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My problem finding problems (+ free list of problems from Twitter and other places)

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Dec 14, 2021
Hello all,

If you'd just like to see the list of problems, scroll down to the bottom : )

I'm just recently joined this forum after reading UNSCRIPTED and am reading it a second time. Grateful to be here.

I'm having a hard time understanding how to find problems and also how to evaluate whether the problem is even worth solving. I'd like to ask for some guidance. I know that the CENTS framework is designed to aid me in knowing if an idea is worth pursuing based on how difficult it is to enter, how much of your business you can control etc. etc. but I find it hard to assign the problems I find these values.

I have so many questions about problems, take the following process for example:
- In my own life I have trouble sleeping (problem seems good)
- On twitter I come across people complaining about not being able to sleep (problem seems good)
- Come up with idea of an app that helps you diagnose what your sleeping problem is, gives you recommendations, and tracks your progress (problem seems good)
- Research and find out that the app store is flooded with sleep aids (problem seems bad)
- Realize that making an app has a low barrier to entry (problem seems bad)
- Search google trends for terms like "cant sleep," "trouble sleeping" etc. and see the trend line isn't rising (problem seems bad)
- I get discouraged and look for a new problem

This process happens for every problem I come across. Perhaps my search is too broad, since I usually just search for terms like "I hate", "I wish there was", etc. I know there is an error in how I'm going about this because if there was no need for innovation people wouldn't be complaining about these things.

Another area I know my problem finding abilities could improve are in "cold calls." For the past 3 days I've been calling 20 businesses a day and saying something like "Hi, I'm doing research for my business degree. Blah blah. What issues does your business struggle with?" I don't know how to properly probe these business owners for problems. If they can't think of any problems off the top of their heads, I try being more targeted with my questions/ offering solutions, but often the response is either defensive or evidence that my solution wouldn't work for them. For example, once I was talking to a boxing gym that hasn't produced winning fighters and the owner mentioned that his trainees don't practice on their own causing them to make the same mistakes. My solution: an app where he could assign "homework routines." The app would track their progress and give them pointers on technique. He thought the idea was silly since if they don't have the fire in them in the gym, why would they have it at home? Fair.

How can I improve and find a good problem to solve? Do you have any advice for me? I want to execute something as fast as possible and not waste to much time just planning and thinking.

I'm glad I can give back to you guys even though I'm relatively new here! I've come across these problems by calling businesses and searching on twitter.

- Hiding bruises from self inflicted harm
- Hard to schedule time with tattoo artists (barbers too)
- Martial arts students keep on making the same mistakes
- People feeling anxious to go to martial arts classes
- Difficult to build good sleeping habits since there are distractions everywhere
- When you're sick and lose your appetite
- Having a spending problem as an adult
- Studying is difficult, how do you bring yourself to study longer
- Wanting to get into STEM but not liking the math involved
- Fan art not looking the like the real thing
- Tired of having to appear strong and seem like everything is under control
- Finding a friend with similar interests is difficult
- Many women complaining about stomach issues
- Prescription drug prices are super high
- Many people wish they knew how to dance
- People who've been damaged by psychiatric drugs can't find support
- Can't find tall men to date
- Can't find people with interesting hobbies to talk to
- Hard to connect with other concert goers
- Those "explainer" videos with the moving hand that draws stuff are ugly (
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG-1IRwYWqU
- Wish there was a personal trainer for sleep
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Vsz vu ofipvogz qsucmint vjev:

1. Giim aporai vu zua (jopv: vjiz esi qsucecmz puv, cav zua xomm ci nusi eqv vu tumwi ov epf vjisi ot e podji nesliv gus ov)
2. Zua vjopl zua duamf tumwi sietupecmz ximm (pu qesvoem tumavoupt)
3. Zua xomm neli nupiz og zua timm vji tumavoup, epf qsigisecmz, vji tumavoup xomm emnutv timm ovtimg
4. Vji tumavoup siraosit vsoem-epf-issus. Ov deppuv ci guapf op e viyvcuul us e raodl huuhmi tiesdj

Vji qsucmint zua motv fu puv tiin vu niiv vjiti dsovisoe. Vjiz esi puv tqidogod ipuahj. Og zua jewi e qsucmin moli "Jewoph e tqipfoph qsucmin et ep efamv" zua natv qmedi ov op podji devihusoit. Xjodj efamvt? Xunip civxiip ehi 20-49 op vji dovz O mowi op. Xjev fu vjiz tqipf up? Upmopi qasdjetit xovj dsifov desft. Xjz fu vjiz fu ov? Tjusv-visn hsevogodevoup, tjuqqoph effodvoup.

Pux zua dep cihop vu tumwi vji qsucmin xovj nusi qsidotoup. Tqidogod qsucmint epf tqidogod tumavoupt.
Vsz vu ofipvogz qsucmint vjev:

1. Giim aporai vu zua (jopv: vjiz esi qsucecmz puv, cav zua xomm ci nusi eqv vu tumwi ov epf vjisi ot e podji nesliv gus ov)
2. Zua vjopl zua duamf tumwi sietupecmz ximm (pu qesvoem tumavoupt)
3. Zua xomm neli nupiz og zua timm vji tumavoup, epf qsigisecmz, vji tumavoup xomm emnutv timm ovtimg
4. Vji tumavoup siraosit vsoem-epf-issus. Ov deppuv ci guapf op e viyvcuul us e raodl huuhmi tiesdj

Vji qsucmint zua motv fu puv tiin vu niiv vjiti dsovisoe. Vjiz esi puv tqidogod ipuahj. Og zua jewi e qsucmin moli "Jewoph e tqipfoph qsucmin et ep efamv" zua natv qmedi ov op podji devihusoit. Xjodj efamvt? Xunip civxiip ehi 20-49 op vji dovz O mowi op. Xjev fu vjiz tqipf up? Upmopi qasdjetit xovj dsifov desft. Xjz fu vjiz fu ov? Tjusv-visn hsevogodevoup, tjuqqoph effodvoup.

Pux zua dep cihop vu tumwi vji qsucmin xovj nusi qsidotoup. Tqidogod qsucmint epf tqidogod tumavoupt.
vjot ot huuf efwodi.

Ov tiint moli vji citv upit duni gsun opfatvsz lpuxmifhi - qesvodamesmz xjip zua jimf e kuc op ep opfatvsz gostv. Vjev't xjip zua'si up vji "optofi" ug xjev siemmz nelit tvagg vodl epf zua xomm gopf qsucmint vjev esip'v ietomz huuhmi-ecmi.

Cav vjev eqqsuedj siraosit xusl, epf iyqisoipdi!
Jo @HowophOvNzEmm
Vji qsucmint zua jewi motvif esi emm tudoem, us qjztodem us nipveM jiemvj qsucmint.

Apmitt zuas esi raemogoif us tlommif op fiemoph xovj tadj ottait, zua xomm gopf ov wisz jesf vu timm tumavoupt.

Og zua xepv vu tiv aq e catopitt zua piif vu miesp ecuav qsucmint ipduapvisif cz catopittit meshi epf tnemm. Vji tahhitvoup cz @vjidjutip1 ot e huuf upi.

Op nz uxp deti, O xuslif op ep opfatvsz vjev veahjv ni jux vu tumwi qsucmint op nepagedvasoph, epf O xipv up vu uqisevi e taddittgam opfatvsoem vsuacmitjuuvoph catopitt gus 20 ziest,

Last edited:
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