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Need advice to start a lead gen business like MJ

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New Contributor
Nov 15, 2013
Dear all,

I have some online businesses but it's not fastlane enough so I am thinking about entering into lead gen business.
What I am thinking is simple. Let's say you're a small business and you need a firm/person to do your bookkeeping, then you go to my web, and fill out your contact information. Then I'll call you to make sure you're legit and send your leads to 4 accountants in my area (and charge the accountant for the lead).

Some questions to get this started:
1. is lead gen business still a good business to start? especially now almost all accountants build their own websites and even advertise on adwords.
2. is the market big enough? Let's say I am doing it for the accounting market. My guesstimate is that there are not many small businesses looking for bookkeeper every day.
3. when should I start charging the lead to the accountant? Should I get a prepaid deposit from them upfront? Or should I invoice it at the end of the month? I imagine that in the beginning it would be hard to convince a good bookkeeper to pay for the leads.
4. is there any course out there that touch on this particular subject? Most courses I found is on how to bring leads to one's website, not specific to this business model.

Thanks all. This forum has been a real eye opener.
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