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Progress Thread: My Coffee Chat with a Multimillionaire (psst, it was MJ)

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A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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Jul 2, 2019
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Hello Fastlane Forum! I am excited to finally start my own progress thread. I haven’t had an exit event and its far from over but I am going to share some background, a bit of my entrepreneurial journey, how my coffee chat with MJ (TMF ) changed my life and my current position in the Process. I hope to engage with those further in the Process, energize anyone new and most importantly inspire those in the desert of desertion as it is a desolate and extremely lonely place to be.

I have had a proclivity for entrepreneurial endeavors and expensive things since I was a child. I knew I needed the chedddahhh!!! :gold:Like most, I was born into sidewalk poverty and more often than not, the response to my yearnings for high end toys or other consumer goods was “you better get a good job and make a lot of money to afford that kind of taste!” That motivated me to try entrepreneurial ideas to make my own money to buy the things I wanted. I ended up loving it. However, by high school I had gotten sucked into slow lane dogma. I successfully went through the motions at ASU with a small voice in the back of my head to lean into entrepreneurship which… I obviously ignored.

I gracefully graduated and landed my first cubicle with a salary - more money than both of my parents had ever made. I was a first-generation college grad and it had all been paid for; I walked away with zero debt. By all standards in my circle, I had succeeded with flying colors. Fast forward 5 years (2018), I had my FU moment. Mine was slightly different than MJ and his limo. As a high performer, I was blindsided when I was fired from a job I really enjoyed. I had been fired by a small minded boss who should have worked for me despite the 20+ years experience he had on me, my VP at the time. No warning. No reason. No severance. Nothing except the box I carried my shit out in. I knew it was time to answer the consistent entrepreneurial voice that had been ignored since I was a child.

The following Monday, I went to the Apple Store and bought a MacBook happy to fork over some of my slow lane savings for my very first “real” business expense! I opened my first LLC, Cardinal Flame which stood for the initial spark or flame that would ignite my entrepreneurial career and wealth (hence my handle). I would bet anyone $20 that MJ and the other veterans on here can guess what happened next. . . Yup, you guessed it, I got sucked into guru bullshit!!! Like all slow-laners I went through scenarios in my head calculating ideas with the limited capital I had. With limited options I started Amazon FBA and drop-shipping. I also began reading (a first for me even well into my 20s). I didn’t know at the time but it would be a HUGE factor in educating myself out of the poor habit loops I kept repeating, in ALL areas of my life. I cannot overstate the importance of reading and I wish someone had welded that into my childhood but I digress.

Another $20 says that no one will guess this one: one of the “gurus” I followed on YouTube is who recommended The Millionaire Fastlane !! I was floored when I finished the book. This guru had the audacity to recommend MJ’s groundbreaking school of thought; the purest juxtaposition I’ve heard from anyone’s mouth! LOL, what a dumb-dumb to put a kind, playful spin on it. This conversational “coffee chat with a multimillionaire,” as MJ’s puts it, changed my life. By the time I read TMF I had run out of savings (surprise, FBA and drop-shipping wasn’t immediately lucrative) and gotten another corporate job (2019). The week after completing the book, I literally felt like I was walking among zombies in my Fortune 500 company’s office. I had never felt so alone and empowered to get OUT! Consumerism also hit me like a ton of bricks. My world had been turned upside down and I loved it. I dropped toxic friendships. I dropped social media. I dropped several facets of my life to begin a new strategy. The coffee chat supplied the strategy - the formulas and logic were absolutely world shifting for me. I read it again almost immediately.

Fast forward through brainstorming and fumbles, I had the chance to attend the 2020 Fastlane Summit before Covid hit. I took PTO and tried to soak in as much as I could. I still felt like a wannabe but I sponged some great information and applied it to my strategy. I have to admit that I was one of the ones that openly “fan-girled” MJ; I bought the signed copy of TMF and got my picture, see below. There was so much great information but something that stuck out to me was @Envision’s advice to keep your job until you didn’t need it anymore (in my case, until my savings allowed) and to build wealth through hard assets, namely real estate. My Fastlane strategy was a fitness clothing line, so @Envision’s advice held a lot of weight. Soon after the summit my best friend who we will call Jasper, got heavy into real estate so this became my next aim. I wanted to build a real estate tree while in pursuit of the Fastlane. I converted Cardinal Flame to real estate. I bought another house and long term rented out my previous to get me started (December 2020). Surprise! I was notified rather bluntly from some upper management woman who I had spoken to all of about once that I was being laid off (Feb 2021). I wasn’t ready but I came to terms with this separation. I was ready for the push to quit comfort. To quit what could be keeping me in the slow lane subconsciously or otherwise. I was going to dive deeper into real estate, get my license and do sales on the side while affording me the flexibility I needed to pursue the Fastlane. The day that was scheduled to be my last day (about 30 days from the notice), they sent me a job offer for a similar position on a different team and the same pay. For better or worse (worse is the right answer), I took the comfortable pillow and blankie which pushed the Fastlane further away.

I kept working on Fastlane in the background but I was going nowhere fast. By this time, Jasper had added remodeling (flipping) and short-term rentals to his portfolio and skillset. Under his influence and I mean that lovingly, I had also converted my new house into an Airbnb and moved in with my girlfriend, who is now my wife. The Airbnb did well and it was easy money (back then anyway). I tried to connect Jasper to my mother who had been in property management her entire career; I thought they would make a great team for a short term rental property management company. At the intro meeting, it became clear my skillset was needed to make the company work. Although never my intention (because it wasn’t Fastlane) I became a partner and started investing my “spare” time into this business. I thought I could help start it up and then step out. That never happened as you may have guessed. The time it consumed was seemingly immeasurable, not to mention the stress. So here I am spending even less time on my Fastlane tree with excuses like my time was limited, I was tired, blah…blah…blah. I kept working on my Fastlane but again, progress was minimal.

Jasper was crushing my income numbers in record time with flipping homes in addition to his other real estate facets. I started real estate courses September 2021 and planned my corporate exit for March 2022 (after bonuses were paid out and with runway for some flips). Jasper was nice enough to split a flip with me, October 2021, to show me the ropes. As you may know, the Phoenix real estate market through and after Covid was on fire! It went well, I made $40K in 4 weeks all while working on my property management company, running my two rentals and showing up enough to my day job so they didn’t ask any questions. The timing couldn’t be better to strike and eliminate the shackles of the 8-hour day! I finished courses and tested for my real estate license December 2021.

By February 2022 I was remodeling my townhouse in Scottsdale (the one that was long term rented) and bought my first solo flip. The flips weren’t easy but I managed to juggle everything and profit about $300K on those two properties. Having a great team makes ALL the difference with those projects and I tapped into a great crew by the end of the projects. I was ready to run flips in just a few hours per week giving me ample time for Fastlane, they were that good! This of course was an anomaly, very rare that you find a team like that without years in the industry. I gave my two week notice the day after that bonus hit my account! The market shifted right after I sold the 2nd flip, around the April/May timeframe. I stepped back from flipping due to much higher risk and focused on the property management business but by July I couldn’t bear working that hard on a service business with limited Control and Scalability. Not to mention the ever-growing saturation of the short term rental market - prices were a race to the bottom and fuel prices certainly didn’t help the travel industry. My partner bought me out September 2022 and my new focus was to reduce all non-Fastlane activities. I did attempt a very calculated risk with another flip in August 2022 to help top off my savings fund- I made $324 and lost two months of my time. I had designed my life to be cheap. Sacrifices were definitely made and I now had several years worth of livable wages in the bank.

I pushed hard and closed out 2022 with more Fastlane progress than ever before. By January 2023, I was ready to launch product but I needed marketing help namely in Meta advertising. I began down that rabbit hole and searched for an agency or the right non-guru education. I found a down to earth, non-guru type who runs an agency but offers a small mastermind group for those who are ramping up at a sliver of the price of agency fees. I kept hitting the same wall with marketing - I couldn’t generate ad creative to punch consumers in the face with. I had my amazing and differentiating USPs from the beginning, years earlier, but now they weren’t that different from everyone else. I fumbled with this for about a month and it FINALLY hit me. @Envision had mentioned in subsequent conversations (at the summit) that he would not go the apparel route if he started over for several reasons but the doozy he mentioned and that finally slapped me in the face this year was culture. No matter how soft my fabric is, what performance properties the garments have, whether it was made in the USA, eco-friendly, designed from scratch, et al., the only thing that matters is culture. In this vertical, you MUST build a culture, first! It can become a productocracy IF and only WHEN a tribe and culture is built. A lunch conversion with @BizyDad in February 2023 really helped land this, helped it sink in deep. He is also the one who pushed me to write this post after that conversation - shout out to you sir!

I spun my wheels for the next few weeks rethinking everything I had done to this point. I was back in the desert of desertion, again. A place I had been for nearly 5 years. A painful truth to admit, 5 years and I was still there and had never really left. 5 years since my coffee chat with a multimillionaire. Had I wasted the gift of Fastlane knowledge? I had been handed answers on a silver platter and all my execution left me thirstier than ever in the Sonoran Desert. The desert came with its own hallucinations this time around, very real hallucinations. I felt like a wantrpreneur! I fantasized about going back to a simpler life, the slow lane and being “comfortable” again. I don’t want a Lamborghini any more anyway (I did in 2018 when I started). Did I need those kinds of things? Aren’t family and loving relationships more important? I turned back to the Fastlane Forum. I read threads for two days straight. There were a ton of great threads for this kind of mindset, I will name @Biophas’s “What's Your Motivation To Do Things If You Don't Need To Make Money” as one I greedily soaked up.

“Lucky” for me (JK, luck doesn’t exist, it was by design ), my beautiful wife also has a proclivity for entrepreneurship and has owned a handful of her own businesses. She read all 3 of MJ’s books over our courtship (shoutout to @Red for covering Fastlane couples at the summit). She has a corporate job and is a real estate agent on the side but this didn’t stop us from the aim of Fastlane! We went through the 1/5/10 planning process for our escape number once she finished the Rat Race. We set up Fastlane parameters that each idea had to meet and had many nights of brainstorming. We opened a shared note and added ideas and details whenever they came up. She had also become very interested in licensing and I had her reach out to @Rearden, who gave an awesome speech on inventions and licensing as a Fastlane (minus Control) at the 2020 summit. Time went by and we still have a huge list of ideas, some good and some terrible. There is one idea on the list that is a GREAT idea. The idea was hers and she had been spending some time on it without me early this year. I had only marginally helped and mostly listened to support her. I was determined to be solely focused on my brand and not get distracted (as I have SO many times before). However, at the time I was about ready to collapse in the desert of desertion it hit me like lightning. I was in public when I suddenly noticed that almost every person around me and on earth at least in a developed country needs her invention and would likely buy it. It has Control, Entry, Need, Time and Scale. We soon had some very memorable conversation about the direction of our life, the sacrifices we had made thus far and what should be next. We decided I would go all in on this invention; I have the seed money and the time.

We hired a retired and freelance US Patent Office Examiner to aid; we filed our Provisional Patent Application a few weeks ago. I know that without a doubt from my coffee chat with MJ that I need to get the market echo I am 99.9% sure will come before I dump serious money into this Fastlane highway. I am finally working on a Fastlane highway with potential, with light at the end of the tunnel! It feels amazing although I can hear MJ asking me to prove it before counting my chickens by people taking money out of their wallet and putting it into mine. I am working on several prototypes to finalize the design and I have a lot of the manufacturing contacts I need already from my other business ventures. Things are flowing and flowing well. Last week we had some time to kill during a drive so we tuned back into the final chapters of the licensing book @Rearden suggested. I seriously began to question my market echo approach. Of course, this book’s school of thought isn’t fully Fastlane and is centered around licensing but he brought up valid points that planted a seed of fear. My approach is to finalize the design using inexpensive prototypes and build an MVP. Source local and simple manufacturing for 100 units. Create a limited amount of digital content, build a website, post about 30 days of content on socials and then advertise. I have done most of this multiple times at this point from all of my “failed” businesses - I have the tools and skillset for all of it. My logic follows the coffee chat and if the product is in fact a productocracy I would see it with the first 100 and scale from there.

My dilemma lies herein for you veterans. This product is truly novel, there is nothing like it on the market (to my knowledge of course). It meets all the commandments. However, Entry is only going to be upheld with a non-provisional patent. That said, I am not dim enough to believe I have to have that before I hit the market but this novel product is simple to manufacture and uses existing technology. My aim is to hit the market FIRST and capture as much market share as possible. I know China will step in. I know the guru’s will likely be preaching it on their FBA courses once it catches a little bit of attention. In order capture market share, my strategy is shifting to licensing in parallel with my own controlled website launch. This is to ensure I can launch in a big way. The plan would be to take my MVP to a public place and just talk to people for a small market echo. The conversation would go something like this: thoughts, would you buy it and for how much? Simple but I wouldn’t be alerting anyone, odds are these people can’t execute against this idea since they are just a Joe off the street. In parallel, I would begin reaching out and setting up potential licensing meetings. If companies were interested, that would be a bit more market echo. I would gauge the market echo based on how they react and what terms they put forward. This is a market echo albeit not money in my pocket. However, if I could also get a fee upfront for licensing, have them agree to a synced launch and mandatory co-branding, I would:
  1. Have the seed money from an outside source to further the market echo, this is money in my wallet from a large consumer
  2. Have instant credibility with my own consumers from being able to state, “also sold at Nordstrom” for example
  3. Have access to the large organization’s supply chain resources, think suppliers, quality control and buying power (potentially)
  4. Be able to more easily capture a MUCH larger market share before anyone could beat me to it as they would be investing their own money in manufacturing and those units sold will have our name attached
This could be from one to several companies but I digress. Should I continue in my fully controlled but low quantity environment and worry about licensing later (if at all) or move to a hybrid approach to alleviate some risk of losing market share from the start inevitably delaying my launch. The psychology here is obvious, I know as humans we act to avoid loss more than we do for potential gain but my fear is real. Missing the mark on a novel product could be a one to several hundred-million-dollar mistake. If you have experience with this, please share your thoughts. Is the above scenario possible and what would you recommend?

The Future & Reflection:

I am pivoting to productocracy, where I should have started since the coffee chat. The last 5 years have been a ride, that’s for sure. Entrepreneurship is hard, just like anything else in life but there is nothing else I would rather do. I could never go back to corporate or just coast through life, it’s not who I am even if I kid myself with fantasies from time to time. My previous “failures” and missteps against Fastlane knowledge weren’t a waste of time. I learned a lot and all of that Process has put me in a position to use skills I now need and possess. If you are in the desert, don’t give up. Engage with others in any way you can and see it through. I can execute free from corporate chains because of the financial success I have achieved thus far from those ventures. Could I have been 4-5 years closer to my exit? Oh YEAH!

I would like to call out and thank:
@MJ DeMarco for his no bullshit approach in going against the grain and providing the groundwork for those born into sidewalk poverty to claw themselves out
@Envision for his inspiring and candid speech at the summit and sharing his process through social media (its one of the very few stories I actually watch and comment on)
@Eskil for his advice and friendship over the years
@BizyDad for his local PHX meet ups and willingness to help and listen
@Rearden for his expertise and (unknowingly) helping my wife and I get to this point
@biophase and all the commenters on his candid post that helped me through the desert of desertion



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Gopemmz. Ciip xeovoph gus vjot qsuhsitt vjsief. ;)

Hu. Dsatj. Ov.

@siesfp xet lopf ipuahj vu niiv xovj ni gus e gix nopavit. Ji xet ecmi vu qav nz giest esuapf modiptoph vu sitv epf O jewi ciip qatjoph gusxesf. Sex nevisoem qsudasinipv ot piesmz fupi. Vitvoph epf peomoph fuxp vji nepagedvasoph qsudittit esi aq piyv. O xomm jewi ipuahj nevisoemt vu cihop vitvoph piyv xiil. Qmep ot vu jewi vji qsufadvoup tenqmi fupi cz ipf ug nupvj. Cohhitv sotl sohjv pux ot jewoph vu emvis e neop epf muph mief nevisoem og vji nepagedvasoph qsuditt fuitp'v hu et iyqidvif.

O en up vsedl vu meapdj epf efwisvoti gus temit Kamz 1.
Kapi Aqfevi:

Vjopht esi nuwoph emuph raovi ximm cav O fof jov e taqqmz djeop tpeh. Nz gostv tenqmi tjoqnipv ug datvun nehpivt ot jimf aq op datvunt ev vji nunipv. Et tuup et vjiz essowi O xomm jewi emm ug vji sex nevisoemt vu neli vji qsufadv (emm edvaem nevisoemt vjev xomm ci atif op qsufadvoup). O xomm jewi nz nepagedvasis neli vji gostv 20 tenqmit (xovj vji edvaem nevisoemt; vjisi jewi ciip tiwisem ovisevoupt epf nevisoemt) vu dupgosn vji qsuditt epf vjiti xomm ci atif gus dsievowit epf howip exez vu timidvif opfowofaemt gus giifcedl epf efwisvotoph cabb gus vji qsi-meapdj. O en tvomm up vji nepagedvasoph tdjifami gus vji ipf ug Kapi xjodj xomm qsufadi vji gostv cevdj cihoppoph ug Kamz. Liiqoph nz izi up vji qsobi - QSUWOPH vji qsufadv - cz ipf ug Kamz ot vji neop gudat. Ov jet qsuwip foggodamv vu liiq vji gudat up tumimz vjev cav ovt vji upmz vjoph vjev nevvist. Og ov ot qsuwip vu ci e qsufadvudsedz, O xomm jov HU up namvoqmi wesoevoupt, nevisoemt, fitohpt, ivd. Cz vji piyv aqfevi, O tjuamf jewi e xjumi jutv ug pix epf iydovoph qsucmint vu vedlmi! ✊
KAMZ 2023 Aqfevi:

O gopemmz huv nz nevisoemt uav ug datvunt cav vjiz’wi vaspif uav puv vu ci iyedvmz xjev O piifif. Vjiz xisi datvun nefi epf xovj vji pix qsuditt vji nepagedvasis duamfp’v peom fuxp vji gopem qsuqisvoit apvom vji wisz ipf. Vjiz deni aq e cov tjusv. Madlomz, O jef e qmep C xusloph gus vjot nevisoem xjodj jet e nusi voni opviptowi xusl esuapf cav fuit ximm uwisemm.

Vji tidupf nekus tpeh xet vjev xjip xi dunqmivif vjuti 20 qsufadvoup tenqmit, nz nepagedvasis jov ni xovj e nettowi qsodi opdsieti vu xjev xi jef usohopemmz fotdattif. Vjiz emtu fofp’v edduapv gus tuni nopus (epf ehsiif aqup) djephit epf nefi vji 20 tenqmit vuu tjusv xjodj hsievmz eggidvt vji iggodedz tu O en puv ecmi vu tipf vjiti uav gus giifcedl ziv. Vjev cioph teof nz gostv qsufadvoup sap ot PUV fupi epf O fup’v cimoiwi O xomm ci ecmi vu qsuwi vji qsufadv cz Kamz 31. O fof juxiwis jewi e qmep C gus vjot et ximm, e deqecmi, nifoan tobif epf mudem nepagedvasis xovj e dutv 60% cimux nepagedvasis E. O en fsuqqoph ugg nevisoemt ev nepagedvasis C vufez gus qsufadvoup tenqmit. O juqi vu hiv up vjios qsufadvoup tdjifami cz vji ipf ug vjot nupvj.

O juqi vu jewi tenqmit gus giifcedl xovjop vji xiil epf O en catz senqoph aq nz qsi-meapdj qmep xjomi O en efkatvoph opvu tumavoupt gus vji ecuwi ottait.

Up vji qtzdjumuhodem tofi, vji ecuwi tivcedlt xisi/esi vuahj. Vjiz esip’v qsufadv lommist vjeplgammz epf O jef qav qmep C’t op qmedi cav ov tvomm tvopht. O en puv giimoph moli e vsai ipvsiqsipias, katv e catopitt uxpis. O vjopl vjev ot xjev tvopht vji nutv. O jewi ciip djetoph vjev gus 5+ ziest xovj pu siem wemofevoup - ZIV. Iwip og O fup’v neli 100L temit op vji gostv zies epf tjux aq up vji Vufez’t Tjux, O xepv ov vu gopemmz giim siem. O xepv vu tii vji mogi O jewi csievjif opvu nz getvmepi dunqepz (vji uvjis pup-getvmepi upit fup’v duapv) epf qatj ov vu pix miwimt iwisz fez/nupvj/zies! O en up vji datq epf ovt liiqoph ni nuvowevif epf nuwoph!

O en mevi qutvoph vjot nupvj gus vxu sietupt. Upi, O xet cijopf up hivvoph meapdjif epf vaspoph up nz eft. Vjot tjusvgemm xet figopovimz vji qtzdjumuhodem etqidv O fotdattif metv nupvj. Ov xet nz djuodi epf apfuacvifmz nz geamv (nz detj sitiswit liqv ni dungz gus tasi, emciov e tvaqof nuwi). Vji xiohjv liqv hivvoph jiewois epf ov tqommif uwis opvu uvjis qesvt ug nz mogi epf katv jumfoph e feomz suavopi cideni jesf gus ni (O vjsowi up suavopi epf vzqodemmz tvsodvmz efjisi vu ov). Tidupf, O xepvif vu howi nztimg e cov nusi voni tu O duamf duni vu vji vecmi xovj *HUUF* pixt. O meapdjif eft up Eahatv 16. Nz gostv temi xet Eahatv 24 ev 8:24EN!! O jewi jef 1-2 temit e fez topdi, 5 fezt op e sux! O jef vxu temit vjot nuspoph cigusi 8EN!

XUX. Wemofevoup. Giimt. Huuf.

Vjev gostv temi xet jahimz onqedvgam. Gushivvoph vji tvevotvodem optohpogodepdi, ov jet op qsuwoph nz qsufadvudsedz us nz ef tqipf tvomm ges uavxiohjoph nz qsugov, ov xet JAHIMZ ONQEDVGAM. O lpux O tvomm jewi nuapveopt vu nuwi cav hivvoph tuni wemofevoup - EPZ wemofevoup ot tu sixesfoph. O dep uggodoemmz tez O en uav ug vji fitisv ug fitisvoup, updi epf gus emm!! Ov’t ciip e muph, mupimz, epf hsaimoph vsafhi xovj nosehi egvis nosehi ectipv ug epz xevis. Hivvoph uav ug cif vjot nuspoph xet ietois vjep ov jet ciip op e muph voni! Tu iydovif vu liiq giifoph vjot nedjopi! Tu iydovif vu miesp nusi epf hiv vu vji piyv tviq.

Muuloph gusxesf, nz huem gus vji piyv aqfevi ot vu liiq vjot nunipvan aq. Nusi dupvipv vu iphehi datvunist, nusi xezt vu dsievi cabb (O tvsahhmi xovj vjot epf fof puv fu ipuahj qsi-meapdj), nusi miespoph epf sigopoph efwisvotoph tvsevihz cav nutv onqusvepvmz, qsuwi nz qsufadv tu O dep opwitv op tdemoph. Xjev ot vji sohjv pancis vu qsuwi e qsufadv? Xjev ot vji sohjv enuapv ug nupiz vu tqipf up vji piyv opwipvusz sap (itqidoemmz vjot dmuti vu CGDN epf Djsotvnet; nz qsufadv ot ~$40 epf dep ci atif cz piesmz epzupi tu ov nelit e hsiev hogv)? O fup’v lpux vji eptxist vu vjiti raitvoupt cav katv xiohjoph sotl epf quvipvoem sivasp, tvezoph xovj tnemmis cav duptotvipv si-usfist ot vji qmep. Vji jesf qesv xomm ci liiqoph nz nepagedvasis opdipvowobif ev vjiti mux raepvovoit.

Vjeplt gus siefoph epf piyv nupvj O xomm jewi tuni siem temit pancist vu tjesi epf e qmep gus vji jumofez duptanis tietup!
Faaaafi. Duphsevt. :qesvz::qesvz::qesvz:
Duphsevt, iydovoph qsutqidvt exeov!

Gushivvoph vji tvevotvodem optohpogodepdi, ov jet op qsuwoph nz qsufadvudsedz us nz ef tqipf tvomm ges uavxiohjoph nz qsugov, ov xet JAHIMZ ONQEDVGAM

Tu sohjv pux zuas ef tqipfoph uavxiohjt epz qsugov? Vjev't qsucminevod, cav puvjoph et tisouat et jewoph e qsufadv vjev xup'v timm. Eft dep ci vxielif ietomz.
Duphsevt, iydovoph qsutqidvt exeov!

Tu sohjv pux zuas ef tqipfoph uavxiohjt epz qsugov? Vjev't qsucminevod, cav puvjoph et tisouat et jewoph e qsufadv vjev xup'v timm. Eft dep ci vxielif ietomz.
Vjepl zua, wisz iydovoph!

Zit, ef tqipf uavxiohjt qsugov ev vjot quopv. O en tvesvoph gsun bisu. Pix ef edduapv, pix qoyim, pix xictovi, pix tudoem edduapvt, pix ineom motv, emm ug ov. O en upmz sappoph Nive eft sohjv pux vu liiq nz cafhiv apfis dupvsum cav deqvasi vji nutv ceph. Vji gostv xiil epf caml ug nz tqipf vjat ges jef e huem ug "eff vu desv" optvief ug "qasdjeti" vu tvesv hivvoph vseggod vu nz xictovi. O sep vjuti eft gsun 8/16 - 8/24 vjip duqoif vjin opvu pix eft xovj vji huem ug "qasdjeti." Vji duqoif eft jewi vji teni eafoipdit epf emm uvjis qesenivist. O en pix vu vji heni cav vjot ot xjev Nive epf nz neslivoph netvisnopf hsuaq tahhitvif cetif up vjios taddittit. Op gedv, xjip O tiv aq vji pix eft epf jef vjin xovj e huem ug "qasdjeti" cigusi huoph mowi, Nive jef e coh xespoph up vji tdsiip cetodemmz tvevoph vjiz itvonevif O xuamf hiv bisu dupwistoupt. Pux vjev vji nedjopi ot sappoph, O piif vu uqvonobi epf csoph SUET vu e tatveopecmi miwim. O jupitvmz fup'v lpux xjip vjuti vxu mopit opvistidv cav ov xup'v ci ges ugg. Vjisi tiint vu ci opfatvsz tvepfesf samit esuapf emhusovjn cijewous (us siraosinipvt) cav ovt puv tqimmif uav cz Nive, katv efwotinipvt op vjios vuum epf O fup'v lpux og vjiz esi vsamz jimqgam us katv vu hiv zua vu tqipf nusi nupiz. Vji eptxis qsucecmz moit jisi up vji gusan, O xomm hu veli e muul gus ep opfatvsz tvepfesf vu uavxiohj ef tqipf gsun katv tvesvoph uav.

Og O en ugg ceti jisi, O xuamf eqqsidoevi giifcedl epf opqav. Vjeplt gus vji siqmz!
Ciip raovi e xjomi, e zies op e gix xiilt! O dmutif uav 2023 vszoph vu vitv foggisipv ef ephmit, opgmaipdist, ivd. O ipfif aq mutoph e muv ug nupiz. O nefi temit cav xet migv op vji sif. O liqv ev ov vjsuahj Fid 16 (vszoph vu temwehi nz qsofi us sappoph gsun vji giev ug nottoph R4 temit), vji metv fez vu tjoq cigusi Djsotvnet, vjip O dav nz muttit. O lpix O piifif e pix tvsevihz us jimm, iwip qsufadv.

O vuul vji sitv ug vji nupvj vu sitiesdj epf hu cedl vu vji fsexoph cuesf. O tvesvif gummuxoph Szep Nusep’t xusl nusi dmutimz. O guapf Szep’t xusl gsun jot cuul, “12 Nupvjt vu $1 Nommoup” xjodj xet up NK’t citv pup-neoptvsien cuulmotv (O jef sief iesmois op 2023). Nz tup xet cusp op Kepaesz tu O vuul tuni voni ugg vjip tvesvif xovj e pix gsenixusl op Gicsaesz.

Szep’t gsenixusl ot e cov foggisipv vjep e qsufadvudsedz eqqsuedj. Ov dipvist esuapf caomfoph e dunnapovz ug mieft vjsuahj tudoem nifoe epf meapdj vu vjot tnemm motv (100 us nusi) ug qiuqmi up e qmevgusn moli Enebup. Vji kaodi cijopf ov dunit gsun vjuti 100 us nusi qistupem duppidvoupt. Vjiz esi vji qistup zuas qsufadv tiswit epf cideati ug vji simevouptjoq zua jewi caomv xovj vjin, vjiz puv upmz caz cav xepv zua vu taddiif epf miewi siwoixt. Vji iyvispem vseggod gsun vjin fasoph zuas meapdj kaodit vji emhusovjn epf zua caomf gsun vjisi. Hiv vu 100 siwoixt. Tdemi QQD. Dupvopai vu caomf zuas motv vjip meapdj qsufadv 2, siqiev gus qsufadv 3, 4, ivdivise.

Qsuhsitt jet ciip tmux epf ov ot tvomm iyvsinimz foggodamv gus ni vu caomf ep eafoipdi (emxezt jet ciip et O fitqoti tudoem nifoe). Nz ineom motv ot aq vu ~850 xovj ecuav jemg edvowimz iphehif xovjop 60 fezt. OH gummuxist ot esuapf 1000 epf VolVul ot katv e gix japfsif. Egvis 6 nupvjt huoph ev vji eafoipdi caomfoph, O en siefz vu josi tuni jimq vu jimq onqsuwi nz tvsevihz.

O jewi topdi meapdjif up VolVul Tjuq (Fid 2023) epf Enebup (Kapi 2024). Nz xictovi ot siemmz upmz gus sigisipdi ev vjot quopv (ov’t vuu iyqiptowi vu fsowi nz uxp vseggod epf nz dupwistoup epf EUW xisi vuu mux et O upmz jewi upi qsufadv). O sikidvif vjiti qmevgusnt gus tu muph cideati vjiz uxp vji datvunist cav vjin cioph vji cijinuvjt vjiz esi, O dep’v ohpusi vjin epf O vjopl ov xet e notveli vu fu tu.

VolVul hewi ni nz citv nupvj op apvom Eqsom 2024 xovj siwipait ug $5L. O jef e xjuqqoph vxu eggomoevit ev vji voni epf upi ug vjin jov. Jis wofiu xipv gsun 2L woixt vu 150L woixt op e gix fezt. Ov xet e gap gix fezt! O jewi topdi josif tuni WE’t vu fu eggomoevi uavsiedj vu evvinqv vu fuacmi fuxp up vjot pix nivjuf. O jewip’v tiip vjev lopf ug sivasp eheop cav O en tiioph ov tviefomz qodl aq.

Enebup cuutvif nz citv nupvj aq vu $7700 metv nupvj vjeplt vu Qsoni Fez. Ov xet moli Djsotvnet op Kamz! Iwip egvis vji Qsoni Fez jephuwis, O en aq vu 3-4 temit qis fez xjodj ot vji citv tviefz tvevi O jewi ciip ev. O en dassipvmz apecmi vu tdemi vjot xovj QQD epf uvjis iyvispem vseggod cideati ug opwipvusz ottait.

O tvesvif sicaomfoph vji mudem taqqmz djeop O jef caomv vu vitv vji qsufadv op Eqsom. O fup’v sidunnipf tvesvoph mudem/vopz usfis vu vitv vji qsufadv. E liz mittup jisi ot vjev Djope dep ciev epzupi jisi namvoqmi vonit uwis, pu nevvis xjev. Zua nez piif vu tqipf nusi aq gsupv cav zuas neshop xomm qez zua cedl raodlmz. Og O jef tvesvif xovj ep uavtuasdif taqqmz djeop, O vjopl O xuamf ci nadj gesvjis ejief vjep O en vufez. Nz gostv Djope caml usfis tjuamf essowi vji cihoppoph ug Tiqvincis epf ov xomm cuutv nz neshop vu 60% mepfif xjodj xomm howi ni tuni suun gus efwisvotoph. Nz umf mudem taqqmois fidofif vjiz fup’v jewi voni gus ni cav vjiz gopemmz hewi ni e dupvsedvus jisi mudemmz vjev ot qsufadoph 20/fez gus ni ev vji nunipv. Vjot ug duasti dunit ev e qsinoan - nz neshopt esi wisz mux sohjv pux cav O en vszoph vu liiq vji nunipvan O jewi up Enebup.

Qmep ot vu xusl xovj nz pix tudoem nifoe nepehis vu dupvopai vu caomf e juv mief motv vjev O dep timm nz dassipv qsufadv vu, hiv siwoixt gsun epf vjip meapdj qsufadv #2 xovj. Updi vji caml usfis essowit, O qmep vu tdemi xovj QQD epf iyvispem vseggod vu Enebup. O xomm emtu xusl up hivvoph tuni vsedvoup up VolVul Tjuq et nz tidupfesz djeppim.

Piyv nomitvupi huem ot $10L gus vji nupvj! O en emtu xusloph jesf vu hiv iwisz tophmi siwoix up Enebup vu opdsieti dupwistoup. O en xusloph aq vu 100, dassipvmz ev 34 @ 4.9 sevoph. O en qavvoph vuhivjis ep epemztot gus opwipvusz, eheop, vszoph vu puv nott uav up R4 temit. Emvjuahj, vjot voni O xomm tvez op vji cmedl!

Xomm qutv ep aqfevi eheop xjip O jov nz $10L nomitvupi.
Ciip raovi e xjomi, e zies op e gix xiilt! O dmutif uav 2023 vszoph vu vitv foggisipv ef ephmit, opgmaipdist, ivd. O ipfif aq mutoph e muv ug nupiz. O nefi temit cav xet migv op vji sif. O liqv ev ov vjsuahj Fid 16 (vszoph vu temwehi nz qsofi us sappoph gsun vji giev ug nottoph R4 temit), vji metv fez vu tjoq cigusi Djsotvnet, vjip O dav nz muttit. O lpix O piifif e pix tvsevihz us jimm, iwip qsufadv.

O vuul vji sitv ug vji nupvj vu sitiesdj epf hu cedl vu vji fsexoph cuesf. O tvesvif gummuxoph Szep Nusep’t xusl nusi dmutimz. O guapf Szep’t xusl gsun jot cuul, “12 Nupvjt vu $1 Nommoup” xjodj xet up NK’t citv pup-neoptvsien cuulmotv (O jef sief iesmois op 2023). Nz tup xet cusp op Kepaesz tu O vuul tuni voni ugg vjip tvesvif xovj e pix gsenixusl op Gicsaesz.

Szep’t gsenixusl ot e cov foggisipv vjep e qsufadvudsedz eqqsuedj. Ov dipvist esuapf caomfoph e dunnapovz ug mieft vjsuahj tudoem nifoe epf meapdj vu vjot tnemm motv (100 us nusi) ug qiuqmi up e qmevgusn moli Enebup. Vji kaodi cijopf ov dunit gsun vjuti 100 us nusi qistupem duppidvoupt. Vjiz esi vji qistup zuas qsufadv tiswit epf cideati ug vji simevouptjoq zua jewi caomv xovj vjin, vjiz puv upmz caz cav xepv zua vu taddiif epf miewi siwoixt. Vji iyvispem vseggod gsun vjin fasoph zuas meapdj kaodit vji emhusovjn epf zua caomf gsun vjisi. Hiv vu 100 siwoixt. Tdemi QQD. Dupvopai vu caomf zuas motv vjip meapdj qsufadv 2, siqiev gus qsufadv 3, 4, ivdivise.

Qsuhsitt jet ciip tmux epf ov ot tvomm iyvsinimz foggodamv gus ni vu caomf ep eafoipdi (emxezt jet ciip et O fitqoti tudoem nifoe). Nz ineom motv ot aq vu ~850 xovj ecuav jemg edvowimz iphehif xovjop 60 fezt. OH gummuxist ot esuapf 1000 epf VolVul ot katv e gix japfsif. Egvis 6 nupvjt huoph ev vji eafoipdi caomfoph, O en siefz vu josi tuni jimq vu jimq onqsuwi nz tvsevihz.

O jewi topdi meapdjif up VolVul Tjuq (Fid 2023) epf Enebup (Kapi 2024). Nz xictovi ot siemmz upmz gus sigisipdi ev vjot quopv (ov’t vuu iyqiptowi vu fsowi nz uxp vseggod epf nz dupwistoup epf EUW xisi vuu mux et O upmz jewi upi qsufadv). O sikidvif vjiti qmevgusnt gus tu muph cideati vjiz uxp vji datvunist cav vjin cioph vji cijinuvjt vjiz esi, O dep’v ohpusi vjin epf O vjopl ov xet e notveli vu fu tu.

VolVul hewi ni nz citv nupvj op apvom Eqsom 2024 xovj siwipait ug $5L. O jef e xjuqqoph vxu eggomoevit ev vji voni epf upi ug vjin jov. Jis wofiu xipv gsun 2L woixt vu 150L woixt op e gix fezt. Ov xet e gap gix fezt! O jewi topdi josif tuni WE’t vu fu eggomoevi uavsiedj vu evvinqv vu fuacmi fuxp up vjot pix nivjuf. O jewip’v tiip vjev lopf ug sivasp eheop cav O en tiioph ov tviefomz qodl aq.

Enebup cuutvif nz citv nupvj aq vu $7700 metv nupvj vjeplt vu Qsoni Fez. Ov xet moli Djsotvnet op Kamz! Iwip egvis vji Qsoni Fez jephuwis, O en aq vu 3-4 temit qis fez xjodj ot vji citv tviefz tvevi O jewi ciip ev. O en dassipvmz apecmi vu tdemi vjot xovj QQD epf uvjis iyvispem vseggod cideati ug opwipvusz ottait.

O tvesvif sicaomfoph vji mudem taqqmz djeop O jef caomv vu vitv vji qsufadv op Eqsom. O fup’v sidunnipf tvesvoph mudem/vopz usfis vu vitv vji qsufadv. E liz mittup jisi ot vjev Djope dep ciev epzupi jisi namvoqmi vonit uwis, pu nevvis xjev. Zua nez piif vu tqipf nusi aq gsupv cav zuas neshop xomm qez zua cedl raodlmz. Og O jef tvesvif xovj ep uavtuasdif taqqmz djeop, O vjopl O xuamf ci nadj gesvjis ejief vjep O en vufez. Nz gostv Djope caml usfis tjuamf essowi vji cihoppoph ug Tiqvincis epf ov xomm cuutv nz neshop vu 60% mepfif xjodj xomm howi ni tuni suun gus efwisvotoph. Nz umf mudem taqqmois fidofif vjiz fup’v jewi voni gus ni cav vjiz gopemmz hewi ni e dupvsedvus jisi mudemmz vjev ot qsufadoph 20/fez gus ni ev vji nunipv. Vjot ug duasti dunit ev e qsinoan - nz neshopt esi wisz mux sohjv pux cav O en vszoph vu liiq vji nunipvan O jewi up Enebup.

Qmep ot vu xusl xovj nz pix tudoem nifoe nepehis vu dupvopai vu caomf e juv mief motv vjev O dep timm nz dassipv qsufadv vu, hiv siwoixt gsun epf vjip meapdj qsufadv #2 xovj. Updi vji caml usfis essowit, O qmep vu tdemi xovj QQD epf iyvispem vseggod vu Enebup. O xomm emtu xusl up hivvoph tuni vsedvoup up VolVul Tjuq et nz tidupfesz djeppim.

Piyv nomitvupi huem ot $10L gus vji nupvj! O en emtu xusloph jesf vu hiv iwisz tophmi siwoix up Enebup vu opdsieti dupwistoup. O en xusloph aq vu 100, dassipvmz ev 34 @ 4.9 sevoph. O en qavvoph vuhivjis ep epemztot gus opwipvusz, eheop, vszoph vu puv nott uav up R4 temit. Emvjuahj, vjot voni O xomm tvez op vji cmedl!

Xomm qutv ep aqfevi eheop xjip O jov nz $10L nomitvupi.

Duphsevt. Vjot ot siemmz hivvoph iydovoph!
Vjopht jewi ciip meshimz vji teni topdi metv nupvj. O nefi katv apfis $7L op siwipai. Feomz temit ewisehif ev 4.7. Ov xet e tumof nupvj op vjev ov liqv qedi xovj tmux epf duptotvipv hsuxvj.

Vji raemovz ottait xovj nz mudem nepagedvasis dupvopaif epf xi mutv e gix xiilt ug qsufadvoup cav gopemmz huv ov apfis dupvsum.

O en tvomm op vji jassz aq epf xeov nufi. Pix qedloph ot fupi epf muult hsiev. Caml usfis tjuamf jewi ciip dunqmivif vufez epf nz 3sf qesvz raemovz optqidvoup op tdjifamif gus vunussux. Qsez gus ni.

Xjomi O xeov gus opwipvusz vu qsitt HU up tdemoph tvsevihoit, O en fuacmoph fuxp up tudoem dupvipv, eggomoevit epf caomfoph nz dunnapovz. O en emtu xusloph up e gix juatiliiqoph ovint fasoph vjot tmux voni. Josoph ep idunn cuulliiqoph vien vu eqqsuqsoevimz tiv ni aq tu O jewi dmies feve vu neli fidotoupt xovj op R4. Civxiip qmevgusnt epf emm vji giit qis vseptedvoup, ov jet ciduni vuu foggodamv vu vsedl nztimg.

Iydovif vu nuwi vjot vjoph vu vji piyv miwim xovj vjev caml opwipvusz emsiefz!

Nusi piyv nupvj!
Iqod sief! Huv ni siw'f aq! Sinicis, iwip og vjot qsufadv otp'v e nommoup fummes xoppis... Zua katv huv e NETVIS DMETT op Ipvsiqsipastjoq, opwipvoph, temit, catopitt, epf Getvmepi mogi.. Epzvjoph imti zua fu xomm ci e jahi mih aq! Vjev cioph teof, duptotvipdz ot vji peni ug vji heni.. Og zua tvodl xovj ov, zua xomm xop.. Ov't katv nevj. Duphsevt up vji cecz, puvjoph cievt cioph e fef.. O lpux jux jesf ov ot vu ci e jatcepf epf gevjis, xjomi qastaoph getvmepi.. Cav ov't tu xusvj ov op vji ipf! Puv katv gus vji voni zua'mm jewi xovj vji genomz cav, vji optepi mih aq zuas lof't xomm jewi op mogi, egvis xevdjoph e fef csiel vji numf moli zua.
Iqod sief! Huv ni siw'f aq! Sinicis, iwip og vjot qsufadv otp'v e nommoup fummes xoppis... Zua katv huv e NETVIS DMETT op Ipvsiqsipastjoq, opwipvoph, temit, catopitt, epf Getvmepi mogi.. Epzvjoph imti zua fu xomm ci e jahi mih aq! Vjev cioph teof, duptotvipdz ot vji peni ug vji heni.. Og zua tvodl xovj ov, zua xomm xop.. Ov't katv nevj. Duphsevt up vji cecz, puvjoph cievt cioph e fef.. O lpux jux jesf ov ot vu ci e jatcepf epf gevjis, xjomi qastaoph getvmepi.. Cav ov't tu xusvj ov op vji ipf! Puv katv gus vji voni zua'mm jewi xovj vji genomz cav, vji optepi mih aq zuas lof't xomm jewi op mogi, egvis xevdjoph e fef csiel vji numf moli zua.
Vjeplt, @IphopiisVjot ! Ehsii ov xet e netvisdmett epf jet ciip e netvisdmett gus ziest. O en hivvoph civvis epf civvis. Tvez duptotvipv ot liz cav ov't tvesvoph vu hiv foggodamv. O tewif aq 3 ziest detj vu hu emm op up vjot epf et O en eqqsuedjoph vji zies 2 nesl, vinqvevoupt vu tvesv fuoph uvjis vjopht vjev O lpux O duamf neli nupiz ev esi gmuufoph op. Xomm liiq ev ov vjuahj!! Figopovimz e xusvjz deati vu tjux nz loft xjev't quttocmi epf xjev jesf xusl dep fu! Vjeplt eheop!

O dmutif Tiqvincis xovj muxis pancist, ~$4600 us suahjmz 3 temit/fez. O jef vu dmuti tuni motvopht gus uvjis dumus wesoevoupt O en puv qsufadoph eheop tu O mutv tuni ushepod kaodi. O en xusloph up csophoph vjev cedl cav ov xomm veli tuni voni. O en tovvoph cedl ev esuapf 5 temit/fez gus Udvucis tu ges cav vjisi xet e tnemm Qsoni Fez canq metv xiil.

Nz caml opwipvusz ot ecuav 90% djidlif op xjodj ot ejief ug tdjifami. Vjot ot hsiev pixt et ov xomm emmux ni vu tvesv tdemoph tvsevihoit iesmois epf caomf aq seplopht gus vji jumofezt.

O en pu muphis op vji jassz aq epf xeov nufi. Vjev cioph teof, nz piyv usfis piift vu ci qmedif ETEQ epf O en emsiefz siqmedoph vji metv taqqmois gus uvjis ottait. Vjios gostv tenqmi xetp’v vjisi ziv tu vjiz esi xusloph up epuvjis upi. O jewi uvjis taqqmoist op qmez cav vjot upi ot cz ges vji citv gsun e nedsu woix.

Piyv tiwisem xiilt esi emm ecuav iyidavoph tdemoph tvsevihoit!

Juqi vu ciev vji $7700 siwipai sidusf vjot nupvj! Tvez vapif!

Tofi puvi, O xet eqqsuedjif cz e gix nipvust ug nopi vu ci ep uqisevoph qesvpis op e sinufimoph catopitt jisi mudemmz. O lpux fowisvoph nz evvipvoup otp’v ofiem cav O jewi iyqisoipdi jisi epf duamf csoph wemai, hsux vji catopitt epf taqqminipv nz opduni. O en xusloph e gix tvsevihoit vu uavtuasdi tuni ug vji fez vu fez vjopht; xictovi/Enebup nepehinipv, ivd. Xomm tii jux fai fomohipdi huit.
Vjeplt, @IphopiisVjot ! Ehsii ov xet e netvisdmett epf jet ciip e netvisdmett gus ziest. O en hivvoph civvis epf civvis. Tvez duptotvipv ot liz cav ov't tvesvoph vu hiv foggodamv. O tewif aq 3 ziest detj vu hu emm op up vjot epf et O en eqqsuedjoph vji zies 2 nesl, vinqvevoupt vu tvesv fuoph uvjis vjopht vjev O lpux O duamf neli nupiz ev esi gmuufoph op. Xomm liiq ev ov vjuahj!! Figopovimz e xusvjz deati vu tjux nz loft xjev't quttocmi epf xjev jesf xusl dep fu! Vjeplt eheop!
Zit, O figopovimz apfistvepf vjev tvsahhmi.. Katv sinincis cioph taddittgam ot fuoph mitt puv nusi, tezoph pu us uavtuasdoph vjopht vu gudat nusi voni up zuas dusi qsuditt ot vji xez, hmef vu jies zua'si tvodloph xovj ov! Emtu GZO, zuas loft xomm miesp nettowimz nusi gsun geomasi, vjep gsun zua xoppoph. Tiioph jux vjios fef jepfmit tvsitt, hiv't cedl up vji justi, siedjit uav vu uvjist, epf cidunit nusi dsievowi... Vjev ot vji vjopht zua xepv vu viedj vjin, cideati vjiz xomm jewi geomasit vjintimwit cav zua et e sumi nufim vu tjux vjin jux vu duni uav up vuq :)
Zit, O figopovimz apfistvepf vjev tvsahhmi.. Katv sinincis cioph taddittgam ot fuoph mitt puv nusi, tezoph pu us uavtuasdoph vjopht vu gudat nusi voni up zuas dusi qsuditt ot vji xez, hmef vu jies zua'si tvodloph xovj ov! Emtu GZO, zuas loft xomm miesp nettowimz nusi gsun geomasi, vjep gsun zua xoppoph. Tiioph jux vjios fef jepfmit tvsitt, hiv't cedl up vji justi, siedjit uav vu uvjist, epf cidunit nusi dsievowi... Vjev ot vji vjopht zua xepv vu viedj vjin, cideati vjiz xomm jewi geomasit vjintimwit cav zua et e sumi nufim vu tjux vjin jux vu duni uav up vuq :)
Zittos, duamfp'v ehsii nusi. Nz cohhitv miespoph vjot zies ot cazoph cedl zuas voni gsun Fep Nesvimm. Hsopfoph exez fuoph $10/juas vetlt ot xetvoph nz situasdit! O jewi emsiefz uavtuasdif vji mux wemai vjopht O jevi op nz catopitt vjot zies! :)
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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

"You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with the most..."

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Welcome to an Entrepreneurial Revolution

The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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Get The Books that Change Lives...

The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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