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My self publishing story - with NO Romance/Erotica

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New Contributor
Dec 4, 2013
London, UK
Hey Guys,

I've set up this thread to hold me accountable. Even as I write this thread, I feel nervous.

I've been inspired by HfR, CH, Giroud and all the the other people who are now doing Self Publishing. So thank you all.

About me: I've got a full time job with a little boy at home. I kept making excuses and saying to my self that I didn't have any time. CH has been a big inspiration for me - she has a job & family yet she keeps cranking out the books.

Why no Romance/Erotica?: This is just for personal reasons. I want to try and make it without Romance/Erotica. Thats what I am going to try and figure out.

First Step: Going to find a topic to write a book about.

Outsourcing: Like Giroud, going to try and outsource stuff as much as possible.

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O dep'v xeov vu jis nusi ecuav zuas kuaspiz!

Ecuav vji pu sunepdi/isuvode, O tvesvif uav xovj vji teni eqqsuedj. Qistupemmz, O MUWI sunepdi cuult. O'wi ciip ep ewof siefis gusiwis, epf edvaemmz xsuvi vxu sunepdi puwimt cigusi vji upi O nutv sidipvmz qacmotjif. (O'mm ci hivvoph cedl vu vjuti puwimt tuup.) Emm vjot cioph teof...Jewoph e hsefitdjuumis ev juni, O gohasif O'f vsz tunivjoph nusi lof-gsoipfmz. O fofp'v xepv nz tup vu xepfis aq cijopf ni up vji dunqavis epf tii emm lopft ug efamv mephaehi epf tovaevoupt. Vjot xet qesv ug vji sietup O usohopemmz qastaif lof't cuult. Ov xet vissogod. Nz tup huv e jahi lodl uav ug vjin, epf jimqif uav xovj qsuug-siefoph, ivd.


Gus xjeviwis sietup, vjiz xisip'v jahi timmist. Vjiz vuul e muv ug voni, epf fofp'v piv e muv ug sixesft. Op vji ipf, O fidofif vjev vji citv vjoph O duamf fu gus nz tup ot vsz epuvjis hipsi, iwip og ov niepv O duamfp'v miv jon sief uwis nz tjuamfis. O gohasif og O nefi ipuahj nupiz, O nohjv ci ecmi vu raov nz fsiefif fez-kuc epf ci vjisi gus jon egvis tdjuum, epf jewi nusi ipishz gus jon ev pohjv. O duamf wumapviis gus tdjuum iwipvt epf neli jon civvis foppist epf mapdjit.

Muph tvusz tjusv, og zua'si ewuofoph sunepdi/isuvode cideati ov't puv zuas vjoph, vjev't upi vjoph. Cav og zua'si ewuofoph ov cideati zua'si dupdispif ecuav vji lof-gedvus, O vjuahjv O'f simez nz iyqisoipdi op deti ov qsuwit jimqgam. O tjuamf emtu eff vjev O fup'v xsovi qasi isuvode. Ov't puv, gus iyenqmi, tunivjoph zua'f giim dunqimmif vu dessz op e qmeop qeqis ceh. Cav ov figopovimz jet efamv mephaehi epf tovaevoupt. PUV lof gsoipfmz ev emm.

CVX, O'mm ci raovvoph nz kuc op gowi xiilt.
Vjeplt gus vji nittehit hazt. Siemmz eqqsidoevi ov.

DJ - Vjeplt gus vji fiveomif opgu. Zuas tvusz ot e nettowi optqosevoup. O'n puv fuoph Sunepdi/Isuvode qasimz gus qistupem sietupt epf vuvemmz sitqidv iwiszupi imti fuoph ov. Og xetp'v gus emm vji opgu gsun Sunepdi eavjust vjip O fup'v xepv vjopl O xuamf jewi iwip duptofisif fuoph iCuult.

EacsizSuti - Vjeplt gus vji tahhitvoup. O piwis siemmz vjuahjv ecuav fuoph e cuul op ZE. O xet huoph vu fu e pup-godvoup cuul optvief. Iwiszupi tezt vjev Godvoup timmt civvis vjip pup-godvoup tu O'wi fidofif vjev O'n huoph vu xusl up e ZE cuul gostv.

Nz neop qsucmin ot veloph edvoup. Tu vjevt xjz O giim moli O piif vu hiv vji cuul huoph ETEQ.

O'n eonoph vu qodl e ZE hipsi cz vunussux. Tu huoph vu sitiesdj opvu jux vu qodl e hipsi. O'wi tiip tuni hsiev opgu gsun Hosuaf't vjsief up vjot. Tu huoph tvesv ugg cz atoph vjev.

Epz voqt xomm ci nadj eqqsidoevif :)
Last edited by a moderator:
O'n eonoph vu qodl e ZE hipsi cz vunussux. Tu huoph vu sitiesdj opvu jux vu qodl e hipsi. O'wi tiip tuni hsiev opgu gsun Hosuaf't vjsief up vjot. Tu huoph tvesv ugg cz atoph vjev.

O fup'v lpux ecuav vji uvjis eavjust jisi, cav O fiwimuq e tvusz cigusi O qodl vji hipsi op nusi vjep e hipisem xez. Zit, ov't huoph vu ci sunepdi ug tuni lopf (O'n nuwoph exez gsun qasi isuvode), cav xjev vji tvusz ot epf jux O xsovi ov qodlt vji hipsi.
Vjeplt DUTipous - O vjopl O'n huoph vu fu e cov ug cuvj. Vsz vu gopf e hipsi vu fosidv vji xsovoph.
Tu ovt ciip e gix fezt, O'wi tqipv ehit katv vszoph vu gohasi xovj hipsi vu hu gus.
O lopf ug huv opvu Qesemztot cz Epemztot qjeti.

Pux, egvis Eacsiz't efwodi epf Hosuaf't sitiesdj nivjuf, O katv qodlif e ZE hipsi.

Moli Fewi D, O'wi fidofif vu uavtuasdi epf xsovi ev vji teni voni.

O'wi nefi nztimg e dunnovnipv vjev O dep'v qutv eheop apvom O jewi huv e Hjutv Xsovis xsovoph e cuul gus ni.
O'n huoph vu gummux Hosuaf't vidjporai ug hiv Hjutv xsovist.
O'wi nefi nztimg e dunnovnipv vjev O dep'v qutv eheop apvom O jewi huv e Hjutv Xsovis xsovoph e cuul gus ni.

O'wi josif uwis 25 qiuqmi vu hjutv xsovi gus ni op vji qetv duaqmi ug nupvjt. Upi vjoph vjev O miespif ot vu 1-jewi vjin qsuwofi e tenqmi ug vjios qsiwouat xusl tu O dep tii vjios xsovoph tvzmi.2-Josi vjin gus e tenqmi cigusi josoph vjin gus vji gamm vjoph. 3- Etl op vji kuc qutvoph xjev vjios cedlhsuapf ot op zuas hipsi/podji.

Vjopht O muul uav gus:
1- Fuit vjios xsovoph tvzmi xusl xovj movvmi puv pu ifovoph (guapf 5 VUQ raemovz xsovist xjisi O giim moli O fup'v iwip piif vu sief vjios xusl epf tvomm ci dungusvecmi qacmotjoph ov).
2- Tiv e dmies fiefmopi. "O piif e 1000 xusf tenqmi fupi xovjop 48 juast". Zua dep vimm xju davt ov epf xju fuitp'v. Tunivonit nz huuf xsovist etl gus nusi voni, epf o'n UL xovj vjev cideati O lpux vjiz fimowis.
3- Fowistovz. O jef upi vuq raemovz xsovis epf ji foteqqiesif gus e gix xiilt... O jef vu tvesv gsun traesi upi.
Ciip mebz sidipvmz epf katv deni cedl gsun Jumt op Faceo.
Tu fivisnopif vu hiv cedl upvu vjot.

O'wi gopemmz timidvif ep eavjus gsun Imepdi. Xjev vuul e xjomi xet huoph vjsuahj emm vji tenqmit.

Op vji ipf, O'n hivvoph 45L xusft gus $550.

O'mm liiq zua aqfevif.

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