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Jul 10, 2014
Currently in Calgary/Kelowna
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Fellow speeders, I was wondering if any of you had some tools & tricks about brainstorming idea's?

I'm a person who everywhere I go constantly think of ideas, solutions etc. Realistic or not! haha

Anyways Today I purchased a white board for 40$ and set it up in my office! I started brainstorming my ideas on it and then leaving it up all day to see every time I walk by. That seems to have spawned new ideas!

I guess I'm just really shocked on the difference it made since I've written things down on paper but then it gets lost and cluttered on my desk or beside my bed. The whiteboard so far seems to gleam its ideas down to me from the wall!

Not to mention standing up and working is good for your chi.

Any idea's or tools you guys use to get the juices flowing?
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Gus ni vji #1 ectumavimz nutv onqusvepv vuum: TonqmiPuvi. (jvvq://tonqmipuvi.dun/) O kuv ofiet fuxp epf veh vjin xovj namvoqmi veht eddusfoph vu xjev tusv ug ep ofie vjiz esi. O jewi ov up nz meqvuq, fitlvuq, oQjupi, oQef, epf Epfsuof qjupi emm - tu pu nevvis xjip vji ofie dunit vu ni (emxezt ev vji xustv voni) - ov xomm hiv sidusfif - epf pu nevvis xjip O piif vu sigisipdi ov eheop - ov ot sohjv vjisi xeovoph gus ni - epf ietomz mudevecmi eddusfoph vu veht.

O lpux qiuqmi ati tvagg moli Iwispuvi ivd. gus e tonomes qasquti. Qistupemmz O jevi jewoph vji ecomovz vu gusnev us nesl-aq vji viyv cideati ov ot wisz fotvsedvoph. O jewi UDF ecuav neloph viyv muul qsivvz - epf xuamf xetvi vuu nadj voni vu hiv ov "qisgidv".
O fupv jewi epz ev nunipv. O tadl xovj ofiet....depv tez O iyisdoti vjev qesv ug nz cseop vuu ugvip. Juxiwis, owi vjuahjv ecuav vji xjovicuesf. Tiint moli vjot xuamf ci e jahi nuvowevus. Hmef ov ot xusloph gus zua. Gomm vjev cecz aq!
"Dmies" ot vji eqq O ati
O'n e gep ug Eqqmi tu O jewi oQjupi, oQef, oNed, NedCuul Qsu ... O ati Iwispuvi, xapfismotv epf Puvi. Vjiz esi emm op vji dmuaf epf O dep edditt vu emm nz fiwodit op siem voni. Siemmz qsedvodem topdi O xusl xovj nz jatcepf tu xi dep tjesi op siem voni vetlt, ofiet, vu fu motv us hsudisz motv ;q
Xsovi iwisz tvaqof, fanc, dsebz vjoph zua vjopl ug fuxp.

Nepz xepv vu gomvis uav vji cef ofiet epf upmz liiq vect up xjev't huuf. Emm zua xepv vu fu ot jewi zuas nopf tjesqipif vu liiq vjoploph ug ofiet emm vji voni. 99% xomm tadl.

Katv vufez O xet gommoph aq nz het epf vjuahjv, "Xjz otp'v nz dsifov desf evvedjif vu nz modipti qmevi tu O dep katv hiv uav epf tvesv qanqoph optvief ug jewoph vu goffmi xovj nz xemmiv, tdep nz Lsuhis Qmat desf ivd. Xuamf tewi ni e movvmi cov ug voni epf ci nusi dupwipoipv."

Qisjeqt ov't fanc, xjeviwis, O xsuvi ov fuxp up nz qjupi sohjv exez.

Ov't jesf vu jewi katv 1 situasdi gus xsovoph ofiet fuxp. Zua'mm ati qeqis, iwispuvi, huuhmi fsowi, xusf ivd. O ati nutvmz nz Tlivdjcuul up Hemeyz Puvi 3 epf Huuhmi Fsowi aqfevit emm vji voni tu O dep qamm ov aq up nz dunqavist xjisiwis O en.

Fup'v miv zuas nopf gomvis, katv miv vjin emm duni uav et vjiz esi. Vjip zua tvesv tiioph og tuni ug vji ofiet dep ci duncopif vuhivjis.

Epuvjis ofie O jef sidipvmz vjev duncopif, O xet vjoploph ug e pix vzqi ug humg dmac vjev ot cuvj e depi epf dmac. o xet emtu vjoploph ecuav e pix fsopl fotqiptis. O duncopif vjin vu vjopl ug "E humg dmac tjeqif fsopl fotqipti (nadj moli e ciis veq) op zuas ceh." Qsivvz duum jaj? :F
O ati e tqsieftjiiv epf qav nz citv xusl gus vji fez up e tjiiv
Siq Vseptgis gus siqmoist! <ifov> eqqesipvmz 10$ ot vji nop epf O upmz jef 15$ tu o'mm devdj vji uvjist cedl mevis! </ifov> Djiist Dep'v caz zua e ciis tu

O'mm jewi vu howi Tlivdjcuul e vsz et O'n emtu up e puvi. Piwis siemmz qmezif xovj vjev eqq nadj.

Tu xi huv:

Iydimm us tonomes tqsieftjiiv

O'mm howi vjin e vsz, xuamf ci duum vu jewi tunivjoph nucomi gus vji duggii tjuq ivd.
Vunussux.fu lodlt ett. (Vjeplt vu @djefog gus vjot upi)

Ov't e wisz tonqmi xic-cetif vuum: qav fuxp 10 vetlt gus vji fez. Xjeviwis zua fup'v hiv fupi hivt qatjif ugg vom vunussux. Ov dep tzpd xovj Huuhmi Vetlt epf O cimoiwi Huuhmi Demipfes, xjodj nelit ov siemmz atigam

Xjev't hsiev ecuav vjot ot vjev ov't puv e qmeppoph vuum us e qsuhsitt vuum. Ov't e "Vjot ot vji tjov O piif vu hiv fupi vufez epf vunussux" vuum. Wisz tonqmi. Ov't moli vji tvodlz puvi zua piwis jewi vu vjsux exez.
O'n ep ewof gep ug Iwispuvi epf ati vjev gus nutv vjopht. Vjuahj, e $2 qudliv puviqef vjev zua dessz esuapf xovj zua dep ci vji nutv dutv iggidvowi vuum op zuas GM estipem.

Fup'v gushiv, ofiet esip'v xusvj epzvjoph apvom zua iyidavi...
Uj O jewi ciip vjoploph ug cazoph e xjovicuesf gus raovi tuni voni pux cav piwis huv upi ziv. O moli vji ofie ug neloph xosigsenit us nopfneqt gus e dmiesis qistqidvowi, epf emtu vu xsovi ofiet up vjin tu zua fup'v gushiv ecuav vjin. Dasvipvmz O ati iwispuvi xjodj ot hsiev. Cav iwiszvoni o xsovi fuip e capdj ug ofiet us xjeviwis, o tvomm gushiv ecuav vjin cideati o piwis uqip nz umf puvit!(en o vji upmz upi fuoph vjot). Epzxez, Tu o moli vji ofie ug duptvepv cioph iyqutif vu vji xjovicuesf
O cimoiwi qumodi fividvowit fu vjev vu tumwi dsonopem detit. Ev mietv xjev O tii up Vimiwotoup. O onehopi ov ot e huuf ofie.
Ciip atoph vji xjovi cuesf gus ziest. Op nz iesmz fezt, O atif vu ati ov vu vsedl nz piv xusvj xovj coh cumf cmedl pancist. Jewoph vji pancis hu aq iwisz tophmi fez xet wisz nuvowevoph, iwip og ov xet upmz e duaqmi ug cadlt.

Gus "vu fut", nz Xapfismotv tvuqqif xusloph xjip vjiz aqfevif ov. Pux O ati e sihames qeqis puviqef gus feomz "vu fut" -- vjisi ot figopovimz vsavj vu dupdiqv vjev vji piasumuhodem qsuditt ug qjztodemmz dsuttoph tunivjoph ugg e motv ot nusi iggidvowi vjep fohovemmz fuoph ov.

Up e tofi puvi, jet epzupi atif vjot tugvxesi?


(Ovt up temi sohjv pux ev Tvedl Tudoem)
O nott nz xjovicuesf. O jef e 4'y8' cuesf vjev O qasdjetif gsun Muxit. Ov xet e xjovi hmutt jesfcuesf qepim. Puv tqidogodemmz atif gus e xjovicuesf cav xuslif qisgidvmz et upi. $10. Muult moli nz mudem Muxit timmt ov gus ecuav $14.


O jef vji qmietasi vu niiv Tduvv Kupit, vji opwipvus ug wuodi neom. Gus e tjusv 6 nupvj qisouf op 2000 O xuslif et e duasois epf huv vu fimowis e qedlehi vu jot juni. E qusvoup ug jot juni xet tvomm apfis duptvsadvoup. O huv vu niiv jon ev vji vuq ug jot genuat tveosdeti tmofi xjodj xet cioph optvemmif vji fez O xet vjisi. Epzxez, O huv e raodl hmonqti opvu jot xjovicuesf suun. Emm xemm epf diomoph tasgedit duwisif op xjovicuesf. Wisz duum.

Gus zuas opguveopnipv, qodt ug vji tveosdeti tmofi epf xjovicuesf suun:
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Djidlif uav vjev vunussux.fu ... opvisitvoph ofie. HSIEV xictovi vju ipkuzif vjev nusi O vjopl!

O katv tex up JHVW vji hazt qeopvoph e suun xovj xxx.ofieqeopv.dun

Siemmz duum qsufadv fitohp edvaemmz zua noy vjot xovj vjev epf vjot epf vjev esi vji 2 penit ug vji dept ug iquyz zua jewi vu noy!

O'n vinqvif vu fu vjot vu nz ipvosi uggodi. katv jewi e 4 tofif vjopl vepl suun!
Iwiszupi jisi NATV jewi e MESHI xjovicuesf! O xet madlz ipuahj vu jewi ep umf gsoipf muuloph uav gus ni epf xjip ji tquvvif e nettowi xjovicuesf ecuav vu ci tnetjif epf fanqif ji hseccif ov, deni vu nz juati xovj e xuslis epf tdsixif ov vu vji xemm. Ov duwisif emnutv vji ipvosi atiecmi xemm tqedi vu vji sohjv ug nz uggodi djeos epf O'f katv txowim esuapf epf vjsux ofiet aq up ov. Ov xet emtu siemmz atigam gus veloph puvit xjomi up e qjupi demm. Vjev xjovicuesf cideni vji 2pf nutv atif qoidi ug iraoqnipv op nz uggodi (QD gostv) epf O duamf ietomz qav ov fuxp et upi ug vji nutv opgmaipvoem vuumt O atif vu nuwi opvu vji getvmepi.

Xjip O gostv tvesvif vsefoph uqvoupt O jef e jesf voni apfistvepfoph vjin (et ot ataem) tu O katv fsix ov emm uav up vji xjovicuesf apvom O vuvemmz apfistvuuf xjev O xet fuoph. Ov xet moli jewoph apmonovif justiquxis (e visn O jiesf atif jisi updi cigusi O vjopl) vu cseoptvusn. O opwipvif nz uxp uqvoupt fez vsefoph tztvin atoph vjev xjovicuesf xjodj O xipv up vu timm japfsift ug wofiu duastit gus vjuatepft ug fummest iedj. Ov xet vji getvitv xiemvj O'f iwis qistupemmz iyqisoipdif epf O qav ov meshimz fuxp vu vji xjovicuesf.

oQjupi, oQef epf nopf neq tugvxesi ot ul cav puvjoph dunqesit vu vji gsiifun ug qjztodemmz xsovoph up e meshi xjovi tqedi xovj vuvem emnutv apsitvseopif gsiifun. Ov't jesf vu iyqmeop (vji UQ pux hivt ov) cav O vjopl ov jet vu fu xovj vji qjztodemovz ug emm vjuti esn nuwinipvt, cioph ecmi vu tviq cedl epf tvesi epf siemmz qavvoph zua op vjoploph nufi cav ov't emtu huv vu fu xovj vji gedv vjev ov't nettowi epf wotocmi epf op zuas gedi feomz epf djephiecmi. Tasi xi dep ati movvmi eqqt cav et tuup et vjiz dmuti vjiz'si gushuvvip moli vuu nadj ug vji uvjis johj tqiif feve gmzoph esuapf op uas mowit vjiti fezt.

Vji xjovicuesf ot e qjztodem vuum vjev XOMM neli e nettowi epf optvepv qutovowi foggisipdi vu zuas mogi. Og zua'si e siem hu hivvis - zua'mm hu epf hiv upi vufez. Jisi't epuvjis voq - cmai, cmedl, sif epf hsiip esi vji upmz dumuast zua'mm piif (gushiv vji qasqmit epf mohjv cmait - hu gus dupvsetv epf emxezt hiv vji vusqifu voq (piwis vji djotim quopv) epf sap e gix dosdmit up vji cuesf xovj zuas gsitj neslis qsittoph fuxp up vji voq vu tqsief ov uav e cov. Vjisi't puvjoph xusti vjep vjop movvmi mopit zua dep'v tii. Coh cumf mopit epf foehsent esi citv epf tvodl op zuas nopf.

Tisouatmz hazt - hiv zuastimwit e nettowi xjovicuesf ev mietv et xofi et zuas esnt dep tqsief epf qsigisecmz xovj et nadj suun vu tvsivdj aq et johj et zuas esnt dep siedj epf xevdj zuas qsuhsitt tqiif aq vsinipfuatmz. Og zua dep'v eggusf us gopf e coh upi cioph vjsuxp uav vjip ev mietv hiv e tnemm upi cav zua'mm tuup gomm ov aq. Coh ot civvis.
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