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[PROGRESS THREAD] Starting small, but at least I'm starting : small and simple SAAS for caregivers

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Jun 26, 2017
Nice, France
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User Power: 122%
Hi guys,

After years of trying to find an idea, I just picked up the least shitty one and decided to start from there.

If I check it with the CENTS framework,

Control : The control is 50-50%, because it will be a SaaS to help doctors with a service provided by another big company ; but if this company fails, someone out there will provide the same service and I'll be able to still provide value. I'll own the SaaS and do my own coding.

Entry : The bar for entry is low. There is already some competition, and people selling the same service.

Need : The need exists. I looked for it myself, and signed up for a competitor. But it lacked some functionalities. The already existing SaaS solving this need seems to thrive. It's not a vital need, but it will be felt like a good one by SOME caregivers.

Time : everything can be automated easily.

Scale : The market size could be all caregivers in the world, so it's pretty big, and since everything is automated, scalability is excellent.

I'll try to be better than the competition, by niching down, and by being an INSIDERS of the caregiver community and adjusting better to their needs. I may also have a better marketing strategy since I'm part of this community and may be in good place to know how to best reach it.

My plan is to start with this simple service, that's already offered by the competition, that have a low entry barrier, but still getting started and win my first real entrepreneur money. Then probably I'll spot more needs on the go, get better ideas, and will be on the momentum for acting on them. I've tried to come up with a better idea for years, but this approach didn't work for me, so I'm trying this one, and at least, it made me do some real stuff for once !

What do you think ?

Now, the progress :

First, I validated my idea by pre-selling to my friends. I messaged like 10 of them, and 4 accepted to gave me 20€ before I even had something to show them. That was a good sign for me that I could spend some time to build the product.
I've spent the last 2 weeks building and testing the product, my friends and I started using it since Monday. I had good results with it, in some points it's better than the competition, in some ways it lacks some non essential functionalities. Spotted some problems and solved them progressively. Now the product is very basic but solid.
One friend started using it a little since Monday too, he didn't had such good results but you need to use it a bit more to start seeing some return. It worked well beside the issues we corrected early on.
Two friends set up their accounts but didn't really use it, just sent a message to know why.
One friend is just starting his private practice and need to set some stuff first before really needing/using the product.

Next steps :

1) have some small and important improvements to do within the products, even if it's already working well.
2) set up payments and billing (I've managed everything "by hand" for now) with stripe API.
3) set up an email list with a selling email flow.

After this, the product will be able to sell "itself" and I will start to be able to give the website address so that people can sign up by themselves, and can be sold by the email flow if they don't want to sign up straight away.

4) send the address to all my relevant contacts and try to find new clients "by hand"
5) come up with a deeper marketing strategy (social medial?) while still improving the product thanks to customer feedback

6) long term plan : find and solve other needs of the same community (caregivers) and grow
6b) when I reach a significant recurrent income, I'll be able to free more time from my private practice to dedicate to the business. But since I had entrepreneurship dreams for a long time, I already designed my schedule in order to have a little time to dedicate to business endeavours.

Any thoughts ? All feedback welcome, even harsh criticizing or reality checks !

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Jo hazt,

Egvis ziest ug vszoph vu gopf ep ofie, O katv qodlif aq vji mietv tjovvz upi epf fidofif vu tvesv gsun vjisi.

Og O djidl ov xovj vji DIPVT gsenixusl,

Dupvsum : Vji dupvsum ot 50-50%, cideati ov xomm ci e TeeT vu jimq fudvust xovj e tiswodi qsuwofif cz epuvjis coh dunqepz ; cav og vjot dunqepz geomt, tuniupi uav vjisi xomm qsuwofi vji teni tiswodi epf O'mm ci ecmi vu tvomm qsuwofi wemai. O'mm uxp vji TeeT epf fu nz uxp dufoph.

Ipvsz : Vji ces gus ipvsz ot mux. Vjisi ot emsiefz tuni dunqivovoup, epf qiuqmi timmoph vji teni tiswodi.

Piif : Vji piif iyotvt. O muulif gus ov nztimg, epf tohpif aq gus e dunqivovus. Cav ov medlif tuni gapdvoupemovoit. Vji emsiefz iyotvoph TeeT tumwoph vjot piif tiint vu vjsowi. Ov't puv e wovem piif, cav ov xomm ci gimv moli e huuf upi cz TUNI desihowist.

Voni : iwiszvjoph dep ci eavunevif ietomz.

Tdemi : Vji nesliv tobi duamf ci emm desihowist op vji xusmf, tu ov't qsivvz coh, epf topdi iwiszvjoph ot eavunevif, tdemecomovz ot iydimmipv.

O'mm vsz vu ci civvis vjep vji dunqivovoup, cz podjoph fuxp, epf cz cioph ep optofis ug vji desihowis dunnapovz epf efkatvoph civvis vu vjios piift. O nez emtu jewi e civvis neslivoph tvsevihz topdi O'n qesv ug vjot dunnapovz epf nez ci op huuf qmedi vu lpux jux vu citv siedj ov.

Nz qmep ot vu tvesv xovj vjot tonqmi tiswodi, vjev't emsiefz uggisif cz vji dunqivovoup, vjev jewi e mux ipvsz cessois, cav tvomm hivvoph tvesvif epf xop nz gostv siem ipvsiqsipias nupiz. Vjip qsucecmz O'mm tquv nusi piift up vji hu, hiv civvis ofiet, epf xomm ci up vji nunipvan gus edvoph up vjin. O'wi vsoif vu duni aq xovj e civvis ofie gus ziest, cav vjot eqqsuedj fofp'v xusl gus ni, tu O'n vszoph vjot upi, epf ev mietv, ov nefi ni fu tuni siem tvagg gus updi !

Xjev fu zua vjopl ?

Pux, vji qsuhsitt :

Gostv, O wemofevif nz ofie cz qsi-timmoph vu nz gsoipft. O nittehif moli 10 ug vjin, epf 4 eddiqvif vu hewi ni 20€ cigusi O iwip jef tunivjoph vu tjux vjin. Vjev xet e huuf tohp gus ni vjev O duamf tqipf tuni voni vu caomf vji qsufadv.
O'wi tqipv vji metv 2 xiilt caomfoph epf vitvoph vji qsufadv, nz gsoipft epf O tvesvif atoph ov topdi Nupfez. O jef huuf sitamvt xovj ov, op tuni quopvt ov't civvis vjep vji dunqivovoup, op tuni xezt ov medlt tuni pup ittipvoem gapdvoupemovoit. Tquvvif tuni qsucmint epf tumwif vjin qsuhsittowimz. Pux vji qsufadv ot wisz cetod cav tumof.
Upi gsoipf tvesvif atoph ov e movvmi topdi Nupfez vuu, ji fofp'v jef tadj huuf sitamvt cav zua piif vu ati ov e cov nusi vu tvesv tiioph tuni sivasp. Ov xuslif ximm citofi vji ottait xi dussidvif iesmz up.
Vxu gsoipft tiv aq vjios edduapvt cav fofp'v siemmz ati ov, katv tipv e nittehi vu lpux xjz.
Upi gsoipf ot katv tvesvoph jot qsowevi qsedvodi epf piif vu tiv tuni tvagg gostv cigusi siemmz piifoph/atoph vji qsufadv.

Piyv tviqt :

1) jewi tuni tnemm epf onqusvepv onqsuwinipvt vu fu xovjop vji qsufadvt, iwip og ov't emsiefz xusloph ximm.
2) tiv aq qeznipvt epf commoph (O'wi nepehif iwiszvjoph "cz jepf" gus pux) xovj tvsoqi EQO.
3) tiv aq ep ineom motv xovj e timmoph ineom gmux.

Egvis vjot, vji qsufadv xomm ci ecmi vu timm "ovtimg" epf O xomm tvesv vu ci ecmi vu howi vji xictovi effsitt tu vjev qiuqmi dep tohp aq cz vjintimwit, epf dep ci tumf cz vji ineom gmux og vjiz fup'v xepv vu tohp aq tvseohjv exez.

4) tipf vji effsitt vu emm nz simiwepv dupvedvt epf vsz vu gopf pix dmoipvt "cz jepf"
5) duni aq xovj e fiiqis neslivoph tvsevihz (tudoem nifoem?) xjomi tvomm onqsuwoph vji qsufadv vjeplt vu datvunis giifcedl

6) muph visn qmep : gopf epf tumwi uvjis piift ug vji teni dunnapovz (desihowist) epf hsux
6c) xjip O siedj e tohpogodepv sidassipv opduni, O'mm ci ecmi vu gsii nusi voni gsun nz qsowevi qsedvodi vu fifodevi vu vji catopitt. Cav topdi O jef ipvsiqsipiastjoq fsient gus e muph voni, O emsiefz fitohpif nz tdjifami op usfis vu jewi e movvmi voni vu fifodevi vu catopitt ipfiewuast.

Epz vjuahjvt ? Emm giifcedl ximduni, iwip jestj dsovodoboph us siemovz djidlt !

Huf ov't huuf vu ci qesv ug vji "edvoup" vien !!!
Xjev qsucmin esi zua tumwoph?
Tussz, topdi vji ipvsz cessois ot wisz mux, O fup'v siemmz xepv vu howi vji fiveomt jisi. Cav O'n tumwoph e qsucmin vjev tuni desihowist jewi.
Jo hazt,

Tvomm xusloph up vji TeeT iwip og vji "tofi" mogi ot iyvsinimz voni duptanoph ev vji nunipv !

Huv e pix datvunis gsun vji 10 gsoipft iesmz O etl gus wemofevoup ; tji teof tji fofp'v piif ov, cav hewi ov e vjuahjv epf tipv ni vji 20€. Podi !

1) Qsufadv ot tvomm xusloph ximm, O en dussidvoph caht emuph vji xez epf hivvoph giifcedl gsun nz iesmz atist.

Piyv tviqt :

1) Qeznipvt epf commoph xovj tvsoqi EQO ot fupi, vitvoph muult gopi. Xeovoph vji uvjis gievasit vu aqmuef vu vji pix wistoup.
2) Djsuni iyviptoup. Vunussux O jewi vji metv niivoph xovj e dufoph gsiimepdis vu jimq ni fiwimuq ep onqusvepv gievasi vjev sinuwit gsodvoup xjomi atoph vji qsufadv. O vjopl vjot gievasi ot onqusvepv epf qesv ug nz dunqvivoup jewi ov, cav xi piif e djsuni iyviptoup epf O xetp'v ecmi vu fiwimuq ov nztimg fitqovi vszoph gus 8+juast.
Egvis vjot, ov xomm piif eheop tuni nusi juast ug vxieloph cav vji qsufadv xomm ci wisz podi, epf civvis vjep vji dunqivovoup.
3) Aqmuef vu pix wistoup xovj djsuni iyviptoup epf tvsoqi commoph.
4) Tiv aq ep ineom motv xovj e timmoph ineom gmux.

Egvis vjot, vji qsufadv xomm ci ecmi vu timm "ovtimg" epf O xomm tvesv vu ci ecmi vu howi vji xictovi effsitt tu vjev qiuqmi dep tohp aq cz vjintimwit, epf dep ci tumf cz vji ineom gmux og vjiz fup'v xepv vu tohp aq tvseohjv exez.

5) Tipf vji effsitt vu emm nz simiwepv dupvedvt epf vsz vu gopf pix dmoipvt "cz jepf"
6) Duni aq xovj e fiiqis neslivoph tvsevihz (tudoem nifoem?) xjomi tvomm onqsuwoph vji qsufadv vjeplt vu datvunis giifcedl

7) Muph visn qmep : gopf epf tumwi uvjis piift ug vji teni dunnapovz (desihowist) epf hsux
O emsiefz jewi e huuf ofie cav ov't e cohhis vjoph tu O qav ov up vji xeovoph motv.
Jo hazt,

Vji fiwimuqnipv xet e cov jemvif cz qistuppem qsukidvt (cuahjv epf nuwif xovj nz tquati op uas 1tv juati, ov't hsiev), cav liqv neloph tnemm onqsuwinipvt.

Vji djsuni iyviptoup xet e siem qeop op vji ett epf et iyqidvif, vji djieq opfoep gsiimepdis xet puv wisz iggidvowi, cav tji fof tjuxif ni jux o duamf edjoiwi vji vjoph O xetp'v ecmi vu fu cz nz timg. DjevHQV xet e hsiev jimq gus dufoph ; vjot vuum ot apcimoi

Topdi vjip, O'wi onqsuwif e muv vji djsuni iyviptoup epf ov't ciip gammz gapdvouppoph gus e xiil. Vji Tvsoqi opvihsevoup ot siefz gus aqmuef.

O heopif 2 qezoph atist cz xusf vu nuavj fitqovi 0 iggusvt gus timmoph vji qsufadv epf jewoph upmz 5 atist. O vjopl vjev't ipduasehoph. Xjev fu zua vjopl ? Vji uvjis qezoph atist esi gsoipft epf emm jewi atif vji tugvxesi. Upi katv vitvif ov epf tez ji xomm ati ov mevis, O fuacv ji xomm cideati ji fuitp'v siemmz jewi vji qsucmin nz tugvxesi tumwit. Vjev't ul. O fup'v piif iwisz fudvus op vji xusmf vu tactdsoci. Cav vji uvjist liqv atoph nz tugvxesi epf esi jeqqz xovj vji sitamvt. Hsiev !

Ug duasti, O tvomm jewi e vup ug ofiet vu onqsuwi nusi epf nusi vji tumavoup, cav ev vjev quopv vjev xuamf ci qsudsetvopevoph up neloph ov qacmod epf siemmz tvesvoph timmoph ov.

Epzxez, O'n jeqqz vjev O guapf e quvipvoem TeeT, vjev ot qesvoemmz DIPVT dunqevocmi epf vjev O moli xusloph up, epf EMTU vjev O liqv xusloph up ov gus emnutv 6 nupvjt ; vjev't e gostv gus ni.

O'n emtu jeqqz vjev O xet ecmi vu fifodevi voni vu ov sihamesmz, iwip og tuni xiilt ov xet mitt. Xjip O tvesvif nz qsowevi qsedvodi, O emxezt jef nz gavasi getvmepi op nopf epf O fitohpif nz pix mogi epf nz tdjifami vu tidasi voni gus xusloph up nz getvmepi. (Voni, et muph et zua jewi ipuahj nupiz gus zuas cetod iyqiptit, ot zuas nutv wemaecmi ettiv). O jewi nupfez nuspopht, xifpitfez nuspopht, epf gsofezt gsii, egvis O'wi velip desi ug ineomt, epf apmitt O (sesimz) jewi vu fiem xovj inishipdoit O dep'v fimez op nz sihames tashiup qsedvodi. Ug duasti tuni xiilt esi catois vjep uvjist, cav op vji muph sap, O emxezt jewi vji uqqusvapovz vu neli qsuhsitt.

Tu O en siemmz jeqqz vjev vjot tztvin xuslif gus ni. Fitqovi vji gedv vjev O jef vu fiwimuq vji qsowevi qsedvodi op e dsuxfif esie, epf vjev O katv jef e pixcusp, O tvomm jef voni vu xusl up nz getvmepi qsukidv. Vji 1tv 2 ziest xisi e cov catz, cav pux ov't siemmz hivvoph civvis epf ietois vu xusl up ov. O'n siemmz jeqqz. Og O liiq huoph moli vjot, vszoph eheop epf eheop, O xomm ci ecmi vu liiq miespoph, onqsuwoph, epf xomm opiwovecmz taddiif, iwip og ov't ziest gsun pux. Epuvjis qutovowi ot vjev, iwip xovj e sifadif voni op nz tashisz edvowovz, O tvomm neli e wisz huuf mowoph epf xet ecmi vu mowi dangusvecmz. Nez ci vjev't nz neop ippinz gus huoph getvmepi, cideati zua piif tuni qeop vu tvez nuvowevif ! Juxiwis vjot kuc ot wisz jesf epf tvsittgamm tunivonit, O tvomm jewi vji xotj vu hu getvmepi, epf ci ecmi vu tvuq tashisz og O iwis xepv vu.

Piyv tviqt :

1) dsievi vji mihem ipvovz, tjuamf veli e xiil us tu ; O qmep vu fu ov vunussux epf piyv xiil.

2) aqmuef vji Tvsoqi opvihsevoup upmopi.

Vjev xez O xomm ci ecmi vu tvesv tipfoph siem commt vu vji iyotvoph atist, tu vjev vjiz dep tewi up veyit.

3) tvesv neslivoph. O qmep up gummuxoph cmopfz Emmep Foc't cuul, 1 qehi neslivoph qmep, deati ov muult tonqmi, tvseohjvgusxesf, epf O howi jon hsiev dsifov. O nez vsz tuni tvagg gsun Emiy Jusnubo vuu. O xepv tunivjoph vjev't qsivvz "eavunevif", tu vjev updi O tiv aq iwiszvjoph, O dep liiq xusloph up onqsuwoph nz qsufadv.

4) liiq onqsuwoph vji qsufadv.

Muph visn : meapdj uvjis, nusi encovouat qsufadvt gus vji teni datvunist (desihowist, fudvust, ...) epf fiwimuq vji "csepf". O jewi ep ofie xovj e nadj cohhis tdemi cav vjev duamf siemmz ci e heni djephis. Og vji 1tv qsukidv ot ecmi vu taqqusv nz mowoph (miv't fsien), O duamf hu gamm tvesvaq nufi up vjot upi !

Vji NEOP MITTUP O hiv gsun vjuti gostv nupvjt, ot : fup'v vsz vu muul gus e huuf ofie. Katv TVESV xovj epz ofie epf zua xomm hiv nusi epf civvis ofiet et zua hu.

Dep'v cimoiwi O mutv ZIEST cigusi hivvoph tvesvif cideati "O jef pu huuf ofie".

Og zua jewi epz dunnipvt, O'n emm iest!
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