and Victor, "The Fitz Like A Glove Ironing Board Cover" especially how everyone on the forum practically was so engulfed in her story and even someone amazing gifted her "Fastlane INSIDERS". I was truly impressed! Andy Black, RHL, Fox, Carol Jones, among so many others also a big shout out and "Thank You" for your knowledge and contribution to the forum.

I have some ideas myself, I even follow through and make the phone call, research but never completely follow through in sticking with one at a time and allowing it to take off. I will share some of my ideas if anyone is interested. One recently an amazing luxury hotel for sale someone could purchase it as a 12 bedroom home I could send the link if anyone is interested private or other wise, I see things and think outside the box, such as I am not a realtor but I can see value, I travel and see things that others might not be aware. I sent the email then the phone call, spoke with the realtor today naturally this is my first time so I want to make sure I cross my t's and dot my I's, he says he is open to my idea to find a buyer, if I find a buyer the buyer will pay a percentage or something of that nature then changes the story after he gets to know me a bit more and says "I will talk to the owner I am sure if you find us a buyer we will compensate you". Naturally I need to know facts here I have done some research and getting a bit of mixed results..anyone want to contribute what seems fair it is 182sq ft property has 12 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms rooms 895,000 euro 20 acres etc. the goal is can I sell this house to a buyer if so let me get everything in writing whom would I get the bonus from and what would be a fair percentage? This particular home is in Ireland.

It becomes a challenge to see if I can, I got in the auto today and the thought came to me like MJ has said "We do things more so when we have an emotional attachment or outcome. Makes sense I thought about it, has happened to me on more than one occasion one example was I got an inkling years ago, perhaps I got bored because I grasped what was being taught and my mind was wondering but I still had to be respectful in front of the government computer so I decided to find the "Hero" whom saved my dad's life in Vietnam, long story short, I persevered and even found his best friend which I almost gave up on. See emotional attachment, I would not stop until I completed the mission sort of speak. My end goal, no money to see if I could, no cash bonus at the end of the rainbow. The feeling was utmost bliss.

I am trying to put this in to prospective with a business naturally I need to create a need so I can sponsor my trips and I will be a grandmother to my second granddaughter due in early May. My one idea is to create a website or word of mouth of Luxury homes that I can possibly connect people with whom might not have access to an MLSR listing or overseas listing etc. even present it to other realtors and get them to possibly advertise naturally I would have to share my bonus if that were the case these are just some thoughts that came to me today on my drive and swim. Naturally I am new and love feedback.

I do remember selling my first home my goal was to sell it to the first buyer, It took a bit of time to find the realtor that I knew what I was looking for, I did my homework, I knew what was a fair price, I knew when a realtor did not do their homework or was low balling me or vise versa and eventually I got fed up so I went on a walk sort of speak passed some cushion tumbleweeds, I went to talk to the owner of the newly developed project "Green Homes, was the spin of new homes that were selling like "hotcakes" I introduced myself and he gladly gave me his realtor/broker's name whom he knew 20 years and trusted if I remember correctly in the meantime I toured the new homes and seen how they introduced the layout and went home and explained to my partner how it would be in our best interest paint our homes this specific color etc..I also took a class in color therapy and learned that a "Yellow plant or flower by the front door is suppose to help people remember your home was it bs did it have scientific theory to back it, psychologically speaking perhaps it triggers the brain to remember your home is what was presented, I was on a mission to sell to the first buyer so my job was to have the home prepared for viewing. Yellow flower vase included All my work and my former partner's work was not in vain, he and I actually sold to the first person whom walked in the door..a process, with effort for sure, no book, just thinking outside the box.

Is it fear? Feeling I should be part of a team or something whatever my excuse of the day, then I house sit (maybe it's my external escape) this is my first time trying house sitting overseas again not for the faint of heart because everything positive naturally has its challenges :) which is nice I get to explore a new exciting place I have yet to discover but then It is like constant start over. I am presently in Ireland, closest city is 30 min away..again I ask myself ," what is the need here, I did come up with 3 new ideas here in Ireland, if your interested I would love to share. I would enjoy hearing feedback because someone might possibly help me see the light at the tunnel and keep me inspired and vise versa..I want to be that inspiration. I know it comes with the fortitude, determination, discipline, daily grind...will have it's challenges etc. plus, "commandment of control, entry, need, time, and scale" as MJ says.

I am due to go to Romanshorn, Switzerland May 24th -Sept 29th to watch a home and 2 cats, if your wondering these gigs are not paid but sometimes if the person is willing will pay my flight and stock the fridge lol I feel like a teenager but wait I don't have the acne. No pun intended! ")

I do realize I have many amazing stories and I do see opportunity for business...again it's choosing that one thing and going full speed ahead.

I love your writing MJ, your writing is phenomenal, I love your thinking and how you tell it like it is it is, no BS. I appreciate astounding people in your forum.

I close for now again if you would like to hear 2-3 of my other business proposals I will keep them short and maybe you will be the one to inspire me to move forward with one and I won't be saying to myself "I need a team another person to help me like I use to be use to in the Navy, I served 9 years back in the day :) Satcom was my work of choice, or my other excuse I feel overwhelmed thinking I have to do everything...create a website...etc...that's probably the easy part lol

I do know I am good at calling and walking up to total strangers to get the word out there, I think my fear is more the internal based on the unknown factors. Creating a home based and just plugging through finding the location who knows. I have no problems when a total stranger I connect with ask me to go to the Canton Fair in China (I now have a ten year Chinese Business Visa) just in case and I fly to Hong Kong all by myself last year for the experience, even ended up going to an amazing 'Amazon" meet up on steroids, I love learning and said "Yes" I was on that plane. Like you I find inspiration how you really tell your story, connect with your audience and ask what is needed, how can I change something and make it better.

Thanks for letting me be a part of something magnitude and inspirational!
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Late Bloomer

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Apr 17, 2018
Hi Tammyanne, I'm brand new as a forum member as of this very hour! I'm a bit confused, it looks like you joined last summer but only just now made an introduction thread?

It looks like you're a natural at seeing the potential in properties, how to make them more beautiful and appealing. Also you courageously go right up to people and present your ideas. Off the top of my head, I wonder, is there a way you could make a real estate team with an investor who can fund projects, but could use your creativity and salesmanship? Also off the top of my head, it seems that you are reacting to cool ideas as they come up, but don't have an inner filter or checklist to prioritize what's the best match with the life you would most like to have. Am I on a useful track here?


Bronze Contributor
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Jun 18, 2017
San Diego, CA
I have read "The Millionaire Fastlane "
"UNSCRIPTED ", I rave about your books like a raving lunatic lol, am I quoting MJ here :) I have read both and still go back and makes notes and see something that stands out or inspirational. Your book is like my bible goes with me on my travels.
I love how you have this forum for us to learn, grow and share...a story that stands how and inspired me Carol and Victor, "The Fitz Like A Glove Ironing Board Cover" especially how everyone on the forum practically was so engulfed in her story and even someone amazing gifted her "Fastlane INSIDERS". I was truly impressed! Andy Black, RHL, Fox, Carol Jones, among so many others also a big shout out and "Thank You" for your knowledge and contribution to the forum.

I have some ideas myself, I even follow through and make the phone call, research but never completely follow through in sticking with one at a time and allowing it to take off. I will share some of my ideas if anyone is interested. One recently an amazing luxury hotel for sale someone could purchase it as a 12 bedroom home I could send the link if anyone is interested private or other wise, I see things and think outside the box, such as I am not a realtor but I can see value, I travel and see things that others might not be aware. I sent the email then the phone call, spoke with the realtor today naturally this is my first time so I want to make sure I cross my t's and dot my I's, he says he is open to my idea to find a buyer, if I find a buyer the buyer will pay a percentage or something of that nature then changes the story after he gets to know me a bit more and says "I will talk to the owner I am sure if you find us a buyer we will compensate you". Naturally I need to know facts here I have done some research and getting a bit of mixed results..anyone want to contribute what seems fair it is 182sq ft property has 12 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms rooms 895,000 euro 20 acres etc. the goal is can I sell this house to a buyer if so let me get everything in writing whom would I get the bonus from and what would be a fair percentage? This particular home is in Ireland.

It becomes a challenge to see if I can, I got in the auto today and the thought came to me like MJ has said "We do things more so when we have an emotional attachment or outcome. Makes sense I thought about it, has happened to me on more than one occasion one example was I got an inkling years ago, perhaps I got bored because I grasped what was being taught and my mind was wondering but I still had to be respectful in front of the government computer so I decided to find the "Hero" whom saved my dad's life in Vietnam, long story short, I persevered and even found his best friend which I almost gave up on. See emotional attachment, I would not stop until I completed the mission sort of speak. My end goal, no money to see if I could, no cash bonus at the end of the rainbow. The feeling was utmost bliss.

I am trying to put this in to prospective with a business naturally I need to create a need so I can sponsor my trips and I will be a grandmother to my second granddaughter due in early May. My one idea is to create a website or word of mouth of Luxury homes that I can possibly connect people with whom might not have access to an MLSR listing or overseas listing etc. even present it to other realtors and get them to possibly advertise naturally I would have to share my bonus if that were the case these are just some thoughts that came to me today on my drive and swim. Naturally I am new and love feedback.

I do remember selling my first home my goal was to sell it to the first buyer, It took a bit of time to find the realtor that I knew what I was looking for, I did my homework, I knew what was a fair price, I knew when a realtor did not do their homework or was low balling me or vise versa and eventually I got fed up so I went on a walk sort of speak passed some cushion tumbleweeds, I went to talk to the owner of the newly developed project "Green Homes, was the spin of new homes that were selling like "hotcakes" I introduced myself and he gladly gave me his realtor/broker's name whom he knew 20 years and trusted if I remember correctly in the meantime I toured the new homes and seen how they introduced the layout and went home and explained to my partner how it would be in our best interest paint our homes this specific color etc..I also took a class in color therapy and learned that a "Yellow plant or flower by the front door is suppose to help people remember your home was it bs did it have scientific theory to back it, psychologically speaking perhaps it triggers the brain to remember your home is what was presented, I was on a mission to sell to the first buyer so my job was to have the home prepared for viewing. Yellow flower vase included All my work and my former partner's work was not in vain, he and I actually sold to the first person whom walked in the door..a process, with effort for sure, no book, just thinking outside the box.

Is it fear? Feeling I should be part of a team or something whatever my excuse of the day, then I house sit (maybe it's my external escape) this is my first time trying house sitting overseas again not for the faint of heart because everything positive naturally has its challenges :) which is nice I get to explore a new exciting place I have yet to discover but then It is like constant start over. I am presently in Ireland, closest city is 30 min away..again I ask myself ," what is the need here, I did come up with 3 new ideas here in Ireland, if your interested I would love to share. I would enjoy hearing feedback because someone might possibly help me see the light at the tunnel and keep me inspired and vise versa..I want to be that inspiration. I know it comes with the fortitude, determination, discipline, daily grind...will have it's challenges etc. plus, "commandment of control, entry, need, time, and scale" as MJ says.

I am due to go to Romanshorn, Switzerland May 24th -Sept 29th to watch a home and 2 cats, if your wondering these gigs are not paid but sometimes if the person is willing will pay my flight and stock the fridge lol I feel like a teenager but wait I don't have the acne. No pun intended! ")

I do realize I have many amazing stories and I do see opportunity for business...again it's choosing that one thing and going full speed ahead.

I love your writing MJ, your writing is phenomenal, I love your thinking and how you tell it like it is it is, no BS. I appreciate astounding people in your forum.

I close for now again if you would like to hear 2-3 of my other business proposals I will keep them short and maybe you will be the one to inspire me to move forward with one and I won't be saying to myself "I need a team another person to help me like I use to be use to in the Navy, I served 9 years back in the day :) Satcom was my work of choice, or my other excuse I feel overwhelmed thinking I have to do everything...create a website...etc...that's probably the easy part lol

I do know I am good at calling and walking up to total strangers to get the word out there, I think my fear is more the internal based on the unknown factors. Creating a home based and just plugging through finding the location who knows. I have no problems when a total stranger I connect with ask me to go to the Canton Fair in China (I now have a ten year Chinese Business Visa) just in case and I fly to Hong Kong all by myself last year for the experience, even ended up going to an amazing 'Amazon" meet up on steroids, I love learning and said "Yes" I was on that plane. Like you I find inspiration how you really tell your story, connect with your audience and ask what is needed, how can I change something and make it better.

Thanks for letting me be a part of something magnitude and inspirational!
Hi Tammyanne, I'm brand new as a forum member as of this very hour! I'm a bit confused, it looks like you joined last summer but only just now made an introduction thread?

It looks like you're a natural at seeing the potential in properties, how to make them more beautiful and appealing. Also you courageously go right up to people and present your ideas. Off the top of my head, I wonder, is there a way you could make a real estate team with an investor who can fund projects, but could use your creativity and salesmanship? Also off the top of my head, it seems that you are reacting to cool ideas as they come up, but don't have an inner filter or checklist to prioritize what's the best match with the life you would most like to have. Am I on a useful track here?

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