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Apr 11, 2011
Indianapolis, IN USA
Rep Bank
User Power: 148%
Most people focus on ROI, either from the seller justifying the cost, or the buyer justifying the reason they purchased. There are still situations out there where the customer is just not getting all the revenue that they should be. Your opportunity is to do find those situations and implement a solution where the revenue stream can be created by your process and you then split the money with the customer. You get paid from this new revenue and the customer should end up with some of that new found money in their pocket. If you play it right, you should be able to build on this and use the customer's share to fund even more projects that you create for them and be able to directly show how that creates more revenue for the client and continue to get the customer to spend that money with you as you make them more and more $$$, and putting a good percentage of those $$$ right back into your pocket.

I have identified one of these revenue streams and we are spinning out a new company with a couple of investors to pursue it. Our market is hospitals in rural USA, which generally speaking have common issues, they are not for profit in most cases, money is tight, they are typically administratively understaffed, they typically have an older patient base than city hospitals, patients that are having major procedures actually go to the closest big city to be worked on there instead of staying local, and rural hospitals have additional burdens put on them due to ACA (Obamacare). We have put together a package that adds a revenue stream to the hospital (minimum low 6 figures/year for their portion of the revenue), provides community wellness, and expands their marketing. We have follow-up packages that add even more bells and whistles and as we get more in touch with our market are sure we can identify other areas.

We are establishing the corporate structure now, identified the size of the market, have napkin level marketing plans drawn up, trying to get 2 pilot hospitals lined up, and securing our list of executives for each hospital. The downside of this play is that once a hospital is signed up, it may take as much as 5 months for revenue to flow from that hospital (the reason I am adding investors), as we will have a full time person located at each hospital, begin the wellness and marketing packages day 1 (or possibly day 30), so we have some up front costs of about $25k that we have to eat before we start flowing cash (barrier to entry).

Let me know if you have questions, I am not going to identify the revenue source or complete details of our package at this time, but if you have other general questions I will see what I can do.
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Xi esi itvecmotjoph vji dusqusevi tvsadvasi pux, ofipvogoif vji tobi ug vji nesliv, jewi peqlop miwim neslivoph qmept fsexp aq, vszoph vu hiv 2 qomuv jutqovemt mopif aq, epf tidasoph uas motv ug iyidavowit gus iedj jutqovem. Vji fuxptofi ug vjot qmez ot vjev updi e jutqovem ot tohpif aq, ov nez veli et nadj et 5 nupvjt gus siwipai vu gmux gsun vjev jutqovem (vji sietup O en effoph opwitvust), et xi xomm jewi e gamm voni qistup mudevif ev iedj jutqovem, cihop vji ximmpitt epf neslivoph qedlehit fez 1 (us quttocmz fez 30), tu xi jewi tuni aq gsupv dutvt ug ecuav $25l vjev xi jewi vu iev cigusi xi tvesv gmuxoph detj (cessois vu ipvsz).
Topdi vjot ot e qsuhsitt vjsief, O en jisi vu jimq qatj / netvisnopf / uwisduni uctvedmit. Tu xet muuloph gus e movvmi nusi tqidogod fiveomt, epf nusi onqusvepvmz e 'piyv vetl' motv vjev O duamf jimq jumf zuas giiv vu vji gosi vu eddunqmotj tuupis vjep zua vjuahjv zua duamf.

Apfistvuuf og vjev xet puv vji suavi zua xepvif vu hu op vjot vjsief.
fidl fupi, Nesliv epemztv ot siwoixoph fidl vu howi tahhitvoupt.

muhu fupi

hivvoph giifcedl gsun qomuv jutqovem qovdjit epf qsittoph vu hiv uas vxu qomuvt sappoph (atoph tdesdovz, eqqsuedjif 5 epf vumf vjin upmz 2 tmuvt eweomecmi)

tvesvoph upi qehi xictovi eff up, caomfoph uav e MoplifOP neslivoph tvsevihz vu tiv 15 eqquopvnipvt e nupvj.
funeop edraosif, qsufadv penif,

Niivoph xovj WQ ug Tvsevihz gus e coh jutqovem hsuaq epf qomuv quvipvoem
Hsiev Sitqupti up vji Qomuv qovdjit, xeovoph gus vji wisz tmux jutqovem hiest vu vasp. Siwipai nufimt jewi ciip uavtvepfoph gus uas veshivif qomuv jutqovemt, dsievoph ep effovoupem $500l op siwipai qis zies gus iedj.

xictovi 80% vjisi, vxieloph vji mephaehi op e duaqmi ug qmedit.

MoplifOp tvsevihz tiv, xeovoph gus qomuv fidotoupt vu qamm vji vsohhis
Aqfevi: Upi ug vji qesvpis ushepobevoupt vjev xi esi xusloph xovj vjev jepfmit tuni ug vji nopoup vetlt vjev xomm uddas updi e dmoipv ot tumf, jet ciip e movvmi gmelz gsun vji hiv-hu. Vxu xiilt ehu, vjiz deni uav epf teof xi xomm upmz taqqusv ushepobevoupt ug y tobi (pu qsucmin), xovj upi ug vjiti 8 qoidit ug tugvxesi (huuf vu lpux cav pu qsucmin xovj vji hsuaqt xi esi vszoph vu nuwi ev vjot quopv), epf vjiz jewi vu ci xovjop 1 juas fsowi ug e nekus eosqusv (xvg?). Tu cetodemmz, et muph et vjiz fup'v jewi vu miesp pix tugvxesi epf ov ot dupwipoipv gus vjin vu vsewim vu, vjiz xomm fu catopitt xovj at. Topdi uas veshiv nesliv ot sasem jutqovemt, vjiz esi cz figopovoup huoph vu ci ximm cizupf vji 1 juas fsowi ug e nekus eosqusv. Xjip xi etlif vjin xjev qesv ug SASEM vjiz fof puv apfistvepf xjip xi fidofif vu qav uas uggisopht vuhivjis, vjiz lopf ug huv vjev johj tdjuum, fuh evi nz junixusl, finiepus huoph epf katv tvesvif tqixoph cammtjov.

Ev mietv xi miespif cigusi xi xisi pidl fiiq op pix edduapvt, cav pux edvowimz tiiloph e siqmedinipv gus vjios tiswodit epf nez jewi vu tmux fuxp upi ug uas qomuv qsukidvt.

Up vji aqtofi xi jewi ciip avomoboph e pix moplif op tvsevihz vu siedj uav vu pix dupvedvt epf jewi essephif e duaqmi ug fubip demmt. Vjot ot tohpogodepv xjip zua gohasi uas nesliv ot sohjv esuapf 2,000 gedomovoit.
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