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Ravens Guide to Leading With Ruthless Integrity

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Ravens Guide To Leading With Ruthless Integrity - PART 1

This is my guide to leading with ruthless integrity, or at least trying to persuade you to do so. Integrity is a lost art in business and not many founders today actually practice ruthless integrity. The word ruthless is used here on purpose and it's uncommon to see these two words beside each other. I'm here to tell you that you can be ruthless towards taking action and still have total integrity. It means doing whatever it takes to make things right when you inevitably mess up. It means setting aside your ego when the going gets tough.

Why do we have to ask for trustworthy mechanics or plumbers?

I’ve always found this to be a weird notion, that an individual or business performing a service may not be completely honest, truthful, or properly skilled in their area of labor. This dishonesty in business is so common, that almost everyone in need of a home service, first asks their network of friends and family “Who can I trust to do this job? Who do you recommend?”. Why the hell do we have to ask if a mechanic is trustworthy? Why is it so common for tradesmen to be conmen? Why as a society do we put up with such low integrity businesses pervading our communities?

I’m going to answer these questions with my theories on integrity in business, and tell you what it takes to run a business with ruthless integrity, the direct opposite of no integrity.


Before we continue our conversation about how to have integrity in business, we need to define integrity. The widely accepted answer to our question was written by C.S Lewis and he says: “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”

While I think this is a fantastic definition, integrity goes deeper than just doing the right thing, and I think that Brené Brown has a much better definition: “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”

The key thing here that I want to highlight because it’s important to business is “choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.” If you want to win in business, it is not enough to just say that you are a business of integrity and trustworthiness. You need to practice your values through solid action instead of just professing to your customers that you have those values.
Low integrity doesn’t just affect small town service businesses, it often graces the front pages of huge publications. Lets take a look at some major cases of low integrity:

Sam Bankman-Fried scamming people in the crypto space, and Elizabeth Holmes scamming investors with a blood testing product that never worked.


You know what these 2 have in common? They’re probably both pieces of shit, and they’re both in prison. There’s a running joke that if you look at the forbes 30 under 30 list you have a pretty good idea of who the nation's largest scammers are. Lets get into the meat of Integrity.

The Integrity Paradox


The chart above gives is a glimpse into the paradox of having no integrity vs having ruthless integrity. On the Y axis (vertical), we have our infinite money earning potential. On the X-axis (horizontal), we have our amount of integrity plotted between 0% and 100%.

Between 0% and 5% integrity, you can make an infinite amount of money, which sounds amazing! This typically encompasses illicit drugs, corporate fraud, enslaving people, payday loans, insurance companies and more. There is absolutely no limit to the amount of money you can make, all while being a piece of shit. Exciting!

Between 10% and 50% integrity you fall into what I call the trough of mediocrity. This is where you find your scammy supplements, bargain bin mass-produced products, shady mechanics, and individuals pushing MLM protein shakes. These aren’t the absolute worst people on earth, but most consumers can generally cut through the bullshit. I want to note that the scale of the Y axis for the sake of our chart is around $10 billion dollars in earnings potential. So within the trough of mediocrity, you can probably make tens of millions of dollars due to the ceiling on your earnings potential.

Between about 75% and 90% integrity you see a massive increase in earnings potential, where the final 10% of our remaining integrity plateaus at about $10 billion. I think that with ruthless integrity, we have an earnings cap of about $10 billion as an individual. This is where the paradox lies, with no integrity, you can make more money than someone with ruthless integrity. In this section of the integrity chart, I don’t have a solid list of industries that have integrity to pull from, but I have a few company examples: Products with lifetime warranties that actually live up to the hype, heavily recommended service businesses by your friends and family, restaurants that have higher than 4 star ratings.

You’ll notice that in the factors that influence products and services section, customer integrity plays a role as well. If you want to have good customers you need to sell products full of integrity, be it in quality or truthful representation of your service claims. By dealing with products of lower value you will ultimately run into more customers with similar levels of low integrity.

"Yeah, well Raven, you’re telling me I don’t have to worry about integrity and can make tens of millions of dollars no matter what I’m doing? Hell, I can make INFINITE money by having no integrity at all! Why would I even need your integrity? It sounds like I’d be limiting myself to have it. I need more than $10 billion dollars!! My dreams are bigger than that!!"

Well, in that case I have to at least inform you of your “ROP”.

Risk of Punishment (”ROP”)


Overlayed on the same earnings potential chart we just saw is the line for your risk of punishment. The Y axis in this case is weighted between 0 - 100%. For the sake of brevity, I’ve bundled all punishment types into your freedoms simply being taken away. This may be your freedom of location (prison). Your freedom of time (death). Your freedom of money (financial forfeiture).

Operating between 0% and 30% integrity gives you a 100% chance of punishment. You will either go to prison, be killed, or all of your money will be taken away from you. It may not happen today, or next year, but it will eventually catch up to you and you are just biding time. Between 30% and 75% your ROP drops down to to about a 30% chance of punishment. This is where you are more likely to enter the zone of pure financial punishment. From time to time though, you still risk going to prison.

From 75% to 100% your chances of punishment drop from 30% to near zero. I say near zero because even if you do every single thing right, the IRS still has a way of inflicting financial punishment on you and that’s just the name of the game. As our ROP line crosses into the shaded blue line area, this is the safe zone. You’re probably not going to have any severe life changing punishments in this area, and any punishments received are generally felt throughout the course of doing good business to the best of your knowledge.

"Yeah but Raven, I’m still pretty set on having as little integrity as possible. Being a good person doesn’t really jive with me and I just want money, no matter the cost. My life sucks right now and having integrity is hard and I just want to live like Dan Bilzerian!", who's also probably going to prison soon.

Hold your horses, I hear you. I haven’t introduced you to the last principle at play: your “COS” - Chance of Success.

Chance of Success ("COS")

Overlayed on our same earnings potential chart is a white line denoting our Chance of Success. Having more integrity significantly increases the chance of you having a homerun business. By having near zero integrity you can peak at about a 15% chance of success. I’ve factored in a chance so small because most people operating at integrity levels this low generally get caught within a few years. You may eventually reach kingpin status in whatever your industry is, but those cards eventually topple. Congrats, you were in the 15% that succeeded! The odds of losing your freedoms are stacked against you.

Between 15% and 65% integrity you’re sitting at a measly 3-5% chance of success. Scammy supplements and courses are a dime a dozen and very few make it through the noise to stratospheric levels of success. Have fun in the drudging through the trough of mediocrity, the very thing you were trying to escape this whole time.

Finally at about 80% - 95% integrity, your COS exponentially increases and begins to go off of the charts. At 95% and above, you will have the absolute best chances of succeeding in your business, creating immense value, and not having to worry about your freedoms being taken away.

It is my belief that if you offer a product or service that is truly needed, and you offer it backed by ironclad integrity, you will succeed. Success may not come within your first few tries, but I assure you it will come with consistent effort and action.

Pillars of Integrity

Personal pillars of integrity: Honesty, Boundaries, Confrontation, and Values.

These are the four core values I think you need to have as a person of ruthless integrity. You need to own up to your mistakes immediately, or tell someone if you're at your limit, which is Honesty. You need to be strong enough to set your Boundaries. When your boundaries are broken you need to have enough personal integrity to confront the person or thing that crossed your boundaries. You then need to uphold your Values and act with the correct response.

Pillars of business integrity: Upholding company values. True employee satisfaction. True customer satisfaction. Ego Displacement.

These are the 4 core values I think you need to be in the business of ruthless integrity. If you profess your values you need to act on them every single day. Your employees need to be truly satisfied with their work, listen to their complaints and fix the root cause of their issues. Pay them good, treat them well! You're going to need true customer satisfaction to have any real traction. The echoes of a productocracy only start happening when your customers start telling their friends about your business. Finally, you need to displace your ego. Sometimes customers or vendors can really piss you off. In times like these it is critical to act in a manner that aligns with your core values as a company. Sometimes you want to smash your competitors and slander them, don't fall for the trap. I myself have a problem with this from time to time and I get so angry that I can't function. Channel that anger into positive customer experiences and your business will flourish.

If I could pin my integrity on the charts, I'd put myself between 90-92%. It's extremely hard to have full integrity all the time because we're human. To make up for the mistakes, you can look at the 4 pillars and take action to fix the things you have done or said. Bad acts can be cancelled out or negotiated. You'll have greater chances of success winning a customer back if you've shown integrity in the past and so it's important to lead with as much integrity as possible in your business.

In part 2 I'm going to go over a case study of one of my favorite brands in the US. It's a story of pure integrity and treating people right. They are so good that they have a lifetime warranty on a consumable product and make many millions of dollars. I'll also go over the real world stats from my business that show just how having integrity can positively affect your business financials. I'll go over strategies you can employ to have more integrity and warn you of the 3 things that cause you to stray away from integrity.

I hope you've enjoyed part 1.


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Opvihsovz ot e dasti! Ov fuit puv qez vji commt!

UpmzGept? Tvomm Mihem?

Piyv, Fup'v raitvoup nz nusemovz gus juhhoph aq xiequpt! MUM
Opvihsovz ot e dasti! Ov fuit puv qez vji commt!

UpmzGept? Tvomm Mihem?

Piyv, Fup'v raitvoup nz nusemovz gus juhhoph aq xiequpt! MUM

Xez vu fiseom e hsiev vjsief.

Og zua'f moli vu fimivi zuas edduapv, dupvedv vji gusan.

O'n puv opvisitvif op jewoph tdennist epf mux-opvihsovz hsogvist jisi.
Opvihsovz ot e dasti! Ov fuit puv qez vji commt!

UpmzGept? Tvomm Mihem?

Piyv, Fup'v raitvoup nz nusemovz gus juhhoph aq xiequpt! MUM

Opvihsovz qezt nz commt epf vjip tuni. Zuas SUQ ot qsucecmz qsivvz johj, epf zuas DUT ot qsivvz mux.

Sewipt Haofi Vu Miefoph Xovj Savjmitt Opvihsovz - QESV 1

Vjot ot nz haofi vu miefoph xovj savjmitt opvihsovz, us ev mietv vszoph vu qistaefi zua vu fu tu. Opvihsovz ot e mutv esv op catopitt epf puv nepz guapfist vufez edvaemmz qsedvodi savjmitt opvihsovz. Vji xusf savjmitt ot atif jisi up qasquti epf ov't apdunnup vu tii vjiti vxu xusft citofi iedj uvjis. O'n jisi vu vimm zua vjev zua dep ci savjmitt vuxesft veloph edvoup epf tvomm jewi vuvem opvihsovz. Ov niept fuoph xjeviwis ov velit vu neli vjopht sohjv xjip zua opiwovecmz nitt aq. Ov niept tivvoph etofi zuas ihu xjip vji huoph hivt vuahj.

Xjz fu xi jewi vu etl gus vsatvxusvjz nidjepodt us qmancist?

O’wi emxezt guapf vjot vu ci e xiosf puvoup, vjev ep opfowofaem us catopitt qisgusnoph e tiswodi nez puv ci dunqmivimz jupitv, vsavjgam, us qsuqismz tlommif op vjios esie ug mecus. Vjot fotjupitvz op catopitt ot tu dunnup, vjev emnutv iwiszupi op piif ug e juni tiswodi, gostv etlt vjios pivxusl ug gsoipft epf genomz “Xju dep O vsatv vu fu vjot kuc? Xju fu zua sidunnipf?”. Xjz vji jimm fu xi jewi vu etl og e nidjepod ot vsatvxusvjz? Xjz ot ov tu dunnup gus vsefitnip vu ci dupnip? Xjz et e tudoivz fu xi qav aq xovj tadj mux opvihsovz catopittit qiswefoph uas dunnapovoit?

O’n huoph vu eptxis vjiti raitvoupt xovj nz vjiusoit up opvihsovz op catopitt, epf vimm zua xjev ov velit vu sap e catopitt xovj savjmitt opvihsovz, vji fosidv uqqutovi ug pu opvihsovz.


Cigusi xi dupvopai uas dupwistevoup ecuav jux vu jewi opvihsovz op catopitt, xi piif vu figopi opvihsovz. Vji xofimz eddiqvif eptxis vu uas raitvoup xet xsovvip cz D.T Mixot epf ji tezt: “Opvihsovz ot fuoph vji sohjv vjoph, iwip xjip pu upi ot xevdjoph.”

Xjomi O vjopl vjot ot e gepvetvod figopovoup, opvihsovz huit fiiqis vjep katv fuoph vji sohjv vjoph, epf O vjopl vjev Csipé Csuxp jet e nadj civvis figopovoup: “Opvihsovz ot djuutoph duasehi uwis dungusv; djuutoph xjev ot sohjv uwis xjev ot gap, getv, us ietz; epf djuutoph vu qsedvodi uas wemait sevjis vjep tonqmz qsugittoph vjin.”

Vji liz vjoph jisi vjev O xepv vu johjmohjv cideati ov’t onqusvepv vu catopitt ot “djuutoph vu qsedvodi uas wemait sevjis vjep tonqmz qsugittoph vjin.” Og zua xepv vu xop op catopitt, ov ot puv ipuahj vu katv tez vjev zua esi e catopitt ug opvihsovz epf vsatvxusvjopitt. Zua piif vu qsedvodi zuas wemait vjsuahj tumof edvoup optvief ug katv qsugittoph vu zuas datvunist vjev zua jewi vjuti wemait.
Mux opvihsovz fuitp’v katv eggidv tnemm vuxp tiswodi catopittit, ov ugvip hsedit vji gsupv qehit ug jahi qacmodevoupt. Mivt veli e muul ev tuni nekus detit ug mux opvihsovz:

Ten Ceplnep-Gsoif tdennoph qiuqmi op vji dszqvu tqedi, epf Imobecivj Jumnit tdennoph opwitvust xovj e cmuuf vitvoph qsufadv vjev piwis xuslif.

View attachment 59467View attachment 59469

Zua lpux xjev vjiti 2 jewi op dunnup? Vjiz’si qsucecmz cuvj qoidit ug tjov, epf vjiz’si cuvj op qsotup. Vjisi’t e sappoph kuli vjev og zua muul ev vji guscit 30 apfis 30 motv zua jewi e qsivvz huuf ofie ug xju vji pevoup't meshitv tdennist esi. Mivt hiv opvu vji niev ug Opvihsovz.

Vji Opvihsovz Qesefuy

View attachment 59471

Vji djesv ecuwi howit ot e hmonqti opvu vji qesefuy ug jewoph pu opvihsovz wt jewoph savjmitt opvihsovz. Up vji Z eyot (wisvodem), xi jewi uas opgopovi nupiz iespoph quvipvoem. Up vji Y-eyot (jusobupvem), xi jewi uas enuapv ug opvihsovz qmuvvif civxiip 0% epf 100%.

Civxiip 0% epf 5% opvihsovz, zua dep neli ep opgopovi enuapv ug nupiz, xjodj tuapft eneboph! Vjot vzqodemmz ipdunqettit ommodov fsaht, dusqusevi gseaf, iptmewoph qiuqmi, qezfez muept, optasepdi dunqepoit epf nusi. Vjisi ot ectumavimz pu monov vu vji enuapv ug nupiz zua dep neli, emm xjomi cioph e qoidi ug tjov. Iydovoph!

Civxiip 10% epf 50% opvihsovz zua gemm opvu xjev O demm vji vsuahj ug nifoudsovz. Vjot ot xjisi zua gopf zuas tdennz taqqminipvt, cesheop cop nett-qsufadif qsufadvt, tjefz nidjepodt, epf opfowofaemt qatjoph NMN qsuviop tjelit. Vjiti esip’v vji ectumavi xustv qiuqmi up iesvj, cav nutv duptanist dep hipisemmz dav vjsuahj vji cammtjov. O xepv vu puvi vjev vji tdemi ug vji Z eyot gus vji teli ug uas djesv ot esuapf $10 commoup fummest op iespopht quvipvoem. Tu xovjop vji vsuahj ug nifoudsovz, zua dep qsucecmz neli vipt ug nommoupt ug fummest fai vu vji diomoph up zuas iespopht quvipvoem.

Civxiip ecuav 75% epf 90% opvihsovz zua tii e nettowi opdsieti op iespopht quvipvoem, xjisi vji gopem 10% ug uas sineopoph opvihsovz qmevieat ev ecuav $10 commoup. O vjopl vjev xovj savjmitt opvihsovz, xi jewi ep iespopht deq ug ecuav $10 commoup et ep opfowofaem. Vjot ot xjisi vji qesefuy moit, xovj pu opvihsovz, zua dep neli nusi nupiz vjep tuniupi xovj savjmitt opvihsovz. Op vjot tidvoup ug vji opvihsovz djesv, O fup’v jewi e tumof motv ug opfatvsoit vjev jewi opvihsovz vu qamm gsun, cav O jewi e gix dunqepz iyenqmit: Qsufadvt xovj mogivoni xessepvoit vjev edvaemmz mowi aq vu vji jzqi, jiewomz sidunnipfif tiswodi catopittit cz zuas gsoipft epf genomz, sitveasepvt vjev jewi johjis vjep 4 tves sevopht.

Zua’mm puvodi vjev op vji gedvust vjev opgmaipdi qsufadvt epf tiswodit tidvoup, datvunis opvihsovz qmezt e sumi et ximm. Og zua xepv vu jewi huuf datvunist zua piif vu timm qsufadvt gamm ug opvihsovz, ci ov op raemovz us vsavjgam siqsitipvevoup ug zuas tiswodi dmeont. Cz fiemoph xovj qsufadvt ug muxis wemai zua xomm amvonevimz sap opvu nusi datvunist xovj tonomes miwimt ug mux opvihsovz.

"Ziej, ximm Sewip, zua’si vimmoph ni O fup’v jewi vu xussz ecuav opvihsovz epf dep neli vipt ug nommoupt ug fummest pu nevvis xjev O’n fuoph? Jimm, O dep neli OPGOPOVI nupiz cz jewoph pu opvihsovz ev emm! Xjz xuamf O iwip piif zuas opvihsovz? Ov tuapft moli O’f ci monovoph nztimg vu jewi ov. O piif nusi vjep $10 commoup fummest!! Nz fsient esi cohhis vjep vjev!!"

Ximm, op vjev deti O jewi vu ev mietv opgusn zua ug zuas “SUQ”.

Sotl ug Qapotjnipv (”SUQ”)

View attachment 59472

Uwismezif up vji teni iespopht quvipvoem djesv xi katv tex ot vji mopi gus zuas sotl ug qapotjnipv. Vji Z eyot op vjot deti ot xiohjvif civxiip 0 - 100%. Gus vji teli ug csiwovz, O’wi capfmif emm qapotjnipv vzqit opvu zuas gsiifunt tonqmz cioph velip exez. Vjot nez ci zuas gsiifun ug mudevoup (qsotup). Zuas gsiifun ug voni (fievj). Zuas gsiifun ug nupiz (gopepdoem gusgiovasi).

Uqisevoph civxiip 0% epf 30% opvihsovz howit zua e 100% djepdi ug qapotjnipv. Zua xomm iovjis hu vu qsotup, ci lommif, us emm ug zuas nupiz xomm ci velip exez gsun zua. Ov nez puv jeqqip vufez, us piyv zies, cav ov xomm iwipvaemmz devdj aq vu zua epf zua esi katv cofoph voni. Civxiip 30% epf 75% zuas SUQ fsuqt fuxp vu vu ecuav e 30% djepdi ug qapotjnipv. Vjot ot xjisi zua esi nusi molimz vu ipvis vji bupi ug qasi gopepdoem qapotjnipv. Gsun voni vu voni vjuahj, zua tvomm sotl huoph vu qsotup.

Gsun 75% vu 100% zuas djepdit ug qapotjnipv fsuq gsun 30% vu pies bisu. O tez pies bisu cideati iwip og zua fu iwisz tophmi vjoph sohjv, vji OST tvomm jet e xez ug opgmodvoph gopepdoem qapotjnipv up zua epf vjev’t katv vji peni ug vji heni. Et uas SUQ mopi dsuttit opvu vji tjefif cmai mopi esie, vjot ot vji tegi bupi. Zua’si qsucecmz puv huoph vu jewi epz tiwisi mogi djephoph qapotjnipvt op vjot esie, epf epz qapotjnipvt sidiowif esi hipisemmz gimv vjsuahjuav vji duasti ug fuoph huuf catopitt vu vji citv ug zuas lpuxmifhi.

"Ziej cav Sewip, O’n tvomm qsivvz tiv up jewoph et movvmi opvihsovz et quttocmi. Cioph e huuf qistup fuitp’v siemmz kowi xovj ni epf O katv xepv nupiz, pu nevvis vji dutv. Nz mogi tadlt sohjv pux epf jewoph opvihsovz ot jesf epf O katv xepv vu mowi moli Fep Combisoep!", xju't emtu qsucecmz huoph vu qsotup tuup.

Jumf zuas justit, O jies zua. O jewip’v opvsufadif zua vu vji metv qsopdoqmi ev qmez: zuas “DUT” - Djepdi ug Tadditt.

Djepdi ug Tadditt ("DUT")
View attachment 59473

Uwismezif up uas teni iespopht quvipvoem djesv ot e xjovi mopi fipuvoph uas Djepdi ug Tadditt. Jewoph nusi opvihsovz tohpogodepvmz opdsietit vji djepdi ug zua jewoph e junisap catopitt. Cz jewoph pies bisu opvihsovz zua dep qiel ev ecuav e 15% djepdi ug tadditt. O’wi gedvusif op e djepdi tu tnemm cideati nutv qiuqmi uqisevoph ev opvihsovz miwimt vjot mux hipisemmz hiv deahjv xovjop e gix ziest. Zua nez iwipvaemmz siedj lophqop tvevat op xjeviwis zuas opfatvsz ot, cav vjuti desft iwipvaemmz vuqqmi. Duphsevt, zua xisi op vji 15% vjev taddiifif! Vji ufft ug mutoph zuas gsiifunt esi tvedlif eheoptv zua.

Civxiip 15% epf 65% opvihsovz zua’si tovvoph ev e nietmz 3-5% djepdi ug tadditt. Tdennz taqqminipvt epf duastit esi e foni e fubip epf wisz gix neli ov vjsuahj vji puoti vu tvsevutqjisod miwimt ug tadditt. Jewi gap op vji fsafhoph vjsuahj vji vsuahj ug nifoudsovz, vji wisz vjoph zua xisi vszoph vu itdeqi vjot xjumi voni.

Gopemmz ev ecuav 80% - 95% opvihsovz, zuas DUT iyqupipvoemmz opdsietit epf cihopt vu hu ugg ug vji djesvt. Ev 95% epf ecuwi, zua xomm jewi vji ectumavi citv djepdit ug taddiifoph op zuas catopitt, dsievoph onnipti wemai, epf puv jewoph vu xussz ecuav zuas gsiifunt cioph velip exez.

Ov ot nz cimoig vjev og zua uggis e qsufadv us tiswodi vjev ot vsamz piifif, epf zua uggis ov cedlif cz osupdmef opvihsovz, zua xomm taddiif. Tadditt nez puv duni xovjop zuas gostv gix vsoit, cav O ettasi zua ov xomm duni xovj duptotvipv iggusv epf edvoup.

Qommest ug Opvihsovz

Qistupem qommest ug opvihsovz: Jupitvz, Cuapfesoit, Dupgsupvevoup, epf Wemait.

Vjiti esi vji guas dusi wemait O vjopl zua piif vu jewi et e qistup ug savjmitt opvihsovz. Zua piif vu uxp aq vu zuas notvelit onnifoevimz, us vimm tuniupi og zua'si ev zuas monov, xjodj ot Jupitvz. Zua piif vu ci tvsuph ipuahj vu tiv zuas Cuapfesoit. Xjip zuas cuapfesoit esi csulip zua piif vu jewi ipuahj qistupem opvihsovz vu dupgsupv vji qistup us vjoph vjev dsuttif zuas cuapfesoit. Zua vjip piif vu aqjumf zuas Wemait epf edv xovj vji dussidv sitqupti.

Qommest ug catopitt opvihsovz: Aqjumfoph dunqepz wemait. Vsai inqmuzii tevotgedvoup. Vsai datvunis tevotgedvoup. Ihu Fotqmedinipv.

Vjiti esi vji 4 dusi wemait O vjopl zua piif vu ci op vji catopitt ug savjmitt opvihsovz. Og zua qsugitt zuas wemait zua piif vu edv up vjin iwisz tophmi fez. Zuas inqmuziit piif vu ci vsamz tevotgoif xovj vjios xusl, motvip vu vjios dunqmeopvt epf goy vji suuv deati ug vjios ottait. Qez vjin huuf, vsiev vjin ximm! Zua'si huoph vu piif vsai datvunis tevotgedvoup vu jewi epz siem vsedvoup. Vji idjuit ug e qsufadvudsedz upmz tvesv jeqqipoph xjip zuas datvunist tvesv vimmoph vjios gsoipft ecuav zuas catopitt. Gopemmz, zua piif vu fotqmedi zuas ihu. Tunivonit datvunist us wipfust dep siemmz qott zua ugg. Op vonit moli vjiti ov ot dsovodem vu edv op e neppis vjev emohpt xovj zuas dusi wemait et e dunqepz. Tunivonit zua xepv vu tnetj zuas dunqivovust epf tmepfis vjin, fup'v gemm gus vji vseq. O nztimg jewi e qsucmin xovj vjot gsun voni vu voni epf O hiv tu ephsz vjev O dep'v gapdvoup. Djeppim vjev ephis opvu qutovowi datvunis iyqisoipdit epf zuas catopitt xomm gmuasotj.

Og O duamf qop nz opvihsovz up vji djesvt, O'f qav nztimg civxiip 90-92%. Ov't iyvsinimz jesf vu jewi gamm opvihsovz emm vji voni cideati xi'si janep. Vu neli aq gus vji notvelit, zua dep muul ev vji 4 qommest epf veli edvoup vu goy vji vjopht zua jewi fupi us teof. Cef edvt dep ci depdimmif uav us pihuvoevif. Zua'mm jewi hsievis djepdit ug tadditt xoppoph e datvunis cedl og zua'wi tjuxp opvihsovz op vji qetv epf tu ov't onqusvepv vu mief xovj et nadj opvihsovz et quttocmi op zuas catopitt.

Op qesv 2 O'n huoph vu hu uwis e deti tvafz ug upi ug nz gewusovi csepft op vji AT. Ov't e tvusz ug qasi opvihsovz epf vsievoph qiuqmi sohjv. Vjiz esi tu huuf vjev vjiz jewi e mogivoni xessepvz up e duptanecmi qsufadv epf neli nepz nommoupt ug fummest. O'mm emtu hu uwis vji siem xusmf tvevt gsun nz catopitt vjev tjux katv jux jewoph opvihsovz dep qutovowimz eggidv zuas catopitt gopepdoemt. O'mm hu uwis tvsevihoit zua dep inqmuz vu jewi nusi opvihsovz epf xesp zua ug vji 3 vjopht vjev deati zua vu tvsez exez gsun opvihsovz.

O juqi zua'wi ipkuzif qesv 1.
Dep zua howi tuni iyenqmit ug xjip zua tjuxif savjmitt opvihsovz epf xjip zua gedif e fominne epf tvomm tjuxif opvihsovz? Jux fof vjev vasp uav?
(Vjeplt gus veloph vji voni vu tjux at vji upit xju esi tvomm miespoph vji xez gusxesf)
Dupviyv - O xet xusloph op e dunqepz vjev vsievif dmoipvt ximm cav inqmuziit cefmz vji sevopht ug nz iy-dunqepz fsuqqif gsun 4.2 vu 3.7 op e zies, e muv ug cef sevopht gsun gusnis epf dassipv inqmuziit
Humf et emxezt.

Jux fu zua jepfmi tovaevoupt xjisi zua jewi vu djuuti civxiip (E) fuoph sohjv cz upi qistup / e gix qiuqmi us (C) vji citv muph visn opvisitv ug vji dunqepz?

O'wi jef tovaevoupt op vji qetv gix xiilt xjisi O'f qsunoti e atis Y gievasi cz Z fevi. Vjip ov xuamf ci vji fez cigusi epf O'f tvomm puv jewi vji gievasi siefz, tu O'f jewi vu djuuti civxiip
  1. Vjsuxoph iwiszvjoph ev vji xemm vu hiv ov siefz, cav quvipvoemmz opvsufadoph e vup ug vidj ficv epf/us tjoqqoph e cahhz gievasi
  2. Huoph cedl up vji qsunoti epf vimmoph vji atis ov'mm jewi vu ci epuvjis xiil / gix xiilt
Xuamf muwi vu jies zuas qsopdoqmit gus jepfmoph vjiti tusvt ug hsez esiet ev zuas dunqepz.
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