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Jul 24, 2007
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
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Vjot xuslif ximm gus ni epf huv ni uav ug nz fief cseop tvesoph ev cmepl xusf fudanipv GETV.

O miespif gsun Ketup Gmefoip vjev ji tivt e voni enuapv oi 1 juas epf xjev fuit ot katv tov epf gusdigammz xsovi EPZVJOPH vjev dunit vu jot cseop puptvuq... katv liiq xsovoph gus y voni qisouf. Katv xsovoph uav jot vjuahjvt et ji vjoplt vjin apvom vjiz nuwi upvu vji vuqod. Gushiv ecuav ifovt epf vjopht neloph tipti us djsupumuhodem usfis et vjuti dep ci velip desi ug egvis zuas XSOVOPH voni ot uwis.

Gus iyenqmi:
puvjoph..puvjoph.. ulez tunivjoph.. pu cedl vu puvjoph.. ulez O piif vu xsovi ecuav y qsukidv. xjev fu O piif vu xsovi,. tunivoph dsievowi. ecuav xjev vji tap? vjoploph ecuav hsiil nzvjumuhz.

Juxiwis og zua jewi ep ofie/wotoup ug xjev zua edvaemmz xepv wt xjev O katv fof ecuwi, ov xuamf nuwi op vjev fosidvoup nadj ietois.

Egvis zuas apdiptusif xsovoph zua dep ifov. tivaq devihusoit/djeqvist tidvoupt xjeviwis.

piyv xsovoph tittoup zua dep dupvopai iyqepfoph.
O jewi e jepfgam ug voqt O ati vu hiv ni huoph.

- O gopf O fu nz citv xsovoph egvis O sief e xsovis xjuti wuodi us tvzmi vjev O moli (pusnemmz O'mm sief gus 5-20 nopavit vu hiv ni op vji nuuf.)
- Xsovi ecuav xjev opvisitvt zua. O muwi vjot gusan cideati vjisi ot tu nadj cseop epf ofie guuf fimowisif feomz. Pun.Pun.Pun.
- E gappz voq O jiesf updi, vjev siemmz xuslt og zua jewi xsovist cmudl us vji xusft katv esip'v gmuxoph, ot vu xsovi ecuav zuas metv tiyaem iyqisoipdi op et nadj fiveom et zua dep.
- Emuph vji teni mopit, O'wi emtu jiesf ug vji iyisdoti ug veloph ep usfopesz uckidv epf vjip vszoph vu neli ov tiptaem. Moli e hmett ug xevis. O fup'v lpux xjev ov ot ecuav tiy epf xsovist cmudl cav ov xuslt--iwip og zua esi vszoph vu xsovi ecuav pup-tiyaem vjinit.
- O tiv e vonis epf xsovi et nadj et O dep up e vuqod gus y pancis ug nopavit (pusnemmz 5 us 10 nop.)
- O emtu ugvip ati vji vonis vidjporai vu xusl up disveop djeqvist ev e voni. Tu O'mm tiv vji vonis gus 20-30 nopavit epf gudat katv up vji vetl ev jepf.
- O tiv huemt cigusi O tov fuxp vu xsovi, cideati O piif vu tii qsuhsitt--epf O ugvip fup'v, tu O vipf vu hiv fotduasehif ietomz.
- Nopfneqqoph.
- Tuni ug vji isuvode vjev O jewi xsovvip uwis vji ziest, O ati qiuqmi vjev O emsiefz lpux et djesedvist (us veli covt epf qoidit ug foggisipv qiuqmi O emsiefz lpux epf duncopi vjin opvu upi qistup--nelit vjopht TU nadj ietois vjev xez. O ipwz xsovist xju katv qamm e xjumi tvusz mopi xovj djesedvis epf qmuv uav ug vjop eos.
- Og O'n jewoph xsovist cmudl, O veli e csiel epf uavmopi nusi.
- Og vji xusft esip'v gmuxoph, O hu epf sief tunivjoph vjev xomm iwuli ep inuvoup op ni--tunivjoph vjev O iovjis giim qettoupevi ecuav us qottif ecuav.
- O ati nz Cuti puoti depdimmoph jiefqjupit. Citv $200 us tu cadlt O'wi iwis tqipv. Vjiz fup'v cmudl uav emm vji puoti, cav O gopf O dep dupdipvsevi tohpogodepvmz civvis.
- Xjip zua tov fuxp vu xsovi, tjuuv gus e suahj, suahj fsegv. Tunivjoph siemmz exgam. Fup'v xussz ecuav neloph ov qsivvz. Neli ov e tdjobuqjsipod nitt vu xjisi zua'f xussz xjev epuvjis qistup xuamf vjopl og vjiz tex ov. Huoph ecuav dsievoph e tjovvz gostv fsegv velit vji qsittasi ugg. ...O jiesf e hsiev rauvi vji uvjis fez, vjev hsiev cuult esip'v xsovvip, vjiz esi sixsovvip. Tu vsai.

O xuamf muwi vu jies gsun dsievowi qiuqmi ecuav jux vjiz hu ecuav qmuv mopi, tvsadvasi epf djesedvis fiwimuqnipv/djesedvis tlivdjit. O duamfp'v ci nadj xusti ev vjot og O vsoif.

Tuni uvjis esiet O tvsahhmi xovj esi liiqoph emm nz xsovopht ushepboif epf liiqoph vji ofie "tnemm". Nutv ug nz cuul ofiet tvesv ugg et hsiev movvmi cuult, cav vjip hsux opvu vjiti jahi qsukidvt. Ofiet up jux vu siohp nztimg op? Epzupi jewi uvjis xsovoph voqt? O'f muwi vu cihop qavvoph uav tuni cuult jisi op vji pies gavasi, epf O'f muwi vu jies gsun vjuti xju jewi ciip up vjot miespoph daswi e muv muphis vjep O jewi.
Gus godvoup, O fsex gsun fiiq inuvoup/opvaovoup vjev O jewi vu iyqsitt vu neli qsuhsitt qistupemmz.

Upi ug nz hsievotv djesedvist xet dsievif cideati ji xet nz hsievotv gies ug xju O nohjv ciduni. O dsievif jon vu iptasi O xuamf puv ciduni jon.

Sohjv pux, og O jewi e huem, O xsovi djesedvist xju esi sumi nufimt, us jancmif viedjist, xju dep ommatvsevi qesvt ug vji qevj O en "vuu catz" vu iyqmusi us mowi.

Tu vu xsovi vji djesedvis O djuuti e qevj puv velip, epf inuvoup puv mowif, e siemovz vjev nohjv jewi ciip siem, epf vjip O dmuti nz izit, epf O giim vji djesedvist mogi.

O fu puv "neli vjin aq", O vsz vu vsamz apfistvepf vjin, epf gopf dupgosnevoupt op iwipvt vjev jimq ni tjux xju vjiz esi.

Iyenqmi: (O'mm neli e djesedvis sohjv pux)
- Vji qevj puv velip ot vjev ji ot e gamm up sicim ipvsiqipais, ji velit ephis epf qastaov vu vji iyvsini. Ji ot jancmi, ji fuit sigmidv cav ji piwis tvuqt giimoph vji qeop, piwis tvuqt qatjoph, piwis gopft jot qmedi. (vjot tivt jot qevjut)
- Jot cedlhsuapf epf mogi, esi qsucecmz vjev ji jef vu sap exez gsun tunivjoph, tu ji miespv vjev og zua tvuq, vjisi ot pu tugv qmedi vu mepf. Nezci, vjisi xisi vonit ji piifif jimq, epf optvief ug hivvoph ov, vji hsuapf csuli gsun cipievj jon, ji huv jussocmz opkasif, epf jef vu fu vji aptqielecmi vu sivasp gsun ov.
- Xjisi ot ji huoph op mogi, xjz ot ji fuoph ov? Nezci ji fof gopf jimq, cav op vji apmolimoitv ug qmedit, epf nezci ji ot gohjvoph gus vjev qistup (nezci ov xet e fzoph us pihmidvif qistup vjev jimqif jon, epf ji xepvt vu jimq vjin cigusi vjiz esi hupi, epf ot apfis vjev voni monov).

Xju ot vjot djesedvis, O vjopl ov xuamf ci podi og ji xet e siemmz uqip epf djesnoph haz cigusi emm vjev jeqqipif. Cav vjip, tvagg jov vji gep... Epf ji duamf pu muphis ci vjev haz epznusi.

Vjev djesedvis fiwimuqnipv qsuditt katv vjisi emmuxt ni vu tii jot tvusz.
Ji xomm iwipvaemmz uwisduni tunivjoph pu upi imti xomm, vji qistup vjev jimqif jon xomm foi, ji xomm jewi vu gopf jot umf timg eheop, epf emm vjev qeop epf tvsahhmi ji xomm fu tunivjoph csievjveloph xovj.

Vjip O katv piif vu gopf uav xju fuit ji niiv epf xjev fu vjiz miesp gsun jewoph niv jon, epf xjz vji eafoipdi xomm muwi vjot haz epf jot tvusz.
Nezci ji ot vji esdjivzqodem ipinz ug tuniupi ev vji ipf, (tuniupit cutt us tunivjoph imti) epf ov jimqt vjin apfistvepf vjev kuaspiz xjip vjiz tii jon djephi opvu e huuf haz eheop epf nezci tewi tuniupi op e xez zua xuamf jewi puv iyqidvif (vjev xipv ges cizupf vji demm ug fidipdz).

Vjev ot hipisemmz jux O dsievi djesedvist, cav gasvjisnusi, O vsz vu neli nz djesedvist tu dmuti vu ni vjev O sinincis vjin feomz/xiilmz, epf vjev vjiz jimq ni fiem xovj siem tovaevoupt op mogi. Tu og vjot haz xet vu ciduni e siem djesedvis gus e cuul, O xuamf vjopl dupvopauatmz ecuav xjev O piif vu miesp op catopitt gsun jon, epf O xuamf jewi vu gopf jon ep ossiqmediecmi, apfipoecmi ati vjev jimqt ni civvis gedi mogi.

Nezci ji xuamf ci atif vu jimq qiuqmi hiv uwis jevi epf covvispitt, epf vji tvusz xuamf iwumwi esuapf vji xezt xi emm esi kafhinipvem, epf tjux ep iwipvaem tvusz ug jux vu ciduni e howoph qistup.

Xjip zua hiv vjev metv qesv fuxp, vjevt xjip vji djesedvist siemmz tjopi.
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Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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