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Practical CENTS Framework - Find & Validate Fastlane Business Ideas (step-by-step guide)

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The millionaire fastlane is the most motherloving epic and authentic book Ive read, but I found a problem, lacks a practical method when it comes to find Fastlane business ideas. That's good because gets rid of wannabes magic pill seekers. Anyways I wanna share with you a Practical guide to Find and Validate Fastlane Business Ideas (This is a Beta Framework)

I don't have an Introduce Yourself post, F*ck that. This Thread is my introduction. Show, don't tell.

If you are tired and sick of the same regurgitated information on business ideas and make money online, read this (worth)

WARNING: LONG TEXT (Barrier for lazy people, and don't make a summary using Chatgpt come on dude ur better than that)

First Off... MAKE MONEY ONLINE IS NOT EASY. Gurus are selling the "Make easy cheese" cuz they are selling the Shovels (Tools to make money) not only by selling courses or coaching, but earning with affiliate comissions and ad revenue...

-Make money Blogging (Affiliate Programs: Hosting, Domains, Themes, Plugins, Tools for Keyword Research, etc)
-Make money Youtube (Affiliate Programs: VidiQ, Tubebuddy, Videoscribe, Filmora, etc)
-Make money Dropshipping (Affiliate Programs: Shopify, Spy Product tools, etc)

Should I continue? cuz I think my point is clear.

Remember what the book said: "Exceptionalism is required to overcome weak entry"... so, success in saturated markets is the exception, not the norm. And we are looking for a business with the odds in our favor.

I wanna talk about the FAKE CENTS Business Models.

I've realized something scary, if you watch business ideas on Youtube, Tiktok, IG... people focus on making money in a selfish way, instead of helping people solving their problems and needs. Chasing the average money instead of help people and win legendary money.

-No Tommy, if you are the channel number #78060255 in the Gaming Niche you won't be the next Pewdiepie.
-No Lindsay, if you are the Ecommerce number #99999 selling Cosmetics you won't be Millionaire.

Please don't reply with: "But Is possible..." Let me be clear: Impossible? No. But it's like the Lottery. So come on, stfu, we are here to improve ourselves, not playing in the "rainbow and marshmellows world"

Thats the surface, if we look down the iceberg, we can find some misconceptions.

Now the lesson starts.

What is a Fake CENTS Business?

Is a Business Model that looks similar than a real Fastlane Business, but it comes with a trap. They are restricted business models.

-All the Saturated Business with NO high barriers to entry that you see on Social Media are FAKE CENTS BUSINESS.
-Low Competition Content Niches (for Youtube, Social Media and Blogging) is a FAKE CENTS BUSINESS.
-A Unique Make Money Method (even more secret that the methods on Buysellmethods, blackhatworld) is a FAKE CENTS BUSINESS.
-Damn, even the Vending Machines and Laundromats Business Models are FAKE CENTS BUSINESS

Let me give you a quick example:
Being Streamer on Twitch with a new non saturated niche or Being Streamer on another platform with low competition is a FCB (FAKE CENTS BUSINESS)

But selling Overlays for Streamers is A REAL FASTLANE BUSINESS, Nerdordie is doing almost 4 millions / year. Did you see the Twitch leaks? Well not many streamers have the same earnings (only 5)


Now, with the current AI Situation going on... (You can skip this part if you want)

With some creation niches (copywriting, coding and software development, youtube, blogging, coach), the barrier entry is becoming more low...

So... if you inject millions of people who produce scary amounts of content, in a saturated market. Oh boy I wanna see this...

A storm of Crap Shitty Content is coming
, so being authentic will be the next step to thrive. But the standards are growing and will not be cheap anymore.

I guess the Bubble will Burst in the upcoming years.

What happens when 2 saturated big whales collides? We gonna find out in the next years, but I dont wanna join in Weak and FAKE CENTS BUSINESS...

If you are a Freelancer, or Coder, Improve your skills or change your path. "Duuuh but that will not happen, ur paranoid lol" did you know what happened to the website liveperson and their freelancers? So don't tell me shit.


Let me tell you why FCB are Very Dangerous... and you should NOT! listen FCB Promoters...

Do you remember the Meme Stocks, Shitcoins and Play 2 Earn NFT Games? Good, nothing to say about it. Look at the charts.

Let me tell you a story about making POD (Print on Demand) on sites like Redbubble.
Tools that detect trends on Redbubble appeared, so in theory it was easier and faster to sell products in unsaturated niches.

The problem is that ironically, it became a trend to look for niches and trends without competition.

The result? There were so many people doing this that the same people pumped the numbers of the whole trends without competition, and everyone stopped making money, and now it is almost impossible to make money with Redbubble.

Sounds familiar? Of course, Tadaaaa... The Tulip Mania (search it)


Why making a Real Fastlane Business is better than even being successful in a Saturated Business (or in a FCB)
If you create a Real Fastlane (cents) business, even if you do badly... You will make MORE MONEY than if you do well with a saturated business,

Example: If you create a SAAS with a potential profit of 300k per month, but you get few users and lets say that you are earning only 40k per month, DUDE you are making more than someone else with a blog with 1 million visits per month. (context: 1 million views in a blog, in average makes 30k per month)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars"

It's like this quote, but in a less cringy way and money falling out your Pockets.


How to find (or create) Fastlane Business Ideas:

A real fastlane business is always non saturated.

“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

But hey, that's not a Free pass to get analysis paralysis. If you can't find your idea in 1 month...



If you run out of ideas, surround yourself with business people or join in a niche (in a person to person way), find the needs

Then find a gap and just F* start. It doesn't matter if you don't make money, you will learn what's NOT working in a proactive way.

If you live in a Shit Country, you can do this in a Digital way (although this can be complemented with the above mentioned)

How to Find Untapped and NonSaturated Niches:

-Search problems on Sub Reddits like (r/Rants , r/complaints, r/advice and r/business)
-Brainstorm ideas with new inputs. Take a look on subreddits like r/InternetIsBeautiful and websites like cloudhiker. net
-Turn yourself into a Trend Hunter, Chase future trends and then create a Database directory, for example Capsterra for the Software niche, how to buy a saas for the saas niche and futurepedia .io for the ai tools niche.

Once you found your niche, you need find problems...

How to Find Needs or Problems:

-Take a deep dive in Forums around your niche
-You can Find problems watching your competitor's bad reviews on Trustpilot (and similar websites)

If you wanna create your niche:

-You can merge 2 niches (politics and education | food recipes and entertaiment | money and film documentary)

Example: You can make a Business directory of Cathering services.

-You can cover your niche with some skill do you have.

Example: Tom Grossi is a Youtuber who merged NFL (Football) and Comedy. Now he has 400k subs on Youtube.

NOTE: You need to be sure that there is a Demand and a Market for that specific niche.


How to check if your idea is original and with almost zero competition:

Once you have the Fastlane idea, it's time to know if you have a saturated idea or a good High barrier entry business.

Let's gonna say that your idea is a website, saas, mobile app, tool, or tech company.

You will search your idea on Code Marketplaces, and if you found a script or template it means that you have big competition.

Big if you found nothing, that's a good signal.

Lets take a look to MJ DeMarco's Idea... Limousines Booking.

If you search "Limousine Booking" and "Limousine Directory" on Codecanyon, Codester... Surprise nothing found.

If you found zero Tutorials "how to make x website/app/saas" that's impressive (only if you validate the idea and there is a market)

If you found Tutorials, is a good signal, because there is high demand. And if you start a Limousine Directory, maybe you don't how to sell the leads, how to make SEO, and so on... there is a high barrier of entry.

Remember: When someone is already talking about it, it's too late. When you see a Youtube video with +1M views talking about making money with 3D Print, Mobile Games, MicroSaas, etc... IT'S TOO LATE DUDE.

But you can sell the shovels... Try to find SIDEDOOR BUSINESS IDEAS... Here is the simple formula:

Everyone is trying to make XYZ , sell the "make it faster, make it better, find untapped ZYX and get better results with XYZ, do it on autopilot, etc"

-You need to dive and swim on a Nasty Gross Disgusting SHIT, surf on forums, search in unpopular languages (in F*cking russian, polish or on Swajili idk how to spell that)

Don't do what everyone else does, If everyone is using Google then use Yandex and Duckduckgo...

How to Validate your Fastlane Business Idea:

-Make a Landing Page and put 10$ on Ads in FB, Adwords, Pinterest and Tiktok (40$ in total). The analytics will tell you the answer.

-Find out if there are competitors in the sector, write down the websites in an excel file, and check how many visits they have using Ubersuggest.

Why Ubersuggest? Cuz they are the most accurate tool when it comes to traffic analysis. (even better than ahrefs and semrush)

-Next, Try to research what is the plateu as far as earnings are concerned, it's normal if you dont find anything, but if you find it COOL. And if it's a low amount, ask yourself how you can break the ceiling and if you do not know how, you have to settle or look for a business that has a higher plateu.

How to Get traffic: (realistic way)

Here you can choose two paths:

-Leverage on saturated business and platforms (Blogging, Youtube, Social Media, YP, Quora, Yelp) and play the game of becoming Exceptional.

-Gain traffic with non-conventional platforms (mastodon, Gab, Viddlr, Odysee, Medium, Youknow, Rumble, Hive Blog, and the social media platforms on Blockchain Ecosystems like 3speak, ecency, etc)

How to Scale your Fastlane Business idea:

There is no guide here. You need to find your own way to scale it, that's a part of your path in your Fastlane Journey.


Some useful rules if you apply this framework to your life and future business...

1 - Be fast (no, seriously)

I had the idea of making an All-in-one streaming tool, cuz you know "the streaming war". Well that idea now is called "ReelGood" and let me whisper you a little secret... I AM NOT THE F*ckING FOUNDER OF REELGOOD.

Do you know what is Anchor? the platform where you upload your podcast one time and put on the episodes on spotify, apple podcast and every podcast platform in the world?

Imagine that but making short videos and then publish that video on Yt shorts, tiktok, reels, etc... Well... I wasn't fast, and then repurpose .io showed up.


RULE 2: Behind a business there is always a source of traffic, If you know how to hide it, you will increase the entry barrier

Take a look how many people that are doing good fat stacks, dont have any social media... Where is their traffic sources? Well thats why not everyone is making sweet money on Patreon

TIP: if you make facebook ads or Google Ads people can spy on your ads


Rule 3: The environment makes the difference (a lot)

In the Outliers book by Malcom Gladwell says it doesn't matter if you are a Genius, if you don't have the right chances, right people, if you live in a Shit Country, it's hard to become successful.

Let's say that I have the magic formula to become an Ebay and Etsy Millionaire (only those platforms, not similar websites, only those 2)... But I live on Venezuela, so Ebay and Etsy is Banned... So it's impossible to start selling stuff. What can I do? Well, easy... I CAN MOVE THE F*ck OUT TO A COUNTRY WHERE EBAY AND ETSY ARE AVAILABLE. see? it's really easy... We just like to overcomplicate things.

Same with some opportunities... If you can't succeed in your country, or state... then Move out, you are not a Tree!

Don't trust the "you can do everything with the power of your mind" guru shit. You can't control the politics, economy, laws of a whole country, you only can control in which country are you living.

You need to watch this, MJ nailed it with this video...

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Vji nommoupeosi getvmepi ot vji nutv nuvjismuwoph iqod epf eavjipvod cuul Owi sief, cav O guapf e qsucmin, medlt e qsedvodem nivjuf xjip ov dunit vu gopf Getvmepi catopitt ofiet. Vjev't huuf cideati hivt sof ug xeppecit nehod qomm tiilist. Epzxezt O xeppe tjesi xovj zua e Qsedvodem haofi vu Gopf epf Wemofevi Getvmepi Catopitt Ofiet (Vjot ot e Cive Gsenixusl)

O fup'v jewi ep Opvsufadi Zuastimg qutv, G*dl vjev. Vjot Vjsief ot nz opvsufadvoup. Tjux, fup'v vimm.

Og zua esi vosif epf todl ug vji teni sihashovevif opgusnevoup up catopitt ofiet epf neli nupiz upmopi, sief vjot (xusvj)

XESPOPH: MUPH VIYV (Cessois gus mebz qiuqmi, epf fup'v neli e tannesz atoph Djevhqv duni up fafi as civvis vjep vjev)

Gostv Ugg... NELI NUPIZ UPMOPI OT PUV IETZ. Hasat esi timmoph vji "Neli ietz djiiti" dab vjiz esi timmoph vji Tjuwimt (Vuumt vu neli nupiz) puv upmz cz timmoph duastit us duedjoph, cav iespoph xovj eggomoevi dunottoupt epf ef siwipai...

-Neli nupiz Cmuhhoph (Eggomoevi Qsuhsent: Jutvoph, Funeopt, Vjinit, Qmahopt, Vuumt gus Lizxusf Sitiesdj, ivd)
-Neli nupiz Zuavaci (Eggomoevi Qsuhsent: WofoR, Vacicaffz, Wofiutdsoci, Gomnuse, ivd)
-Neli nupiz Fsuqtjoqqoph (Eggomoevi Qsuhsent: Tjuqogz, Tqz Qsufadv vuumt, ivd)

Tjuamf O dupvopai? dab O vjopl nz quopv ot dmies.

Sinincis xjev vji cuul teof: "Iydiqvoupemotn ot siraosif vu uwisduni xiel ipvsz"... tu, tadditt op tevasevif neslivt ot vji iydiqvoup, puv vji pusn. Epf xi esi muuloph gus e catopitt xovj vji ufft op uas gewus.

O xeppe veml ecuav vji GELI DIPVT Catopitt Nufimt.

O'wi siemobif tunivjoph tdesz, og zua xevdj catopitt ofiet up Zuavaci, Volvul, OH... qiuqmi gudat up neloph nupiz op e timgotj xez, optvief ug jimqoph qiuqmi tumwoph vjios qsucmint epf piift. Djetoph vji ewisehi nupiz optvief ug jimq qiuqmi epf xop mihipfesz nupiz.

-Pu Vunnz, og zua esi vji djeppim pancis #78060255 op vji Henoph Podji zua xup'v ci vji piyv Qixfoiqoi.
-Pu Mopftez, og zua esi vji Idunnisdi pancis #99999 timmoph Dutnivodt zua xup'v ci Nommoupeosi.

Qmieti fup'v siqmz xovj: "Cav Ot quttocmi..." Miv ni ci dmies: Onquttocmi? Pu. Cav ov't moli vji Muvvisz. Tu duni up, tvga, xi esi jisi vu onqsuwi uastimwit, puv qmezoph op vji "seopcux epf nestjnimmuxt xusmf"

Vjevt vji tasgedi, og xi muul fuxp vji odicish, xi dep gopf tuni notdupdiqvoupt.

Pux vji mittup tvesvt.

Xjev ot e Geli DIPVT Catopitt?

Ot e Catopitt Nufim vjev muult tonomes vjep e siem Getvmepi Catopitt, cav ov dunit xovj e vseq. Vjiz esi sitvsodvif catopitt nufimt.

-Emm vji Tevasevif Catopitt xovj PU johj cessoist vu ipvsz vjev zua tii up Tudoem Nifoe esi GELI DIPVT CATOPITT.
-Mux Dunqivovoup Dupvipv Podjit (gus Zuavaci, Tudoem Nifoe epf Cmuhhoph) ot e GELI DIPVT CATOPITT.
-E Aporai Neli Nupiz Nivjuf (iwip nusi tidsiv vjev vji nivjuft up Caztimmnivjuft, cmedljevxusmf) ot e GELI DIPVT CATOPITT.
-Fenp, iwip vji Wipfoph Nedjopit epf Meapfsunevt Catopitt Nufimt esi GELI DIPVT CATOPITT

Miv ni howi zua e raodl iyenqmi:
Cioph Tvsienis up Vxovdj xovj e pix pup tevasevif podji us Cioph Tvsienis up epuvjis qmevgusn xovj mux dunqivovoup ot e GDC (GELI DIPVT CATOPITT)

Cav timmoph Uwismezt gus Tvsienist ot E SIEM GETVMEPI CATOPITT, Pisfusfoi ot fuoph emnutv 4 nommoupt / zies. Fof zua tii vji Vxovdj mielt? Ximm puv nepz tvsienist jewi vji teni iespopht (upmz 5)


Pux, xovj vji dassipv EO Tovaevoup huoph up... (Zua dep tloq vjot qesv og zua xepv)

Xovj tuni dsievoup podjit (duqzxsovoph, dufoph epf tugvxesi fiwimuqnipv, zuavaci, cmuhhoph, duedj), vji cessois ipvsz ot cidunoph nusi mux...

Tu... og zua opkidv nommoupt ug qiuqmi xju qsufadi tdesz enuapvt ug dupvipv, op e tevasevif nesliv. Uj cuz O xeppe tii vjot...

E tvusn ug Dseq Tjovvz Dupvipv ot dunoph
, tu cioph eavjipvod xomm ci vji piyv tviq vu vjsowi. Cav vji tvepfesft esi hsuxoph epf xomm puv ci djieq epznusi.

O haitt vji Caccmi xomm Castv op vji aqdunoph ziest.

Xjev jeqqipt xjip 2 tevasevif coh xjemit dummofit? Xi huppe gopf uav op vji piyv ziest, cav O fupv xeppe kuop op Xiel epf GELI DIPVT CATOPITT...

Og zua esi e Gsiimepdis, us Dufis, Onqsuwi zuas tlommt us djephi zuas qevj. "Faaaj cav vjev xomm puv jeqqip, as qesepuof mum" fof zua lpux xjev jeqqipif vu vji xictovi mowiqistup epf vjios gsiimepdist? Tu fup'v vimm ni tjov.


Miv ni vimm zua xjz GDC esi Wisz Fephisuat... epf zua tjuamf PUV! motvip GDC Qsunuvist...

Fu zua sinincis vji Nini Tvudlt, Tjovduopt epf Qmez 2 Iesp PGV Henit? Huuf, puvjoph vu tez ecuav ov. Muul vji djesvt.

Miv ni vimm zua e tvusz ecuav neloph QUF (Qsopv up Finepf) up tovit moli Sifcaccmi.
Vuumt vjev fividv vsipft up Sifcaccmi eqqiesif, tu op vjiusz ov xet ietois epf getvis vu timm qsufadvt op aptevasevif podjit.

Vji qsucmin ot vjev osupodemmz, ov cideni e vsipf vu muul gus podjit epf vsipft xovjuav dunqivovoup.

Vji sitamv? Vjisi xisi tu nepz qiuqmi fuoph vjot vjev vji teni qiuqmi qanqif vji pancist ug vji xjumi vsipft xovjuav dunqivovoup, epf iwiszupi tvuqqif neloph nupiz, epf pux ov ot emnutv onquttocmi vu neli nupiz xovj Sifcaccmi.

Tuapft genomoes? Ug duasti, Vefeeee... Vji Vamoq Nepoe (tiesdj ov)


Xjz neloph e Siem Getvmepi Catopitt ot civvis vjep iwip cioph taddittgam op e Tevasevif Catopitt (us op e GDC)
Og zua dsievi e Siem Getvmepi (dipvt) catopitt, iwip og zua fu cefmz... Zua xomm neli NUSI NUPIZ vjep og zua fu ximm xovj e tevasevif catopitt,

Iyenqmi: Og zua dsievi e TEET xovj e quvipvoem qsugov ug 300l qis nupvj, cav zua hiv gix atist epf mivt tez vjev zua esi iespoph upmz 40l qis nupvj, FAFI zua esi neloph nusi vjep tuniupi imti xovj e cmuh xovj 1 nommoup wotovt qis nupvj. (dupviyv: 1 nommoup woixt op e cmuh, op ewisehi nelit 30l qis nupvj)

"Tjuuv gus vji nuup. Iwip og zua nott, zua’mm mepf enuph vji tvest"

Ov't moli vjot rauvi, cav op e mitt dsophz xez epf nupiz gemmoph uav zuas Qudlivt.


Jux vu gopf (us dsievi) Getvmepi Catopitt Ofiet:

E siem getvmepi catopitt ot emxezt pup tevasevif.

“Og O upmz jef ep juas vu djuq fuxp e vsii, O xuamf tqipf vji gostv 45 nopavit tjesqipoph nz eyi.” – Ecsejen Mopdump

Cav jiz, vjev't puv e Gsii qett vu hiv epemztot qesemztot. Og zua dep'v gopf zuas ofie op 1 nupvj...



Og zua sap uav ug ofiet, tassuapf zuastimg xovj catopitt qiuqmi us kuop op e podji (op e qistup vu qistup xez), gopf vji piift

Vjip gopf e heq epf katv G* tvesv. Ov fuitp'v nevvis og zua fup'v neli nupiz, zua xomm miesp xjev't PUV xusloph op e qsuedvowi xez.

Og zua mowi op e Tjov Duapvsz, zua dep fu vjot op e Fohovem xez (emvjuahj vjot dep ci dunqminipvif xovj vji ecuwi nipvoupif)

Jux vu Gopf Apveqqif epf PupTevasevif Podjit:

-Tiesdj qsucmint up Tac Siffovt moli (s/Sepvt , s/dunqmeopvt, s/efwodi epf s/catopitt)
-Cseoptvusn ofiet xovj pix opqavt. Veli e muul up tacsiffovt moli s/OpvispivOtCieavogam epf xictovit moli dmuafjolis. piv
-Vasp zuastimg opvu e Vsipf Japvis, Djeti gavasi vsipft epf vjip dsievi e Feveceti fosidvusz, gus iyenqmi Deqtvisse gus vji Tugvxesi podji, jux vu caz e teet gus vji teet podji epf gavasiqifoe .ou gus vji eo vuumt podji.

Updi zua guapf zuas podji, zua piif gopf qsucmint...

Jux vu Gopf Piift us Qsucmint:

-Veli e fiiq fowi op Gusant esuapf zuas podji
-Zua dep Gopf qsucmint xevdjoph zuas dunqivovus't cef siwoixt up Vsatvqomuv (epf tonomes xictovit)

Og zua xeppe dsievi zuas podji:

-Zua dep nishi 2 podjit (qumovodt epf ifadevoup | guuf sidoqit epf ipvisveonipv | nupiz epf gomn fudanipvesz)

Iyenqmi: Zua dep neli e Catopitt fosidvusz ug Devjisoph tiswodit.

-Zua dep duwis zuas podji xovj tuni tlomm fu zua jewi.

Iyenqmi: Vun Hsutto ot e Zuavacis xju nishif PGM (Guuvcemm) epf Dunifz. Pux ji jet 400l tact up Zuavaci.

PUVI: Zua piif vu ci tasi vjev vjisi ot e Finepf epf e Nesliv gus vjev tqidogod podji.


Jux vu djidl og zuas ofie ot usohopem epf xovj emnutv bisu dunqivovoup:

Updi zua jewi vji Getvmepi ofie, ov't voni vu lpux og zua jewi e tevasevif ofie us e huuf Johj cessois ipvsz catopitt.

Miv't huppe tez vjev zuas ofie ot e xictovi, teet, nucomi eqq, vuum, us vidj dunqepz.

Zua xomm tiesdj zuas ofie up Dufi Neslivqmedit, epf og zua guapf e tdsoqv us vinqmevi ov niept vjev zua jewi coh dunqivovoup.

Coh og zua guapf puvjoph, vjev't e huuf tohpem.

Mivt veli e muul vu NK FiNesdu't Ofie... Monuatopit Cuuloph.

Og zua tiesdj "Monuatopi Cuuloph" epf "Monuatopi Fosidvusz" up Dufidepzup, Dufitvis... Tasqsoti puvjoph guapf.

Og zua guapf bisu Vavusoemt "jux vu neli y xictovi/eqq/teet" vjev't onqsittowi (upmz og zua wemofevi vji ofie epf vjisi ot e nesliv)

Og zua guapf Vavusoemt, ot e huuf tohpem, cideati vjisi ot johj finepf. Epf og zua tvesv e Monuatopi Fosidvusz, nezci zua fup'v jux vu timm vji mieft, jux vu neli TIU, epf tu up... vjisi ot e johj cessois ug ipvsz.

Sinincis: Xjip tuniupi ot emsiefz vemloph ecuav ov, ov't vuu mevi. Xjip zua tii e Zuavaci wofiu xovj +1N woixt vemloph ecuav neloph nupiz xovj 3F Qsopv, Nucomi Henit, NodsuTeet, ivd... OV'T VUU MEVI FAFI.

Cav zua dep timm vji tjuwimt... Vsz vu gopf TOFIFUUS CATOPITT OFIET... Jisi ot vji tonqmi gusname:

Iwiszupi ot vszoph vu neli YZB , timm vji "neli ov getvis, neli ov civvis, gopf apveqqif BZY epf hiv civvis sitamvt xovj YZB, fu ov up eavuqomuv, ivd"

-Zua piif vu fowi epf txon up e Petvz Hsutt Fothatvoph TJOV, tasg up gusant, tiesdj op apquqames mephaehit (op G*dloph sattoep, qumotj us up Txekomo ofl jux vu tqimm vjev)

Fup'v fu xjev iwiszupi imti fuit, Og iwiszupi ot atoph Huuhmi vjip ati Zepfiy epf Fadlfadlhu...

Jux vu Wemofevi zuas Getvmepi Catopitt Ofie:

-Neli e Mepfoph Qehi epf qav 10$ up Eft op GC, Efxusft, Qopvisitv epf Volvul (40$ op vuvem). Vji epemzvodt xomm vimm zua vji eptxis.

-Gopf uav og vjisi esi dunqivovust op vji tidvus, xsovi fuxp vji xictovit op ep iydim gomi, epf djidl jux nepz wotovt vjiz jewi atoph Acistahhitv.

Xjz Acistahhitv? Dab vjiz esi vji nutv eddasevi vuum xjip ov dunit vu vseggod epemztot. (iwip civvis vjep ejsigt epf tinsatj)

-Piyv, Vsz vu sitiesdj xjev ot vji qmevia et ges et iespopht esi dupdispif, ov't pusnem og zua fupv gopf epzvjoph, cav og zua gopf ov DUUM. Epf og ov't e mux enuapv, etl zuastimg jux zua dep csiel vji diomoph epf og zua fu puv lpux jux, zua jewi vu tivvmi us muul gus e catopitt vjev jet e johjis qmevia.

Jux vu Hiv vseggod: (siemotvod xez)

Jisi zua dep djuuti vxu qevjt:

-Miwisehi up tevasevif catopitt epf qmevgusnt (Cmuhhoph, Zuavaci, Tudoem Nifoe, ZQ, Rause, Zimq) epf qmez vji heni ug cidunoph Iydiqvoupem.

-Heop vseggod xovj pup-dupwipvoupem qmevgusnt (netvufup, Hec, Woffms, Ufztii, Nifoan, Zualpux, Sancmi, Jowi Cmuh, epf vji tudoem nifoe qmevgusnt up Cmudldjeop Idutztvint moli 3tqiel, idipdz, ivd)

Jux vu Tdemi zuas Getvmepi Catopitt ofie:

Vjisi ot pu haofi jisi. Zua piif vu gopf zuas uxp xez vu tdemi ov, vjev't e qesv ug zuas qevj op zuas Getvmepi Kuaspiz.


Tuni atigam samit og zua eqqmz vjot gsenixusl vu zuas mogi epf gavasi catopitt...

1 - Ci getv (pu, tisouatmz)

O jef vji ofie ug neloph ep Emm-op-upi tvsienoph vuum, dab zua lpux "vji tvsienoph xes". Ximm vjev ofie pux ot demmif "SiimHuuf" epf miv ni xjotqis zua e movvmi tidsiv... O EN PUV VJI G*dlOPH GUAPFIS UG SIIMHUUF.

Fu zua lpux xjev ot Epdjus? vji qmevgusn xjisi zua aqmuef zuas qufdetv upi voni epf qav up vji iqotufit up tquvogz, eqqmi qufdetv epf iwisz qufdetv qmevgusn op vji xusmf?

Onehopi vjev cav neloph tjusv wofiut epf vjip qacmotj vjev wofiu up Zv tjusvt, volvul, siimt, ivd... Ximm... O xetp'v getv, epf vjip siqasquti .ou tjuxif aq.


SAMI 2: Cijopf e catopitt vjisi ot emxezt e tuasdi ug vseggod, Og zua lpux jux vu jofi ov, zua xomm opdsieti vji ipvsz cessois

Veli e muul jux nepz qiuqmi vjev esi fuoph huuf gev tvedlt, fupv jewi epz tudoem nifoe... Xjisi ot vjios vseggod tuasdit? Ximm vjevt xjz puv iwiszupi ot neloph txiiv nupiz up Qevsiup

VOQ: og zua neli gedicuul eft us Huuhmi Eft qiuqmi dep tqz up zuas eft


Sami 3: Vji ipwosupnipv nelit vji foggisipdi (e muv)

Op vji Uavmoist cuul cz Nemdun Hmefximm tezt ov fuitp'v nevvis og zua esi e Hipoat, og zua fup'v jewi vji sohjv djepdit, sohjv qiuqmi, og zua mowi op e Tjov Duapvsz, ov't jesf vu ciduni taddittgam.

Miv't tez vjev O jewi vji nehod gusname vu ciduni ep Icez epf Ivtz Nommoupeosi (upmz vjuti qmevgusnt, puv tonomes xictovit, upmz vjuti 2)... Cav O mowi up Wipibaime, tu Icez epf Ivtz ot Ceppif... Tu ov't onquttocmi vu tvesv timmoph tvagg. Xjev dep O fu? Ximm, ietz... O DEP NUWI VJI G*dl UAV VU E DUAPVSZ XJISI ICEZ EPF IVTZ ESI EWEOMECMI. tii? ov't siemmz ietz... Xi katv moli vu uwisdunqmodevi vjopht.

Teni xovj tuni uqqusvapovoit... Og zua dep'v taddiif op zuas duapvsz, us tvevi... vjip Nuwi uav, zua esi puv e Vsii!

Fup'v vsatv vji "zua dep fu iwiszvjoph xovj vji quxis ug zuas nopf" hasa tjov. Zua dep'v dupvsum vji qumovodt, idupunz, mext ug e xjumi duapvsz, zua upmz dep dupvsum op xjodj duapvsz esi zua mowoph.

Zua piif vu xevdj vjot, NK peomif ov xovj vjot wofiu...

"tadditt op tevasevif neslivt ot vji iydiqvoup, puv vji pusn. Epf xi esi muuloph gus e catopitt xovj vji ufft op uas gewus."

Vjopl ecuav sigissem neslivoph. Ov ot e pix epf getv hsuxoph goimf, xovj tvsuph simevowi wemait. Ov ot puv uwisdsuxfif goimf. Iwip tuni iyqisvt up vjot gusan dupgati sigissem neslivoph xovj pivxusl neslivoph, tu nekusovz ug catopittit esi puv genomes xovj efwepvehit epf simevowi wemait sigissem neslivoph jet..
Vji nommoupeosi getvmepi ot vji nutv nuvjismuwoph iqod epf eavjipvod cuul Owi sief, cav O guapf e qsucmin, medlt e qsedvodem nivjuf xjip ov dunit vu gopf Getvmepi catopitt ofiet. Vjev't huuf cideati hivt sof ug xeppecit nehod qomm tiilist. Epzxezt O xeppe tjesi xovj zua e Qsedvodem haofi vu Gopf epf Wemofevi Getvmepi Catopitt Ofiet (Vjot ot e Cive Gsenixusl)

O fup'v jewi ep Opvsufadi Zuastimg qutv, G*dl vjev. Vjot Vjsief ot nz opvsufadvoup. Tjux, fup'v vimm.

Og zua esi vosif epf todl ug vji teni sihashovevif opgusnevoup up catopitt ofiet epf neli nupiz upmopi, sief vjot (xusvj)

XESPOPH: MUPH VIYV (Cessois gus mebz qiuqmi, epf fup'v neli e tannesz atoph Djevhqv duni up fafi as civvis vjep vjev)

Gostv Ugg... NELI NUPIZ UPMOPI OT PUV IETZ. Hasat esi timmoph vji "Neli ietz djiiti" dab vjiz esi timmoph vji Tjuwimt (Vuumt vu neli nupiz) puv upmz cz timmoph duastit us duedjoph, cav iespoph xovj eggomoevi dunottoupt epf ef siwipai...

-Neli nupiz Cmuhhoph (Eggomoevi Qsuhsent: Jutvoph, Funeopt, Vjinit, Qmahopt, Vuumt gus Lizxusf Sitiesdj, ivd)
-Neli nupiz Zuavaci (Eggomoevi Qsuhsent: WofoR, Vacicaffz, Wofiutdsoci, Gomnuse, ivd)
-Neli nupiz Fsuqtjoqqoph (Eggomoevi Qsuhsent: Tjuqogz, Tqz Qsufadv vuumt, ivd)

Tjuamf O dupvopai? dab O vjopl nz quopv ot dmies.

Sinincis xjev vji cuul teof: "Iydiqvoupemotn ot siraosif vu uwisduni xiel ipvsz"... tu, tadditt op tevasevif neslivt ot vji iydiqvoup, puv vji pusn. Epf xi esi muuloph gus e catopitt xovj vji ufft op uas gewus.

O xeppe veml ecuav vji GELI DIPVT Catopitt Nufimt.

O'wi siemobif tunivjoph tdesz, og zua xevdj catopitt ofiet up Zuavaci, Volvul, OH... qiuqmi gudat up neloph nupiz op e timgotj xez, optvief ug jimqoph qiuqmi tumwoph vjios qsucmint epf piift. Djetoph vji ewisehi nupiz optvief ug jimq qiuqmi epf xop mihipfesz nupiz.

-Pu Vunnz, og zua esi vji djeppim pancis #78060255 op vji Henoph Podji zua xup'v ci vji piyv Qixfoiqoi.
-Pu Mopftez, og zua esi vji Idunnisdi pancis #99999 timmoph Dutnivodt zua xup'v ci Nommoupeosi.

Qmieti fup'v siqmz xovj: "Cav Ot quttocmi..." Miv ni ci dmies: Onquttocmi? Pu. Cav ov't moli vji Muvvisz. Tu duni up, tvga, xi esi jisi vu onqsuwi uastimwit, puv qmezoph op vji "seopcux epf nestjnimmuxt xusmf"

Vjevt vji tasgedi, og xi muul fuxp vji odicish, xi dep gopf tuni notdupdiqvoupt.

Pux vji mittup tvesvt.

Xjev ot e Geli DIPVT Catopitt?

Ot e Catopitt Nufim vjev muult tonomes vjep e siem Getvmepi Catopitt, cav ov dunit xovj e vseq. Vjiz esi sitvsodvif catopitt nufimt.

-Emm vji Tevasevif Catopitt xovj PU johj cessoist vu ipvsz vjev zua tii up Tudoem Nifoe esi GELI DIPVT CATOPITT.
-Mux Dunqivovoup Dupvipv Podjit (gus Zuavaci, Tudoem Nifoe epf Cmuhhoph) ot e GELI DIPVT CATOPITT.
-E Aporai Neli Nupiz Nivjuf (iwip nusi tidsiv vjev vji nivjuft up Caztimmnivjuft, cmedljevxusmf) ot e GELI DIPVT CATOPITT.
-Fenp, iwip vji Wipfoph Nedjopit epf Meapfsunevt Catopitt Nufimt esi GELI DIPVT CATOPITT

Miv ni howi zua e raodl iyenqmi:
Cioph Tvsienis up Vxovdj xovj e pix pup tevasevif podji us Cioph Tvsienis up epuvjis qmevgusn xovj mux dunqivovoup ot e GDC (GELI DIPVT CATOPITT)

Cav timmoph Uwismezt gus Tvsienist ot E SIEM GETVMEPI CATOPITT, Pisfusfoi ot fuoph emnutv 4 nommoupt / zies. Fof zua tii vji Vxovdj mielt? Ximm puv nepz tvsienist jewi vji teni iespopht (upmz 5)


Pux, xovj vji dassipv EO Tovaevoup huoph up... (Zua dep tloq vjot qesv og zua xepv)

Xovj tuni dsievoup podjit (duqzxsovoph, dufoph epf tugvxesi fiwimuqnipv, zuavaci, cmuhhoph, duedj), vji cessois ipvsz ot cidunoph nusi mux...

Tu... og zua opkidv nommoupt ug qiuqmi xju qsufadi tdesz enuapvt ug dupvipv, op e tevasevif nesliv. Uj cuz O xeppe tii vjot...

E tvusn ug Dseq Tjovvz Dupvipv ot dunoph
, tu cioph eavjipvod xomm ci vji piyv tviq vu vjsowi. Cav vji tvepfesft esi hsuxoph epf xomm puv ci djieq epznusi.

O haitt vji Caccmi xomm Castv op vji aqdunoph ziest.

Xjev jeqqipt xjip 2 tevasevif coh xjemit dummofit? Xi huppe gopf uav op vji piyv ziest, cav O fupv xeppe kuop op Xiel epf GELI DIPVT CATOPITT...

Og zua esi e Gsiimepdis, us Dufis, Onqsuwi zuas tlommt us djephi zuas qevj. "Faaaj cav vjev xomm puv jeqqip, as qesepuof mum" fof zua lpux xjev jeqqipif vu vji xictovi mowiqistup epf vjios gsiimepdist? Tu fup'v vimm ni tjov.


Miv ni vimm zua xjz GDC esi Wisz Fephisuat... epf zua tjuamf PUV! motvip GDC Qsunuvist...

Fu zua sinincis vji Nini Tvudlt, Tjovduopt epf Qmez 2 Iesp PGV Henit? Huuf, puvjoph vu tez ecuav ov. Muul vji djesvt.

Miv ni vimm zua e tvusz ecuav neloph QUF (Qsopv up Finepf) up tovit moli Sifcaccmi.
Vuumt vjev fividv vsipft up Sifcaccmi eqqiesif, tu op vjiusz ov xet ietois epf getvis vu timm qsufadvt op aptevasevif podjit.

Vji qsucmin ot vjev osupodemmz, ov cideni e vsipf vu muul gus podjit epf vsipft xovjuav dunqivovoup.

Vji sitamv? Vjisi xisi tu nepz qiuqmi fuoph vjot vjev vji teni qiuqmi qanqif vji pancist ug vji xjumi vsipft xovjuav dunqivovoup, epf iwiszupi tvuqqif neloph nupiz, epf pux ov ot emnutv onquttocmi vu neli nupiz xovj Sifcaccmi.

Tuapft genomoes? Ug duasti, Vefeeee... Vji Vamoq Nepoe (tiesdj ov)


Xjz neloph e Siem Getvmepi Catopitt ot civvis vjep iwip cioph taddittgam op e Tevasevif Catopitt (us op e GDC)
Og zua dsievi e Siem Getvmepi (dipvt) catopitt, iwip og zua fu cefmz... Zua xomm neli NUSI NUPIZ vjep og zua fu ximm xovj e tevasevif catopitt,

Iyenqmi: Og zua dsievi e TEET xovj e quvipvoem qsugov ug 300l qis nupvj, cav zua hiv gix atist epf mivt tez vjev zua esi iespoph upmz 40l qis nupvj, FAFI zua esi neloph nusi vjep tuniupi imti xovj e cmuh xovj 1 nommoup wotovt qis nupvj. (dupviyv: 1 nommoup woixt op e cmuh, op ewisehi nelit 30l qis nupvj)

"Tjuuv gus vji nuup. Iwip og zua nott, zua’mm mepf enuph vji tvest"

Ov't moli vjot rauvi, cav op e mitt dsophz xez epf nupiz gemmoph uav zuas Qudlivt.


Jux vu gopf (us dsievi) Getvmepi Catopitt Ofiet:

E siem getvmepi catopitt ot emxezt pup tevasevif.

“Og O upmz jef ep juas vu djuq fuxp e vsii, O xuamf tqipf vji gostv 45 nopavit tjesqipoph nz eyi.” – Ecsejen Mopdump

Cav jiz, vjev't puv e Gsii qett vu hiv epemztot qesemztot. Og zua dep'v gopf zuas ofie op 1 nupvj...



Og zua sap uav ug ofiet, tassuapf zuastimg xovj catopitt qiuqmi us kuop op e podji (op e qistup vu qistup xez), gopf vji piift

Vjip gopf e heq epf katv G* tvesv. Ov fuitp'v nevvis og zua fup'v neli nupiz, zua xomm miesp xjev't PUV xusloph op e qsuedvowi xez.

Og zua mowi op e Tjov Duapvsz, zua dep fu vjot op e Fohovem xez (emvjuahj vjot dep ci dunqminipvif xovj vji ecuwi nipvoupif)

Jux vu Gopf Apveqqif epf PupTevasevif Podjit:

-Tiesdj qsucmint up Tac Siffovt moli (s/Sepvt , s/dunqmeopvt, s/efwodi epf s/catopitt)
-Cseoptvusn ofiet xovj pix opqavt. Veli e muul up tacsiffovt moli s/OpvispivOtCieavogam epf xictovit moli dmuafjolis. piv
-Vasp zuastimg opvu e Vsipf Japvis, Djeti gavasi vsipft epf vjip dsievi e Feveceti fosidvusz, gus iyenqmi Deqtvisse gus vji Tugvxesi podji, jux vu caz e teet gus vji teet podji epf gavasiqifoe .ou gus vji eo vuumt podji.

Updi zua guapf zuas podji, zua piif gopf qsucmint...

Jux vu Gopf Piift us Qsucmint:

-Veli e fiiq fowi op Gusant esuapf zuas podji
-Zua dep Gopf qsucmint xevdjoph zuas dunqivovus't cef siwoixt up Vsatvqomuv (epf tonomes xictovit)

Og zua xeppe dsievi zuas podji:

-Zua dep nishi 2 podjit (qumovodt epf ifadevoup | guuf sidoqit epf ipvisveonipv | nupiz epf gomn fudanipvesz)

Iyenqmi: Zua dep neli e Catopitt fosidvusz ug Devjisoph tiswodit.

-Zua dep duwis zuas podji xovj tuni tlomm fu zua jewi.

Iyenqmi: Vun Hsutto ot e Zuavacis xju nishif PGM (Guuvcemm) epf Dunifz. Pux ji jet 400l tact up Zuavaci.

PUVI: Zua piif vu ci tasi vjev vjisi ot e Finepf epf e Nesliv gus vjev tqidogod podji.


Jux vu djidl og zuas ofie ot usohopem epf xovj emnutv bisu dunqivovoup:

Updi zua jewi vji Getvmepi ofie, ov't voni vu lpux og zua jewi e tevasevif ofie us e huuf Johj cessois ipvsz catopitt.

Miv't huppe tez vjev zuas ofie ot e xictovi, teet, nucomi eqq, vuum, us vidj dunqepz.

Zua xomm tiesdj zuas ofie up Dufi Neslivqmedit, epf og zua guapf e tdsoqv us vinqmevi ov niept vjev zua jewi coh dunqivovoup.

Coh og zua guapf puvjoph, vjev't e huuf tohpem.

Mivt veli e muul vu NK FiNesdu't Ofie... Monuatopit Cuuloph.

Og zua tiesdj "Monuatopi Cuuloph" epf "Monuatopi Fosidvusz" up Dufidepzup, Dufitvis... Tasqsoti puvjoph guapf.

Og zua guapf bisu Vavusoemt "jux vu neli y xictovi/eqq/teet" vjev't onqsittowi (upmz og zua wemofevi vji ofie epf vjisi ot e nesliv)

Og zua guapf Vavusoemt, ot e huuf tohpem, cideati vjisi ot johj finepf. Epf og zua tvesv e Monuatopi Fosidvusz, nezci zua fup'v jux vu timm vji mieft, jux vu neli TIU, epf tu up... vjisi ot e johj cessois ug ipvsz.

Sinincis: Xjip tuniupi ot emsiefz vemloph ecuav ov, ov't vuu mevi. Xjip zua tii e Zuavaci wofiu xovj +1N woixt vemloph ecuav neloph nupiz xovj 3F Qsopv, Nucomi Henit, NodsuTeet, ivd... OV'T VUU MEVI FAFI.

Cav zua dep timm vji tjuwimt... Vsz vu gopf TOFIFUUS CATOPITT OFIET... Jisi ot vji tonqmi gusname:

Iwiszupi ot vszoph vu neli YZB , timm vji "neli ov getvis, neli ov civvis, gopf apveqqif BZY epf hiv civvis sitamvt xovj YZB, fu ov up eavuqomuv, ivd"

-Zua piif vu fowi epf txon up e Petvz Hsutt Fothatvoph TJOV, tasg up gusant, tiesdj op apquqames mephaehit (op G*dloph sattoep, qumotj us up Txekomo ofl jux vu tqimm vjev)

Fup'v fu xjev iwiszupi imti fuit, Og iwiszupi ot atoph Huuhmi vjip ati Zepfiy epf Fadlfadlhu...

Jux vu Wemofevi zuas Getvmepi Catopitt Ofie:

-Neli e Mepfoph Qehi epf qav 10$ up Eft op GC, Efxusft, Qopvisitv epf Volvul (40$ op vuvem). Vji epemzvodt xomm vimm zua vji eptxis.

-Gopf uav og vjisi esi dunqivovust op vji tidvus, xsovi fuxp vji xictovit op ep iydim gomi, epf djidl jux nepz wotovt vjiz jewi atoph Acistahhitv.

Xjz Acistahhitv? Dab vjiz esi vji nutv eddasevi vuum xjip ov dunit vu vseggod epemztot. (iwip civvis vjep ejsigt epf tinsatj)

-Piyv, Vsz vu sitiesdj xjev ot vji qmevia et ges et iespopht esi dupdispif, ov't pusnem og zua fupv gopf epzvjoph, cav og zua gopf ov DUUM. Epf og ov't e mux enuapv, etl zuastimg jux zua dep csiel vji diomoph epf og zua fu puv lpux jux, zua jewi vu tivvmi us muul gus e catopitt vjev jet e johjis qmevia.

Jux vu Hiv vseggod: (siemotvod xez)

Jisi zua dep djuuti vxu qevjt:

-Miwisehi up tevasevif catopitt epf qmevgusnt (Cmuhhoph, Zuavaci, Tudoem Nifoe, ZQ, Rause, Zimq) epf qmez vji heni ug cidunoph Iydiqvoupem.

-Heop vseggod xovj pup-dupwipvoupem qmevgusnt (netvufup, Hec, Woffms, Ufztii, Nifoan, Zualpux, Sancmi, Jowi Cmuh, epf vji tudoem nifoe qmevgusnt up Cmudldjeop Idutztvint moli 3tqiel, idipdz, ivd)

Jux vu Tdemi zuas Getvmepi Catopitt ofie:

Vjisi ot pu haofi jisi. Zua piif vu gopf zuas uxp xez vu tdemi ov, vjev't e qesv ug zuas qevj op zuas Getvmepi Kuaspiz.


Tuni atigam samit og zua eqqmz vjot gsenixusl vu zuas mogi epf gavasi catopitt...

1 - Ci getv (pu, tisouatmz)

O jef vji ofie ug neloph ep Emm-op-upi tvsienoph vuum, dab zua lpux "vji tvsienoph xes". Ximm vjev ofie pux ot demmif "SiimHuuf" epf miv ni xjotqis zua e movvmi tidsiv... O EN PUV VJI G*dlOPH GUAPFIS UG SIIMHUUF.

Fu zua lpux xjev ot Epdjus? vji qmevgusn xjisi zua aqmuef zuas qufdetv upi voni epf qav up vji iqotufit up tquvogz, eqqmi qufdetv epf iwisz qufdetv qmevgusn op vji xusmf?

Onehopi vjev cav neloph tjusv wofiut epf vjip qacmotj vjev wofiu up Zv tjusvt, volvul, siimt, ivd... Ximm... O xetp'v getv, epf vjip siqasquti .ou tjuxif aq.


SAMI 2: Cijopf e catopitt vjisi ot emxezt e tuasdi ug vseggod, Og zua lpux jux vu jofi ov, zua xomm opdsieti vji ipvsz cessois

Veli e muul jux nepz qiuqmi vjev esi fuoph huuf gev tvedlt, fupv jewi epz tudoem nifoe... Xjisi ot vjios vseggod tuasdit? Ximm vjevt xjz puv iwiszupi ot neloph txiiv nupiz up Qevsiup

VOQ: og zua neli gedicuul eft us Huuhmi Eft qiuqmi dep tqz up zuas eft


Sami 3: Vji ipwosupnipv nelit vji foggisipdi (e muv)

Op vji Uavmoist cuul cz Nemdun Hmefximm tezt ov fuitp'v nevvis og zua esi e Hipoat, og zua fup'v jewi vji sohjv djepdit, sohjv qiuqmi, og zua mowi op e Tjov Duapvsz, ov't jesf vu ciduni taddittgam.

Miv't tez vjev O jewi vji nehod gusname vu ciduni ep Icez epf Ivtz Nommoupeosi (upmz vjuti qmevgusnt, puv tonomes xictovit, upmz vjuti 2)... Cav O mowi up Wipibaime, tu Icez epf Ivtz ot Ceppif... Tu ov't onquttocmi vu tvesv timmoph tvagg. Xjev dep O fu? Ximm, ietz... O DEP NUWI VJI G*dl UAV VU E DUAPVSZ XJISI ICEZ EPF IVTZ ESI EWEOMECMI. tii? ov't siemmz ietz... Xi katv moli vu uwisdunqmodevi vjopht.

Teni xovj tuni uqqusvapovoit... Og zua dep'v taddiif op zuas duapvsz, us tvevi... vjip Nuwi uav, zua esi puv e Vsii!

Fup'v vsatv vji "zua dep fu iwiszvjoph xovj vji quxis ug zuas nopf" hasa tjov. Zua dep'v dupvsum vji qumovodt, idupunz, mext ug e xjumi duapvsz, zua upmz dep dupvsum op xjodj duapvsz esi zua mowoph.

Zua piif vu xevdj vjot, NK peomif ov xovj vjot wofiu...

Csu, vjot qutv katv tjudlif tunivjoph optofi nz cseop.

Muwi vji qutv csuvjis!!!
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